End of the Affair – [Mf] [cheating]

Something felt different this time when I was inside her.

Cara’s long black ponytail followed her head’s movement in time-delay. I could see the auburn strands highlighted in the weak light of the hotel room. I savoured the feel of her soft light brown skin as I pulled her hips into me, creating more resistance as I push up inside her. Normally, she would quickly respond by grinding into me, but she hesitated. Was her mind somewhere else? There were plenty of reasons for that–I had never lost her while we fucked before, though.

I reached up and grabbed her assertively by the back of neck to force eye contact. “Stay with me.” She nods and I reach up to grab the ponytail. I pull her head back as I increase the cadence of my thrusts, enjoying the path of least resistance through her small breasts shaking wildly.

Her hips begin grinding in concert with my pounding and I know I have her back, even if only briefly. I pull her down again and wrap my muscular arms around her thin frame–holding her tight against my pale white skin as I bring us closer. I feel her nipples harden against my chest and her breath against my neck. I squeeze her and feel her gasp. I release and she takes in a deep breath to speak.

“Please, Daddy–your princess needs your cum. Fill me up, please.”

My cock grows slightly and I increase the frequency of hip pushing into her small body. I feel the shaking reverberate throughout her as I continue to hold her–her hard nipples tracing shapes against my skin. I release one arm to follow her spine down to her ass and I slip my fingers between her little cheeks as I find the pucker of her asshole. I rub it slowly as her breathing quickens, my cock tightens, and she whispers, “I’m close, sir. May I please have my orgasm?”

I rub the ridge and I can feel echos of my cock running through her. I slip the tip of my finger inside her asshole and she moans. I leave it there as I continue to assault her tight slit, my balls and thighs now soaked from her body pleading me to take her. “You may come, princess. We’ll do it together.”

Her lips find my cheek and she gives me the sweetest kiss, which causes me to finally give in. I feel her pussy release and then re-clinch my shaft as her orgasm begins followed by her high-pitched moan of ecstasy that goes right into my brain. I explode inside her. I continue pushing in, wanting in a primitive way to get my cum as deep inside her as possible. I feel her body slacken as her moans subside and then, as she always does, a few of her tears hit my chest as she recovers from her pleasure.

After a minute, she lifts off of me. I feel the cum mixed with her wetness drip onto my stomach. She looks at me for a moment. A lingering look. A memory-locking look. I know what it means.

I admire Cara as she regains her normal identity. She pulls the scrunci from her hair and shakes her head. She only wore a ponytail for me and I had been using it all night to direct and correct her. She catches me looking and gives a shy smile back, creating a lovely paradox with her smeared lipstick and mascara that had run down her cheeks.

As she passes me on her way to the bathroom, I reach out and let my fingers run down her thin arm. She turns and looks down a little sad. Addressing the floor, she says, “I know why I keep coming back to you, but I really should stop.”

I wouldn’t let her see it, but I frown once she shuts the door. I’m selfish and I take advantage of her inability to say no to me, but I also know I give her something her new boyfriend never will: simple purpose and direction. As much as I’ve dominated her, she actually gave voice to that simple purpose soon after we met and had echoed it dutifully whenever I checked-in to make sure she was okay: “I just want you to be happy, Sir.”

Still, even my cold heart feels a little regret as I consider her internal conflict about what she wants and what that means about her. Part of her wants a normal life and that includes a nice man as a partner. Her new boyfriend, Steve, seems like he could be a nice guy. But that devil inside me speaks up: “She’s only 19, what does she really know about what she wants? What she needs?” And the angel replies, “You met your wife when you were 19.”

The toilet flushes and I pull myself together as I sit on the side of the bed. I adopt the neutral-bordering-on-stern look she likely imagines me with in her dreams that she tells me about. The door opens and she’s using a towel to wipe her face, mixing the remains of her makeup and the cum I marked her face with before we started fucking.

