Sabina the Not-Yet Twenty Witch: Part 6 [FFM][FM][ENF][Oral][Exh][MC][Magic]

**Sabina the Not-Yet Twenty Witch: Part 6 [FFM][FM][ENF][Oral][Exh][MC][Magic]**


**Chapter 14: Waking Up Is Hard to Do**

Hours later, she didn’t really know how long, though it was dark outside—and in the theater—Sabina woke up, groggy, dry-mouthed, and still naked on the mat. She felt weak, weaker than ever before, and she sat up. The come was dried on her body, her hair, even her bush, matted, and she felt cold, which in itself was unusual. Her first thought was that somehow Felicia had stolen her powers, controlled her somehow to make her willingly have sex, but she would have felt that, if not magically, at least between her legs. No one had fucked her, at least not physically. She slid a hand between her legs and felt a twinge of pain at her inner thigh. Looking down, she saw fang marks and a little smear of blood, long since dry.

“She *drank* from me.” Sabina said. “They’ll *kill* her.” She meant the World Coven, the vast body of witches and warlocks around the world, ones who had come to agreements with vampires centuries ago about Coven members being off limits. Witch’s blood held a lot of power, was like an intoxicant to vampires, and they all wanted it, but witches would always outnumber vampires, and they could operate at any time of the day without diminished powers. Sabina tried to stand, and collapsed back on the mat. Felicia had taken a lot of blood, almost a dangerous amount.

Sabina looked around for her bag, seeing it across the stage. Near one of her hands was a phone. She picked it up and unlocked the screen, seeing a video ready to play. It took her a moment to recognize herself, then the people she’d had sex with. Someone had filmed the whole thing, up close, obviously invisible to Sabina the whole time. Sabina was clearly identifiable, more so, her witch’s mark, which the invisible cameraman focused on several times, getting some views of Sabina’s pussy and asshole she’d never seen herself. It all looked like some low-rent amateur porn, come shots, facials, blowjobs, handjobs, bukkake, girl on girl, all with the college’s name and seal in the background. Felicia had enthralled over fifty humans by her count, and Sabina had serviced them all. She’d thought the vampire had simply made a handful of people really aroused, but no, the vampire had wanted to emphasize how strong her magic was—how weak Sabina was in comparison. Finally, after the full show, the vampire went down on Sabina, though Felicia did not appear on the film due to her magical nature. It just looked like Sabina was writhing alone on the mat, touching herself, finally coming, wetness not quite squirting from between her widespread legs.

Another video started playing, this time Felicia recording herself, willing herself to be seen, blood staining her lips like poorly applied lipstick.

‘I’m sure you’ve figured it out by now, that I drained you, physically and magically, and I have to say it was totally worth it. I mean, your pussy is sweet, but your *blood* was sweeter. Now, before you go telling tales to the Coven, I’d like to refer you back to that other video, your little sex tape, as it were. Tell a soul, and that video will find its way onto the web, with your full name, where you go to school, and that you’re a witch. I mean, regular folks won’t believe it—they’ll just get off to it—but those *aware* of our secret world will certainly recognize that bush of yours, and who knows who—or *what*—might come looking for sloppy seconds? On top of it all, I imagine shooting porn on campus won’t do much for your *mortal* reputation either, so, enjoy your walk of shame back to your dorm, and I’ll be seeing you around…maybe. I don’t know, it could be I’m just *bored* with you now. You were hardly a challenge.’ The video went black, and Sabina stared at the blank screen. Felicia had her, trapped her, and there really wasn’t much she could do about it. Yes, she could get the vampire killed, but at what cost? She’d have to constantly be under glamour, stop being Sabina. There were crazies out there, and powerful crazies at that. She shivered and tried standing up again, that time successfully.

She walked over to her book bag, finding all her electronics inside, her wallet, keys, but she was still naked. She tried a basic glamour and swore as she felt a shooting pain in her head. She really was empty of power, not even a shred of magic to hide her witch’s mark, let alone her nudity.

