The Bigamist Pt 2 [FF]

Seventeen months to serve. That’s what he got, seventeen months. Well, it could have been worse. Under Washington State law his marriage to Anna is voided, and I have already filed for divorce. Not sure how it goes in California, but my guess would be property settlement is going to not be favorable to Karl. Really, though, I didn’t care at this point. I was only interested in my affair with Anna. This woman, out of the blue, came into my life under the most incredible circumstances and turned it upside down. It wasn’t planned, it wasn’t pre-arranged, it just happened. And it was great. She had to go home after the trial, and was, I hope, waiting for me in LA.

A number of calls, a couple of emails, some text messages, and a few days later the kids and I were on the plane to LA. Mom and Dad saw us off and I was fearful, hopeful, scared, thrilled. What if she got home and realised that what happened was freakish, not to be repeated. Would she be meeting us at LAX? Or would she not turn up and say nothing? Fuck me! I am sounding like a fucking insecure teenager. Well, OK, that’s what I am right now. I’ve had a few days to cool down and now a three hour flight, five hours all up from home to LAX, and how long it will take for us to connect with Anna then get to her place – if she’s waiting for us at LAX.

Waiting to get off the plane, my heart was racing, my knees trembling. I was really nervous. Three kids in a busy airport wasn’t anywhere near as scary as the fear of Anna not being there. I remained seated in the plane, telling the kids that we will wait for the people to get out of the way, give us a chance of getting off the plane in one piece. The kids were getting a little antsy, but this was a big adventure for them and I was holding them back. I went over the calls and the messages, Anna knew the flight, knew where we would be, but what if she wasn’t there?

“Gary, you hold onto Robert’s hand, Patricia, you keep and eye on them, and Robert,” he looked up at me with his big blue eyes, “This is a big, big place and I don’t want to lose you. So when we are off the plane, I want you to hold onto Gary’s hand and and hold mine with your other hand if you want to, OK?” He nodded, giving me that look that says I’m not stupid, Mom but he’s only six years old. I made sure their bags were well placed on their shoulders, Gary was 10 and Patricia 8, but they were smart kids, they figured it out for themselves.

“Mom,” Gary said in that gentle, matter-of-fact voice of his father, “It’s OK, we know what to do.” Patricia nodded. I took a deep breath and headed for the exit. The stewardess politely said, “Thank you for flying with us, and I must say that it was a pleasure having such well behaved children on such a long flight.”

“Thank you,” I replied, “It was a good flight.” Gary and Patricia said thank you too and Robert, well he gave the stewardess the same look as his father would, a cool and appraising look then he smiled and the front end of the plane lit up while he said “Thank you Miss, this was my first flight and it was very good.” The stewardess smiled and wished them well for our stay in LA.

Disembarking from the plane, we walked along the breezeway and into the reception lounge. Behind the barrier there was still a crowd of people and I looked around. Gary saw it first, “Mom, look – there,” he pointed. There was Anna, with a boy and a girl alongside her holding up a small sign, “Welcome to LA, Julie, Gary, Ingrid and Robert!” The sign started bouncing up and down and Anna smiled, relieved and as excited as the children. I dragged the kids along behind me, all I wanted to do was to wrap myself around her. Fuck, she is so fucking beautiful. I felt my nipples harden and my vulva swelled at the sight of her. My panties were going to be uncomfortable as they were now so wet.

Instead of having the five bedrooms, by the time I had cleaned out the two occupied bedrooms I had put the extra furniture into the fifth. There wasn’t enough room left in the small bedroom, half taken with office furniture anyway, to put another bed. We had moved Ingrid’s single bed into Joel’s room and as we only had one other single and a double bed left, someone was going to share. I moved the double bed into Ingrid’s room and made some space for Patricia in the wardrobe. It was large enough for two anyway.

I told Ingrid and Joel that they would have to share with Patricia and Robert in their rooms and Gary, being ten, could be in his own room. After dad left, Ingrid asked me where is Julie going to sleep? I told her that Julie can sleep in my room as I have a big bed like the one she and Patricia are going to have to share. She didn’t mind that idea at all, as long as Patricia wasn’t like Shelly Jackson and wets the bed. I told her no, nothing like that, but Patricia might snore, like she did! That started a pillow fight and for the next few minutes, I was pummelled by both my children, laughing and striking back when I could. Julie was arriving the next day, and every time I though of that, my stomach would just flip-flop. Was she really coming? Would she want to continue where we had left off? So either she would sleep in my bed or we were going to be pressed for room.

