Game night

She’s amazing. The best wife a man could ask for. She literally is the total package. She’s hilarious, and laughs so easily. A great conversationalist. And she cares about others. She’s not up tight about anything. She’s a hard worker. A great mother of 2 little girls. An amazing cook and home maker. She’s hot. 5’6” 130lbs. Darker blonde, straight hair that’s past her shoulders. B cups. Perky ones. Her smile is infectious. And her round eyes sparkle.

She works hard everyday as an off site scheduler for a cleaning company. She answers phone calls wherever she goes.

Her daughters are needy but good kids.
Her husband works hard at his job and helps a lot around the house. With the kids, the cooking and the cleaning. He’s a treat and they are the perfect couple that many folks have openly expressed envy towards. They show affection to each other. They speak highly of each other. She praises his abilities in the bedroom when in conversation with her friends.

She’s got a group of fellow mothers that meet together when the daily grind requires it. They usually play games or go out to eat or watch a movie. Her friends are just as open as she is. They have their girl talks.

One night, a girls night out had commenced at a friends house. They played a game that was quite edgy on many sexual topics. Naturally, sex was on the brain for all of them and before long they started chatting in between rounds. Each one shared a little tidbit of their sex life. One liked her nipples played with. One loved her vibrator.
One was pretty newly wed and still was finding herself. The wife in question expressed her ability and love to squirt. Her friends went into an uproar of exclamations and questions.
“How do you squirt?”
“What does it feel like?!”
“Is it just pee?”
“How much?”

She answered all the questions, all the while feeling the space between her thighs oozing more and more. She itches to get home to her husband so he could help her achieve the topic of her friends discussion.

She got up to refill her glass of water and brushed passed one of her friends who promptly asked with a wry smile, “Did you just rub your boobs on me?”

The wife, who didn’t really mean to if she did, replied, “So what if I did?”

“What are you trying to do? You know we are all already on edge and horny, and here you go starting boob games!”

The wife laughed it off and filled her glass. She sat down and looked around the table at her friends who all sat silent, staring down at their fidgeting hands. Two of their faces were flushed. The newly wed looked confused. The others chests were rising more than normal.

Finally, the silence got to be too awkward and the wife had to say something. “Have you guys ever squeezed another girls boobs?”

“I have a few times. Just to be funny!” Said the vibrator lover. She had an affinity for her own breasts. They were fake, looked amazing and she loved to let everyone know that she was proud of them. A blonde with lazy ringlets dropping over her sassy saline beauties, she smiled her toothy grin and chuckled.

The nipple lover, a brunette with a classy 50’s style up-do and bright red lipstick answered next, “No, I’ve only ever played with my own. It’s amazing when my husband goes down on me and I squeeze them. I’ve wondered though if other girls’ feel as good as mine do.”

The newly wed blushed and shook her head, “No, I’ve seen a few pairs in gym classes but never touched any.”

“What about you?” Asked Vibes to the wife.
“No, I’ve never squeezed any. But when I hug another girl, it’s hard not to notice her tits on yours!”

“Anyone else seen some pairs?” Asked the newly wed. She didn’t want to feel like the odd one out, apparently.

“Well yeah,” said Vibes. “When I got my implants, they had me look at a bunch to see what shape I wanted.”

“Doesn’t count,” laughed the wife. Those were all staged and fake. “I’ve seen my sisters a few times when we used to mastur…..ummm…change in our room. We shared a room for a really long time.” She flushed with embarrassment at her slip up.

“Woah! What?!” Asked the nipple fiend.

Vibes laughed with her head thrown back, echoing through the dinning room.

Newbie’s jaw dropped and she said nothing. But her cheeks got really red then she smiled.
“Did you used to Jill-off with your sister?” she asked.

“It was a long time ago we were just kids and we didn’t even know what we were doing!” the wife exclaimed.

“But she had boobs?” Questioned Vibes. “She knew what you were doing at least, isn’t she like 5 years older than you?”

“Well…yeah,” admitted the wife.