“Enjoy your walk back to your dorm…” Sabina said, finally understanding the bad joke. She was naked and covered in come, her hair, her bush, all a mess. She could feel it, both dry and sticky, and every movement amplified the sensation. “Yeah,” she said to herself, “it’s almost as if you had sex with dozens of people…” She shivered. “I can’t believe I feel fucking *cold*. When was the last fucking time…” She didn’t let herself finish. She was blaming herself for trying to find a peaceful resolution with the vampire. And what did it get her? Stripped. Of clothes. Of power. Of dignity. She was embarrassed, not just at being naked, a mess, but that she’d been so easily fooled—again—even with everything she’d tried to do to keep the vampire on a leash.

She held her bag in front on her, partly for cover, partly for warmth, and snuck around the auditorium, hoping there was no one around, and found a bathroom. Inside, she washed as much of the traces of sex off her as possible, but it still wouldn’t help the fact that she was completely naked.


**Chapter 15: Just Begging for It**

Just as Sabina was leaving the auditorium, she bumped into a girl, literally, and the girl yelped at seeing Sabina naked.

“Are you okay?” She asked.

“Um, yes, it’s a dare…for my sorority.” Sabina said quickly.

“That’s illegal under the Greek Council rules, you know.”

“I, um, volunteered…and, um, so…they also dared me to, um, go down on someone…” Sabina desperately needed some magic in her, and she definitely couldn’t spare any blood at the moment.

“Okay, that is *definitely* against the rules.” The girl said.

“I’m offering.” Sabina said softly.

“Oh. Oh!” The girl stammered. “You mean me…go down on me?”

“If you want.” Sabina was gritting her teeth. She knew on some base level that her magic nature had always helped her with sex, but this was ridiculous. Was this how regular humans interacted? On any other day, the girl’s pants would have been off by this point.

“I’ll pass…no offense, but I won’t encourage these kinds of pranks. I’m in a sorority, too, and we don’t do *this*.” She gestured in Sabina’s direction. “Whatever *this* is…” She started walking away, but turned. “Be careful out there. It’s cold and dark.” Sabina nodded, sighing as the girl walked away.

“Way to look out for your *sisters*.” Sabina muttered. She went outside and was immediately struck by the cold, and was glad that Felicia had at least left Sabina her shoes. She tried to avoid the lights, sticking to the shadows, and actually made three-fourths of the way to her dorm before she ran into another person, a guy this time.

“Let me guess, a dare?” The guy asked, not bothering to be shy about ogling her.

“You got it.” She stepped close to him. “It’s really cold out here.”

“I didn’t even have to see your tits to know that.” He looked down at her almost painfully hard nipples. “Do you want to borrow my jacket?” He started taking it off, but she stopped him.

“Actually…” Sabina whispered in his ear.

“Are you serious?” He asked, and she nodded. “I, well, I’d be crazy to say no.” Sabina led him over to a tree, a little further out of the light. He was kind and put his jacket on the ground for her to kneel, and she undid his jeans, pulling the front apart, and taking his cock, half-hard, from his boxer briefs. “Wow, it is cold out here. Normally I’d be really hard right now.”

“My lips are warm. Let me do the rest.” Sabina said, using her hand a bit before taking him her mouth.

“Ah…mmm…it’s *your* dare, oh…” Sabina used her mouth and hands, and again was surprised how long it took for the guy to come—almost five minutes—without support from her powers, but when he flooded her mouth, she felt the power trickle into her, and the cold of the elements faded. He gasped one last time, and when Sabina stood up, tucking the guy’s cock back into his pants, she looked like a completely different girl, long black hair with loose curls, olive skin, a face and body she remembered from some magazine. She was still naked, not willing to waste what little power she gained on hiding that with a more complex spell, but now she was anonymous at least. “I could’ve sworn you were a blonde.” He said.

“It was the lighting probably.” She ran her hands over her breasts, and one between her legs. “You remember all of this, right?” She smiled.

“I remember those lips.” He reached out and caressed her face. “I don’t even know your name.”

“It’s all part of the dare.” She said, starting to walk away.

“Can I call you?” He asked.

“You can *remember* me, that’s it, sorry…” And she walked the rest of the way back to her dorm. Other people would report seeing a naked girl crossing campus, but nothing came of it. No one bothered to stop her or ask any questions, even as she finally made it to her dorm room, letting the light glamour drop before she entered the room.