Watching the four of them walking out of the breezeway, I struggled not to strip and fuck her right there in the terminal, I wanted to – but it was bound to get me talked about. The first sight of her took my breath away and I’m glad the kids were so excited, it covered up my lust nicely, I think. We hugged and reluctantly pulled apart, I introduced my two to Julie’s three and she did the same. We gathered in the luggage and I herded us back to the people mover I had hired for the occasion.

“It’s about 50 minutes to home,” I said, “Depending on traffic.”

“Where do you live?” Gary asked.

“Laurel Canyon Boulevard.”

“Anywhere near Gary Cooper’s old place?”

“Just up the road and around the bend,” I said.

“Wow! Can we stop and look?”

“Well, you can walk to it from our place, but you won’t see anything. The front is covered with thick bushes and trees and there’s a big solid gate.”

Gary looked a little crestfallen, “You know, I”m named after Gary Cooper?”

“Why doesn’t that surprise me, Patricia for Patricia Neal, Robert for Robert Taylor, then.” They both nodded, and Ingrid said, “Ingrid Bergman” while Joel echoed “Joel McCrae.”

“Your father had a thing for Gary Cooper, didn’t he.” The children looked at each others and started laughing.

“Not as much as he did for you two,” Patricia put in, which started Gary laughing, and the others joined in, not sure of it but something funny had been said.

I thought they were a lot more relaxed about the whole thing than the adults were. Julie looked at Patricia who was sitting in the rear seat, “Mom, you know the kids at school were giving us a hard time about it, so we all know.”

I know that at six and four year olds wouldn’t get what was said, all they knew was that they were meeting their brothers and sister whom they didn’t know. There are so many versions of the extended family these days, I’m not sure it makes any difference to children any more.

“OK, honey, but we don’t have to make a big deal of it, alright?”

“Sure mom,” Gary and Patricia agreed, the others didn’t seem to know what we were on about, or care. I looked at them all in the rear view mirror and could see the resemblances between them. My two are a little fairer in skin tone, but they all have those blue eyes, all dark hair, slightly lean, with cheeky smiles. Gary was 10, Patricia eight, Ingrid nearly seven, Robert six and Joel, five, and all good looking children.

“How long are we going to stay Mom?” asked Patricia.

“At least a month, maybe longer if it’s OK with Anna and Ingrid and Joel.”

My heart jumped in my mouth, stay longer? That suits me right now, but will it in a month’s time? We will see, I thought. “That sounds good to me,” I said, “But you might get sick of us and want to go home sooner.”

“Nah,” piped in Gary, “The kids at school were not being very nice to us, I’m glad we came here to get away from them.”

“Well that’s something we can talk about later,” Julie put in, “But for now, we are in Los Angeles and we are going to be driving up Laurel Canyon Boulevard. How great is that?”

We got home and arranged the kids in their rooms and got ourselves settled a little. I made coffee, with a decent coffee machine I had ordered from an on-line catalog. Julie and I sat down and talked about what was happening for the next month.

Julie surprised me by asking if these plans were fixed for any reason. I shook my head and she said, “Look I don’t know what is happening here, what I am feeling, but right now, I want to be with you.” I said I wanted to be with her too. Then she said, “I mean I am thinking that I might want to stay here, with you.” I shook my head as I wasn’t sure I had heard her correctly. “I mean, right now, I don’t think I want to go back to Seattle.” I just about collapsed in my chair as she got up and wrapped her arms around me and kissed me. “The kids can keep themselves entertained for a bit, just like I am going to.” She lifted me off the chair and dragged me, not unwillingly I suggest, into the bedroom.

