The Bigamist Pt 1. [FF]

My Husband, the bigamist.


It was over, finally. Guilty. Sentencing to come tomorrow, the last act in this tragi-comedy. I held Julie’s hand as the verdict was read, knowing what it was going to be, but hoping not. What a hell ride this last three months were. I had a loving husband, two successful no tipping restaurants in two different cities, making money, living lavida loca! Then it all came crashing down.

Karl would spend a week in LA, then back to Seattle, then turn around. He always said that being away from home was rewarding but really hard. Lots of chefs are prima donnas in the kitchen, abusive and demanding. Not Karl, yes, demanding, he required high standards of all his staff, but he never raised his voice, never abused anyone. If you got it wrong, he would give you such a look of disappointment that you just knew you wanted to do it better next time.

Karl was, well is, this charming guy. Austrian, and such a great chef. I met him eight years ago when he came to LA to open a new restaurant. He has a real skill and already had a popular restaurant in Seattle, was looking for some staff and I applied. I won the job of Maitre de and fell in love with him. When I finally couldn’t not be with him, I stayed one evening as he was cleaning up, he was always last out the door, I helped him, then I helped him some more. I took him home and we made love all night. It was the best sex ever. A long night, working hard and he was such a lover. Having his dick inside me was such a pleasure I knew I wanted more. And I got it. We married within a year, and when he was in Seattle I continued my job of administrating the business here.

I got pregnant and gave birth to Ingrid the day before our first wedding anniversary, a beautiful girl. Eighteen months later, out popped Joel, and we were both very happy. It went on, his crazy travel between cities and me running a restaurant and being a mother. We lived in my apartment at first but soon moved into a bungalow near Gary Cooper’s old place on Laurel Canyon Boulevard. Karl has a real bromance with Gary Cooper and if the bungalow had been available when we were looking, he would have bought it. All paid for from the profits we were making out of the restaurants. We were doing well, always did really well.

Then one day, two cops showed up and by the time they left, it was all over. Karl had been arrested in Seattle. Bigamy. Unbelievable. I spent the next week talking to cops and lawyers finding out that I too could have been charged with bigamy under California law. I managed to convince them that I had no suspicion that he had ever been married, he was married to someone else, or anything. When he married me, he was, apparently, already married in Seattle. He was still married to her. He would live with me in LA and her in Seattle. Then I learned she had three children, two boys and a girl. They had already been married for three years and had a two children before he married me. I was so angry at him! He had betrayed me and for no rational reason, I was really angry at her too. She took him away from me, my husband, stolen by some frump in Seattle!

She had found out he had a second wife and lodged a complaint. She took him away from me, my children, with that complaint. I know, it makes no sense I should blame her but I was not thinking straight. While I was being the dutiful wife, he was fucking someone else – Julie, his first wife. Oh, I had no illusions he was all pure and never strayed, I am not that stupid. Karl is handsome, charming and horney, our sex is -was- brilliant, his cock always seemed ready. So while I never pictured him being faithful, I knew he was always going to come back to me. He loved me, and the kids. He was always there for things when they needed him, if he could be. First day at school, school plays, anything and everything when he could. They loved their father, he was always so kind, gentle and loving with them.

During his trial, he was asked about his children, all five of them. He was able to tell the court things about Ingrid and Joel even I had forgotten. He did the same with Gary, Patricia and Robert, Julie’s children. The way he spoke about them all was as a proud father, a loving father, it broke my heart. Like he had.

Karl had been ordered not to have contact with either Julie or me, or the children before the trial and that was a punishment undeserved for the kids. During the trial, which was held in Seattle, I had left the kids with my parents, and I was shaken by the whole experience. I have been asked by the prosecution to come and testify, but Karl’s defense attorney had met me in LA and he interviewed me “for background”, she said. She suggested that I actually meet his other wife, and talk with her. I didn’t want to but the lawyer informed me that there were so many issues to sort out that we had better talk, and not fight. She also told me that only the lawyers would win if we were too busy hating each other. Advice like that, from a lawyer, was actually alarming, so I heeded her comments and asked her to set up a meeting with this woman, Julie.

I stayed at a hotel near the court and it was there where I met Julie for the first time. One of Karl’s lawyer’s associates brought her to me and we sat in awkward silence in the dining room of the hotel. Part of that was the fact she is just beautiful. She has dark hair, flashing green eyes and with three children, so svelte, trim and stylish she made me feel like a frump, and she’s the one from Seattle.

