Long Flight Home-Arrival (part 6 of the Carmen Adventures)

I quickly drained the bottle Carmen threw me. All that exercise really took it out of me. I went to the table for another. It was half finished by the time I entered my suite’s bathroom.

The sound of falling water and a warm fog filled the space. If Carmen was in here, I was going to have fun finding her. I could smell the floral scent of the luxury shampoo provided in the transoceanic valet kit. I saw the print of her buttocks on the glass shower door. She was holding her hair out of the water as she lathered.

Suddenly, I was possessed by the memory of a college dorm prank. I reached my half-empty bottle of cold water over the door and poured it on her. “Oh! You are evil,” she gasped, as she opened the door and pulled me in by the waistband of my pajama pants.

She threw her arms around my neck stood on her toes and held me in a tight embrace as she pulled me under the hot shower with her. “That was mean. Now, I am going to punish you.”

She took the bath sponge and threw it playfully at my face. “Wash me, and don’t miss a spot,” she said as she turned her back to me.

I pumped body wash into the sponge and got down on my knees. I grabbed her left ankle and raised her foot toward me so I could scrub the sole. “Oh, you’re good,” she said, “do we have an hour to continue?”

“We have plenty of time, but I am not sure there will be enough water.” I set her foot down and took the other. Her knee buckled slightly as I worked the sponge into the arch of her foot. “Oh god, stop.”

She put her foot down and turned abruptly. She grabbed my head and pulled it to her lower belly, running her fingers through my wet hair. Then she moved her hands to the back of my jaw and pulled me up.

I continued rubbing her body with the sponge. I washed the front of her legs and belly as I rose. When I scrubbed across her breasts and up to her shoulders, she grabbed my wrists. She held my hands to her breasts indicating she wanted more attention there.

I dropped the sponge and gently kneaded. I rolled her nipples between my thumbs and forefingers; she tipped her head back and savored the moment. She pushed my hands up to her shoulders and pulled down on my wrists. She wants me to push her to her knees.

I followed the lead. She let go of my wrists and pulled the elastic waistband of my pajama pants over my erect penis as she descended. I pushed her down then moved my hands to the back of her head as her knees made the shower floor. She immediately drew my cock deeply into her mouth. She held it in and swallowed several times to fully engage him in her throat then she slowly pulled back, allowing her lips to measure the full length.

“There is nothing like blowing a sexy man in wet, silk pajama pants,” she said, chuckling before she went in for another round.

Now *I* was getting weak in the knees. “Yeah.” I croaked. The word stuck in my throat.

She withdrew again, took a few breaths, and swallowed him again; then again and again. I think I would have collapsed if it weren’t for her hands holding the pajama fabric at my ass and my hands holding her hair.

As she felt me begin to release my orgasm, she pulled me deep into her throat, where her swallows matched my spasms.

She let my softening cock slide out of her mouth and eased me back to the wall of the shower, where I drooped to the floor, quite literally drained. Down here the water seemed cooler, I didn’t really care.

”Aw,“ she said looking at me while I sat there and caught my breath. She drew her hand along my jawline as she stood up. She pumped shampoo into her hands and lathered my hair. She turned a few times to rinse off the last of the shampoo, body wash, and whatever from her body then leaned to direct a rinsing flow down her arms to my hair.

As she bent over to grab the sponge, she took my hands and helped me to my feet. She leaned in and hugged me tightly, then kissed along my jawline starting at my left earlobe. When she got to my chin, she gave me a long passionate kiss on my lips before continuing along to my right ear.

She whispered, “If you are going straight to the office, you’ll need a shave. May I do the honors?”

“Wow, this will be a first. Why not. What’s the worst that could happen? We hit some rough air and you nick my face? Henri will have something for that.” She was already making a lather with the shaving gel and rubbing it on my cheeks and neck. As I started to hand her the safety razor, she looked at the foam in her hands then slyly smiled and wiped the excess on my chest.

She took the handle in her right hand and stepped to my left. She found the trimming edge and marked a clean line at my sideburn. Turning the handle she drew the regular shaving side down, cresting over my jaw and down my neck. She traced my jaw then repeated on the other side. In three short minutes she had finished my face and neck. She stood on her toes and kissed me all over to let her sensitive lips inspect her work. She reached behind me and rinsed the razor. As she turned me to clean the remaining gel from my face, I felt a tug at my chest as she shaved a line creating a landing strip from my Adam’s apple to my navel.

“Hey!” I shouted.

She giggled, “Oops, I got carried away. The blade’s still good, shall I finish? Hmm? I like marking my territory.”

