24hrs of Cum – The Prequel – The Legend of Bobbie the Beast [fM/fmm/fmmmmmmmmmm][con/non-con]

I have gotten a lot of questions over the last couple weeks of posting my diary online. The single most repeated question by far is “when did you start cheating on your husband”, followed closely by “when did you first realize you wanted to be a ‘cum dumpster’ and be used my random men”. I have been thinking about that a lot recently. I recently answered the first question, the answer to the second is a little bit more involved. Before I go further, I want to take a moment to assure you that what I am about to relay is the whole truth, and nothing but: save a few details to protect the more innocent. Make no mistake however, those who know this story will recognize me immediately, and to them I say “Fuck You” I still don’t care.

I didn’t have an easy childhood: as I got older it only got more complex. My mother, Alice, died when I was only 7, and I moved from the Washington, DC area where I had been living, to East Bumfuck Texas to be raised by my Aunt Terry. Aunt Terry wasn’t really my aunt, she was, in fact, my mother. Her “sister” Alice, my “mother”, was really Terry’s mother: my grandmother. I wouldn’t find that out till I was much older. Grandma Alice, Terry’s Mom, had been the youngest of 13, in a good Catholic family, and when at age 15 she became pregnant with Terry, my Great-Grandmother Colleen made everyone agree that Terry was her baby. Terry became Alice’s sister, and her Colleen’s youngest daughter: the matter never to be spoken of again. It still makes my head spin to think about. Eventually, out of some strange sense of devotion to tradition, Terry went on to have me when she was only 14, and that’s when Grandma Alice took me away to live with her and raise me as her daughter. I recently found out that Terry had started using heroin in the late Seventies, just after I was born, and had disappeared one night: prompting my familial adoption. When Alice died, and I was sent back to Texas to live with Aunt Terry, I had no idea who she really was, or much about her.

I don’t remember much from the time, other than being sad, and not understanding where Mamma had gone, and needing to feel loved or cared for, and unfortunately Terry seemed to lack any great affection for me, and would just lay around most days, doing very little. It was Charlie who made it all okay for a while. Uncle Charlie was Terry’s on again off again boyfriend. He sometimes lived with us, and sometimes would disappear for days at a time. He was a long-haul trucker driver, though Terry made him work mostly locals, except when a job was too big to pass up. He made good money, and by the time I turned 12, they had married, and he moved in with out to our double-wide, all the while telling me how one day soon he would move us all to a better place he found, across town. For a while Terry was a little better when he was constantly around; Charlie was fun, full of life, always laughing, always ready to have a good time, or jump in to a game of tag or ball with the kids in the neighborhood. As I grew up, I found myself growing closer and closer to Charlie, and by the time I was 14, we moved into that house across town he had been promising, with an in-ground pool and a huge backyard just before the end of my Freshman year in high school. I was excited for the summer to arrive, and as soon as we could we open the pool, I threw on a bikini, and ran out to jump in. It was all during freshman year that that my body had started to develop. My boobs had come in and my ass had really begun to take shape, and by that summer I was no longer looking like a skeleton.

For years kids called me Sticks, or Bird Legs, or Olive Oil, and worse. Two boys, in particular, had been incessantly cruel, always teasing me: Joe and Kyle. Joe was Italian, tall and massive, with a big beer belly and huge arms; he would end up playing linebacker for the football team all four years. Kyle was black, also tall and muscular and played tight and sometimes running back and went on to play for USC before a knee injury ended any hopes of reaching the NFL. I was into sports from a young age: played soccer, ran winter track, played softball. In the summers before school started Football and Soccer practice would begin, usually in late July. It would begin then, I would be running across the fields and here “Hey skinny legs…. Hey Bird Girl” … “Yooohoooo” … “Birdy-girl”. I guess it never helped that my name was Robin. So all summer I would hear them, and then during the school year, constantly… “Whatup Skinny”, “Hey Birdy”. I often tried to ignore it, but I couldn’t always, and all to often I would come home in tears. And Charlie would be there with a smile and a laugh, and he would hug me and tickle me and tell me it would be okay.