The associate, Bill, broke the ice, and essentially told us that between us, if it could be settled amicably, and the restaurants sold off with a minimum of fuss, we would likely nett somewhere around a million dollars each. This is nonsense, I knew, restaurants rise and fall on the reputation of the head chef and said so.

Bill’s response did surprise me, he knew that the LA restaurant had taken a little hit initially, but was now coming back to normal trading, I knew it was, but didn’t know he knew. The same in Seattle. Karl’s selection and training of staff was really paying off. Julie then chimed in for the first time and said that she actually wanted to take it over and run it. She didn’t know anything about the restaurant business but knew the staff well, really liked and trusted them, was prepared to keep it going. She didn’t want any of them to lose their jobs because of something none of them had anything to do with. That was appealing to me, showed courage and commitment. Not very smart, she didn’t know anything about the business, but I kept my silence and realized that I felt the same way.

We started talking and I found Julie to be a quick and lively conversationalist, really very smart type. I later learned she has a degree and PhD in cultural anthropology and is an author of well received academic papers and two books. How that was going to help her into the restaurant business I had no idea. I later learned she had a lot of field experience, organizing joint field trips with geologists, archaeologists and a number of other -ogists, into First Nations lands and Pacific Islands. This really translates into an excellent practical skill base to build on. Planning, provisioning, supplying, transport, housing, funding, budgeting, management, all technical skills needed in a very successful restaurant today. Negotiating, administering, dispute resolution, balancing priorities and a lot more besides, all people skills, absolutely essential in any business today.

An hour later, Bill said he had to go and I looked at Julie, wondering if we could have a reasonable conversation without Bill as a referee. I then asked Julie if she would like to stay and continue this conversation. She nodded. It wasn’t long before we drifted off the topic of restaurants and started talking about what we were feeling. I quickly learned she was just as hurt and lost and angry as I was. She was so pissed she had to lay a complaint. Honestly, I would have too. We got to talking and found we have a lot more in common than we thought.

We are very different people, but we loved Karl, and the children we had with him. He was really a great father, and except for this little flaw of having two wives, there was nothing wrong with him. I found out she saw a photograph of him and me at the restaurant. Some kind soul thinking they were doing us a favor, promoting the LA restaurant, uploaded it to the web and it was captioned with Karl and wife, Anna.

I came into the hotel lounge with the thought so there was no point in arguing. I thought, just do the deal and fuck off was my hope. As long as she wasn’t a harpy, it should be OK. Split the assets, she can keep the LA restaurant and I will do the same for the Seattle site. We got to talking about the business, and I actually started to like her. Her comments about the business linked to the chef rang true, but I know I could do the management job and the Number 2 chef could easily be head chef. That was when I said I wanted to take the business on and run it. We discussed this for a while and even with my skill set, it might be a big task.

Different propositions were kicked around and essentially it boiled down to either keeping the restaurants going, selling them or closing them. The big question here was Karl. If he goes to jail for a year or three, then what happens when he gets out? We really needed to talk about this in a lot more detail. Bill left and while I was uncertain about what was going to happen next, I found myself liking this woman, despite my determination not to.

At first we made small talk, then we started talking about the kids. She pulled her cell out and showed me some pics of Ingrid and Joel. I did the same and we both saw the strong family resemblances between these half siblings. Anna started crying and it rapidly became a sob session as I joined her. She then stopped, got control and said she must look a mess, just like I felt. She invited me to her room so we could clean up and get our shit together.

I went, without any hesitation, and soon was half undressed in her bathroom reapplying my makeup. I came out of the room and saw her, sitting on the bed and without any forethought, said, “God you are fucking gorgeous. No wonder Karl fell for you.”

Anna looked up, a little startled and replied, “No, you are absolutely beautiful. Why would he turn you over for me?”

“Well, he didn’t, really. Maybe he just likes fucking beautiful women.”

“No, it’s more than that. I never felt that he didn’t really love me, or the kids. No-one is that good an actor.”

She had a point. “Yeah, I have to agree there. He always knew what was going on with me, and you can’t be that close to someone without loving them.” Anna nodded. We talked about a lot of the private little things between a man and a woman. I though he would be the same with her as he was with me, but no, well not in everything. Some things were the same, but a lot were very different.

I told Anna how I found out about her. She nodded and I said that after I saw that pic, I was stunned by this discovery. I was his wife and here was some gorgeous, sun bleached, tanned, blond Californian bimbo claiming the title! Anna laughed at that description. She told me that when she first saw me, I made her feel like a frump. Fuck, I come from Seattle and I make her feel like a frump? I had to hug her. I pulled her to her feet and held her, feeling her trembling telling her that neither of us were to blame. She spasmed and started crying again, which got me going too. We held each other and cried in each others arms. We kind of fell onto the bed and just let loose with the tears.

