Thinking of Someone Else Pt 1 [F] [Shower] [Fantasy] [Masturbation]

She woke up to the sound of her alarm, still tired from tossing & turning all night. She slowly reached to turn off the alarm and quietly stumbled out of bed, careful not to wake up her husband laying next to her. She has no idea how he can sleep through the alarm but the slightest movement from her can startle him awake. She desperately wanted to avoid any exaggerated irritated sighs this morning.

She tip toes out of the bedroom and slips into the kitchen. As she pulls the coffee beans from the cupboard, her mind wanders to the glorious wet dream she had the night before. “That’s enough, Eve,” she thinks to herself. “Save it for later.” She lets the aroma of the coffee beans – a rich dark roast with a hint of chocolate and nutty tones – distract her from her thoughts. She pours the coffee beans into the grinder and puts a filter into the basket of the coffeemaker. As the grinder starts whirring, she pulls a cup out of the dishwasher. She was too tired last night to put the dishes away, but seeing the dishwasher full makes her a bit antsy. It’s bound to set him off on a tirade if he notices.

After putting the freshly ground coffee in the coffeemaker, she fills the water reservoir and flips the switch. As it brews, she begins to empty the dishwasher, thinking about the day ahead. First order of the day: a shower.

Once she put all the dishes away, she quietly makes her way down the hall to the bathroom. They have a master bathroom, but that would mean walking through the bedroom and risking waking him up before he is ready. Besides, she enjoys the massage setting on the shower wand in the hall bathroom. And she needed a release soon.

She locked the bathroom door behind her and turned on the water. She slowly rotated the settings on the wand until it was set to “massage,” careful not to make much noise doing so. He would never understand her need to give herself an orgasm without his involvement.


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