Julie kissed me again, then quickly undressed me. She kissed my breasts, my stomach and then lapped at my clit. By this time I was so aroused that I wasn’t going to last long at all. It only seemed like moments and I was cumming over her face. How I wanted that. It was wonderful, knowing I was loved by someone else, knowing that she wanted me in her life. She came up my body, still dressed, kissing me. I took her face in my hands and pulled her to me so I could kiss all my juice from her face. I felt so fulfilled at that moment, holding her, kissing her. The last four months just hadn’t happened. All I felt was the simple joy of being with someone I wanted to be with.

A knock on the door interrupted us, and, being naked, I jumped and landed in the en-suite. “Mom,” I heard, but it had to be Patricia, “When’s lunch?” I felt awful, “Tell her I’ll be right out and start preparing it. Won’t be long.” The message was passed on and Julie started laughing, “Foiled by lunch!” she said. “Kids, always getting in the way of great sex!” I replied as I quickly dressed.

Lunch was over and the kids were settled into their rooms. It had already been a long day for Gary, Patricia and Robert, and not that much shorter for Ingrid and Joel. A light lunch when tired means they will have a short nap, waken and have energy to spare then a heavy dinner and a good night’s sleep. Tomorrow, we are all working. My parents are coming here to look after the kids in the afternoon and Julie starts her first evening at the restaurant. Julie brought some school work for hers and I had arranged a tutor for all of them, twice a week, covering all their classes. Mom helped them where she could and where she couldn’t dad would help – sometimes.

That is how the days went, and the nights, well, I got to sleep with this beautiful woman and have great sex. What can I say? I am in love with her. The children had some of the normal children issues, establishing pecking order and hierarchies, but these were quickly sorted and without much heat at all. Gary became leader of the pack, mainly because of his age, but also he is very much like his father, cool, calm, never raises his voice, but surprisingly, it is Robert who challenges him most. Robert is seriously bright, even at the age of six he is an obviously outstanding intellect, he is frightening. His teachers are just going to have to keep up with him, I suspect.

By this time, my mom and dad were getting a little curious about the nature of my relationship with Julie, so I told them. It was quite a shock, their daughter a lesbian? Not at all, I have no interest in any other woman I have ever met, just Julie. I have no idea where this came from, all I knew was this was a person I wanted to be with in every sense of the word, I told them. They were surprised at my interest in a woman, but accepted it was my choice and in doing so, accepted Julie into their lives.

Julie and I went to a sex shop in Hollywood and bought a strap-on, along with a couple of other little toys. That was a fun day off. We got back to our home and had the strange device unwrapped and well washed ready for its first use. I put on the harness and it felt really strange to have this prong jutting eight inches out in front of me. Is this what guys feel when they get an erection? Surely not, it wouldn’t be so fucking uncomfortable.

I had Julie’s panties down and my tongue in her slit, her ankles spread and when she was good and wet, I asked her if she was ready. “For sure,” she replied. She rolled over and got on her knees, presenting me with that luscious ass, and her swollen pussy all ready for this thing. I semi-kneeled in behind her and took hold of her hips. Getting a little more upright, I positioned the knob of this dildo on the outside of her lips. I eased forward and saw the thing slide up and nearly lodge in her asshole. “Ay! Not there!” she cried. “Sorry, it slipped.” I replied .

I tried again, and again, it slipped. Fuck this was getting seriously fucking stupid. How do guys do this? Does a dick have a little brain that directs it inside a woman naturally? I repositioned myself and took hold of the prong, steering it towards it’s goal. I heard Julie gasp as I found the mark and watched the knob push aside the folds of her labia and disappear inside her. I stopped and Julie cried, “Keep going!” I kept pushing until it completely disappeared and Julie groaned her pleasure, “Oh YEAH!” . I pulled out then pushed in again, repeating is over and over. Shit, this wasn’t as easy as I thought it would be. It was hard to maintain a rhythm, hard to maintain my balance, hard to keep Julie in the right position. Fuck! Being a guy was fucking hard work! And the fucking straps of the harness were moving!

I could see Julie reaching under herself and begin fingering her clit as she cried her joy at being fucked doggie style. I wasn’t poking her fast, but tried to maintain a steady rhythm, and she reacted to it by pushing back on me. While it wasn’t easy, it did settle into something approaching a fuck, I think, maybe. Results are in the outcomes, they say, and it was a while and some extra effort by me to keep going that Julie finally came.

