Blue Ribbons

Of course, they’d talked about this before and, admittedly, the thought very much turned her on, but actually doing it? She’d never thought he would dare…..

It was the middle of a lazy afternoon and she’d been minding her own business, surfing the internet, looking at perhaps buying a new pair sexy black boots when it had started. She was laid back on the sofa, the iPad on her lap, when he’d come into the lounge and approached her from behind. She felt him softly run his hands through her hair, down her neck and over her shoulders. She responded by dipping her head, her eyes closing instinctively to allow her to focus on the feeling. His touch was warm and familiar. Welcome. She had known what he wanted immediately. She could sense the desire in his touch and she’d happily let herself be led up off the sofa and out of the room.

He hadn’t said a word so she broke the silence.

“Oh yeah? In the middle of the day huh?” she quipped playfully.

He turned his head to look back at her and grinned, a flicker of mischief in his eyes sending a thrill through her body. He squeezed her hand in response and she’d followed his lead upstairs to their bedroom………….where she could hear the sounds of Coldplay issuing from the radio. A brief smile flickered across her lips……he’d obviously prepared!

That was roughly a quarter of an hour ago, before she’d been relieved of her clothes. She wouldn’t exactly say he’d rushed to get her naked but, as she stood passively before him, he’d certainly worked purposefully. Kissing and stroking as he stripped her, finally pausing to admire his work, running his hands over the smooth contours of her body before pushing her gently down onto the warm bed. Mildly aroused, and in anticipation of what was to follow, she’d allowed him to shuffle her up the bed and push her arms back above her head, savouring the sensation as he ran his hands down from hers, over her arms and brushing past her left breast as he did so, her nipple wrinkling and stiffening in response. She’d laid still as he rose from her. Something about the fact that he was fully clothed whilst she lay bare and exposed beneath him excited her – where was this going?

She hadn’t had to wait long to find out. He had reached down, in one smooth motion, to the side of the bed and pulled out four wide, smooth, blue ribbons, each about a metre long. Before she’d had a chance to frown in confusion he’d moved his hand to allow the ends of the material to play over her soft, pale, skin. Her breath drew in sharply through her teeth and she giggled as the ribbons teased over her body. She closed her eyes and stretched, pushing her arms further above her head, her hands just touching the headboard. She felt his hands on her wrist and she opened her eyes to see him loop one of the ribbons around her wrist and begin to tie. Her face must have betrayed a flash of surprise or perhaps concern because, as he continued to work, he’d smiled and looked her in the eyes……the instant connection between them relaxing her as he bound her hands to the bed. Something told her that talking at this point wasn’t part of the agenda!

She closed her eyes again and let her mind wander while he tied. He’d planned this carefully – the music, the warm room, the soft blanket over the bed, the ribbons……all of this deliciously naughty submission a surprise. A surprise that she realised she was very willing to experience.

Her train of thought was interrupted as he’d pushed her legs apart, his action smooth but firm and she’d fought the temptation to open her eyes. As her legs parted she became acutely aware of how excited she’d become as the cooler air of the room hit her moist warm pussy and inner thighs. She wriggled slightly with pleasure and, as he secured her feet, the bonds on her wrists bit slightly into her flesh – a new sensation to be enjoyed perhaps? She didn’t have long to savour it before she felt the last part of his plan slipping into place over her eyes, a blindfold, being fastened behind her head, his fingertips working to complete the task accidentally brushing the nape of her neck and making her shiver, the goose bumps spreading down her body, tightening her nipples and making her core contract with pleasure.  A soft sigh escaped her lips, and he kissed her mouth…….she lifted her head to meet him but as soon as she did so he pulled away leaving her longing. She waited, flushed and damp, wondering, anticipating the feel of his next touch……..but it never came. Instead she heard the soft sound of his steps leaving the room. What the hell?! Where did he go!?

As she lay there, with her eyes covered, waiting, wanting, she realised that her other senses were heightened. Her ears strained to hear past the sound of the music……..then, her heart skipped a beat. Was that that the catch on the front door? Could she hear muffled voices downstairs?! No, surely not, just her over stimulated imagination running away with her. Then, for certain, there was the faint sound of the kitchen tap running, followed by his steps on the stairs, down the hallway and back into the room. He shut the door and she sensed him move towards the bed.

“Where did you go?” she asked breathlessly.

“Just to get a drink. Quiet now, I’m back. You look……..delicious. Where to touch first………..” He was standing next to the bed, the desire obvious and open in his tone.

She jumped slightly as she felt his touch on her once more, his fingers caressing her collar bone, tracing a line along the smooth skin towards her breasts. She felt one familiarly warm hand move to cup her breast and another on her knee begin to gently stroke her thigh moving up towards the neatly trimmed hair between her legs. While the sensations began to fill her consciousness, her brain registered something so slight, so subtle, that she almost missed it. The hand moving up her leg was slightly colder, seemed slightly smaller than the one currently massaging her breast. And it was so……so, so very soft. Could she be imagining it? Were there two people here?

