REPOST – Office Politics/Blackmail –Learning, Pt.3 – Chapter 13

NOTE: this is a re-post as I was having some issues with my account!

**Chap.12 -** [](

When Sherry came out, having removed her makeup and had her hair back, she was initially shy. She was not used to anyone seeing her like this. Although she had won local beauty contests back in the day, the sun had already marked her face just a bit, even in her 20’s. So she walked out and looked away a bit, more than enough to catch Jono’s attention.

“Woman,” Jono said in a friendly tone & a smile, “Come here.” And pointed in front of his feet. “You are to always stop here. When called” Jono told her. Seeing her nod, Jono touched her under her chin, and lifting it said simply “let’s see…” Looking her face over Jono said ”Nothing to be embarrassed about here. You are to me every bit as pretty without..” Seeing her smile, Jono said “I mean that, you know.”

Sherry had never been reassured like this. In fact that asshole Ron had actually teased her about it, which did her confidence no favors. But *this* man seemed to be genuinely *enjoying* her as he taught her…and fucked her. That was something she was not used to. She shouldn’t be enjoying this, but she found herself oddly wanting more.

Jono led her back to the main bed. “Now Woman, between the two of us, we have done a number on this bed. I am going to have the maid clean it tomorrow, so we’ll have to use the guest bedroom, but before we do, we are going t have to take care of something. Drop those panties, and lay on the bed, as you did earlier.” Getting her on the bed, Jono ‘adjusted’ her position, so that her ankles were on the bed, and Sherry was back & on her elbows. “Hold that.” He instructed, and left the room. A minute later, he returned, carrying an electric razor, they type he used on his beard, and some markers. “Whenever I approach you, wherever I approach you, open those knees.” Jono told her.

After their moment of closeness, Sherry was feeling amorous. Having her feet up and knees spread, everything on display was strangely erotic, and her nipples were actually stiffened a bit. This was odd…3 times in one day? She felt sore, but wanted more, and now here was this man, spreading her out like some kind of object. It was erotic and confusing all at the same time.

Taking the electric razor, Jono told her, “Now I am going to use this on you. I am going to do my best to not pull hair, but you want to remain still.” With that, having adjusted the guard to reduce yet not leave all the hair, Jono flipped in on. Sliding one hand under her and holding her butt cheek and applying some grip, Jono began to make passes across the mound, shaving down the pubic hair, moving slowly so as not to have said hair catch and pull in the guard.

Sherry *liked* having herself gripped like this,being unable to scape, and the vibrations of the razor, even slightly above her clit, began to turn her on, causing her breathing to deepen. Watching Jono take time to slowly move the razor, removing some but not all of the hair, made her horny and curious all at the same time. She had heard of girls shaving all their pubic hair, but what was he doing?

Jono finished for the moment, and set the razor aside. Looking up, he saw her face was reddened and her breathing was a low pant. “Well-Well…” he said, and reaching up, he cupped one side of her face caringly, then, moving that same hand down, began to lightly pinch and toy with her nipple. “Hold on little one…all-most done.” He said, flashing that ‘evil’ smile of his.

Seeing that smile made Sherry grin. ”I *really* like this, Sir,” She said. She couldn’t believe that for the third time today, she wanted sex. She had not been this amorous ten years ago, with her first real boyfriend.

Talking the Sharpie marker, above the clit, Jono drew a heart shape. It was a bit bigger than a dollar piece, extending up to the top of the pubic hair. Joono continued to hold his property firmly on one hand, and deftly used the other to remove the guard and, flipping it back on, proceeded to s-l-o-w-l-y remove the hair along the lines, then began removing the remaining hair away from his little design. As he did, he gave the cleaned area a little kiss. Each time he moved his mouth towards her, he could feel Sherry try to push her hips into his face, but his hand held her firm.

Sherry was getting really tuned on by all the attention. She had heard one of the other girls, Janet, she thought it was, describe being shaved by her man, and now Sherry understood. She was laying here, gaped open, being held firmly by this man, and shaved. What was she…a toy? Either way, it turned her on like nothing before, & she was almost moaning at the prospect of what came next.

When finished, Jono had an ideal little heart. He smiled at his handiwork. Handing Sherry a small mirror, Jono said “You are to keep this trimmed to this shape at all times. Tomorrow we will get you a small razor, just for this purpose.” Standing up between her knees, Jono looked at Sherry. She was fully open to him, she was expecting to be fucked, so he did what any proper trainer would do.