**Chapter 16: Don’t Know Much Biology**

Inside her room, Hades was sitting on the bed waiting for her, and Lisa was sitting at her desk, staring at Sabina’s naked form. It took Sabina a moment to notice the other guy and girl sitting on Lisa’s bed with organic chemistry books.

“Um…hello….” Lisa said. “This is my, um, naked…um…roommate, um, Sabina,” she said to the others.

“Pardon my nudity.” Sabina said. “I lost a bet.” She quickly cast a weak confusion spell and looked at Lisa. “Do you like either of these two, like, sexually?” Lisa looked at her study partners, then back at Sabina, and shook her head no. “Okay, then. Lisa, I need you to focus on your studies for an hour or so. I need to borrow your study mates.” She nodded, turned to face her desk, and started studying in earnest.

“You are very attractive.” The guy said. Confusion spells were basically like giving someone truth serum. They said what was at the top of their minds, didn’t question commands, especially ones that appealed to them, and let them fill their minds with whatever memories they wanted. “My cock is hard. It was hard before, because Meredith,” he looked to the girl, “smells good, and she brushed her breasts against my shoulder earlier, and Lisa’s lacy underwear was showing out of the back of her jeans. I’m still hard though, and you’re naked, and—.”

“Okay, okay,” Sabina said, “that’s good.” Unlike a real truth spell, it was difficult to get people to *stop* voicing their thoughts. “Why don’t you take it out and let me and Meredith see.” The guy unzipped his khakis in record time, and Meredith and Sabina were presented a view of a nicely erect penis. “Do you want to touch it, Meredith?” She nodded slightly, carefully reaching out and just grazing his erection with her fingers. “This would all be more fun if you took your clothes off, both of you, I think.” They started taking off their shirts. Meredith’s breasts were slightly smaller than Sabina’s but they looked good in her satin push-up bra, though that came off a moment later. She was wearing a tiny little thong, not really study group appropriate, but Sabina wasn’t judging a girl wanting to feel sexy…and she was. Her narrow landing strip was darker than the rest of light brown hair, but she had a full ass, fairly round given her petite size. The guy had gotten completely naked before Meredith managed to get her panties past her ankles, let alone take off her socks, and Sabina laughed a little.

“Do you mind explaining what’s going on?” Hades asked. “Not that I mind…other than you not including Lisa, that is.”

“The vampire tricked me again, literally drained me of all my stored-up power. I need to refill a bit, and then we’re going to do a little housecleaning on campus.” She turned to the couple on the bed. “You two, start making out, with some heavy petting, if you want.” The guy reached out for Meredith’s nipples, and she leaned into him. They fell back on the bed in a tangle of arms and kissing sounds.

“I see bite marks.” Hades said, staring between my legs.

“As I said, she tricked me, and she made sure that, at least this time, she could get away with taking my power *and* my blood.” She took out the phone with the videos and hit play, tossing it on the bed. Hades watched it intently, and the screen went dark after.

“Yeah, that would be bad if it got out. Old school blackmail with a high-tech twist. You have to admit, though, she knows how to keep with the times. I met a vampire just a few years ago who couldn’t understand TV…so…you know…I don’t know? Good…uh…for her…?” Sabina rolled her eyes, and he scratched his ear, changing the subject. “Do you think she’ll keep her word? About not releasing it?”

“Felicia doesn’t have anything better to do with her time than entertain herself like this. She’ll keep her word because it will make me nervous for a long time to come.”

“I suppose.” Hades padded over to the other side of Sabina’s bed to get a better look at the couple. Sabina could feel the passion building in them, which was what she wanted, hopefully more than once. At least Hades was enjoying the show. “Lick her ass, Kevin.” Hades said, apparently knowing the guy’s names and taking advantage of their suggestible state. Kevin looked over at the cat, likely trying to parse the speaking animal as part of his reality, but he rolled Meredith over and started doing what the animal asked, Meredith making some surprised but happy noises. “Oh, we should do this more often!” Hades said. “Get in there, Sabina, before they both finish.” Sabina debated kicking the cat out, but she was too tired to fight. She got behind Kevin and reached down, grabbing his cock in one hand, his balls in the other, he looked back at her a moment, but Meredith told him not to stop. Sabina teased and tugged at his balls, stroking his cock in rhythm, and a minute later he started coming, not noticing in his excitement that his semen collected into a floating and glowing ball of sexual energy that hovered near the bed, waiting to grow and be absorbed after a few more rounds of play.