You can’t cry in someone’s arms and not love them. And that is how our friendship started.

The trial was set to last for three days, the number of character witnesses that were lined up by Karl’s defense taking up the most time. The defense team were very adept at making challenges to what we considered were a social norm. I understood that there are many polygamist marriages in the country today. I knew that if he hadn’t married Anna that we wouldn’t be in court, except maybe a divorce court. He wouldn’t be facing jail if he hadn’t married her. If they were living together in LA, having children, no-one would have batted an eyelid, but he married her so the full weight of the State fell upon him. Put that way, the whole thing is ludicrous.

The first night of the trial, I invited Anna to the restaurant for dinner. We went and I still found myself enjoying her company. We talked girl talk and then it turned serious.

“You know that in the end, he is going to jail?” I asked over a typically wonderful Karl planned meal. Julie looked a little startled, but nodded. “We have two families, related to each other but will never know each other.”

“I hadn’t thought of that, but yeah, they are unlikely to get to know each other.”

“If your kids are the same as mine, which they probably are, they are lovely children. Is it right they should not know each other at all?”

“What are you talking about here?”

I took a deep breath, “After this is over, come to LA with your kids. Stay with us, and let them get to know each other.”

“I don’t know,” she replied, hesitantly.

“Look, you want to know how to run a restaurant.” She nodded, “I do run one, well the business operations anyway, and the team there are brilliant. Come to LA, I can help get you started and when you get back here, you’ll be able to ease yourself in the business operations without causing too many problems.”

She thought about it a bit, and I went on, “The guys you have here are pretty good, and Karl wouldn’t have kept them on if they couldn’t measure up. No doubt, they are either already looking for other jobs, or they will as soon as the verdict is in. They’re too good to hang on to.”

“Yeah, that’s possible, but I have been talking to the crew and so far, they are still with me.”

“The head waiter, Gay,-”

“You mean Guy,” Julie said.

“Yeah, sorry, he is a honey but really light on his feet. Any fancy restaurant will snap him up in an instant.”

“So what are you suggesting?”

“Tonight, after close, before anyone leaves, talk to them. I’ll introduce myself and let them know that I’m business manager of the LA restaurant and you’ve agreed to come to LA and learn how to run it. When you get back, your head chef,-”


“Jerry, will continue in that role and you’ll be supporting all the staff in the business side of things. They do the culinary and creativity and serving thing, you take care of the rest.”

“Me, in LA?”

“Yeah, with the kids. We have a five bedroom bungalow, and the kids can share rooms. You can sleep in the other bedroom.”

“How long for?”

“A month at least, so will have to be over the summer. Let the staff know tonight, their jobs are secure while Karl is away.”

“You’re inviting me into your home.” It was a statement.

“Yeah, why wouldn’t I?”

“Why would you?”

“Because, despite his little character flaws, Karl is an excellent judge of people. I would think that even if we do not have a great deal in common, I would find you a person who is worthwhile knowing. And meeting you makes me feel I want to get to know you a lot better. Besides, you want to take on the restaurant, you will need some help. Who is better positioned to help than me?”

“When you came here, I was determined not to like you, you know” Julie admitted, “But you are a very, very hard person not to like.” She smiled, and I just felt my insides melt. I reached over and took her hand, and she responded by lifting my hand to her lips, giving it a soft kiss. What the fuck? My nipples just got real hard, I hoped they didn’t show.

The rest of the evening went like a dream, but I know my heart was racing for most of it. I have no idea what brought this on, but fuck, something did and I am pretty sure it’s about 5’6″ with dark hair, blue eyes and just beautiful.

We spoke to staff and from the guilty looks, I thought that perhaps we had either saved the day already or we were fucked before we got going. Both Guy and Jerry looked relieved though and they surprised me by coming up with expressions of support for Julie that I really hadn’t expected. That’s when Julie surprised me again.

“You know that Karl is not likely to be coming back for a while, but he will, sooner or later. I hope that you understand I am only a temp in this job, and you give me the same courtesy you have shown him these years.”

Again, the staff surprised me with a we’re glad you are going to take over, we really don’t want to work for anyone else. The tension that had been building was gone, and everyone knew where they stood.

Julie hugged everyone, me included which raised a few eyebrows. It was then she dropped her bombshell about coming to LA and learn with me.