When we moved to that new house, we moved in right next to Joe, which meant we basically also moved in next to Kyle, who was always there. And there was me, in my new bikini, all yellow polka dots, running across the yard. I heard multiple hoots and hollers and turn slightly to catch sight of those two hooligans, leaning on the rail fence between our yards. I am so caught off guard, not expecting them to be there, that I end up slipping and falling clumsily into the pool. I sink myself to the bottom, and stay under the water till running out of breath: totally embarrassed. As I emerge I hear new sounds, the boys calling out names and whistling and making the “Dah, nah, nah nah” sounds of The Strip. I suddenly realized my top had flown off in my awkward plunge and my newly budded breasts were sitting perkily on top of the water, nipples hard and erect. I turned quickly in the water, my face turning bright red, and there is Charlie, my savior, my saint, with my top in his hand, swimming towards me. He hands it to me and starts yelling at the two boys to “knock it off” and “show’s over”, but I catch him glancing at me every few seconds, leering a bit as I fumble to put my top on. It makes me feel odd. He has never seemed to look at me sexually before.

I have had urges since I was young. Before I was 6 I discovered that if I lay just right on a blanket we had with a permanent knot in the bottom and rocked the knot against my crotch it would make me feel all funny and wet, and by 10 I was already playing with my clit, and at 12 I had my first orgasm. But this was new. I had enjoyed watching certain boys play sports, and I definitely enjoyed watching girls undress in the locker room, but I had never felt ogled before. And now it wasn’t just Tweedle-Dee and Tweedle-Dumb, but a man who was “checking me out.” I was embarrassed, and a little upset, but I was also intrigued. As the summer went on, I started to become a little brazen, started to wear as little as I could get away with to the pool. After the first week, of being teased by Joe or Kyle or both, I finally relented, and slipping my ass into the smallest bikini that I was allowed to buy, I sauntered out and wiggled my way right up to them, inviting them for a swim. Immediately they were tossing off shirts, and shoes, and chasing each other to the pool. Both has great bodies, even though Joe was girthy around the belly and Kyle was all abs, that both had huge arms, and hulking chests, and my 5’10 body was still small compared to them: each well over six feet.

We started playing Marco Polo, and twice Joe managed to “accidently” grab my breast. A little later Kyle tried swimming between my legs, and when I wouldn’t let him and up lifting me completely out of the water, while grabbing my ass and half burying his face in my crotch. It was fun, and exciting, and mostly innocent: at first. By July my pool became the center of our day, I would join them outside in the morning and we would entertain ourselves all day, swimming, riding quads, playing games. Somehow these games often involved me getting grabbed, or pinched, or having my bottom smacked. Over time I started playing back, and would grab them, or grope them. Kyle had a nasty habit of sneaking up behind me and jamming his big hand up my ass-cheek, trying to push my bikini bottoms into my asshole, often pulling them aside a bit, or getting them stuck up my butt. After the third or fourth time he had done this, I reached out and grabbed him by him in the crotch, and tried squeezing, to force him to let go.

What I grabbed was thick and meaty, and I thought at first it was his nutsack, but it started to grow in my hand as I tried to squeeze it, and now was pushing out the front of his trunks in a very unseemly manner. I was mesmerized but could not let go. We froze a moment, his hand trying to force its way into my asshole, my hand wrapped around the meat of his massive dick, Joe staying behind us laughing and cheering him on, “Get her man! Get her! Don’t let her grab you by the dick!” Kyle lifts me in the air and start carrying me around. Smacking my ass hard, and pawing at my bottoms, trying to shift them loose. I squirm and struggle but can’t get away. “Free smacks!” “Free smacks!”, Joe is running behind him and smacking my ass now, also trying to pull my bottoms down. They are peeled half off my ass, my crack complete exposed, and Kyle turns, lifts me above his head, and tosses me high up, and into the pool. I am flailing and hit the water with tremendous thud of back flop. Surfacing I am half in tears, but don’t want to show it.