Sabina had Meredith lay back on the bed as Kevin teased her breasts and stroked her body. Sabina moved between Meredith’s legs, finding the girl very wet and very ready for her fingers and tongue. The girl’s clit barely hid in the folds of her pussy, and Sabina brought the girl to climax quickly, got sprayed in the face as the girl came, much to Hades delight. The ball of power had grown double, and she had the couple entertain her to rebuild their passions. Kevin was thrilled to go down on Sabina, but he was inexperienced, so she let him focus on her breasts while Meredith used deft fingers on her, nearly bringing her to orgasm before she felt Kevin’s newly arisen hard on pressing against her thigh. He wanted to fuck her, but that was the one thing they both couldn’t have.

This time she took him in her mouth, and she felt Meredith’s tongue between her legs at the same moment. Part of Sabina wanted it all to go on much longer, but she needed the guy to come to again, one last time, to refill her power. He didn’t last long, more sexual energy than come filling her mouth, and she grasped the ball of energy next to them and drew it inside her, feeling as if the world was awakening around her, though it only her latent powers working at full again. She pushed Kevin off of her and let Meredith continue with her mouth, but much like Kevin, the girl didn’t have much experience with oral sex on a woman. She stood up and the two study partners paired off again.

“If you two want to have sex, you can.” She told them, and they both seemed to think it was a pretty good idea, though Kevin would need a little more recovery time. She stepped over to Lisa, nose to her book, and tapped on her shoulder. “Your friends have decided they were bored with studying.” Sabina said. “In about ten minutes my spell will start fading, so it’s up to you to decide if you want to join in.” Sabina could sense the desire in Lisa, but she made it a habit not to take any energy from her roommate. It almost felt like stealing, otherwise. Lisa watched her study partners for a few moments, and she started taking off her clothes.

“I like to watch.” Lisa said. Sabina was surprised when the girl sat back down at her desk and started masturbating while playing at being a voyeur

“Oh, this is *everything* I wanted.” Hades purred. “Look how wet she is.”

“Enjoy the brief view, furball, we have business to attend to.” Sabina said, grabbing her broom from the closet.

“Oh, c’mon, can’t we stay until she comes?” He pleaded. “I mean, you could go take a shower. You look like a porn stunt double. I can smell at least a dozen different men on you, and that’s not counting the women.” Sabina really was a mess, but she wanted to get moving.

“Lisa may decide to join in yet, so no.” Sabina grabbed her witch gear and climbed on the broom. Hades jumped on the front, and they zipped out the window.


**Chapter 17: Just a Little Snack**

Midair over the campus, Sabina hovered her broom and scanned the surroundings.

“Aren’t you worried about the blood loss?” Hades asked.

“That’s physical. The spell power is what I really needed. I had to walk halfway across campus completely naked, powerless, begging to go down on people just to hide my true identity.”

“While that sounds thrilling—and I truly mean that—that was all likely part of the vampire’s plan. Humiliation was no doubt top on her list.” The cat said. “So now what? You mentioned cleaning house.” Sabina scanned the edge of the lake and pointed.

“There. A ghost, one of a few on campus. This one tries to lure people into drowning, like a suicide. I can hear it calling out to depressed people, but it’s weak. I doubt it’s had any success.” She turned the broom and they sped down to far side of the lake from campus, all on forest owned by the college, but mostly empty expect for the occasional party in woods, but it was probably too cold for that at moment. She got off her broom and grabbed a small bag from her gear, walking off in the high grass toward the spirit. Ghosts were just leftover life energy, but some were more cohesive than others. All that mumbo jumbo about unfinished business was really about assholes being very unhappy about dying. Ghosts were almost always malevolent to some degree—the last hurrah of an asshole in death.

