REPOST -Office Politics/Blackmail -Training Pt.1- Chapter 09

**Chap 8 -** [](

NOTE: this is a re-post as I was having some issues with my account!

Sherry spent the remainder of the day at her desk, working away. Despite her efforts, the occasional dribbling of Jono’s creampie in her was distracting. About 10 minutes before 5, she got a text. It simply said “Do not leave work until 5:30. Go directly to –“ and an address. Without thought Sherry did as told. From the corner of her vision, she saw Jono leave at 5:15, without making eye contact. The address was a condo in a posh, gated community. Upon entering the drive, Sherry could see Jono standing in the garage, and pulled in. Gathering her bag, she followed Jono in.

Wordlessly, Jono pointed to a chair at the kitchen table, and Sherry found herself taking a seat. Pulling up another chair and straddling it backwards, Sherry could see that his cock was already bulging in his pants, and it secretly excited her. “Sherry, I brought you here for a good reason, and I want to explain it to you,” Jono said. “ I want you to stop, & honestly take a minute and *think* about how your body has responded to me these last few days. This ‘fire’ I keep referring to, Sherry. I know you are asking yourself what it is. I know you are desperate to know, and here it is… It is your inherent desire to *submit*.”

Sherry stared at him wordlessly for a full minute. The wheels were turning in her mind, yet she knew on some level, damn him, he was right. With a sigh, she responded, “Ok….Umm…*SIR*, so you are partly right, this has had me searching for something, but to submit? Come on. If this were true, then why not approach me honestly, instead of using threats to fuck me…and why FUCK me?”

Jono smiled, expecting this reaction. “The crime is your doing not mine, that is on you.” Jono said as he pointed, “but *fear* of consequences, and the unknown, is what first motivated you to be open to me, & I simply used what was available to me.” Shifting in his chair, his dick printing in his pants seemed larger. “Sherry, like it or not, you responded to me on a mental level. I could see it in your eyes then, as now. Fucking you was what I did to bring down that last mental wall, making you give yourself to me. More so, to give yourself over to submit. My goal in having you here is to show you a way to reach that level & submit. If you can discipline yourself to do that, I can show you a way that we can work together to further ourselves, not just professionally, but mentally as well.”

“Sir…if I am to be honest…really honest…I have to say, I am intrigued.” Sherry answered. “But Sir, this in defiance to what the world teaches you know, and I find that hard to leave behind.

Jono nodded, “I understand, and you are right it is opposite to what the world teaches, so I will make you an offer. We try it this way for a month. In that time, you will see how far you progress, and we will compare it to where you were before all this, having to claw your way up. The difference will be night and day.”

Sherry thought about this. What choice did she really have? Complying would at least allow her some time to sort this side of herself out. She felt like she *had* to know. She looked at Jono, this man who was almost twice her age, wondering how he could know so much about her……. and nodded. “OK, where do we start?” She responded.