In pain, I swim gingerly to the side of the pool, winded. I get to the ladder and realize that once again my top is completely gone, my tits are out, and the top is nowhere to be seen. I don’t care. I am near hysterics, and just grab the ladder, pull my half naked body from the water, letting the two assholes get their view, realizing that the water has also pulled my bikini bottom down and nearly complete off my ass, exposing it completely, along with my small newly grown mound of pubic hair. “Goddamn man! Check out that Muff!!!”, “Woooo-hooo”, “Perfect throw man”, really laughing it up. I pull my bottoms up, throw an arm in front of my exposed chest, and go to storm inside: that was when I noticed him.

On the side of the house, next to the pool, on the opposite side of the yard from Joe’s family’s house, there was a small Pool house. It mostly housed the pumps and filter for the pool, but also had a small shed, a little changing area, and recently Charlie had built himself a small 2-person sauna. It was there, inside the door that led to the changing room and sauna that I noticed him. It was Charlie, standing very still, trying hard not to be noticed, but watching everything! How long had he been there? Why was he just standing like that? I froze a bit longer, and then hearing the hollers of the two assholes turned, flipped them the finger, and noticing my top floating now along the side, went to retrieve it and then headed in for the evening. I could feel Charlie’s eyes on me the whole time. It was a strange feeling. Later that night as I was falling asleep I thought I caught him peeking into my room, watching me. When I was little, he would do that every night, to make sure I was asleep, and okay. It used to make me feel safe: somehow that night it did not.

As August approached I was getting used to the daily round of grab ass and had mostly forgotten about Charlie. Soccer was starting soon, and I had other things on my mind. Joe and Kyle had a friend Ronnie who started coming by more and more often. He was a sweet boy, and was always very kind to me, and when Joe and Kyle started planning and end of the year BBQ, before school started, he made them invite me. I was excited to be finally going to a “cool kid” party, and the more they talked about it the more excited I got. Soccer had started, and I had taken to the intentional habit of wearing shorts that were much too small and let my ample cheeks hang out. I would tie my shirt up like a halter, towards the end of practice, exposing my smooth belly, and supple curves, and making my chest stand out a little. I would parade right by the football field on the way back to the girl’s locker room. Suddenly they weren’t teasing me anymore, they were all whistling and hollering and begging for my attention. It was fun, and I was starting to like it.

The weekend of the big BBQ came and when everybody came it was a crazy big crowd. It was hot still, and even in the early evening everyone was sweating, and it quickly got suggested that we all jump in my pool. I ran home quickly to make sure it was okay, and with a quick nod from Charlie, waved the crowd over. With in seconds there are thirty or so kids filling our pool, and I am in the middle of the crowd. Joe and Kyle are next to me, and we are being pushed toward one other by the crush of the bodies. One of them, maybe both, keeps reaching for my bottoms, attempting to pull them down. I keep trying to fend the off. Suddenly I feel Joe grab me from around the waist, and I squirm and wriggle trying to get away, Kyle swims round, reaches up under me, and forcibly yanks my bottoms down, I grab them, trying to pull them back up. He is half under water now, Joe lifting me higher, Kyle pulling and tugging and shoving his face right into my muff. I am struggling, and kicking and screaming, and I feel my bottoms coming further down, I flail and smack Joe in the ear with my elbow, and at nearly the same time land a solid kick into Kyle’s jaw. Neither blow is very hard: wrestling with these two big oafs all summer has taught me a thing or two. They are more shocked then hurt, pride wounded, but they don’t want to let me go. Finally, Ronnie, my hero intercedes, and makes them let me go, and I swim to the edge and get out.