Sabina opened the bag and tossed the contents in the direction of the ghost. Fingernail clippings could confuse ghosts into thinking there was flesh nearby, tempting on its own, but all the little pieces made them linger, trying to determine if it was one being or many. She saw the flash of energy then felt the presence of the ghost, ectoplasm forming a vaguely human shape, and she started whispering an incantation under breath. There was no real fight. The ghost didn’t know it had been bound until Sabina started the second incantation to banish the ghost and absorb its power. She heard a small cry of fleeting anger, and then felt a wash of power flow into her.

“Oh, wow…” Sabina said, feeling the increase in energy. She hadn’t realized how weak she’d been. “I’ve never done a ghost before.”

“The ghoul would’ve felt better.” Hades said, creeping out from the underbrush. He sniffed the air. “How are you still aroused.”

“Hey,” Sabina said, trying to hide her blush, “in all of that activity in my room, *I* never came, remember? But that…what I just did…felt, um, good in other ways.” It had, too, and she wondered if that’s what vampires felt when they fed. She brushed the thought from her mind. “We have a couple more stops, so let’s focus on the next target rather than my horniness or lack thereof.”

“Whatever you say, lady, but feel free to take a moment and let your fingers do their magic…just a thought.” He dashed into the grass back to the broom before Sabina could respond.


**Chapter 18: At Night She Comes**

Sabina used her newly gained energy to clean herself up. Her hair was a still a bit ruffled, but there was no come or other fluids on her body anymore. She found another ghost in the library and made quick work of it. That one was more powerful that the lake entity, and she realized it got its energy from students who defaced books. Sadly, that was a pretty common activity among stupid college students, so it put up a good fight coming close to slashing her chest with its ectoplasmic claws. Still, she shut it down all the same. The ghosts weren’t smart, after all.

She as feeling nearly as powerful as before she’d been caught by Felicia. Sabina went to the Delta dorms and circled the building slowly in the air.

“Where does the revenant usually hang out?” Sabina asked Hades.

“Is that a joke? Wherever it *wants*.” The cat scanned the building. He could sense the supernatural a bit easier than Sabina. Most entities didn’t feel a need to hide from animals. “The thing likes to start petty fights, feuds, encourage the girls to cheat with each other’s boyfriends. Not too hard in a sorority as it is…” He arched his back a bit. “Ah, there we go, second floor, third window over.” They flew closer, and Sabina could hear arguing between a guy and a girl.

“You think you can just come in my face and I’ll just take it?” The girl yelled.

“You let me last time!” The guy responded.

“You *asked* last time! I’m not some internet fantasy slut, you know.” Sabina was right outside their window. She could sense the revenant, but couldn’t see it yet. The couple were naked and the girl was still wiping semen off her face.

“Oh, trust me, I know!” The guy snapped, getting into the anger. “You won’t let me come in your mouth, no anal, no videos, your pictures never even have your face in them. Meanwhile, I hear you got taken by two guys at that Sigma party!”

“Oops.” Sabina muttered. “Some people remember more than others from my little party stunt.”

“Nah, it’s the revenant.” Hades said. “The guy’s still hard. He’s a got a rage-on. This might get ugly.”

“You’re right, Hades.” Sabina moved her fingers and the window opened. The couple didn’t even break from their argument as Sabina clambered in.

“I was expecting you.” The voice was harsh, raspy, and it took a moment to realize it was coming from the guy. “I felt you snuffing out those lesser ghosts.” The guy moved quickly snatching Sabina’s wrists with one hand, a hand that should not have been big enough to do that. She found herself dangling naked two feet off the ground.

“Put me down!” She said, trying to compel the guy, but the revenant was possessing him. His human mind wasn’t really there at the moment.

“Or what, little witchling? You’ll kill me? You were planning on doing that already. Oh, this mortal flesh is so sweet.” He licked her stomach above her naval, lifting her easily. She felt his erection brushing against her legs as she swayed in his grip. While she knew he couldn’t take her powers by force, she didn’t want to be ‘taken’, either. “This one wants so many vile things, debasing things, *violent* things. The next few hours will be a learning experience for us all.” Sabina struggled a bit, and finally managed to focus enough to move her fingers.