She shuffles back into the room, naked. Her petite body is so tight and I admire it in the way only an older person can. She sits beside my feet and puts her head against my leg. Instinctively, I reach out and stroke her hair, letting my big hand spread wide as I cover most of her head. She looks up, eyes wet. “I’m sorry, Sir. I know I shouldn’t make this more complicated.”

I reach further down and rub her cheek. “It’s okay. Afterwards, it’s fine to talk about our relationship. You are very special to me and if you need to not see me because you want to know if Steve will make you happy, I will understand that. I just won’t make that decision for you. I will always want to be with you again.”

The tears began to fall and she laughed in a way that reminded me she wasn’t that far removed from being a girl. “You just say that. You’d never take me back. And you will only want to be with me until I get, what, 22 or so and then I’ll be too old for you.”

It stings with truth a little, but I also know that I’m in love with her. I don’t want her to know that, though. “Cara, we met and fucked initially because of our age difference. That is not why I want you now. Your age will never matter to me in terms of how I feel about you, but I admit that it adds some guilty pleasure to what we do.”

She hugs my leg and I can feel her tears pool against my thigh. I hold her head and pull her a little closer to me and she responds by kissing my leg so sweetly that my heart lifts up for a moment. Then it’s over as she pulls back and lifts herself up, sitting back down beside me on the bed.

“I don’t know if I can come back. Steve is so sweet to me and I feel so guilty every time I’m with him now. Even as he kisses me, I’m thinking about you. It’s not right and he doesn’t deserve that. I need to give him my attention and I can’t do that when I’m with you like this. You know I want all of this with you, all the time. But I understand you won’t leave your wife. I need more. I deserve more.”

I gently take her chin with my hand and move her head so it faces me. “Cara, I will be here for you if you want to come back. And I understand why you need more. If you ever want to meet just as friends while you are with him, I’d love to just talk, too. Promise.”

The tears fall again as she quickly nods her head. I hear them hit the sheets as they fall and soak into my bed. I reach out and feel the wet spot, locking this moment into my brain. The pain begins to set in as I realize what we’ve just decided.

She stands up and quickly gets dressed. I can’t watch her now; I’m looking at the darkening clouds behind the trees in my backyard as I listen to the sounds of her putting herself back together.


I turn, blinking as I refocus having been lost in wondering if I’d see her again. “Yes?”

“When you were most mean to me–you know, slapping me or choking me or saying horrible things to me–that’s when I’d call you ‘Daddy.’ And you’d get so hard. Like, you were already stretching me and then I’d feel the pain as soon as I said the word from you getting even bigger. Why did you like that? You don’t even have kids, so it’s not like you have some daughter you secretly fantasize about. What did that mean to you?”

I can’t help but let a grin override my darkening mood. “It reminded me about what I meant to you. It brought some humanity back to the lustful monster that can take over sometimes. It made me think about how I take care of you, how we talk and I hold you after sex, and how I would think about you all the time when we weren’t together. I would suddenly feel lucky to have all of that and still get to fuck you so roughly; to feel so much emotion for you and be able to express myself in these seemingly paradoxical ways. All of these feelings then made my cock even harder for you.”

I take a breath and look at the floor as I consider how much more vulnerable I want to get. Fuck it. “I wanted you so badly in that moment and felt so accepted by you because you knew and wanted all the sides of me.”

She nodded, tears rolling now. “Oh, Alex…”

I held up my hand as she began to move towards me. “I’m going to be fine, sweetheart. Really. I’m going to miss you so badly, but I’m very happy we met and had the time together we did.”

I just watch her now as she finishes getting dressed. She grabs her purse and walks towards the door, head down. She pauses at the door, begins to turn and then stops.

My heart races for a moment.

Then I hear her goodbye bounce off the door before she disappears back into the world.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/bda5z3/end_of_the_affair_mf_cheating


  1. Yeah, well written but sad! You have a lot of writing skill however because I felt both elements equally.

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