[MF] [rapey] [preg] The 12th baby

11 children have been born in Antarctica. This was the most amusing and yet useless piece of trivia the mission leader handed out before letting us on the ship to the base camp. “Bring your condoms. Don’t be a statistic” he told us.

I had no such problem. I was a virgin. I had kissed. I had dated. I had touched dick and my lady bits had received oral love. But, never a man’s dick had found its way inside of me. I remained as pure as the day of my birth. And I definitely had no plan to change that in the coldest place on Earth.

It was no particular religious or moral reason. The timing had never felt right. And, now, in my mid twenties, I was one of the youngest scientists ever to set foot at the South Pole. I would spend the next year there, busy in a research on how plants cope with extreme thermal variations. Global warming, or climate change as the cool kids say these days, would mean more and more extremes. We wanted to be ready.

We’d spend a lot of time indoors, in sheltered research hubs, and only quick excursions outside, as if astronauts of our own planet. We would go from no sunset to no sunrise and back. The sun would always shine. And then night would come. “Depression can be associated to the dark season. Coping by means of intense sexual behavior is not unheard of”. Apparently, once the sun sets for the last time in the year, people just go back indoors, get drunk and fuck. “Bring your condoms.”

I had no condoms. And no need for them. Or so I thought. But Eric, Eric had different plans in mind. Or maybe he didn’t. He was helping me collect data on plant growth, or lack thereof. Handsome, smart, funny man he was, Eric. And yet always so polite and kind. Never raised his voice, never lost his patience.

Until the last sun set. It was April and we had just waved goodbye to the warmth and the light. Night would stay until late August. I found my way back to the shelter, and Eric followed me. “Wanna drink something? It’s a bit of a tradition ’round here” he said, a bottle of Jack in one hand and two cups in the other. I hadn’t even noticed him grabbing them, and yet…
“Sure”, I answered. I was not one to decline a drink. And I knew how to keep him at bay if he tried to get daring.

We drank two, three, maybe four shots of Jack. And then, as if following a script, he leaned in and kissed me. I thought I was ready to say no, I thought I’d keep my cool and reject him. But in the warmth and the comfort of the shelter, with the booze flowing inside of me, his mouth felt good. His lips comforting, pleasurable, against mine. What could it hurt? Everybody did it, right? I’d stop him if he pushed too far. I kissed back. We held each other tight. His body pressed against mine.

He pushed me against the couch, he laid on top of me, and continued kissing. He nibbled on my ear, pulled my hair a bit. His teeth sank in my neck. I let out a sigh. How did he know what I liked? Was I that basic, that predictable? He seemed to know the whereabouts of every nerve in my body. And he knew where to bite, where to lick, and where to kiss. He found my nipples. Little erect buttons they were. And he pushed them. He pushed them with his tongue. With his teeth. I moaned. Writhed. I had to stop him. I felt tipsy. I felt horny. And I knew my boundaries.

“No, Eric, no, come on, enough” I tried to say
He smiled at me and said, “why? don’t worry, let it all happen”

I panicked. I knew I wanted it to happen. But I wasn’t about to take what I had so preciously saved for more than 20 years, and just give it away here, to a drunk coworker in the darkness of a research base in the South Pole night. I could have lied. I could have pushed him away. I could have done anything. But I said the truth.

“No, Eric”, I told him, “I am a virgin”

Those few simple words, they changed everything. They changed the course of my life. It’s as if I flipped a switch inside of him

“A virgin” he repeated to himself, mumbling, as if contemplating the meaning and the depth of those words. “A virgin”.

He pinned me to the couch. “Not for long” he said, pure lust in his voice. He was out of control. Too strong for me, too willful to listen to reason. “No, come on, Eric, no, no”. I said “no” as many times as I could. He wouldn’t let me go. His mouth kept reaching for mine. His teeth kept biting me, marking me everywhere he could. My neck had marks, my tits had marks. It’s as if he was trying to claim me as his own.

He tore my pants off. I tried to kick his face, but all it did was make him laugh. He spread my legs, ripped my panties, and sank his mouth between my legs. He found me wet, eager, willing. As my words and my tears said no, my hips said yes, my pussy said yes. I couldn’t help it. I got wet for him. Soaking wet. I couldn’t help my legs from squirming, my pubes from pushing against him, my legs from clutching. Even as I cried and begged him to stop, my body readied itself for the inevitable. I came. My chest heaved. I let out a deep guttural sigh. And I tensed every muscle in my body as I came for him.

“Eric, please, stop. I’ll suck you off. Please.” I begged once more, as my orgasm gave way. But his cock was already hard. And already perfectly aligned. “Please I am a virgin please don’t” I begged. And as I felt him push into me, as I felt my virginity taken from me, I cried and sobbed. “A condom” I said between the tears. “A condom please”.

He laughed. “Oh no no. I will make a beautiful mommy out of you. This belly will swell with life after tonight” he said as he started thrusting into me. He caressed my belly and described how it would become big. He caressed my tits and squeezed them, he talked about how’d milk me before the baby was even born. “You will be a storm of hormones. You will be so intensely horny. I will fuck you every night. I will cum in your pregnant belly until you’re dripping cum” he added.

I hated myself for it, and I still do, but his every word aroused me more. As my wisdom and reason fought against him, my animal side worked with him. I felt a cheap whore, a bitch in heat, a dumpster willing to do everything for a quick orgasm and a load of cum. The feeling was as horrible as it was liberating. I had no control. My virginity was gone. And if this man was to be believed, I’d soon be pregnant.

“I am so close” he told me. “I am so close. Oh fuck Amy make a baby with me. Fuck fuck please let’s make a baby” he begged me, as if my conscious mind had any say in the matter, as if I could somehow control it.
“Fuck you” is all I told him, as I felt his cock push deeper in me, and contract once more. I felt the first spurt. It felt thick. Heavy. Creamy. I felt it deep inside of me. And, I came. I came as he did. As he finished inside of me, I came. Everything was so intense. I like to believe I didn’t, but he later told me I said “yes I’ll give you a baby”. Is it true? Is it not? Does it even matter?

We laid there, spent, for what must have been an hour. I woke up from what felt like sleep, and I ran off, crying, half naked, until I found my bunk. I closed the door. Locked it. And cried. Cried for a day.

I couldn’t go home. There was no boat back for months. I was stuck there. With him. I refused to work for days. I claimed sickness. I tried to find somebody else to help with my research. But I was stuck with Eric. And yet, he didn’t touch me. For weeks. He didn’t talk about it. And neither did I.

Until I had to face the reality. I was late. Weeks late. I was pregnant. The bastard had truly done it. One shot, and pregnant.

I told him. He laughed. Smirked. “I told you so” is all he said. “You’ll make a beautiful mom” he added, as he pushed me against him, and started kissing me.

It’s as if he had wanted to prove himself to me, that he would fuck me once and breed me. And now that he had, he could finally unleash his desire. He fucked me that night. And the next one. It was always night. And he was always fucking me. And every time, I fought him back, and them I came for him. I told him words of hate, while my body sang a song of lust. I was his. I was the mother of his child, our child, Antarctica’s 12th baby.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/bc65s0/mf_rapey_preg_the_12th_baby


  1. Nice story

    You could have made it more believable by saying she tried to report him

  2. That is so hot. I wouldn’t even make it to the mission. I never use condoms and I love cumming deep inside a girls pussy. I’d especially enjoy cumming in a virgin.

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