Incubus escort service [mf][fantasy]

“I bet you think I’m a freak right?” Clarisse asked tiptoeing back and forth as he read her proposal.

Alphera finished reading the proposal and looked up at her with one of his supernaturally brilliant smiles. “Of course not, it’s perfectly natural.”

“Really?” She asked surprised.

“I keep my close friends a secret as you know, but I’ve helped 4 people with very similar fantasies.” He assured her. Well it was 2 and one of them backed out again but a little embellishing never hurt anyone’s reputation.

“And none of them…” Her question trailed off.

“I’m very discrete and I’ll help you be as well.” He smiled. “I’ll be there at 5.”

“Mrs Henderson, I just noticed that you must be where your daughter gets her beautiful eyes from.” Alphera beamed over the dinner table.

“It Margarete dear and don’t think I haven’t noticed you’ve been trying to flatter me all evening.” Margarete smiled.

“I’m just being honest here.” Alphera beamed “And it never hurts to make a good first impression.” He winked. “Any chance I could get another helping of those wonderful sweet potatoes?” As Margarete reached for them the momentary lapse in her attention allowed Alphera to work his magic. An illusory arm took the place of his left arm on the table as his real one slipped back under the table and found Clarisse’s thigh giving it a light squeeze.

“I’ll have a couple more too mom.” She chirped up keeping her voice carefully steady as Alphera’s hand snuck up her thighs once more. Her skirt was already well and truly pushed aside and the cushion she was sitting on was probably going to stain from the way his fingers had been treating her pussy throughout the dinner. He went to work again, pushing two fingers inside of her and opening her up with deft fingers as he kept up appearances of making polite conversation with her mother not 5 feet away.

Clarisse for her part was doing an admirable job of not shaking more than was expected of a girl nervously bringing a boy home to meet her mother. His glamour magic was shimmering around her to catch and silence the occasional moan that escaped her lips as he once more began to build up her lust.

“It’s really a shame your husband couldn’t be here today, I would have loved to meet him as well.” Alphera smiled and showed a few extra fingers inside her. “I would like to put his mind at ease, show him that I’m treating his little girl right.” He said politely as his fingers hammered into Clarisse with enough vigor that the glamour had a hard time keeping her moans quiet.

“Tell me, that isn’t an original Harniet is it?” Alphera asked as if noticing the paining for the first time. Margarete turned around and as she looked away Alphera vanished under the table, his form replaced by an illusion of himself.

“It is, you have a sharp eye for art.” Margarete smiled.

“Oh I dabble.” Alphera’s illusion brushed it off modestly. “I’m going to have to ask you lovely ladies to excuse me for a moment, I desperately need to visit the facilities.” The illusion said as it got up, Lily pushing the chair out to match his illusions movements, and then headed out of the room before fading from reality as soon as it was out of view.

“He seems like a nice guy.” Margarete smiled to Clarisse around the same time Alphera’s long tongue lapped across Clarisse’s clit for the first time.

“Mmm hmmm.” Clarisse replied, spreading her legs a little wider under the table as she tried desperately to appear un-phased by the situation. Alphera’s tongue darted across her clit a few more times before trailing off to the side and slowly spiraling from one thigh to the other ever inwards towards her pussy.

“What was he studying again?”

“M-math.” Clarisse manage to stutter out as Alphera’s tongue found its target and plunged deep inside her. “He says he’s h-hoping to become a market analyst.” She managed to get out, the glamour catching her stutter.

“He does seem smart enough for it.” Margarete nodded as just beneath the table Alphera’s tongue wiggled around furiously inside of Clarisse. “I can’t believe you were so worried about bringing him home, he’s a perfect gentleman.”

“Well- oh god!” The outburst being turned into an awkward pause by the glamour. “You know how dad can be.” She said trying for a casual shrug as the tongue plunged even deeper, filling her up in a way her biggest toy couldn’t even do.

“Sweetie.” Margarete reached across the table and took her daughter’s hand as Alphera’s work was bringing her up towards her peak. “You know your father loves you, and he just wants the best for you.” She smiled and felt Clarisse’s shiver, mistaking lust for fear. “Oh sweetie.” She said as she got up and headed around the table. Alphera hastily threw up an illusion to hide him between Clarisse’s legs and kept up his work. “You should never be afraid to bring anyone into this house, he’s a big man, he can respect that you’re a big girl.” She said and gave Clarisse a tight hug just as Alphera’s work paid off and she came.

The shivers of pleasure that ran through her body were strong enough to make Margarete hug her even tighter. Alphera crawled let Clarisse enjoy her moment of embarrassed satisfaction and made his way out from under the table and out of the dining room under a cover of illusion. He’d give them a few minutes before returning, he was a gentleman after all.


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