The Babysitter/Dungeon Master 2: What the Wizard Saw [Fmmm][Solo male masturbation][Voyeurism][Ageplay][Dungeons and Dragons]

Hey guys! Thanks to everyone who read the first part of my series, especially those who commented the nice things! Second installment is here, hope those of you who enjoyed the first one enjoy this one as well. As you will see I’m switching viewpoints, as will happen throughout the series. Again, understand that this will be quite a slow burn. If you’re still enjoying it, let me know in the comments!


# The Babysitter/Dungeon Master 2: What the Wizard Saw

My phone dinged; a Facebook messaged from Amy popped up on the screen. “Good job last night, Brandon. Here are your experience points,” I couldn’t help but smile every time I got a message from the babysitter/dungeon master. This was especially true when I was alone, and I didn’t have to be paranoid about whether my tremendous crush on her was obvious to anyone looking at my face. Though, Will and Michael knew about and shared my crush. We three had something of a collected obsession with her. “I believe this should make you the first to reach level fourteen. Check out the level fourteen feature for The School of Evocation, it’s called Overchannel. Use it wisely! Also, your mom said she must work overtime at the hospital tonight, so you’re gonna come hang at my place after school. See ya then!”

The last bit made me super excited, my mom worked very hard to support her and myself. I never knew my father; he had lost the battle with cancer when I was just a toddler. Though I felt bad for my mom having to work extra, when she already works so hard, I couldn’t dwell on it. I was going to get to spend the afternoon with Amy! I leaned back into my seat on the school bus and just kept smiling. It was only second period, but my next class was at a local vocational school located a couple miles away. Kids were bused back and forth all day if they elected to take any of the classes offered at the vocational campus. Those kids basically fell into two camps. The first were the nerdy kids like me, who took computer programming or general PC repair courses. The other camp was the less dorky kids who took more traditionally masculine classes like carpentry, or automotive repair. Neither of my two best friends, Will and Michael, were in my programming course with me, so I always sat alone on the bus.

“Sounds good! See you then!” Was all I typed back for a response and sent it. I unzipped my large backpack sitting next to me in the seat and pulled out a binder that had my Dungeons and Dragons stuff in it. I began erasing numbers and updating them, referencing the Player’s Manual as I did. I played the wizard of the group, and the role seemed to fit me well. I always had an affinity for the spell casting type, preferring to use my wits from afar rather than being in close combat. Will and Michael played a Paladin and Barbarian respectively, so the party composition worked out well for such a small party. I was just about to write down the details of my new class feature, when suddenly my binder was yanked away.

My brown rimmed glasses slid down my nose when my head yanked upward and saw an unfortunately familiar face holding up my binder. Pages of notes slipped out and fell into the floor, as the tall, tan skinned, asshole examined it. The asshole’s name was Johnny, and he was sixteen, two years older than me. He was in a diesel mechanics class, but I knew him from my algebra class that he’d failed twice before. This wasn’t the first time he’d picked on me, and I doubted it would be the last time. “Prospero the Wizard?” Johnny said, him and his two friends behind him laughing. All three of them being older boys, they were taller and more muscular than me, not that I’d ever had even the smallest inclination of defending myself physically. “Little Brandon thinks he’s a wizard!”

“Give it back, it’s mine!” I said, sitting up in the bus seat and reaching for the binder, my phone slipping out of my lap onto the seat. Johnny raised it up higher out of my reach, and pages of notes began slipping out of the pockets. I quickly got down on my knees and scrambled to pick up the pages as they fell into the aisle and floated underneath bus seats. My breathing got heavy as I stood on my knees, holding the recovered pages and looked up at Johnny. The arrogant older boy proceeded to then toss my binder a few seats back, and I immediately stood up and ran to get it.

“Oh look, the wizard’s got a girlfriend messaging him.” I heard Johnny say in his annoying teasing voice. I turned after grabbing my binder, and saw Johnny holding my phone. The three bullies were laughing even harder now. “Ooh, her name is Amy. She’s giving him experience points! Maybe he’s not a virgin after all.”