For a fraction of a second the possibility made her mentally freeze. Then, a dozen thoughts raced through her head all at once. Was there really someone else here? How could she tell? Who was it? Was he teasing her? (If so, he was doing a bloody good job!) Should she cover herself? (As if she could!) Should she say something? Even with the room softly lit she was sure that her exposure was pretty much complete………he, (they?!) could see her! She drew in a short breath to speak but as she did so he brought his mouth to hers, his tongue softly pushing against her and, at the same time, the hand stroking her thigh brushed across her clit. Oh fuck it! Did it matter? Did it matter, if, in the end, she’d never know? If she didn’t know for sure, then surely, it didn’t…….it shouldn’t.

At that point the sensations in her body overtook the thoughts in her brain as the hand caressing her breast moved to slowly circle and pinch her nipple while the other hand, emboldened by its previous actions moved to stroke the outer lips of her pussy. A short, soft moan escaped her in response. She felt him draw his mouth away from her lips and slide his hand across to caress the other breast. The sensation was pleasant but what was happening between her thighs had started to become the focus of her attention. Slim fingers flicked softly around her opening and began to explore, occasionally dipping inside……she was very wet. Oh, how she wanted the fingers inside her but they were teasing, exploring….how much longer would they play with her! How much more teasing could she take. Then, without warning, a finger slipped smoothly inside, she gasped audibly and her internal muscles tightened, trying in vain to pull it deeper but it slipped easily out again. The fingers continued their slow fucking action, in and out, circling on her g-spot and he lowered his mouth to her breast to began slowly sucking her nipple, flicking with his tongue as he did.

She was breathing heavily now, gasping in time with the movements in her cunt. It was soaked with her juices, so much so that she could hear the almost obscene sounds of her arousal over the music as it continued to play. Then, fingers were withdrawn and his mouth stopped its amorous feasting on her breast. She heard him move around the bed, feeling hungry eyes on her…..on her swollen pussy. She wanted more. Almost in answer she sensed a movement on the bed and a head between her legs. Warm breath on her thighs. Then, quite roughly, lips on her and a tongue greedily probing her pussy before coming to focus for a few, brief but delightful seconds on her clit before it stopped. He pulled away and moved around the bed, towards her head, once more.

“Don’t stop….please” she said pleading “Please don’t stop”

His answer was a kiss. Full on her mouth. She could smell and taste herself on him…….the scent of her desire filling her up. She moaned and twisted against her bonds and was almost glad when he stopped kissing as she anticipated what he would do once more. Again she heard the sound of him move to the foot of the bed and felt it sag again as a body lowered down between her legs.

This time, the mouth was gentle, so so gentle. It started with kisses, sometimes a tongue, moving up her inner thigh, inside her leg and up, up just above her clit hood, where short dark hair met damp, swollen flesh. The first soft kiss directly on her clit caused her hips to buck, involuntarily rising, pushing her pussy up onto the mouth as far as the ties would allow. In response a tongue traced tender circles over her cunt. This was a new technique. A different technique. Soft and patient….she liked it. She enjoyed the sensations as the mouth continued to explore her. Taste her. Drank her in. This was going to become too much very shortly. She never wanted the smooth lapping to end but equally she was going to explode. Her brain, filled with desire, momentarily registered embarrassment as she realised she wanted to cum in the mouth that was giving her such incredible pleasure. The out of place emotion quickly passed, replaced with a building desire to peak.

“Oh shit! Oh!” She shuddered, the words tumbled from her lips without thought as she abandoned herself to the spreading feeling in her pussy.

She gasped, her climax was close now, uncontrollable, it was hopeless to try and delay…….as if sensing this, two fingers slid into her, just under the tongue as it continued its delicious motions on her clit.

She came hard as she felt the knuckles against her lips, the fingers deep within her pushing firmly upwards onto her g-spot. Her mouth opened wide in a silent gasp, the only sound escaping her coming from the back of her throat as her brain tried to remember whether to breath in or out, the whole time the sensation in her loins sending electricity buzzing through her body. She pushed herself onto the mouth, her orgasm pulsating through the muscles squeezing hard upon the fingers still deep inside her whilst the tongue maintained its steady flicking rhythm.

“Holy shit!” she said finding her voice one more, “Holy shit!”

As the intense sensations of orgasm faded within her she moaned delicately as fingers were withdrawn, whilst lips and tongue savoured the eating of her but slowed…..their last action being to close and gently suck at her opening. Then, they were gone, leaving her empty and dazed, the only feeling she was now conscious of was the warm tingling of aftermath mixed with the smell of her, rich and heady…..

She lay still for a moment. Through the fog of her sensations she barely heard the door to the bedroom open over the sound of her own heavy breathing, although she sensed he’d left her alone once more. She wanted to move, to get up, the desire to reach the window in order to know for sure, if or who, overcoming the deep sense of relaxation she currently felt. But she was tied fast. Perhaps it was better this way…… not knowing for sure. After a short while, through her dazed and dozy perception, she registered that the door had opened again and he was back once more by her side…………..

“Hey” he offered as he untied her hands and ankles and let the ribbons drop to the floor “You look like you enjoyed that?”

“That……that was incredible” she said honestly, pushing back the blindfold and blinking in the light as her eyes adjusted “I definitely think we’ll be needing those ribbons again for next time”

Their eyes met as he sank onto the bed next to her “A next time huh?” He said sliding his hand down to feel how wet she was.

“Yes, I’d like a next time, I’d like to last longer!” she said parting her legs “But next time, let’s do without the blindfold……..”
