Sealing the Deal (part 8 of the Carmen Adventures)

*–Continues from* [*Eugene’s Distraction*](

Sabine was snuggling close as we rode. Her left hand was inside my dinner jacket at my waist. Her right was holding my left bicep. She was almost purring. After a few minutes, she moved slightly, handing me my phone, which again she had deftly slipped from my inner jacket pocket. “Call her,” she said. “Call Carmen and tell her you are coming. I know that you expected you would have to ‘entertain’ me, but I understand how little time you have here in the U.S. before we are gone for a long while.”

She touched the messages app and selected Carmen’s. She tapped the phone icon and confirmed it was ringing then tapped the speaker button and held it in front of me.

“Hi Eugene. Are you here?” She said excitedly. “I’ve told Shannon all about our flight. She can’t wait to meet such a gallant gentleman.”

“I don’t know about all that. I am in the car now. I guess I will be there in about 15 minutes.”

“Perfect. I hope you don’t mind that we started without you. The doorman will send you up to the roof.”

“Okay. I will see you in a few minutes,” I replied.

As Sabine disconnected the call and handed me the phone she said, “Gallant *and* modest. Not common traits in a modern executive.”

I pushed the intercom and gave the driver Carmen’s address then dropped the phone back in my pocket. Sabine changed her position to more of a recline. Her right hand slid down behind my back. Her left dropped past my cummerbund and drifted into my lap as she laid her head on my left thigh.

She gasped a playful little “Ooh-la-la” as her hand settled onto my emerging bulge. “Very nice, Eugene,” she said as she slowly, firmly traced his length, encouraging even more blood flow there.

I moved my left hand along her cheek and traced her jawline as she continued coaxing my erection. After a minute or two, she moved her hand from my cock. I wasn’t sure how I felt about that as her firm touch was quite enjoyable. Nevertheless, he was left to cool off for a time while she guided my left hand down her neck past the drooping cowl of her sheer red blouse and onto the cool, smooth skin of her chest.

I took the hint. I caressed her breast, lightly brushing and cupping the firm, slight mound. I rolled her nipple between my thumb and forefinger then squeezed. “Mmm,” she cooed, “I see you know your way around a woman’s body. You are everything I thought you would be when I selected you and your firm for the partnership.”

“You know, French women are famous seductresses. I have many plans to get the most out of our relationship,” she said as she slipped her hand under my cummerbund and began to lower my zipper.

“I see,” I said while squirming slightly to allow the fly to open to her sneaky fingers. “Why did you call Carmen?”

“It was a test.” She rolled off the seat and knelt between my legs. She used both hands to open my trousers and free my now throbbing cock. “Nicely cut. Traditional American. I like an exposed head.” She wrapped her cool fingers around his girth and kissed him lightly right at the frenulum, her lipstick leaving an arc of red on the crown. “I am very pleased to meet you, Monsieur,” she said playfully. She put out her tongue and drew a long stroke from her hand up to the tip, where she lingered. She pulled her tongue back into her mouth a couple times to rewet it. She kissed again and continued. “I wanted to see whether you would take my direction. Of course it was a complete manipulation. I made you think I was doing something for you.”

“I see.” After a longish pause, I continued, “You could have just as easily asked to see my condo or invited me to your room, couldn’t you?” I put my hands on both her cheeks and looked deeply in those dark chocolate eyes as she formulated her response.

“*C’est vrai*,” she quipped before wrapping her lips around my cock and bobbing seven times quickly, taking the exposed length to just before her throat each time. She let her lips pop as she exaggerated the withdrawal. “I think this is more interesting, however, don’t you? It is fun playing while we know someone may be watching.”

She looked up at my face and caught my eyes checking the driver. She placed her thumbs together along the bottom of my cock and lightened the grip of her interlaced fingers. She moved her hands up the moistened length so the tips of her thumbs rested on the rim. She pressed them and said, “What do you want, Eugene?” as the car pulled to the curb in front of Carmen’s building.

“I want it all. I want all the experiences in life to enjoy; all the perks afforded by my education and position. The same as you, I suppose.” I touched the intercom. “Ben, change of plans. Drive out to JFK. The long way.”

“Yessir. Tour of Long Island, coming up.” He replied. The light on the intercom went out and light classical music came on.

“Mmm. I like the way you think. You see what you want and go for it.” Sabine squeezed firmly for a few seconds and smiled as my cock reddened and hardened. She loosened her grip then pursed her lips and blew a stream of cool breath on the tip before wrapping her lips around the head again.

Her tongue was pressing the bottom of the shaft as she began bobbing again, this time with a slow measured pace. She pushed down till her lips met her hands then withdrew letting her lips come back together as they cleared the tip. The whole cycle took nine or ten seconds from tongue at the tip, down the shaft, up till her tongue tip brushed the frenulum, and her lips met at the tip. What a delightful sensation.

I was so focused on the patience of her movement I almost missed that she was increasing the pressure, ever so slightly with each successive pass. I leaned back my head and closed my eyes in anticipation. I was about to explode.