I told the staff that I wanted to learn the business and run the administration side of it. I wanted them to stay, to work here and keep the best restaurant in Seattle open. They assured me they wanted nothing more. Guy and Jerry were leading the staff, well they would, No#2, now No#1 chef and head waiter. We had a good talk and when I got that expression of support, I very nearly lost it. I had to hug everyone.

Then I told them that I was going to be going to LA for a month and work in the LA restaurant, the penny dropped. They then knew who Anna was. There were more than a few shocked faces, but once they knew it was serious and we were planning to work together, they came around pretty quickly. After that, it was let’s just get on with it. Bookings had fallen off again here, mainly due to the publicity of the trial, but that would be over soon. We can reasonably expect that things would return to normal, all we had to do was weather the storm.

It was really only a matter of making arrangements for the kids to minimise their disruption that would slow the process down. Then I though, fuck it, they had been getting a bit of a hard time at school, kids can be cruel. A break from school might be good for them right now. When we get back from LA there is only a week to the summer break so why not.

I was all calm then, except for this thumping of my heart. I know I had only known Anna for less than a week, but there was something about her. I don’t know why I kissed her hand, but the feeling, and the taste, was still on my lips. We closed the restaurant and I drove Anna back to her hotel. We were making plans in the car for how this visit was going to happen and what we were going to be telling the kids. When we pulled up, Anna asked if I would like a coffee and we can keep talking. The kids were with my parents until after the trial, so there was no issue there, I nodded.

She took me straight to her room and she rang room service. Coffee was delivered and we talked on. Then it hit me. I was alone with this gorgeous woman, in a hotel room, and the thought of her, sitting there, naked just flashed through my mind. I felt the softness of her skin, the warmth of her body pressed against mine. Fuck! I hadn’t felt anything like this since College. I wanted her!

Anna said something and I shook my head, “Sorry, must be getting tired.” I said, “Better leave it and get some sleep.”

Anna nodded and stood, holding her hand out, I took it and got to my feet. I kept moving and hugged her. Then I looked at her, and kissed her. On her lips. Anna’s eyes widened and she pulled back a little.

I jumped back, realising what I had done. “Oh fuck! I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to!” I felt like a stupid kid, “I don’t know what came over me!”

Anna looked at me, intensely, and said, “Me, I’ll cum over you if you do it again!” She pulled me back into her arms and returned my kiss.

“Oh fuck, I haven’t done anything like this since…since College!” I said.

“I’ve never done anything like this before!” Anna said, kissing me again. “What are you doing to me?” she said breathlessly as we came up for air.

“Dunno, but you have gotten me so worked up I just want to get your naked body into bed.” I replied between kisses.

Anna dragged me into the bathroom where we ripped our clothes off as she turned the shower on. Ever showered with another woman? So sexy, so much of a turn on, slippery from soap and bodily fluids, Anna had her fingers buried deep inside me, her thumb pressing on my clit, rotating around it, and I came in the shower for the first time. I pushed her around, her face on the wall, her legs spread where I repaid her labours in kind. Her gasps and moans rewarding to me as much as her squeals of delight as she orgasmed over my hand.

Towelling each other down, wiping the softened towels over her, not sure what was water and what was our juices was a delight in itself. The intimate touches, the kisses, the sighs and excitement all came together when we fell onto the bed. I kissed Anna, then suckled her breasts, which were in really good shape given she had two children. I kissed over her body and soon found myself breathing that heady mix of skin and pussy juice. I licked her pussy. I mean I ran my tongue over her swollen labia, all up to her engorged clit. I tongued it and Anna squirmed, I kept tonguing it and she began rocking her hips into my mouth. She sighed and gasped and moaned in that universal sound women make that identifies them as having really good sex. That was nice. Then she came, her actions pushing me off her, so I hung on tight and lapped her pussy as quickly as I could.

Yummy, I thought, fuck she tasted nice when she came. I like to watch a woman cum, so I kept my eyes on her all through that licking. Her expression said it all, she loved it.

I never thought I could find such pleasure and release in the arms of a woman. I love cock, in my mouth, in my pussy, even up my ass very occasionally, and while I haven’t had that many cocks, none of them compared to this. Even Karl and he was the best of them all. Have I been banging the wrong gong all these years? I was a pile of flesh on a soft bed, washed out by the hormones a great cum pushed through my body.

The feel of her, the softness of her skin, the gentleness of her kisses, the sensuality in her touch. All these things made this the best sex I have ever had.