“So did you guys like…help each other out?” asked Nipples.

“Ugh, no never!”

Everyone could tell that the wife was getting uncomfortable with this topic, so Nipples switched gears.
“I dare you to squeeze her tits!” She blurted our to the wife, pointing to Vibes.

Vibes eyes got wide and she pursed her lips as she choked on her drink.
“You flaunt them all the time, time to put your titties where your mouth is, so to speak!” said Nipples.

“Fine, no problem. I let my sister squeeze them all the time when we masturbate together!” said Vibes mockingly towards the wife.

“What will I get if I do?” asked the wife.

“The pleasure of feeling some nice fake tatas!” said Nipples.

“Oh thanks! You think my boobs are nice?” said Vibes, who got her implants due to her personal insecurities in that area. So the compliment went further than Nipples had expected.

Vibes, now emboldened, turned to the wife sitting next to her and stuck out her chest.

The wife reached out both hands and lightly grazed over Vibes breasts. “I don’t want to pop them!” she teased.

They all laughed and Newbie, who had be quite uncomfortable with the whole situation, now stared at the wife’s hands slowly caressing Vibes’s round D cups. Despite her perfect track record of straightness, her nipples hardened at the thought that maybe her turn to be dared might be next. Nipples really got the ball rolling with this new game. The one they had been playing had been abandoned by an unspoken unanimous decision.
“I said SQUEEZE them! Not gingerly feel them!” Nipple shouted.

The wife slowly clamped down. The soft heat of Vibes skin soaked into her fingers as the were applying pressure. They were not as hard as she thought they would be. She repositioned her grip and went at them at another angle to get a better assessment of them. Vibes tossed her blonde hair out of her way so she could really get the full view and access. Her face had changed from a girlish smile to a more serious stare.
The room got as quiet as 4 AM, as the wife, squeezing her first pair of tits sat silently in a pool of her own desire.
“Find her nipples…” said Nipples, who of course was trying to gauge Vibes’s reaction to the teasing. So far it had remained quite professional. Too scientific for the situation.
The wife started rubbing around the front of Vibes’s plump implants and came across the nubs that were gradually hardening by the second.
The wife concentrated on this area for a few seconds until it got a bit awkward when Vibes let out a little breath that sounded too close to a moan for the comfort of all involved.

Vibes realized then that her eyes had closed and her thoughts had started to run away in a feverish dash of smuttiness, when the squeezing stopped. She opened her eyes. The wife’s hands hovered over Vibes breasts, a look on her face that clearly questioned, “Did I just turn you on?”

Vibes looked around the room at her girlfriends. All of them stared back at her with a nervous anticipation of what just happened and would would happen next. This was awkward for sure.

“Ok guys,” she said quietly, “I’m going admit it…I’m a bit wet.”

They all roared with laughter, the tension dissipated and the game was afoot.

Shifting in her chair Vibes turned to Nipples and stared at her piercingly, “You’re next!” She said with a smile of vengeance. She threw her hands up and looked around the table, “If I’m wet, we’re all getting wet!”

“Ummm…I already am,” admitted the wife.

“Wow! Those must be some magic titties!” shouted Nipples.

Vibes, not wanting to skip a beat, gauged the next appropriate step in the game. “You have to let me play with your nipples for 3 minutes!”

“Woah! Woah woah! You’re daring yourself to do something! That’s not the game!” Shouted the wife. “You have to have someone else do it!”

“Fine!” she said pouting. Vibes didn’t like to not get her way. “You then!” she pointed at Newbie.

She had shrunken into her chair hoping to be less noticeable like students do when the teacher is looking for a volunteer. She gave a startled jolt and protested. “Guys I’m really not sure we should be doing this. My husband is going to be pissed if he finds out!”

“Uhh, this is girls night. GIRLS night! It’s tighter than Vegas!” Vibes retorted.

“Maybe not as tight as you though,” joked Nipples, who knew that Newbie had been a virgin before she got married.