It wasn’t one of those earth shattering events, but a mild tensing and moans intensifying then a squeezing of everything and a release. We got there, but I was fucked! Seriously! Again, how do guys do this? I was sore around the inside of my thighs where the straps were tight, and my knees were trembling, even as I lay on my back. I was gasping at the unexpected effort. I certainly wasn’t conditioned to do this.

I could already tell that Anna was really worn out using the strap-on, but she will catch her breath. I held her, kissed her softly, gently. OK it wasn’t that good but it was the first time. Things will get better, in the mean time, I undid the straps and took it off her. I pushed her knees apart and gently caressed her clit and would plunge my fingers into her. She did respond, eventually, but she was in that twilight between wakefulness and sleep. I held her and let her drift off.

Her breath slowed to a regular pace, so I pulled the covers over us and turned the lights out. I laid back and thought about this mad whirlwind I found myself in. I have no idea why she does what she does to me, I have certainly never been this attracted to a woman before. Yeah, I have had sex with a woman, while I was in college, but that only lasted until my first field trip. She was gone when I got back, well, she had another lover and there was no room for me, which was OK. I had made my mind up to break it off anyway so timing was great.

I considered that we had gone through the same experience, together. We had children by the same man. Even though he really did betray me, and was in jail for it, I still loved him. Maybe I sense that Anna does too and this keeps him alive for me. Now where the hell did that thought come from? Sounds like some kind of new age, spiritualist bullshit. There has to be more to it than this. I am really prepared to pull the kids out of school, move a 1000 miles away from home, just to be with her. And damn the consequences – wouldn’t be the first kids to have two mothers. I felt the night close in on me, wrapping its arms around me, sprinkling me with pixie dust.

During the night I dreamt of Karl, his dick more precisely. I tasted it again, shooting in the back of my mouth, yummy. I woke suddenly, and kept the dream. I drifted off again and this time it was Anna and I waiting at the gate of Cedar Creek for Karl as he finished his sentence. That woke me up with a pounding heart, but I wasn’t sure if it was fear or arousal. I had a good feel of my nethers, and sure enough, wet. I felt a pair of lips on my shoulder and a hand reaching down, taking over from me. I turned slightly toward the lips and they swiftly attached themselves to my left nipple as fingers flew over my clit. It wasn’t long and I came again, the surge of sexual release sweeping through me. Anna moved and took me in her arms and we were both asleep in moments.

The morning light peeked around the edges of the curtains and I felt Anna stirring next to me. She quietly moved out of bed and went into the en-suite. I heard her peeing into the water and my bladder told me it was time for it too. As I dozed, I realized, Anna made me cum three times last night and never asked for anything in return. The flushing of water let me know she was done, so I went into the en suite, trapping her as she was drying her hands after washing. I hugged her from behind and gently squeezed her breasts, flicking the nipples. I kissed her shoulder and nibbled on her neck.

“You are amazing,” I said, “I think I’ve fallen in love with you.”

“Good morning to you too,” she replied wriggling her cute ass on my lower belly, “Want some more do we? mmmm?”

“No, your turn, just get into bed and assume the position, I’ll be right with you.”

“Yes boss!” She laughed as she turned and kissed me, on the mouth. Bed breath and all. What can I say, she loves me. I quickly did what I needed and as I went back into the bedroom, I saw her and she took my breath away. Fair hair, big blue eyes, about an inch taller than me, but great looking body, good sized, baby chewed nipples, and a dark thatch of hair between her thighs, trimmed and silken pubes. I crawled over the bed and started kissing her leg, then her thigh, and over her belly. Every soft touch of my lips she gasped and when I got to my target, she was so wet I could have slid my fist into her, which I’m am going to, but later. For now, I am settling in for a good feed on her pussy.

I licked and lapped at the soft folds of her labia and swiped over her swollen clit, prodding and lapping, sucking up her juices, over and over. Then she came under my tongue. Her pussy pushed out a more metallic juice, signalling a cum, and I kept lapping her. On and on I licked, keeping her in a higher state of arousal and then she came again, and again, one right after the other. I loved it. The power of making Anna cum was intoxicating. I swear, if a little breeze had touched me on the right spot of my pussy, I would have cum myself right then. I was just so excited I could barely breathe.

