Pleasing You [MF] [Oral]

“Late, restless, and sore,” sighed Trevor Zander as he pulled into his driveway, “so what else is new?”

It had been yet another long day at the office. Again, Trevor got caught up with work that someone else should’ve done. Again, he had to be the one who picked up the slack because nobody else would. It was becoming too common, him pulling extra weight when others couldn’t. It wasn’t fair, but someone had to do it and he had to set the example.

It wasn’t fair, but it was still his responsibility. Ever since Trevor quit his comfortable desk job at an insurance company, his work/life balance had been erratic, to say the least. Ever since finishing college, he’d strived to be more than just some paper-pusher at someone else’s company. He wanted to star this own business, build his own legacy, and achieve his own goals. That meant putting in extra money, time, and effort. He just had no idea it could be so draining.

As he turned off his car and stared at the small house he could barely afford, Trevor considered staying in the car for the rest of the night. His wife, Rachel, deserved better. It was almost midnight and he’d promised that morning he would be home for dinner. The worst part of his day, by far, was when he had to call her that afternoon to let her know he had to break that promise.

It wasn’t the first time he’d gone back on his word, but it had been happening way too often lately. He’d kept making the same excuses. Breaking one minor promise helped him keep a much bigger promise he’d made the day they got married.

He told Rachel at the altar that he would give her a better life. He was going to start the business he’d been planning for since high school. He was going to rise above the poverty that had held his family back for years. He was going to give her and their future children every possible advantage. While he didn’t regret making that promise, he wished he’d thought it through.

“I’m a man of my word. I always have been,” he said distantly. “So why does it feel like I’m failing the woman I love?”

He wanted to bang his head against the steering wheel, if only to punish himself for breaking another promise. It didn’t matter that it was minor. He said he’d be home for dinner and he wasn’t. A lie was a lie, no matter the scale.

Now, it was almost midnight. For all he knew, she was fast asleep and he wouldn’t have a chance to apologize again. That was reason enough to hit himself upside the head, but that wouldn’t have made him feel less crappy.

“No excuses,” Trevor muttered. “You can beat yourself up all you want. You’ll never bury the excuses.”

That was something his father told him. He’d died several years ago, broken and in debt after working himself to the bone at a construction site. He was the one who encouraged Trevor to make something more of himself. So far, he couldn’t say he’d failed, but he couldn’t say he was succeeding either. The best he could do was prepare himself for more hard work and more broken promises.

“I’m sorry, dad. I’m sorry, Rachel,” he said under his breath. “At some point, I need to make those words matter.”

Knowing he wasn’t going to achieve that goal anytime soon, Trevor sighed to himself again and got out of the car. The restlessness seemed to follow him as he entered his darkened house, the only light coming from the living room.

There, he found his beautiful wife lying on the couch, fast asleep with the TV remote still in her hand. She must have been waiting for him. She was wearing those old sweatpants and oversized T-shirt she always wore when she needed to relax. She usually tried to be up, no matter how late he got home. He didn’t hold it against her, but at least she never made a promise she couldn’t keep.

“Good night, my love,” he said. “At least one of us should get a peaceful night’s sleep. You deserve it.”

Casting her an affectionate smile, Trevor kissed her on the forehead before covering her with a light blanket. She barely stirred from his gentle touch. Being the heavy sleeper she was, he wasn’t worried about waking her.

Content to let his wife sleep peacefully, he made his way upstairs where he stripped out of his work clothes and made his way into the bathroom. He couldn’t keep his promise to be home in time for dinner, but he could still make it so he didn’t smell like copier ink in the morning. Having not had time to shower that morning, he needed something to help him relax, even if he didn’t deserve it.

“It’s got to get easier,” he said to himself as he waited for the water to warm up. “This can’t keep being the least stressful part of my day.”