Everyone is partying it up in my pool, but I don’t want to be in the mix anymore. I walk toward one of the chaise lounges on the pool deck, and again notice that Charlie is standing back in the little entrance, mostly hidden. I realize he must be sitting in the sauna, but with the door cracked, and the outer door open. I still don’t know what to make of it. I am too curious for my own good. I can see his eyes have met mine now, and he is staring at me. I walk towards the pool house, and step inside. Charlie is sitting in the sauna; his clothes are on the floor in front. He has a towel under him, but as I step further inside I realize that he is naked and has a huge erection which he appears to be masturbating. My eyes lock in on his massive member. It is thick, and long, must be at least 9 inches or more; one meaty hand working the shaft, while the other is stroking the tip and top of his shaft. I am fixated. I can’t look away. He can’t take his eyes off my body. I feel a little sick, a little uncomfortable, but I also feel enthralled, and watching this man, who has raised me for all these years touching himself in such an aggressive and overtly sexual manner overwhelms me. My knees begin to buckle a little, and I let out an audible groan, and lean back toward the wall to catch myself from falling. Charlie lets out a groan of his own and a massive explosion of hot cum spurts from the tip of his massive member. I am completely locked in. Frozen in place. I want to run away. I want to tell someone. I also want to gobble up every last drop. I have never seen a penis before, not like that. I have never watched a man masturbate before. I have never seen a man cum. Now that I have, I am absolutely enchanted. I need to know what that magical substance is, and why it makes me feel so excited to watch it spurting out of that big hard sausage of a dick. I come out of my trance, Charlie is cleaning himself up, and smiling at me in a funny way. I turn and bolt out the door and into the main house. I want to run to Terry, to tell her, to tell someone, but she is passed out on the couch: her fucking usual.

Junior year starts, and things continue to change for me. Ronnie and I start dating nearly the day after that first party, and soon I am always in with the popular crowd. I was getting invited out all the time, to join Ronnie, Joe, Kyle and the rest of the football team, cheerleaders and other cool kids at various cool kid events. Movie nights, game nights, driving around in cars on a random Wednesday night, nights. Things were good. Since the incident in the pool house, Charlie had been very wary with me, and then for the first time in years started taking long haul jobs again, where he would be gone weeks at a time. I was okay with that, but as Christmas approached the jobs slowed down and once again Charlie was home. Twice before Christmas I am sure I catch him peeking in my room. The second time, I intentionally started to undress, hoping he was watching. After that night I start wearing hardly anything around the house. Terry would be passed out and Charlie would be in the Den watching TV and I would prance in bra and panties, wiggling and jiggling a little for him. I would catch his eyes watching me, and then prance back out of the room.

It went on like that for a few weeks leading to Christmas break. The Friday of the start of break one of the football crew was having a party. It was supposed it be a no-parents keg party, another first for me. Ronnie and I showed up around 10pm to a house not far from mine, though much bigger. It was filled with the usual crowd plus a lot of people I barely knew, and others I had never seen. Ronnie disappeared to grab us beers, and I was left taking everything in. I hear him yelling “Bobby-Bigass”, and clench tight, knowing what is coming. Its Kyle, and this has become a familiar greeting when Ronnie isn’t around. His hand grabs for my rear, but I am getting too quick for him, and playfully dodge and bat his hand away. “Knock it off” I tell him. He is already a little drunk, and he starts talking slurred and a bit incoherent. Ronnie shows back up with beer, and soon we are mingling. Later that night, as the drinking continues, and people are beginning to fall out, I wind up sitting in a chair, in the middle of the great room, surrounded by people, and sitting in a circle. There had been a joint going around, and for the first time I tried some. It made me cough and feel light headed, a little on edge. Ronnie had disappeared with the boys to play some drinking game, and I was now alone in a circle of people I mostly didn’t know, trying to make conversation. I felt something warm and meaty brush my ear and my cheek and land on my shoulder. “Black snake!!!!” I hear in my ear, and turn to come face to face with Kyles enormous black cock. It is only the second penis I have seen in my life and it is absolutely massive. It is heavy on my shoulder, and my lips are nearly touching it as I turn. I yell at him, and swing hard at it, smacking it away. He yowls, and is about to get rough, when Ronnie appears and things settle. But now this is a new game. Just like “Bobbie-Bigass”, and grabbing at my butt every time he sneaks behind me, now he is also dropping his dick on my shoulder any time he get the opportunity. By the end of the school year, anytime we hang out, if Ronnie isn’t around either Joe or Kyle is now teasing me by dropping a schlong over my shoulder, and trying to smack me in the face with it. Joe’s isn’t as thick as Kyle’s, but its long and he manages often to whip it into my chin, and once in a while gets my lips.