“That vessel is nothing.” She said. “Imagine what you could do with mine.” She opened a crack in her shields, letting the revenant sense her power, just a little slit through which he could enter her. Just being near the creature was making her thoughts…dark. The revenant lowered her so that she was straddling his cock. It was doubly large—a monster in itself. He started fucking her thighs, his broad tip spreading the folds of her flesh and she—fuck—she was enjoying it. She wanted him…it…inside of her. The creature was powerful. She pushed back with her mind, her will, and felt the normal-sized penis probing at her but accomplishing nothing. It had been a trick to get her to drop her shields. Sabina was lowered to the ground, the guy—not the revenant—holding her against the wall.

“Open to me!” The guy was in a blind rage. He was repeating the revenant’s last thoughts as if they meant something to a college guy. A moment later, she felt revenant trying to get inside her, to own her flesh. She muttered a spell, and both the guy and the girl dropped to the ground, asleep.

“Witchling!” A disembodied voice rasped. “I know your weaknesses! You want your flesh used! I can do this for you! I’ll have you as my own!” She resealed her shields, but the revenant was doing a good job of trying to force through them.

“Ugh…he’s really strong.” Sabina said.

“Do it already!” Hades said from the window.

“I didn’t know it would be *possessing* people.” She gathered her energies. “Light from darkness.” The revenant hissed at the chant. “Peace from fury.”

“You can’t win, witchling.” Her vision went double as the revenant was half in her mind space. She felt anger welling in her, building to fury, which would me death if she rode it.

“A pumpkin…” She gritted though her teeth. “A peapod.” Sabina was sweating. “A pecan.” Her legas wobbled at the strain. “A pinprick.” Sabina fell over onto the sleeping guy, her face smacking right into his ass.

“It’s trapped.” Hades said, hopping into the room. Sabina shook her head, sitting up, at the very least so she wasn’t using the naked guy as a pillow. She held what looked to be a little black pearl in hand, though the color of the pearl was roiling with streaks of red.

“The bulk of the spell is just reminding them of small things, smaller and smaller, and then they can be convinced to enter a containment shell.”

“You did surprisingly well, considering you weren’t fully prepared.”

“It did get scary there for a moment.” Sabina said, rubbing her wrists. “Well, now for the reward.” She held the pearl in one hand while hovering over it with her other hand. She concentrated and started to absorb the magical energy. The size of the pearl was deceiving, and she felt a mass of power shift into her.

At first, all of her muscles strained, then it felt like the most amazing and melting massage, and then she fell back on the floor convulsing in what could only be called a magic orgasm, faint blue energy crackling over her body, making her hair stand on end, and she gasped and moaned for what seemed like an hour.

“How long was I out?” She eased up, looking at Hades.

“Out? You were on the ground for just a few seconds. You made a sexy little gasp, your eyes got really wide, your nipples hard, and you squirted a bit.” He padded over, sniffing the carpet she’d been sitting on. “That was the world’s fastest orgasm.”

“I feel fucking awesome.” Sabina said, standing up. Her perception felt broader and deeper, the magical entities on the campus sang out to her, most in fear, and she could even sense Felicia, miles away, watching TV of all things. She could have done something rash in that moment, attacked the vampire, possibly hurt her with all her newfound power, but she pulled herself together and snapped her fingers, waking the couple. They got up groggily and noticed Sabina standing there.

“What the—.” The guy covered his nakedness. The girl just stared at the other naked redhead in the room—Sabina was feeling creative with her disguise.

“I heard you two fighting from down the hall.” Sabina said. “Lover’s spats aside, you don’t come in a girl’s face unless she asks for it. It’s just rude.” She said to the guy. “And you, girl, you can’t just tell him no to everything he wants. Tell him what you want, your dirty little desires, and maybe you’ll find you match up in a few areas. This isn’t that difficult.” They probably wouldn’t fight again, at least not on a serious level, but a little honestly never hurt. She left them in the girl’s room, walking out into the hallway, before they could ask any more questions.

**End Part 6**