I lifted off her pussy, and kissed my way back up her body, lying on top of her, our breasts in full contact. I could feel her pubes on my thighs, and I kissed her. Anna’s arms went around me, holding me, pulling me closer to her as she could get me. We broke the kiss and I said, “I love you,” quietly, softly, she smiled and kissed me again with all the passion and love I have ever felt from everyone I have ever loved. “I love you too, and I never want to let you go.”

I kissed her, and held her in the quiet early morning of the day. Then it all disappeared with the thundering herd of children running around the house. I swear, those kids, they all have inbuilt alarms. Or maybe it’s the aroma of good sex that sets them off. “Did your two get really active after you had some great sex and just want to relax for a few moments in each other’s arms?”

Anna laughed, “Yep, inbuilt sex radar I think.”

“Yeah, must be something in the air.”

“Oh yeah, the aroma of sex is enough to get anyone going, but kids especially . Maybe that’s how we learn it, from our parents but we don’t know what it is we are reacting to. We better move.”

“Mmm feed the starving horde.”

The day began and we got to spend some time with the kids. I was struck over and over how much alike their mannerisms are, their speech patterns, their posture, all reminiscent of their father. All of a sudden I remembered my dream from the night before, it was somewhat unsettling.

The days blurred into a week, then another. I know Julie said she wanted to stay, but four weeks were going to be gone so fast. I really don’t want her to go.

We were already halfway through her initial visit and I didn’t feel like we’d had much time together. When we did, it was wonderful, I loved being wrapped around her, the thing inside me, her fucking me. The sex was brilliant, and I was getting better at doing her, doggie style, and she was loving it too.

Another week passed and between the restaurant, the kids, my parents, my anxieties, I really don’t feel like Julie and I are really getting a lot of our time together. We’re not apart much, but we are always surrounded by other people. I am so fucking selfish at times I just want her to myself.

We went in early one morning to look at the book work and get some things ready. I fucked her, on the desk, before the staff arrived and made her cum, loudly and strongly. It was entirely unexpected and breathtaking, for her anyway. I’m not sure what was more powerful for her, me just taking her as I wanted or me being so nonchalant about it all afterward and just going about my business. I got a real beating that night with the thing as she reciprocated and I loved it.

Julie was supposed to be leaving in a week and we had had a long day. We were tired, one of those draining days were a customer from hell complained about everything, the decor, the seating arrangement, the service, the food. When I refused to reduce the fare for their meal, she threatened to report the restaurant to the health authorities. I gave her the number then asked her to pay her bill and leave or I would call the police. I really hate that part of the job. Why can’t some people just be nice? They must be hell to live with. Her poor partner was just standing there, saying nothing, he pulled his credit card out and paid the charge, so she argued with him about not paying it at all. He must really love her or he wouldn’t put up with it – or maybe she is a future statistic for domestic murder, but not my problem. That sort of thing can take the gloss off even the best day, but until then, while things were not really terrible through the day, they could have been better.

We were lying in bed, just holding each other. I kissed her and breathed in her wonderful aroma. We make small talk about the kids, about work just trying to get it out of our minds, then she said, “I still don’t want to go back to Seattle.” We were of one mind here, “I don’t want you to leave” I said and it was settled. I told her how she made my life whole and that I loved her. She told me that I was so much a part of her that to leave would be to tear herself to pieces. She was going to sell the house in Seattle and move here, permanently. I held her, kissed her and we slept.

In the morning we talked about the enormity of what we were going to do. Julie wasn’t just heading south for the winter, she was moving permanently and bringing her children too. I had no problems with that, our kids got along very well, sure they argued a bit, but they always resolved their difficulties. The younger kids would gang up on Gary, but that was the ongoing sibling rivalry between Gary and Robert, we learned very quickly. Sometimes they would be split, Gary and Robert against Ingrid, Patricia and Joel, or any combination thereof, but it was never overly heated, never violent and never lasted more than a few hours max. Patricia, at first, would often step in and be peacemakers between the boys, and it wasn’t long before Ingrid joined in to maintain a balance between them.

Julie called her parents and told them what she was intending on doing. I told mom and dad, and while dad went quiet, mom was happy that I was with someone who could actually end up marrying someone else – legitimately.

