REPOST – Office Politics/Blackmail-The Nextday, Chapter 04 – CORRECTED

Chap. 3 – ****

NOTE: this is a re-post as I was having some issues with my account!

As Sherry was getting ready for work, she kept thinking, ‘How could she have gotten herself into this?” She had cried the entire way home. In the shower, she had a rage attack, screaming and throwing the bottle of shampoo. But no amount of emotion could change it – she was WAY in over her head, and she knew it.

As she dried herself, she viewed her butt in the mirror. No real bruising, but it was bright red. As she pressed the towel into her vagina, she remembered how it felt to be invaded, forced, and even degraded. She shook her head to rid of the spot she found herself headed to. There was NO WAY a modern woman would enjoy that, NO WAY. So she forcibly shoved it from her mind.

At that moment, her doorbell rang. Approaching the door slowly, she used the peephole to see it was a courier, holding a package . “What the world?” She said aloud, as she opened the door and signed off. For a moment, Sherry was again light headed. Inside was a note, it read “you will wear the underwear in this package today. Be aware that you will be meeting with myself and HR when you get here. Jono.” Her stomach turned as she opened the package. In it was a very mice, royal blue pair of satin bikini panties, and a matching bra. The bra was a bit undersize for her B-cup breasts, but Sherry knew, she would have to wear it. After all, for the moment, she was owned. She sighed, and got dressed

Sherry was met at the door by Janice from HR. Janice was a bit older, but knew how to play the game. She was always sharply dressed, and Sherry knew that this corporate crawler would offer her no help in her quest for freedom. “Sherry, this way.” Janice indicated, and they walked over to a separate elevator.

Jono had his own floor, along with his own set of employees. Sherry had never been there, and was taken aback. Jono was waiting at this office, and held the door for them. Upon entering, Jono indicated that they remained standing. Janet was too happy to comply and was all false smiles around Jono, obviously intimidated by him. “Coffee or Tea Ladies?” Jono asked in a cordial manner – “there’s Biscotti and a Scone or two over there.” He indicated the buffet in his office.

In front of them, on a side wall of Jono’s office was a large platte/map, and other items pinned to the wall. “OK Sherry, Janice, here is the thing. We are going to start the new Old River project. This will be the single largest development in our city ever, and Will be an influencer in this city for decades. “ Janice chimed in “As will the people that built it.” Jono smiled. “Exactly. Sherry, I want you in on this team.” Sherry was taken aback. It was everything she wanted in her career. It was being handed to her…but at what price? “I’ll go get the paperwork, you two discuss details.” Janice said, and closed the door behind her.

Sherry just stared at the wall. Jono was beside her and said, “OK, we both know you have wanted this. You work with me here, and you can be an influencer in this city. This is the chance you have always wanted Sherry. Rather than crush you, I would rather help to ‘develop’ you. “ Placing his hand on her stomach, Jono said, “I need to know…are you with me?”

Sherry knew she was at a crossroads in her life. Deny this, as her mind told her she should, and have her future crushed. No modern woman should have to go thru this, yet here she was. On the other hand, accept her fate, the thought of which almost made her wretch, and her entire career would explode. Her choice, really, was clear. She looked at jono and nodded. “Good…Good…” Jono said softly.

Changing to the same firm tone he used at the motel, Jono said down low, “In this, woman, you are *mine, ALL mine,* so make that clear.” Sherry nodded. “Janice will be back in a bit, but I need to know you are owned. Drop those pants…” Sherry hated that she was being spoken to like this, yet a deep hidden part of her seemed to take over, and she found herself unbuttoning her slacks. Lowering them as far as her knees, she lifted her blouse a bit, showing the panties Jono had sent over. “Good woman, verrrry good…That blue color really suits you” Jono said, and slipped a hand into them. Tickling her pubic hair a moment, Sherry instinctively said “No-..” But Jono cut her off. “Woman, **there isn’t a no for you**.” He said, grabbing a bit of pubic hair. Tugging on it, Jono said, “You look me in the eye..” As she did, Jono told her “Tell me there isn’t a no for you…say it.” As he did so, he began to tickle the area around her clit. “Th-ther isn’t a no for me, Sir.” She said reluctantly. She found the heat in her loins strangely building as this man touched her. What was going on with her? Just as she was about to give a soft moan, Jono jerked his hand out of her panties, making the hemline snap against her flat tummy. “Pull those pants up woman, we have standards here.” He said dismissively.

Sherry had barely gotten dressed when Janet returned. Numbly, she and Janet went thru the paperwork. A pay increase, a gas card, and a mall card as a clothing stipend. “Mr. Jono Corbin wants all female employees in skirts or dresses only. Just a bit above the knee, and professional dress only. Your new desk is over by the window. Mr. Corbin wanted you to have the best.”

As Sherry sat at her desk, she kept her mind on work, and plugged away. Via the Skype account they all used, she noted she had a message. “We will be going to the work site. Be at the elevator in 10 minutes. J” Sherry sighed, giving in to her fate. In the elevator, Jono said only, “we are using my vehicle.“ at the garage, he indicated the Red Chevy. Holding the door he told her. “Windows are tinted. Once we clear the garage, slide to the center.” Jono got in, and off they went. “You appeared to like my cock yesterday,” Jono told her. “you were trying to tell me you couldn’t take it, but trust me, you will learn to. Now unzip my pants as we go, reach in my boxers, and I want you to pull out that cock.”

Sherry had a very distressed look. The thought of having that in her mouth again made her want to vomit, but once out, she noticed it’s width. It wasalmost like holding a can of soda.

“Describe what you have in that hand, woman” Jono said, as he continued to drive.

“It is *THICK*” Sherry admitted, “and really warm.” Jono just nodded and said “Continue” “it is not the longest I have seen,” Sherry admitted, her face flushing from embarrassment, “But it is a good length.”

Jono smiled. Despite having this woman handling his cock, he seemed perfectly in control of the truck. “Well you damn-sure took it like you liked it.” He said, causing Sherry to tuck her chin in embarrassment.

Handling it had made Sherry’s thighs quite warm, and she found her mouth oddly watering. Why? She thought, she HATED the thought of sucking cock, it was so…*demeaning.* Yet, this was somehow different.

“Put my cock away woman, we are almost there, and get on your damn side of the truck.” Jono warned her. Once past the gate, they pulled up to a red work trailer. Showing her in, Jono told her “This is going to be my alternate office. When I call you, you will come here. Otherwise, you are to stay in the office.” Sherry had just noticed that the blinds were all closed when Jono said, “OK woman, drop those pants, and bend over that couch, I want to inspect that ass I got yesterday.”