One night, towards the end of the school year, after I party at Joe’s house, I am sitting next door by my pool. People are milling around, and I am talking to a girl from soccer, who I have become friends with: Sara. Suddenly I feel it coming, that hard thick warmth. Kyle massive cock smacks me in the cheek, and just as he is yelling out “Black Snake!!” I turn, open my mouth, intending to bite him, but end up taking him in instead, and not knowing what else to do at that point I sucked hard on the head, pretending to bite it. Kyle is whooping with glee, Joe see, and runs around in front and whips his dick out, swinging it towards Sara and myself. And that is when Ronnie walked round the corner, sees my mouth around Kyle’s huge member, and Joe waving his dick in my face: a literal melee breaks out. I am ducking and running as the 3 boys begin to brawl. A table gets broken. Chairs are getting through. I crowd rushes over as they fight it out. Finally, after multiple exchanges of blows, Ronnie throws Kyle to the ground, and punches him hard in the face. Kyle’s lip is busted open and his eye is cut open and bleeding: Joe steps in to break them up. Ronnie turns, looks at me, disgusted and walks away. I tried for weeks after that to explain it, but he never wanted to listen, and we never really spoke again. Ronnie had always been a perfect gentleman with me, and though we had kissed and cuddled, and I had wanted to, but he never tried, and so I never did: his loss in the end.

Everything changed after that party. Charlie was pissed over the broken furniture and had grounded me for a week. During the last softball game of the year I wound up with a broken ankle and started the summer on crutches. Though I sat by the pool most days, neither Joe nor Kyle was anywhere to be seen. For three weeks I sat around bored, and when the cast was finally coming off and I could finally enjoy the pool again, I found the backyard empty and boring, and would often just lay in the sun or ride my quad out into the fields. Charlie had been working long-hauls again but had taken off the long weekend for the 4th. He was home early. He and Terry had an annual BBQ every year around the 4th, and he was busy making preparations. I hadn’t given Charlie much thought in a while, but laying in the pool, on a floating chair, and watching him carry things back and forth. He is topless, and his chest and arms arm tight and muscular. He is thin, and smokes, but in great shape. He is wearing cut off jean shorts, and I keep getting stuck fixating on his bulge. Terry as usual is lain out somewhere inside, and a few times, I catch Charlie ogling me as he hustles about the yard. Feeling bored, and lonely, and without anyone’s attention, I get the sudden urge to expose myself to him. And though a part of me knows I shouldn’t, I don’t seem to care.

I pretend to yawn, and stretch, leaning back, mimicking a sexy pose I have seen in ads. Arching my back, and pointing my toe, yawning loudly. He is looking at me now, stopped dead in his tracks. Still leaning back, I reach my hands down, and spreading my legs apart seductively begin to adjust my bikini bottom playfully. And then, running my hands up my sides, I cup my breasts, pushing them together. I reach my fingers over the top and slowly start to pull it lower. He is fixated. I drop my hands and flip out of the chair into the pool. Swimming slowly towards the edge, I climb up the ladder, letting the water pull my bikini bottoms down, exposing the top of my ass. I don’t adjust them. I walk slowly, seductively, shaking my ass, towards the pool house. As I step inside, I undo my top and take it off and let it drop on the floor in front of me. I step in the changing area and turn to face him. He is still frozen on the deck. I step back into the changing area, into the shadows where I have caught him standing. He takes a few steps forward. Hesitates. And then walks quickly to the door, steps in and slams it shut behind him. I think for a moment he is angry, but it becomes obvious very quickly that he is not.

I have no idea what I am doing. I am barely 16 and he is a man, but I want him and not in a nice gentle way. I am still a virgin: not even quite sure how. Yet here I am. Standing topless, my breasts swollen, nipples erect, pointing right at this man who is at least twice my age, or more. Though we are not related, he has practically raised me. But the looks he is giving me, are not fatherly, they are not loving: pure lust, and I am enthralled by it. Not saying a word he watches as I pull the drawstring on my bikini, and let it drop to the ground. I cock my hip a little to give him a good view of my nubile young mouth and pink pussy. He drops his hands to his zipper, unbuttons, unzips, and drops his shorts and boxers to the floor. He thick meat is standing straight at attention: the helmet is purple and engorged. I lean back against the wall, I run one hand along my side, cupping my breast, licking my lips, I drop the other to my muff. Spreading my legs wider, I begin to squeeze and toy and play with my clit. I have become an expert at making myself cum over the last few years, and now I am putting on a show. I am watching intently, hungrily as he begins to stroke and work his shaft with both hands.