I don’t know whether I fell asleep or passed out or just got lost in reverie, but somehow I missed her slipping off her black pants. Her hands were now on my shoulders; her knees were on opposite sides of my thighs on the seat and she was gliding along my shaft applying her magical lubricant in long slow passes.

“Open your eyes *mon cher* I must have them on me. Ah! Here you are.” I blinked a couple of times before she came into focus.

“Wow, sorry. I don’t know what happened. My God, you are stunning, Sabine.” I put my hands on her hips for a moment and stopped her as she reached her forward limit. I could feel her moist heat as her open vagina tempted to swallow the tip of my cock.

“Soooo,” she said slowly as she guided my hands under her blouse up to her breasts. “Not too gentle with them, please.” She leaned in as she rose and rotated her hips to unpin my cock for a better entry angle.

I took her hard nipples between my thumbs and forefingers and rolled them firmly. “*Oui, oui!* More, more.” I pinched harder. She bit her lip as she held my eyes with a ravenous stare for a very long moment. She grabbed my nipples and twisted hard until I gasped then she rose up and plunged her tight pussy down over my cock.

She let out an, “Unm,” and leaned in to hug me tight as she began rhythmically rolling her pubic bone on mine, driving toward an intense climax.

“Wait a minute. Wait a minute,” she said. She stopped her hips and just stared at me. All of her attention was on my eyes as I processed the teasing sensation of the slowing spasms of her vaginal wall. “Good. Very good. How many orgasms did you give Carmen yesterday?”

“I don’t know. I have learned not to ask a woman such questions,” I said. “But I know she made *me* cum three times on that flight.”

“That is a good goal to start. You have given me one. It would make me very happy if you could hold your orgasm until I reach three? Are you good for this game?”

“This is not an easy challenge,” I replied.

“Perhaps a wager will make it more appealing to you. Let’s say if you hold and cum on my third orgasm that we return you to Carmen and her drinks in the hot tub.”

“And if I fail?” I felt my cock pulsating within her. I was so close to losing before I even knew the terms.

“You begin training with me indefinitely once we return to Paris on Sunday.”

“Intriguing as this is, the game seems rigged in your favor.”

“*Oui.* Of course it is. I hold all the cards. It is only for you to play or fold,” she said just before slowly resuming the rocking of her hips.

“So as I see it, I only lose if I do not play. And the only way to not play is to stop right now and forfeit the partnership. Am I right? Whether I see Carmen is completely in your control right now. There is no doubt in my mind that training with you is already settled in your mind. Where am I wrong?”

“*Très bien*, Eugene, *très, très bien.* I knew you were my match. I will have my three orgasms tonight. It is just a question of how you will participate. So do you want to fuck me now, or what?”

“I accept your terms,” I said as I grabbed her head and pulled her in for a deep, passionate kiss, hoping to distract her from stimulating me for as long as possible. Though we both knew I didn’t stand a chance once she set her mind to defeating me.

We held the kiss for a long time probing the insides of each other’s mouths with patient, playful flicks of our tongues. I noticed she had begun working herself toward her next orgasm by flexing the inside of her vaginal wall. The movement was so subtle. Long squeezes as she rocked her pelvis forward, ever so slightly. As she relaxed, my cock throbbed in response.

“You know this game could be over in 30 seconds,” she whispered in my ear.

“Yeah, but you don’t want the game to want end that way, do you? You want me to get near the goal then rush up and win.”

She put her hands on my chest searching for my nipples. When she found then she grabbed them, bit her lower lip and shouted, “*Deux. Mon Dieu!*”

She bucked her hips violently and I lost control. I felt four spasms as I shot my load into her. She slapped her open hands on my chest and screamed, “I win. God yes. Here it comes. Yes! Yes! Good God yes.”

She let herself relax onto me, laying her left cheek on my right shoulder. “You really are a remarkable man, Eugene.”

“I was about to say the same thing to you Sabine. We will be unstoppable together.”

“Yes. I think so.”

I touched the intercom.

“Yes sir,” came Ben’s reply.

“I think we are done with our ride, please drive us to Miss Lavoie’s hotel.”

“Very good. We should arrive in about 20 minutes, sir.”

“Perfect.” I shut the intercom and Sabine leaned in tucking her arms through mine as she hugged me deeply.

“Don’t worry about Carmen, *mon cher,* we had arranged all of this.”

“I guess I shouldn’t be surprised.” I kissed her cheek. “Let’s put ourselves back together,” I said as I lifted her off me.

She giggled as she watched our mingled juices drip from her onto my trousers. “I hear you keep your valets busy. Tee hee.”

“With women like you and Carmen around, how can I avoid it?” I took a handful of tissues from the rear glove compartment and wiped the excess while Sabine slipped on her pants and shoes.

She resumed the snuggle-hug position and her contented purring for the remainder of the drive to her hotel.

I mused to myself, ‘I wonder if my bosses realize what they have committed me to.’ This was day one of a new, strange chapter in my life, which is bound up with Miss Sabine Lavoie.