We told the kids that they were going to be staying in LA for a while, and that really did suit them. Gary got that speculative look, but said nothing. Patricia was a little upset that they were not going to be seeing grandma and pop, but we assured her that was only a temporary thing, we would still going to be going up to Seattle occasionally.

The only cloud in my changing life was Karl. At night he would visit my dreams, we would make love, talk and make love again. I would wake up so aroused in the middle of the night, I would have to fuck. Poor Julie would be asleep and I would wake her with my lust. We both slept naked now, easy access because some nights she would be waking me. Between us, we had wonderful sex, being pleasured by Julie was unbelievable, pleasuring Julie was tasty, sensuous, and consuming me – or would that be the other way around. I really was eating her pussy but it gave me such joy making her cum it was consuming me. At times, that was all I wanted to do and that was sometimes awkward when at work, or having dinner with the kids.

For the next few days we were Skyping with Guy and Jerry about what we had decided. Initially, they were not happy about it, but we told them that one option was that they buy into the restaurant. They really couldn’t afford to buy it individually, but as a partnership, and if we were to finance them, it would be a goer. The only issue would be Karl, but under the law Julie owned half the restaurant and I had a claim against it, so I did a deal with Julie that I would forgo any interest in the restaurant, on the proviso that Karl would agree to a partnership. This was put to his lawyer and after a few days, the answer came back from them. Karl had agreed to selling half his interest in both restaurants to staff and he agreed to the financing option as well. OK, I thought, he is expecting Julie and me to sell them half our interest as well, well that ain’t happening.

With that out the way, Julie had a professional moving company clean her house out. A home repairs guy came in and fixed those little things that go wrong in a house, a leaking tap, a squeaking door. A carpet company replaced worn carpets. The small garden was always cared for by a local guy, she told me, he cut lawns, pulled weeds and trimmed trees. Julie rang and spoke to him, let him know he would be missed, but she could only ask him to send a final account when the place was sold. All up she spent some $90,000 on this, an extraordinary expense I thought, wasteful. We could have gone up there and done it ourselves, but she said she didn’t want to enter the house again. A real estate company advertised her house. It didn’t last long and at $1.9m, was sold quickly, so $90 grand was not a lot. All this being done by remote control. Karl had already paid for the house so there was no mortgage, just like this place. Karl did not like a lot of debt, said interest payments were only in the bank’s interest, not the client’s.

After fees and charges and a number of other costs, Julie split the money in two, depositing half in the joint account she had with Karl and the rest she used to set up her own account in LA. We didn’t discuss this, didn’t have to, I knew that is what she would do, just as I would. While it ended badly, Karl was still loved, and Julie wasn’t going to fuck him over with money.

Time passed, a few weeks then months, we got the business side working to the point where we decided to open a new franchise in San Francisco. We scouted, remotely, potential sites for a restaurant, worked out a budget for fitting it out, then went ahead with it. It was slow at first, but it soon picked up and was breaking even in six months. We sold half interest to the head chef and his wife and we have never had any reason to regret that decision.

We were now spending more time on administration, suppliers, and the essential bureaucracy of any business. It was going well, and soon we were talking about another restaurant in San Diego.

Julie and I were in bed one night and I just felt the need to be close to her, as close as I could get without clothes on. I held her and ran my hand down her back pulling her ass and hips into me. My intent was clear.

“Oh God, you are such a horny bitch. Last night and again today. And Now!”

“What can I say, I’m in love, or rather, I want to be in my love. As far in as I can get.” I tongued her lips and pushed my tongue into her mouth.

“Oh yeah,” she panted, “More of you I can handle.”

I had a thought, “Hold on.” I raced into the bathroom, grabbed a bottle of baby oil. Mystified, Julie was lying in her back, her legs slightly parted, on her elbows as I approached the foot of the bed. “Oh, that’s perfect,” I said slowly pulling the sheet off her, exposing her naked body to my eyes. “Don’t move.” Her baby chewed breasts and erect nipples were inviting but I kept pulling the sheet downward, exposing more and more of her. Her lightly fur covered mons came into view, already showing lines of pink as she grew excited at what was about to happen. She had no idea.