“Now are you going to take the dare? Or not!” said Vibes intimidatingly, her eyebrows raised pensively.

“I’ll volunteer as tribute!” offered the wife. “It was kinda hot.”

Vibes threw a joking punch at her and Nipple threw some pretzels.
“Oh! We got a newly open bi-girl here!” teased Vibes.

The wife shook her head and turned to Newbie, ”Give it a shot! You’re not cheating on your husband. We’re just friends having fun.”

“Ok whatever!” said Newbie who couldn’t believe she had given into peer pressure that easily. She turned to Nipples, who was sitting be her and held her hands up looking like ‘Let’s get this over with.’
Nipples turned away from the other two sitting across the table, lifted her shirt and exposed her breasts to Newbie who looked extremely nervous. They were larger A cups, not a lot to work with, but they were very cute and her nipples were already hard, but puffy around the edges.
“I didn’t know this was going to be skin to skin!” she protested!
“I wanted us to get the full experience.” said Nipples lowly.

“Tease em!” commanded vibes.

Newbie reached out and gently twinged the Nipples in front of her. A small hesitating tug. A thumb around the tip. The sensation was building up for Nipples. This was her bread and butter. She giggled and turned to look back at her friends while pleasure was beginning to course into her chest, sending small waves of tingles down to her panties. Nipples shuddered a little and tried to hide the fact that she was really starting to get into it.

Newbie, encouraged by the reaction she got, must have decided that she didn’t mind tits in her face because she suddenly attached one to her lips and licked gently, causing a gush into Nipples naughty bits.

“Ok! Hold up!” exclaimed Nipples. “That was a bit unexpected.” She put her shirt down quickly. Her nubs poked through her shirt still as she turned to face her friends, her face flushed; she folded her hands in a very classy pose and sat up with a lady-like posture. She closed her eyes and turned her head away like a prissy rich girl and paused for effect….then stated “A real lady never cums in front of her friends as they just sit there staring on…it’s rude not to share.”

“Wow! Two pump chump over here!” joked the wife. And they all laughed.

Newbie got back to her seat, “Ok my turn to pick.” Her enthusiasm was obvious. “I want to see two blondes making out!” She pointed at Vibes and the wife.

“Dang I’ve never kissed a girl before.” said the wife.
“Me either.” said Vibes.
They’d both heard about the softness of a woman’s kiss. And quickly mulled the idea over.
Looking back into each others eyes they laughed and started moving closer.
Their lips met pensively, parted again and touched again. The lipstick on Vibes’s lips had already transferred a bit to the wife’s.
They paused all movement and waited for the other to do something.
“Girls, I said MAKE OUT!” dared Newbie.
The wife’s lips parted and her tongue came out slightly. Vibes was still waiting, lips closed. The tongue glazed her red lips ever so slightly
giving Vibes the signal to open up. Soon tongues were massaging each other and the softness that was promised was delivered to each woman. The wife reached her hand up to help direct Vibes face in the proper angles. Her hands caught into her hair and she tugged on her blonde locks. Vibes breathed hard and their hearts started beating faster. They weren’t given a time limit so they just kept going until they were told to stop. Soon Vibes decided to take advantage of the situation and started gently rubbing over the wife’s shoulder, down her arms and to her hips. Then they slowly creeped back up towards her chest and she brushed lightly over the wife’s perky b cups.

“Wow!” Said Nipples, “That’s really hot!”
Newbie sat silent. Staring. Gawking.

The two women continued, the wife now lightly caressing Vibes’s thigh as Vibes began massaging the wife’s breasts. They both were running out of breath and had to come up for air. They broke off from each other.
Vibes leaned back in her chair and squeezed her own breast. The wife put both elbows on the table and held her head in her hands, sweating and panting. She thought of her husbands favorite fantasy…it was pretty much the road she was going down at this party.

The other two women sat across the table dumbstruck. Nipples was smiling but was kind of scared at where this would be going next and Newbie was busy clinching her pelvic muscles rhythmically in private.