Something inside my brain snapped once he mentioned Amy’s name. A feeling of rage came over me, I dropped the binder, and ran right at Johnny. My arms extended forward and with everything my smaller body had I pushed him. He stumbled back into his friends, and the laughter stopped. It couldn’t have been very intimidating, my little shove, but it did seem to piss them off. My stomach dropped, and the next thing I saw was Johnny’s fist flying at my face. He knocked the glasses off my face, and I fell to the floor of the bus. My vision was blurry, but I could see his foot coming down on my stomach. I winced in great pain, and all the breath was knocked out of me. I struggled to try to take in a breath as I felt his fist clench around my shirt pulling me upward. Another fist hit my face, and then everything went dark. The next thing I remember was opening my eyes. My glasses were handed to me, and I saw the school’s principal standing over top of me.

I was taken to the school nurse who checked me out. She gave me an ice pack to hold against my left eyes, which hurt rather badly. Luckily no ribs were broken. My nose had been bloodied, but not broken, and for sure my eye was going to be blackened. After checking me out I was escorted to the principal’s office. Johnny and his friends were sitting there together, all looking rather pissed off as if they had expected to beat me up and not face any consequences. I was sat across from them, my backpack returned to me along with my binder with the mess of papers tucked in it. I sat there, staring at my phone, refusing to look up at the three bullies.

I didn’t even look up when the office door opened again. “Oh my god, are you okay!?” I heard Amy’s familiar angelic voice ask and looked up as she ran over to me. She threw her purse down on the seat next to me, and her hands went gently to my face to inspect my wounds. Even with the pain I was still in, her touch brought a small smile to my face. Her hands and her touch were soft, and her beautiful brown eyes were full of concern.

I didn’t even get an answer before she turned to look at the perpetrators sitting on the other side of the room. The principal’s assistant excused herself from the office to notify the principal of Amy’s arrival, and Amy walked over toward the boys. She was wearing a pair of tight jeans and a black tank top. I couldn’t help but notice the way the jeans hugged her butt, or the blue bra straps peeking out on her shoulders. I watched, unsure of what she was going to do. In my head I imagined her grabbing her purse and wailing on them over and over, but instead she just spoke. “Want to know a secret that all girls are aware of?” She asked the boys. None of them responded, just looked at each other unsure. I could tell that even them, at sixteen years old, were intimidated by the older pretty girl. “All bullies have tiny, unimpressive dicks.”

My hands came immediately to my mount to try to stifle a laugh, but it didn’t work very well. I had never seen Amy angry, nor heard her make such a crude and blunt remark. Amy immediately turned around as the principal walked into the room, and Johnny and his friend’s faces were red with embarrassment. The principal apologized several times, quite profusely, and Amy was adamant that the ‘sociopaths’ be properly punished. She didn’t waste too much time though and checked me out of school early. On the way to her car she called my mom, reassuring her that I was fine, and mutually agreeing to the school’s ineptness regarding putting a stop to bullying. I lost track of the conversation though, walking behind Amy, my eyes fixated on her backside, especially the way her butt cheeks moved as she walked. She finished the phone call as we climbed into her very nice purple sports car. I often forgot that Amy was something of a rich girl, she never really felt like one, always nice and sincere.

“Those assholes give you a hard time often?” Amy asked, as she pulled out of the school parking lot just a bit too quickly. I noticed that she slipped off her black flip flops and drove with her bare feet. I remember reading somewhere once that you weren’t supposed to do that, but it wasn’t something I was going to bring up. “They look like a bunch of punks that would bully a smaller kid, fucking cowards.”

“Sometimes…” I said, a bit meekly. Amy had cursed a few times before during game nights, but usually in character. Hearing the word ‘fucking’ with such a harsh tone was something I hadn’t witnessed from her. “They’ve never hit me or anything before, usually just teasing… they’ve pushed me down once or twice.”

“What about Chris and Michael?” She asked, looking forward as she drove.

“They have a different class that period,” I answer, as I pull out my game binder and begin reorganizing my notes. A few of the pages have dusty footprints on them, and several are wrinkled or crumpled. “That’s the only time I ever run into them. I’ve never really told the Chris or Michael what they do… I’ve just always dealt with it.” Amy looked over at me for a moment, and I could see the sympathy in her eyes. I wasn’t sure if that’s something I wanted. She was someone I had a huge crush on, despite the large age gap. I wanted her to respect me, not to feel sorry for me. “It never really bothered me,” I lied.