His nerves still frayed and his mind still racing, Trevor entered the shower and began rinsing himself off. The hot torrent of water helped soothe some soreness he’d been feeling all afternoon, but that was the most he could hope for. He was too restless to sleep and he had another long day ahead of him tomorrow so chances were that harder days awaited him.

“This time, I won’t make promises I can’t keep,” Trevor told himself. “No more excuses…especially to the people I love.”

He kept telling himself that as he stood under the hot stream of water, letting it wash away the frustrations and rigors. He wasn’t sure if he would even try to sleep. Maybe he was better off just doing some work from home to get a head start on the next day, which already seemed so daunting.

As he contemplated that prospect, though, he heard the bathroom door open. Then, through the fogged up glass of the shower, he saw a familiar figure approach.

“Rachel?” Trevor called out. “Is that you?”

“Of course, my love,” replied that sweet, caring voice he knew so well. “Who else would be here for you this late?”

Before he could ask another question, the shower door opened. Sure enough, it was Rachel, wide awake and with a loving smile on her face. He was so taken aback that he almost forgot he was naked and looking right at her.

“Looks like you had another rough day,” Rachel said. “Hell, you’ve been having a lot of those lately. And I feel like I can do more to help.”

Then, that loving smile never leaving her face, she took off her clothes. Even though Trevor had even her naked many times before, watching the woman he loved strip was still a sight to behold. He was at such a loss for words that he barely moved when she entered the shower with him.

“Scoot,” she said. “There’s plenty of room for both of us.”

“I know,” said Trevor, “but…”

“No buts,” she said, silencing him with a finger to the lips. “I know it’s late. I know you’re overworked and over-stressed. That’s exactly why you need this…why we need this.”

Trevor wasn’t about to argue with a beautiful naked woman. He was more than happy to make some room for Rachel, who hadn’t been fast asleep after all. He was all too eager to enter her loving embrace, their naked bodies coming together in an almost desperate need for love and comfort. With the hot water still cascading down between them, he finally felt some semblance of relief.

“Are you going to at least let me say I’m sorry?” Trevor asked her as he held her in his powerful arms.

“You already did, remember?” Rachel reply.

“I know, but it’s worth saying again. I promised you I’d be home for dinner and I wasn’t. I keep trying to make time with you and things just keep getting in the way.”

“That’s bound to happen for someone trying to build his own business.”

“That’s not the point. What good is building something if you don’t even have a chance to share it? I’m not just doing this for me, remember? I’m doing this for us.”

“I know you are,” said Rachel, “and I love you for that. I also knew we were in for a lot of sleepless nights when I agreed to marry you…and I’m not just talking about our honeymoon.”

“Except that was sleepless for very different reasons,” he said with curt grin.

“But you’re not the only one who made big promises on our wedding day. I remember making a few of my own. And I’d like to keep one of them tonight while I have the chance.”

That sweet, caring tone in her voice made all stress from earlier melt away. Then, still standing in a naked wet embrace, she kissed him. It might have been the best possible remedy for such a long day. Tasting her lips while feeling her breasts press up against his chest was such a wonderful feeling. It helped remind him why he’d made such lofty promises to her in the first place.

For while, they just soaked it in, kissing and caressing one another under the steaming torrent of water. Rachel lovingly pawed his chest and back while he felt up her womanly curves, giving her butt some extra attention along the way. Despite all the stress he’d endured from a long day at work, his body still reacted to her sensual affections. He could already feel an arousal building between them.

Rachel must have felt it too because, as they kissed, her touching drifted down towards his lower body. Her hand soon made contact with his manhood, which was already semi-hard. Without saying another word, she broke the kiss and dropped to her knees.

“Rachel,” Trevor gasped as he felt his wife’s hand on his cock, “what are you doing?”

“Pleasing you,” was all she said.

That was all she needed to say. Still looking up at him with those loving eyes, she sensually licked her lips before taking his member into her mouth. It made his legs tremble, his knees almost buckling on the spot. Trevor had to hold onto the glossy walls of the shower for support, the sudden flood of sensations coursing through his body.

