Awakening Mortus—the guardian of life

Soon, we three were standing on the dark and craggy surface of Gamorroh in our hiking gears. Nogard’s eyes were close while his unerring reptilian sense scanned the hellish landscape. Lava was oozing out of cracked earth; sporadic jets of gas were hissing from open vents; hulking shape of Verpa was shaking as low tremors raked earth every few minutes.

“There,” he opened his eyes. His vertical slit pupil were glowing with exhilaration. We switched on the headlamps and began the long hike. Gravity was two third of the Old One—helping me leap without being bothered by my tender behind.

“This is a wandering planet—how can it be so active geologically?” I ventured. Now that we were here, he would want us back in our professional roles, right? “There are no sun or moon to generate gravity tides.”

I flushed at his look of approval. “The core of this planet is alive,” he hissed.

Superstition—I smirked.

His destination was a large pit. As we neared, I was surprised to find steps carved in rock leading inside it, towards the invisible bottom. We followed Nogard down for hours, till I began to believe that we were actually descending to the center of the planet.

Finally, the stairs ended in a large cave, alight with smoldering fissures. Carvings of naked women—human as well as alien—in erotic poses adorned the chamber. Smoke rising from the cracks in earth gave off an exotic aroma. In the centre, an ancient statue of a horned manlike figure was seated on a throne.

“Mortus—the guardian of life,” Nogard whispered in awe.

He kneeled before the horned figure and began to chant in his hissing tongue. I and Laila stood transfixed by its exotic cadence. Still chanting, He stood up, drew out a wicked blade, slashed his arm, and posited the cut above the face of the statue—letting his luminous green blood drip on its lips. I gasped as the stone lips parted and a blackened tongue rolled out to drink the blood.

“Strip,” Nogard snapped.

It was a measure of how successful his training was during the long journey here that we were out of our clothes in a mere handful of seconds.

Mortus’ legs parted and a long penis rose erect.

“Make it ejaculate; that’s the only way to wake it up fully,” Nogard ordered us.

As our practiced tongues and lips set to work, the carvings of women made me think: “what if it’s guarding something other than the life?”


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