The Mythic Mansion: Monster Brothel 4; Serpent Queen[findom][Str8][FM][Fdom][nc]

I stood at the front desk of this surreal mansion, the Vampiress looking up at me with her emerald green eyes. I had been told this was the place to go for the most intense and fantastical sexual experience if my life. This, however, was too much. I was surrounded by women of all shapes, sized and species. Monsters walked by me, flashing their fangs as they smiled in my direction. I was horrified. I tried to turn and walk away, to escape this hellish manor. There was something holding me back. The Vampiress was busy with an old fashioned telephone held between her ear and her shoulder, so I stood in silence at the desk, waiting. That is, until I heard it. A soft, subtle hiss in my ear. I looked around and nobody else seemed to hear it, but it was growing louder and stronger in my head.

‘Heeeere.’ The long drawn out voice slithered through my mind. Something about it seemed to draw me toward the door to the left of the front desk. I wanted to walk that way, but had no idea why. The black haired beauty simply smirked as she noticed my gaze towards the doorway.

“Go on.” The Vampiress suggested as if she could read my thoughts. “Follow it.”

I could barely take my eyes away from the doorway behind the desk. Her words, follow it, I couldn’t stop myself. I walked around the desk and made my way through the doorway as the whispers continued. ‘Heeeere my ssssservant’ it hissed in a commanding but hushed voice. I followed the whispers, wandering aimlessly through the mansion. I passed the golden candelabras and red velvet curtains until I was lost in a maze of high ceilinged extravagance. The voice echoed in my mind, bouncing of the inside of my skull and vibrating within my ears. It seemed as though I had wandered into a haze and all I could concentrate on was the breathy sigh in my head.

“Here, my ssssweet.” The voice sung. But this time it wasn’t in my head. I turned around and found myself in a cave. I had no idea how or when I had gotten there, but I was surrounded by stone and dirt. There was a long tunnel ahead of me and the voice echoed against the rock walls, drawing me further into the darkness. I followed the voice, wandering into a cavern lit with an eerie green glow. Finally, I reached a wide opening in the cave.

The dark and dingy stone den suddenly transformed into an ethereal glowing grotto. A clear, turquoise pond lit the cavern with a soft blue light and the walls were adorned with blue and green clinging vines. Sweet smelling yellow flowers hung like bells from the vines and blooming orange lilies sprung from full, vibrant plants growing from the cracks in the stone. This enchanted grotto was nothing compared to the glimmering green Goddess that stood in the center of the den.

She was miraculous. She hovered at least seven feet in the air and her long tail laid sprawled out around the cavern floor another ten feet. Her body was covered in shimmering jade scales dotted with sapphire, they spread across her tail and up her torso until they dispersed just above her navel. Her azure tinted skin was clear and flawless, her perky breasts jutting out from her chest like humble islands sitting atop the ocean floor. The glittered scales began again around her shoulders and spread down her arms, ending in forest green claws. Her face was that of a true Queen. Her skin was an unblemished blue and her high cheekbones were accented by the shining scales that framed her face. Her lips were a deep, cobalt blue and they stretched into a devilish smile. Her yellow snake-like eyes stared at me with a dominant gaze that sunk through my very soul. Long yellow hair grew from behind her crown of scales, flowing around her head and over her shoulders like a shining lions mane.

She was a Goddess. Her forked tongue darted in and out of her mouth as she smirked at me and her eyes drew me toward her. Her gentle hiss was like a sirens call and I took a few hesitant steps forward into the cave. She gestured for me to come to her with a come hither motion of her sharp claw. I made my way toward her, her whispers ringing through the cavern.

“Come, my preccccccious.” She hissed with a gentle, loving glare. I stood just a few inches from her now, the warmth of her breath comforting me.

“I, I don’t know what I’m doing here.” I admitted. She gave me a caring smile and caressed my cheek with her smooth, scaly fingers.