I want it in me. I want to suck it. I want to feel its girth opening me. But something in me tells me I can’t. I stay frozen in place but continue to masturbate. Charlie stays in his corner, doing the same. Our eyes never quite meet, but dart from head to crotch and back again. My legs are becoming like jelly, I can feel whole body start to tremble and shake. It hits me in waves of intense pleasure, starting in my belly, making my whole body convulse. Charlie’s massive member explodes, and he groans heavily: his goo flying toward me and landing on the floor. I want so badly to dive down and start lapping it up. I want that beautiful dick in my mouth. But the moment has passed. He smiles sheepishly at me, and picks up his shorts, and disappears back out into the yard. I am excited, and soaking wet. Alone now, I kneel down and dip a finger in his goo deposit on the floor. It’s still warm, and sticky, and I lift it to my lips. Its sweet, smells like fresh cut grass in the early morning. I am intoxicated by it. But I know it is wrong. I clean up, dress and head back to the pool and my floating chair.

Later that evening I hear a familiar noise coming from over the fence. First Joe, followed of course by Kyle, emerge from Joe’s house. They have been away at some football camp but are back now for the rest of the summer. I invite them over to come swimming the next day, and they both excitedly agree. That next morning I am out early. I am sitting with my back intentionally to Joe’s yard, dressed in a teeny weeny bikini, that is big ties on the sides. After a while I hear noises coming behind me, but pretend not to notice. Like clockwork I feel the slight breeze and then the thwack as the big black cock comes flying at my cheek. “Black Snake!!!!!!”, and then almost on queue from the other side “White Snake!!!!” and thwack, Joe’s meaty dick lands on my other cheek. I reach my hands up and grab each one, first gripping them, and squeezing a bit, but then I start gently stroking each shaft. They haven’t expected this. They are even more shocked when I stand up, turn around, drop to my knees and start doing my best to suck them. First, I take Joe’s long thinner shaft into my mouth. It’s a bit salty and sweaty, but his mush is intoxicating, and I suck down in him, while slowly trying to stroke Kyle’s massive member. I switch now, stroking Joe and trying my best to fit Kyles massive mushroom into my mouth. I end up mostly licking the tip. I tell them to follow me into the pool house and proceed to suck them both off until they both blow their loads in my face. I try my best to swallow but fail. This begins a series of encounters with them over the next few weeks. At first it is just me blowing them. Sometime just Joe, when Kyle is home and I am bored.

After I time Kyle starts pressuring me for more. One afternoon, while we are in the pool house, and I am sucking off Joe, he gets down behind me, and his big hands grab me by the waist. “Got-Damn Bobbie Bigass, you sho lookin fine” He yanks my bottoms down to my ankles and pushes me forward, spreading my cheeks. He shoves his face, half up my ass, and half in my pussy and starts licking me from my clit, through my pussy, past my taint and asshole and up the crack, all in one swoop of his thick tongue. I love the way it feels probing me, and I start to mash my pussy again his tongue. He spreads my cheeks forcibly with his hands and rams his big tongue into me. It can’t go far. I am sucking down hard on Joe now: I am becoming an expert at getting him off and swallowing every load. And as he sees me rocking back into Kyle he erupts into my mouth with a deep groan. I hold onto Joe for leverage, and rock back harder into Kyle tongue. “Damn Bobbie is you still a virgin?” I don’t know what to say. I feel a little ashamed. But he goes right back to eating me out, and I make a sloppy mess on his face as I cum hard from his licking. Later that night, after Kyle left, Joe and I sat out on my deck talking. He admitted to me he was also a virgin, though none of the team knew.

