Apprenticing as a Tantrika: First Day on the Job

If I could have any job I wanted, I would be a Tantrika. I believe that sexual healing is the most powerful form of therapy possible, and I think just about everyone needs it.

I started down this road a few years ago. I found myself a beautiful and generous mentor by searching online for local tantrikas and reached out to the one who seemed the most familiar, friendly, and open: Arielle.

We had a few video calls to get to know each other and then she invited me to meet with her at her home. We had tea and some snacks and then we took a hot tub together. While we were in the hot tub, a stroke of luck happened when Arielle got a call from her favorite client. She spontaneously scheduled a session for that same afternoon, very excited about introducing him to me. She thought he would be the perfect first client for me as a new apprentice.

He walked in and I was taken aback by this strapping young Syrian man: tall, professional, and shockingly beautiful. I felt a clear, instant attraction to him. He had huge round puppy-dog eyes with the longest thickest eyelashes, and the demeanor of a gentle storybook prince.

We started by sitting in chairs, talking. He was so welcoming, cozy. I felt myself energetically leaning towards him, very open to him.

Earlier, I had shared with Arielle that I didn’t think I personally could see clients who were coming for erotic touch if they were hiding it from a partner (to which she replied “Well, there goes 90% of your potential clients!”). It turned out that he is one of her rare clients whose wife knows that he visits Arielle. This eased my worries. When Arielle asked him about his sex life at home, he said that he loves sex with his wife, but usually comes too quickly. I appreciated that check-in as an important part of the session: how can what we do here help your sex life at home? Integration seems like an important element of therapeutic erotic touch.

After we were all comfortable and feeling present, he undressed and climbed up onto the table. Arielle took her clothes off (all of them!), I followed and dropped mine too. She looked at me and said, “When I put my hands on someone, it is with the sacredness that this could be the last body I ever touch.” She said this with so much reverence that I knew I had found the perfect mentor for myself.

It was time to begin touching him. I really didn’t know what to expect. I kept one eye on her for cues of speed, depth, location, energy, while also tuning in to my own intuition.

I started by relaxing my weight down into his broad shoulders as Arielle worked circles into his rounded buttocks (he specifically requested massage in those two areas). She explained that she likes to start the client face-down, laying one hand gently along the valley of his cheeks while the other reaches between his thighs to cup his soft penis from underneath. Evidently this position was very relaxing and calming, nurturing.

She suddenly climbed up on top of him to dig her knees into his sculpted ass. He moaned deeply. Then she lay on him, her entire body draped softly over his, and it looked so beautiful, relaxed, yin.

When Arielle climbed off, we began our 4-handed full-body massage, both of us suddenly stroking him everywhere. I glided my hands along his body, staying tuned into what Arielle was doing, mirroring her movements, so the massage would feel integrated in his body and so she and I would feel connected. Eventually, when he was fully erect, I felt called to move to his penis. I arrived and placed one hand on his cock and the other on his heart to connect with him consciously right there in that moment, and also to help him make the internal connection of his two “love muscles.” Then I moved both of my hands to his penis to “open the gates,” making circles on his frenulum (that sensitive spot near the tip) with lubricated rhythmic thumbs. When I did this, he said he thought he was going to come right away, so I transitioned to rubbing firmly down his legs to move the energy away from his penis, which responded by quickly getting soft again.

I went back into touching him genitally, this time more slowly and carefully. I truly loved touching him and easily slipped into a groove. I felt like a dancer, so organic, moving with long strokes up and down and around his body, loving him freely with my hands, arms, heart and eyes. He seemed to be really enjoying my attention and lithe movements and he eventually locked eyes with me for quite a long time. It was hypnotic for me and I would have kissed him. My body really wanted him to touch me, and I could tell that he wanted to as well, but I also felt nervous, conservative around being touched (I have no idea what the rules are in this situation: Arielle and I hadn’t covered this).

He asked if he could have my breast in his mouth. I looked to Arielle and she gave me a loving nod. This part was so very lovely, and lasted quite a long time. I loved the way he sucked and kissed at my breast, as though it were quenching an ancient thirst. At one point I said out loud, “Whose massage is this?” to convey that I was fully enjoying the attention, receiving such lovely treatment. I was getting turned on, completely.

Arielle noticed that it was time for me to leave (I had an appointment I needed to get to), and she thinly spoke into the clear space between us all, announcing that it was time for the beautiful man and I to say goodbye. His big eyes tilted, upset, and he said, “Can we do just one more thing?” He looked at me. “Can you make me come?” and I replied enthusiastically, “I can try!”

I went to his cock and moved it through my oily hands, hand over hand from the tip down the shaft, the full length, one hand after the other. This is one of my favorite erotic massage moves called “perpetual penetration.” I continued moving in a deep, steady rhythm and in just a few moments he came buckets all over both of us. It was kind of glorious, really.

We had one more moment together, locking our eyes and hearts. I ran to wash my hands (and arms!) and basically scooted out of there.

Smiling and laughing and feeling so sexy.

It was such a good feeling.

I wouldn’t mind 10 clients like him!


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