I had never thought about being pleasured by a woman. Equally, I had never given any thought to pleasuring a woman. I wasn’t sure I could, I thought, but then I realized, I had been sucking cock since I was fourteen years old, so was this any different? How was I going to do this? I slowly came back into focus and kissed Julie. “I’ve never done this before.”

“So you keep saying,” she laughed.

“What do I do?”

“Anything you like. I love getting my nipples sucked while fingering my clit. I love sixty-niners. I love getting fucked doggie style.”

“Well, I’m missing a some bits for the last, but the others are doable,” I smiled, “But then, for you, I can learn how to use a strap on.” I was rewarded with a laugh of genuine delight and a kiss, passionate and deep.

I kissed her again, then her neck, the same as I like getting it. I took a nipple into my mouth and felt its softness, silken, smooth between my lips. I know how to masturbate, so did the same to her as I would do myself, with my fingers seeking her pussy. It felt a little weird, but the wiry hair of her mons and softness of her labia lips, contrasting the hardness of her swollen clit was both familiar and strange at the same time. In the shower, I didn’t think about it, I just did it.

In the shower, I was in a really primordial state of aggressive sexuality, but here, I was thinking about it. Here, in bed, I wanted to love her, to show she was loved. The only time I felt that was with Karl, which, when I thought about it, was also fucking weird. Why should I be thinking of my bigamist husband when I was making love with the woman he married before me?

Later, I knew that with the lovers I had before Karl, I only thought I loved them. I hadn’t, yeah, I liked them, but I didn’t love them. With Karl it was different, I liked him, sure, but as I got to know him, I fell in love with him. As I fell in love with him, I also grew to love him. With Julie, I started out from a strongly negative position, then found myself loving her, in just days. In that hotel bed, I lapped her pussy for the first time, and I loved it. I was giving her the most intimate pleasure a woman can give another.

Julie thrashed around under my tongue and came, hard. She squirted a little juice, just like a guy when he cums. That was unexpected. It wasn’t a thick creamy solution of semen though, but more fluid, liquid, and just as salty as semen. I have to admit, that it was just as tastey as Julie is, didn’t mind it at all. I kissed my way back up her body and stopped to give her breasts a good licking too. I then kissed her neck, her chin and her lips.

She gasped as the last of her cum blush faded from her torso. She then whispered, “More, I want more!”

In moments I was on my back and watching knees flying over my face. I saw this fine haired mons floating down to my mouth where I licked it with a passion. I felt a tongue sliding up and down my labia, tickling my clit then try to enter me as far as it could go. I’ve never had a guy lick my pussy as well as Julie did. I wrapped my arms around her hips and pulled her tight so she had nowhere to go. I loved it. I came, and she came, all over my face, and I loved it.

We kissed and hugged and drifted into the sleep of the satiated. I woke during the night with lips suckling on my beast and fingers stroking my clit. I came again and, rather selfishly, went straight back to sleep, holding Julie’s head to my breast.

We woke in the morning, and I took her in the shower, masturbating her, then finishing her off with my tongue. We made love again on the bed and had to quickly shower, again. We dressed and looking at the time, we were late getting to court.

Proceedings were underway, and we waited an hour so that the Prosecution could finish summarizing his case. The defense opened with the simple assumption that bigamy was a nonsense in the modern age. Society had moved on, and such restrictions were no longer appropriate in this time. Defense agreed a law was broken, but the law is now flawed. There was seriously interesting argument, but the fact is, the law was broken and Karl was not going to get out of it without jail time. Witnesses were called, testimony given, and all the time, Julie and I sat together, holding hands.

At the end of the day, Julie took me to her home, where I was treated to the most luxurious measure of sensual delight, a shower and orgasm. We then went to her parent’s house, spending time with her children. Julie’s parents were surprised but they accepted me with the same warmth and friendliness Julie did. The children are so similar in temperament to mine that I was immediately taken with them. I knew inviting her to LA and letting the kids get to know each other was going to be a good thing.

Julie explained to her parents what was going to happen to the restaurant and they were dubious, but I assured them that this was workable. I did get a moment with Julie’s father, alone, and told him that in the short time, a few days really, I had known Julie, I had become closer to her than anyone else, ever. She’s interesting, a wonderful person and someone I really did want as a friend. His reply made me choke, “She said pretty much the same about you, day before yesterday. Now we’ve met, I think I can agree.”

I had to wonder if she knew we would be lovers?


1 comment

  1. Loving this story! I only have one tiny request, could you make it a bit clearer when switching between Anna and Julie’s point of view? The first time it happened, I didn’t catch it for about a paragraph and then I realized something was wrong.

    Otherwise, this is great!

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