I looked at him for a long time, and then stood, and took him by the and led him into the pool house. There, in the changing room, for the first time, I undressed in front of him and I told him to fuck me. That I wanted us to be each other’s firsts. He was all smiles, and terribly over eager. The first time didn’t go very well. It was painful, awkward, and over before I realized. But after a few minutes I couldn’t help myself and wanted to try again. We ended up literally fucking all night. First in one position, and then another. By morning we were both spent, and Joe disappeared of to his house. I lay on the floor, staring at the ceiling trying to decide if I felt different. Little did I know. Our encounters continued between the 2 and 3 of us fairly regularly, but when it was both boys, I only blew them, and sometimes would let one finger me, or eat me out. And sometimes when Kyle left, I would let Joe fuck me. It felt to good not to, and I was starting to enjoy how his dick made me feel.

A week later it was the beginning of summer practice for football. Because of my broken ankle I had failed to make tryouts and failed to make the soccer team. Not knowing what else to do with the boys gone all day, I decided to help do stats for the football team and ended up helping with water and equipment as well. It was something to do, I got to watch the team practice, and I got to see plenty of Joe and Kyle. But something was wrong. It started as little murmurs when I would walk by. Sudden gasps and silence when I would walk in a room. The rumor mill was churning, and soon it came back to me. Word had gotten around about our summer escapades. Behind my back they were calling me “Bobbie Blowjob” and “Bobbie BJ” and “Bend Over Bobbie” and of course the one that stuck “Bobbie the Beast”. I wasn’t quite sure where it came from, at least not at first. But the stories started to get back to me. At first the rumor was that I was sucking the both regularly: okay fair point. Then that I was fucking them both regularly: half true. Eventually it got back to me that apparently the whole team had given me the go-round, and I had sucked and fucked all of them. And the final straw, apparently, I grunt like a pig when I fuck: hence the name “Bobbie the Beast”. I guess to be fair as it turns out this last point was also true, only I wasn’t completely aware.

I am livid. I am unsure what to do. I wander off into the locker room while everyone is out at the practice fields. I sit in the back of the girl’s lockers for a long time, just sobbing to myself. But deep inside. Deep down. Its not the truth in the rumor’s that bothers me. It’s the fact that what the rumors describe is somehow exactly what I want. As if somehow the rumor knew before I did. I become aware that my pussy is getting swollen, and cum is starting to run from me. I squeeze my clit a few times, and it begins to gush. I hear the noise of the girl’s soccer team coming back into the lockers, and know the boys will not be far behind. My mind is made up. They want “Bobbie the Beast”, I will give them “Bobbie the Fucking Beast!” I push through the incoming flood of girls and out of the locker room. As the last one goes in, the hallway becomes eerie and silent. I can hear my own footsteps as I walk down the hall from the girls locker, to the boys, and push the door open.

The stench of it hits me full in the face. Man-ass and sweat and just a whole cacophonic assault on the nasal passages and olfactory sense. But I feel drawn in. I walk slowly down the rows of lockers, taking it in. Towards the back is a gang shower, and I step inside. I strip down in the changing area, leaving my clothes in a pile on the floor, and walk to the back. Turning on one of the showers I get myself soapy and wet, and am slowly turning and bathing, and re-soaping. The water is hot, turning my normally pale skin slightly pink. I hear the noise first. The sound of the herd approaching. Voices, banging, locker slamming, laughter and then finally “What the FUCK!!!” “Gottdam Bobbie Bigass!” and then I hear cheers and chants. My back is to them, and I don’t want to turn around. I feel Kyle big paw jam its way up my ass-cheek. I would know that grip and that voice from a mile away. I turn to find him standing in front of me, completely naked, his rock hard cock standing out pointing hungrily at me. Behind him is an entire team of naked boys. The are cheering and chanting “BEAST” “BEAST” “BEAST” I drop to my knees and start sucking Kyle off. I am working his big mushroomhead, and slowly getting him into my mouth. The crowd is roaring, and he pull his cock out of my face, grabs my by the hair, pulling me to my feet, turns me around and pushes his massive erection deep into my soaking we pussy. I am very wet, but the water from the shower has dried me on the inside, and for a moment it is rough, and hard and his cock is filling me up and stretching me. It hurts, and I let out a deep loud grunt. The crowd roars in approval, and he hits my wet spot deep inside, and slide that massive prick in to the hilt.