“My sssweet, little darling. You have come to serve your Serpent Queen. You are now under my control.” Her gentle voice surrounded me like a warm embrace and I allowed her essense to wrap me in a tight hug. Soon, however, I realized that it was not only her commanding spirit that enveloped me. Her long, strong tail had begun to coil around my body and squeeze me until I couldn’t move a muscle.

There was something safe and comforting about her smooth scales against my skin and her tight grasp around my body. She groped and squeezed me in ways I never could have imagined, her tail fondling my crotch and coaxing a powerful erection from my nervous body. I had never been so mesmerized by a woman before, and this creature should have frightened me. I couldn’t look away, her eyes were too beautiful, and her voice relaxed me until I was like a limp noodle in her clutches.

“You are mine. My sssslave boy, from this day forward. Your body, your soul, your thoughts, and your money all belong to your Ssssssserpent Queen.” I nodded instinctively. I felt my very essence seeping from me as my Queen managed to slip my clothes off and discard them onto the ground. My nude body quivered with pleasure as her intoxicating touch made my erection grow even more. The tip of her tail caressed my skin, fondling my leaking cock and stroking me until I felt myself reach the edge of ecstacy.

“Oh, oh my God!” I mumbled. My Queen hissed and snickered, her tongue darting in and out as she shot me a wicked smile.

“Now, now, my little sssslave boy. You must submit to your Snake Goddess. Give your soul to me, give in to your most primal desiressssss.” Her voice was like a drug, sinking deep into my heart and drawing my soul out for her to feast on. “Give me your essence, my sweet sssslave. Give in to me.”

I couldn’t disobey. I nodded toward her, an expression of pure love and devotion spreading across my face. I sunk deep into her grasp, my entire body relaxed and pliable.

“Yes, my Queen.” I spoke as if my every thought were coming to life. “I am yours. I will always be yours.” Her eyes were like windows into a reality where my free will was lost and my every thought and desire was out of my control. My muscles ached as I came so near orgasm and my soul drained from my body in a soft, silver glow. She absorbed my very essence and when she had full power over me, she sent my cock into spasm.

“Yessssss, that’s my precious slave. Release for your Queen!” She demanded. My body obeyed and I moaned loudly as I exploded. My cock spurted string after string of warm cream all over her glistening scales. I quivered in her tight grasp and my orgasm coated her inviting tail. I had lost all control and her simple command had coaxed the cum from my body with a single word. I was hers. I panted and gasped, my used cock dripping, pressed gentle between her coils.

In that moment I had given up my free will and had submitted to my Serpent Queen completely. I lost all sense of time and somehow I found myself dressed and exhausted, kneeling before my sparkling Mistress. She gently kissed my forehead and then reared up, hovering over me.

“There’s my darling ssservant. Now, you will leave this cave and empty your wallet for the joy of serving your Goddesssss. You will go back out into the world and every moment you are away, you will think of me. Everything you do, every penny you make, will all be for me. You will return very sssssoon, and you will drain your accounts to visit your Serpent Queen again. Now, go. Work every day for your Mistress, and let your every thought and desire, be for me.” Her smirk was hypnotizing and I backed away slowly, nodding in agreement with my eyes fixated on hers.

I was once again lost in the haze, finding myself wandering through the mansion until I found myself at the front desk. I had no idea how I had gotten there, but all that was on my mind was emptying my wallet for the privilege of committing myself to my exotic Queen.

“I imagine you enjoyed your time with our Lamia?” The Vampiress asked with a cruel grin. I said nothing and simply opened my wallet and turned it upside down. Bill after bill and coin after coin spilled from its leather case. I didn’t bother to count, I simple pulled my credit cards from their sleeves and left them on the counter as I turned and walked across the foirer.

I couldn’t think. I couldn’t speak. I sat at home for hours staring at my nil balance on my bank account. I wasn’t afraid or disappointed, all I knew in that moment was that I needed to work and fill my bank account, so I could serve me Serpent Queen once more.


1 comment

  1. I like fantasy erotica, but this one just didn’t appeal to my specific tastes. Still a very good story, imaginative, and well written. Much appreciated. Upvoted.

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