[f] Does it make you uncomfortable..

..that I’m turned on by you and I have no idea who you are? I don’t know if you’re reading this while sitting at home on your laptop or if you’re on the subway seeing this on your phone. You could live 5 miles from me or 5,000. Either way, this isn’t a fair and even exchange is it? You’re free to hit the back button at any time and move on, but I’m held captive here in a way. For as long as you keep reading this, I’m forced to keep talking and you get to judge every single word I put in front of you and I have to deal with that. I don’t really have a choice do I?

I could stop typing this. I could hit the close button and go back to being productive and get back to work, but if you’re actually reading this then that means I went through with it and posted this for you. I don’t know you but this weird position I’ve put myself in means that I don’t have any power in this exact moment. You’re the one in control and that thought is a bit odd and also turns me on for reasons that are hard to fully explain.

Is it exciting for you to feel that kind of power over a complete stranger taking a break from work? Do you like seeing someone forced to feel vulnerable in front of you? I’m literally just letting my thoughts flood into this text box knowing you’ll judge me for them. You get to chose to up vote or down vote or to completely ignore me.

Should I keep talking? Should I make myself feel more vulnerable for you? Do you want to hear that I’m married and doing this on a whim? Do you want to hear that I’m wearing just a plain pair of dark blue panties with a red star print on them? Is it ridiculous that I can feel them getting wet from being this honest on here with what I’m thinking?

I’m just thinking of you. Yes, the real you whoever you are reading this. For this brief little moment while you’re here judging me, you own me and that’s such an electric feeling that I had to try and write it down.

I don’t know if this was just an incoherent mess or if this even fits this sub, but thank you so much for actually reading this and letting me have these moments..

Completely yours for this weird moment,


Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/bdzw9b/f_does_it_make_you_uncomfortable


  1. You had me under your control too. When I started reading I had to know how you’d end the story. That was the power you had over me. Wondering who you are. It was hot, thank you for sharing this

  2. I’ve never heard a post more honest or genuine. Not to mention it is exactly what we all think as we stroll through the posts. I would love to hear more !!!

  3. Unfortunately, I read your posts in reverse order! But that didn’t really make them less interesting, less gripping.

    You have a powerful weapon there. You’re smart, brave and honest. Kudos on some **great** writing!

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