I crawled onto the bed ran my lips and tongue over her legs worked my way to her inner thighs, then over her mons, caressing her labia and clit with my tongue. She tasted really nice, so I plunged my tongue into her. All the while, I kept the small bottle of baby oil near me. I lifted my head off her, and opened the bottle, dripping some oil onto my hand and wiping it over her pussy. I could feel her looking at me, wondering what I was doing. I inserted a finger into her, rotating it slightly. Although she was wet for me, she needed a lot more oil for what I had in mind. I inserted a second finger, twisting my hand as I pushed into her. Soon there was a third finger and every time i pushed into her, she gasped. When I added the forth finger, Julie was moaning loudly.

Julie held the crook of her elbow over her mouth to muffle her cries and moans and gasps. “I’m going to go all the way babe, my whole hand,” I said, and she whimpered as my four fingers slid deeper into her. “Want me to go on.” I heard a muffled “Don’t stop! Give it to me! Fuck me!” When I thought it was time, I eased out enough to cup my palm and position my thumb, then ease into her again.

I had been watching fisting videos to see how it was done, and there were a couple of old ones that were really instructive. One was two gorgeous blondes in red elve’s hats, a xmas video and the other a French film, something arty anyway. I had heard about it and watching a video is not the same as doing it. It wasn’t as easy as it looked though. Trying to get the knuckles inside the labia was not easy and every time I stretched the labia Julie squealed in pain, well it sounded like it, but she urged me to keep going. So I did and got closer and closer. Then my hand slipped inside her, completely inside her.

Julie squealed and grunted at the same time, muffled by her elbow she still managed to make a strangled “Fuck me!” cry. I pushed my hand inside and curled the fingers into a fist. It was tight but not jamming my hand tight. The bones of my wrist went inside her too. Julie squirmed under my fist as it pumped in and out of her. I caressed her clit with my other hand, while pumping my fist steadily in and out of her. Every time I went in she squealed and grunted with delight, repeating “FUCK ME!” over and over into the crook of her elbow. She pushed her hips up onto my fist and went into a huge spasm of joy as she came. I felt the walls of her vagina grab my fist and pull at it, and still I felt the added lubrication of her juices.

This seemed to go on for several minutes as wave after wave of pleasure grabbed at my hand. Eventually she subsided and collapsed on the bed. “FUCK ME!” she cried gasping for breath. “That..” gasp “was..” gasp “fucking…” gasp “fan” gasp “tastic” I went to ease my fist out of her and opened the hand, “NO! LEAVE IT!” she demanded. “That’s the biggest dick I have ever had in me. A little while longer..please!”

I left it there, and kissed her belly, I couldn’t get to her breasts. Julie moaned again and fell back, somewhat stupefied by this new action.

“Biggest dick?”

“Well that’s what it feels like, a really huge cock. Bigger than the strap-on! I fucking love it! And I love you!”

“Bigger than Karl’s?”

“Oh yeah, way bigger!” Then she sobered looked at me and I could see the tears in her eyes. I pulled out and she gasped, went to her to hold her, kissed her lips and said, “I love you too, babe.” And cried.

“I really miss him.” I whispered, “I love you and him and its so fucking confusing.”

“I miss him too but you have really helped heal me,” she replied. “Yeah, I love him too, but I am still very angry at him.”

“I thought I was angry at him too, but he really brought you and me together. Maybe it wasn’t intended, but it happened. I think I can forgive an awful lot for that.”

Through her tears, Julie smiled and kissed me. She rolled me over onto my back and rapidly worked her way down to my pussy. Her tongue gave me such a lashing that within moments it seemed I was cumming all over her face. She didn’t stop there though. I felt my legs being lifted and my ass followed them into the air. My knees where next to my ears and Julie’s tongue and fingers were taking turns at delving deep into me. She then turned her attention to my asshole.

I nearly jumped at this unexpected turn. Julie waved her tongue between my clit and my ass, wiping over both of them, bringing me to a level of pleasure I had not known before. Well, had not experienced before and it was certainly pleasureable. It wasn’t long before I had cum again and again.

Resting in each other’s arms, we kissed and cuddled, dozed a bit then roused and kissed again.

“I can still feel your hand inside me,” Julie said. “That felt good.”