“That’s good, you can’t let assholes get to you,” she said, and the way she said it made me wonder if she ever had to deal with bullies in a similar way. It was hard to imagine, as pretty as she was. “Life is full of assholes like those pricks, and if you let them get to you then they win. So, let’s get them off our minds.” She smiled at me and reached for the radio. “Ooh,” she said, as she came across a song she liked, and began to sing with it. “*I’m gonna fight ‘em all… a seven-nation army couldn’t hold me back.”* Her shoulders danced along with the steady drum beat of the song, *“They’re gonna rip it off… taking their time right behind my back.”* She continued to sing and pulled out a pack of cigarettes and lit one with a little pink lighter. I’d seen her smoke a cigarette once or twice, but she didn’t strike me as a heavy smoker. I hoped she wasn’t stressed out because of me, but I dared not ask.

*“And I’m talking to myself at night, because I can’t forget.”* I smiled at her as she sang, and let my right arm hang out the window. It was quite a nice day despite the unfortunate events. *“Back and forth through my mind behind a cigarette… and the message coming from my eyes says leave it alone.”* I found myself really enjoying the song, especially the drums. I listened along and began gently nodding my head as Amy drove. It wasn’t long before we pulled onto our street, and into her driveway.

“I’m gonna go change,” Amy said as she unlocked the door to her house, and we stepped inside. She clearly hadn’t been expecting me this early, as her place was a bit more of a mess than I’d ever seen it. “I rushed to the school when I got the call, put on the same clothes I wore yesterday in the rush.” She bent down to pick up some laundry that she had left strewn on her living room floor, and I couldn’t help but immediately notice the pair of pink panties that was included. Just seeing them made my penis twitch a bit and tried not to immediately get a boner. The way she leaned forward when she bent over though made her jeans hug her but super tight, and I could feel the blood rushing down below. I wouldn’t be able to make it through this visit without getting a boner, so I decided to take care of it.

“No problem, I’m going to use your restroom, okay?” I asked, holding my backpack in front of my pants.

“Sure thing, kiddo.” She answered, already halfway up the stairs with what she collected. I kicked off my shoes and put my backpack down on her couch. Once she was out of sight, I adjusted what was in my pants, and began to make my way upstairs to her bathroom. There was another bathroom downstairs, but the toilet hadn’t worked in it for several months. Amy had been a bit lazy about getting someone to fix it. As I got to the top of the stairs, I noticed something, and my heart sank. Her door wasn’t completely closed. I froze for a moment. She was going in there to change… I wanted to, but I couldn’t seem to make myself move. I heard a zipper and rustling of clothing. Finally, I began to slowly tip toe over toward the door. I was ready to run across the hallway to the bathroom at the first sign of her hearing or seeing me.

I crept closer and closer to the door, any moment expecting her to open it and catch me red handed trying to peek at her. I heard nothing though, and as I got to the door, I place one hand on the wall and leaned toward the crack in the door. It seemed as if all the blood in my body rushed to that thing between my legs, and I grew so stiff that I could feel it pressing against the wall. Through the crack I saw Amy standing in front of her dresser, looking at her phone for a moment. She had already changed out the black tank top for a white t-shirt, but she hadn’t replaced the pants she’d taken off yet. The blue panties she wore were not the most modest, and they left quite a bit of her butt exposed.

I could barely breathe. I fumbled quietly for my phone, fingers and hands trembling as I pulled up the camera. I quickly aimed it through the door and snapped a picture. The phone made a shutter sound, and I immediately slid away from the door crack, heart racing. I was sure that I just fucked up, and now she was going to storm out angrily and kick me out of her house for being a creepy pervert. My eyes were squeezed tight as I waited for the inevitable to happen… but nothing did. After a moment of not hearing any movement, I slowly slunk away to the bathroom.

I quietly shut the door behind me and locked it, my heart was racing. I held my phone with both trembling hands and stared at the picture of Amy’s backside in her panties. I didn’t even sit down once I loosened my pants and pulled down my underwear. My right hand reached down and gripped my erection, and it took nothing but two lazy strokes before I began ejaculating. My mouth hung open in an undignified manner, and I let out a few squeaky grunts of pleasure. It squirted right onto the bathroom tile in three long white streams.

I stood there for a moment, breathing heavily. I closed the picture on my phone and pulled up my pants. I used toilet paper to clean up my mess and sat down on the edge of Amy’s tub to collect myself. Finally, I pulled up messenger, and sent the photo to Will and Michael with the message, “Got a glorious peek of her undressing. Add it to the drive.”

I sent it, took another moment to finish collecting myself, and then went back downstairs to enjoy my afternoon with, what to Will, Michael and myself was, the most beautiful creature in the world.