I don’t know why I thought I could control the situation. I don’t know what told me a locker room full of teenage boys was a safe place. Kyle has my held by the waist and I pounding me hard and deep from behind. We are becoming surrounded, there is a press of naked flesh coming towards me. Hands gripping and groping me. I can feel bodies and hands and cocks. Two boys are trying to force themselves into my mouth at the same time. I try to find a way, but next I am being lift up, twisted, turned over. I am on my feet, with a dick begin jammed in my throat. A new cock is now being stuck in my pussy, smaller than Kyle’s while someone is pawing at and trying to finger my asshole. I am squirming, fighting. I don’t quite want to get away. I want to enjoy. But they are getting rough. Angry almost. I kick someone and hear them groan in pain. I am flailing now, and my foot connects with something soft, and I hear another groan of pain. But now there is a new sensation. I am being smacked in the face, hard. Then punched in the head, knocking me backwards. I can taste blood coming from my swollen lip, and my eye is beginning to swell. And there is rush of wet naked bodies on top of me. They are taking turns. Passing me around. I am getting fucked over and over. Cocks are being stuffed down my throat. Rammed in my pussy. I am gasping. Crying. Trying to scream, but I can’t get enough air.

They are fucking me two at a time now. I can feel load after load of hot jizz being shot inside me, and as one pulls out another grabs me roughly, wanting his turn: I am a piece of fuck meat. They are using my holes, and with each new cock, I am getting more and more into it. The pain in my eye, the blood in my mouth, it’s turning me on. I am grunting now. Deep and guttural. I start squealing. The boys are chanting, “BEAST, BEAST, BEAST!!!” I am playing into it now, taking on this role they have given me. Grunting louder, and throwing in “Oinks” and deep grunts, I start rocking back hard into the boy fucking me. “Give me that cum” “Give it to me”, the next one and the next one. I am being stuffed full. The crowd is pressing. Cheering. I am getting groped and smacked and passed around, and then suddenly, silence. I fall to my knees. One of the coaches is picking me up, covers me with a towel, and leads me out of the locker room. I am shaking, exhausted, battered. My whole body aches. My jaw is sore. My eye is swollen shot. My pussy feels like its been ripped open. And I realize as I am sitting in the principal’s office, awaiting my fate, that someone has cum in my asshole. I don’t even remember that happening. I am expecting the police, or the principal, or something? The football coach calls Charlie, who comes to pick me up, and take me to the hospital.

I won’t tell him what happened. The doctors, the coaches, Charlie, they are all asking but I just won’t say. But I am also surprised to find out that I am the one in trouble. I am being expelled from school. When Terry hear the rumors and the stories she freaks out and sent me off to an all girl’s boarding school in Basking Ridge, NJ. A year later I went on to nursing school, and then got married. Charlie died in a drunk driving wreck about a year after I was married, leaving Terry alone. A few years ago, she was diagnosed with cancer, which has recently spread to her brain, and she won’t be around much longer. After her diagnosis I had my husband move her to a nursing him near us, so we could take better care of her: not that she deserved it really. This woman, who hadn’t spent a single day of her life being a mom or even a parent to me, I am still not sure what I owe her if anything. She has always only ever been Aunt Terry, and likely always will. A few years ago, when we moved her closer, before the cancer really hit her brain, she told me some of the story. How she got pregnant so young. How she ran away. And then she dropped the bombshell. Charlie wasn’t my Uncle: he was my father. She told me she never told him, but I think back on it now and wonder how it could not have known.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/b60652/24hrs_of_cum_the_prequel_the_legend_of_bobbie_the


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  2. Wow.
    This brings back memories of my first friends online(back when the internet was a different place) talking about their first encounters.

  3. Well written, riveting, action packed… all the makings of a great movie… except for the sadness that underlies- I really can’t wait for more-

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