Rachel was skilled at a lot of things, but oral sex was one of her specialties. She knew just how he liked it, suckling his member with care and precision. She was so thorough, slithering her tongue along his manly length and squeezing the shaft with her firm grip. It was enough to divert the flow of blood in his body and refocus his thoughts on something other than work.

“Ooh Rachel!” Trevor moaned. “That’s just…what I need.”

That only encouraged her. With the water still falling around them, she sucked him harder, bobbing her head back and forth along his rigid length. Trevor soon found himself fully aroused and overwhelmed with desire. Looking at his wife, he no longer cared for broken promises or stressful nights. His only desire was to make love to her in the way she deserved.

“My love,” she said to him after giving his shaft one last lick, “I think you need something more.”

“So do you, my darling wife,” Trevor said with a grin, “so do you.”

Her eyes radiating a similar desire, she rose up from the shower floor. From there, Trevor took the initiative. Empowered with newfound passion and determined with renewed focus, he turned her around and pinned her up against the nearby wall so that her heart-shaped butt was pointed right at him. From there, lust and instinct took over.

Now positioned behind her, Trevor grabbed hold of her waist and aligned his rigid manhood with her wet entrance. He then delivered an intimate thrust, entering Rachel’s womanly depths. Gasps and moans quickly followed. Their flesh now united in a passionate harmony, they began moving together under the torrent of water.

“Oh Rachel!” Trevor moaned.

“Mmm…are you pleased, my love?” Rachel moaned in response.

“Ooh yeah!”

She’d really done it. Moments ago, he’d been so anxious and restless. Now, he’d joined her in a shared daze of passion. He honestly couldn’t imagine a better remedy for such a long day.

As their naked bodies moved to the steady pace of their lovemaking, he lovingly kissed down her neck, savoring the taste of her naked skin. Rachel loved having her neck teased. It always drove her wild during their intimate moments. It showed in the way she bucked her hips in accord with his every thrust, using the wall as leverage every step of the way.

As the intensity escalated, his hand found hers and their fingers interlocked. Rachel also turned her head at times so they could share a loving kiss, a gesture of love to balance an act of raw lust. It led to more heated movements. Aided by both intense arousal and the steamy environment of the shower, his manly flesh slithered effortlessly within her womanly depths. Just as she knew how to please him in his most stressful moments, he knew how to please her too.

“Rachel, I…I’m getting close,” Trevor whispered into her ear.

“Me too, Trevor. Me…too!” Rachel gasped. “Let’s…let’s do it together!”

“You please me. I please you. It’s only fair.”

It couldn’t have been more fitting, him returning the favor for her going out of her way. She was such a good woman. She deserved the best and Trevor was going to give it to her.

For the final push to ecstasy, he withdrew from her briefly and turned her around. He then pinned her up against the shower wall again, hitched her leg up over his arm, and entered her again. He made sure to be extra fervent with the pace of their lovemaking, locking eyes with his beautiful wife and caressing her face in preparation for the final moment. When it arrived, the look of joy on her face made every stressful day so worth it.

“Oohhhh Trevor!”

It was a sight to behold, his wife climaxing before his eyes. There was something extra special about it in the steamy ambiance of their shower. It made his own descent into ecstasy that much more satisfying.

In that moment, it all came together. She clung it him desperately as orgasmic bliss consumed her body. He held onto her as white hot pleasure surged through him, his manly flesh throbbing within her hot depths. A mixing of their juices coupled with intense sensations made for a harmonious culmination, one that felt as rewarding as keeping a promise.

“Trevor,” Rachel said, her face still awash with passion, “I still believe in you…in us.”

“Yeah…me too,” said Trevor breathlessly.

“You haven’t…broken your promises. You’re doing…your part. I want to do mine too.”

“You are, Rachel,” he said with a wide grin. “You most certainly are. And I won’t forget that again. I promise.”



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