“I love making you cum, any way I can get it.” I kissed her, deeply.

“I’ve never had a really big dick before, Karl was the biggest.”

“Really?” I asked. “Karl’s big that’s for sure, but..”

“-But…what?” Julie prompted, “You’ve had bigger?”

“Well, … yeah. Long before I met Karl, while a freshman at College. There was this guy who was not that good looking, but really shy type.”

“A pity fuck?”

“I.. no… it started with a conversation, about classes we shared. We met in class, then discuss lectures and classes over cofee. He was really very bright, and I knew he had no one to work with but it was really difficult to get past his shyness. It took a while but once you got him in conversation, he was funny and very astute observer.”


“At first it was the common interest thing, but then I wondered what he would be like in bed. He was a virgin, that much was obvious, so I eventually got him into my room. When I bounced all over him, there was something wrong. He wasn’t reacting as he should. He was really embarrassed, stuttering and was not letting me get his jeans down.” Julie’s eyebrows raised, “I flat out asked him if he was gay, and he said no, he didn’t think so. Then he just blurted that he was deformed, ‘down there’.”


“Well that’s what I said, and then told him that’s the price of being male, he had a dick, guarranteed deformity. He said no, then just pulled it out and said ‘That’s what I mean!’. No kidding, it was huge, I’ve never seen anything like it. I must admit I stammered a bit and then told him it was magnificent!”

“What made him think he was deformed?”

“Apparently, in high school, other boys would tease him about being so big after gym class. Told him he was deformed. He said it got so he refused to go to gym, caused no end of problems for him at the school and refused to tell anyone why.”

“Well, how big was he?”

“Really long, about 9 inches, and about as thick as my wrist – and he wasn’t fully erect.”

“Fuck! that is more than half as long again as Karl! What did you do?”

“Tried to suck it, and couldn’t get much more than the knob in my mouth. Then we fucked, and I was right, he was a virgin. He didn’t last long, but he really did fill me up. So him being a virgin and me on the pill, I took as much of him as I could, bareback. He lasted about four strokes then shot all in me. I had never felt a dick swell and shoot like that before and there was so much of his juice it was still dripping the next day. I had to use a tampon to go to class without embarrasing myself.”

“So what happened?”

“I told my room mate.”


“She asked if I would mind it if she road tested him. I liked him but not to the point where I was obsessed with him so told her to go for it. She did, and so did a lot of other girls as word got around.”

“So what happened to him?”

“I’m not sure, but he lost his shyness very quickly, then he dropped out, so I don’t know. With that dick though, I thought he might have finished up in porn,” I laughed.

“Have you ever done a threesome with another girl?”

“No. You?”

“No, never found a guy I wanted to share with a girl, and when we got married, well, just not considered it.”

“And two guys at once?”

“Hah! Never found myself in the position of having to make that choice. You?”

“It was – uncomfortable, actually. Not enough room on the bed, uncertainty on the guys part. They weren’t sure what they should be doing, so not an entirely pleasant experience. Not entirely unpleasant either, but it could have been a lot better.”

“With practice?”

“Maybe, but never happened again and haven’t bothered since.”

“Then maybe we should get a bigger bed?”

We stopped, I looked at Julie and my jaw dropped.


1 comment

  1. These are good, kinda unnerving as my wife and I are in a Open/Polyamorous marriage.

    These bigamist and polygamist laws are an everyday threat to us. But because we don’t claim to be married to anyone else and just call our partners Girlfriends we are safe. But as of right now we have no path to legal recognition and we feel pain in that mostly because we can’t give out partner the legal protection we want to provide her.

    We are a triad. Meaning we are all equals to each other. They do their own thing from time to time and I get my time with them every now and then. Lol I heard the term “trouple” for the first time the other day. Basically fits us.

    They are free to see other people as I am too. The 3 of us are not exclusive. We don’t see sex as a exclusive activity, we see it as a natural part of being human and that if you find someone that your body clicks with you enjoy the time you have with that person.

    However there is a “trouple” in Florida that is planning a “group” marraige in 2020. It will likely face a challenge up to the supreme court. However I think the better route is to go state by state and change the laws there. There is no reason to criminalize any relationship dynamic that involves consenting adults.

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