“Let’s call that good enough,” I said. I *disarmed* her as I pulled her in for another hug. “Besides, I am hungry. Let’s get dressed.”

“Okay, I’ll finish that next time.” She patted my chest, turned and slipped out of the shower.

With no further distractions, I took the sponge and quickly finished washing and turned off the water and stepped out of the shower. She was standing before me fully naked wrapping her hair into a turban as I emerged. I must have stalled for a moment at the sight.

“What’s the matter, Mister? Never see a naked lady before?” She scoffed. “You’re not looking so bad yourself,” she said as she reached and playfully slapped my semi-flaccid penis.

I kissed her and said, “You don’t stop do you?”

“You had no idea what you were getting into when you met me in the airport lounge. He he he.”

“None. And no one would believe me if I told them I did.” I took the other towel off the hook and dried myself as she slipped on the robe and went into the cabin for her cosmetics bag.

I was pulling on my shirt when she returned.

“Let me get that,” she said, as she tossed her cosmetics on the counter by the mirror. She quickly grabbed the sides of my fresh, white shirt and began to button me, starting from my neck. “I want to do this before I put on my face. By the way, Henri just left; food’s here.” She slowly dropped to her knees as she worked her way down my shirt. I was getting excited again. My cock was standing out between the flaps as she got to the sixth and seventh buttons. “Oh you naughty boy.” She said licking just under the crown. “I thought I had you all clean and what’s this? A droplet? Let me get this.”

She licked the tear of pre-cum then finished buttoning my shirt. “I bet you could go another round with me, but if it is okay with you, I would like a raincheck.” She stood and proceeded to the passthru to retrieve her fresh clothes.

I continued dressing myself. She furtively glanced at me as I watched her slip on camisole, stockings and panties and finally her skirt. She threw aside the towel that wrapped her hair and pulled her sweater over her head. She stood and faced the mirror. Her reflection smiled at me as she started brushing her hair.

I was just finishing with my comb when she said, “Be a dear and hand me the blow dryer.” I passed it to her and said, “Do you need me for anything else right now? I need to go look at some papers before we land.”

“No. Go, but leave some coffee.” She continued brushing and drying. I could see her professional coif taking shape as I left the bathroom.

Henri had placed the cart with the usual breakfast fare by our table. There was a bud vase with a single red rose between the small plates and coffee cups. I poured myself some coffee and forked some meat and cheese slices onto my plate. From the bread basket, I broke off a chunk of baguette and tore it open.

The smaller side table had my briefcase. I took the file with today’s date and flipped through the sheets while I chewed my little sandwich and sipped coffee.

I could smell her before I saw her. The cool air of her approach was full of sweet perfume. The fragrance intensified as she put her hands on my shoulders then down my chest. Her lips were now on my cheek and her hands in my lap. “Good morning, my dear,” she whispered in my ear as she traced my stiffening bulge with her fingernails.

I turned my head and kissed her lips, “Shall I pour your coffee, now?”

“That would be lovely,” she said as she stood and walked to her chair. “I thought I smelled hot food when I came out before, was I wrong?”

“There should be an omelet under the cover, let’s see.” The second level of the cart had two covered plates. I set one on the table in front of Carmen and removed the cover with a flourish. “*et voilà!* Western omelet, sausage links, ham, and a croissant for you my lady.”

I watched her face intently as she neatly finished the plate. She sipped then gulped her coffee then sat back in her chair. Her eyelids flickered a couple of times then fell as she drifted into a contented sleep. The satisfied smile on her lips confirmed it.

Henri tapped on the door and quickly entered to do his arrival prep. He efficiently gathered the service items into the cart then flew through the rest of the suite stowing and securing as he went. He signaled to fasten my seatbelt and quietly fastened Carmen’s across her lap before leaving us for the remainder of the flight.

I leaned back too for a quick catnap. I felt the bounce off the wheels on the runway, 22L, according to the flight map on the display.

>A very pleasant welcome to New York, ladies and gentlemen. The current local time is 7:30. To expedite your entry to the United States, may we recommend you use the time as we taxi to our arrival gate, to complete your entry card and customs declaration.
We are very pleased you chose Air France for your journey tonight and hope we will see you again on your next trip across the Atlantic.
Safe travels or welcome home. Good day.

When the plane stopped,  Henri entered the suite for the final time of our trip. “Miss Carmen, your wrap.” He held her blazer for her as she stood. She turned and offered her arms. He guided the sleeves over her hands and up to her shoulders. “I have your hand luggage ready in the aisle.”

He handed me my briefcase and laid my jacket over my arm as had become our habit. “One week or two this time,” He asked me. “I want to time my leave properly.”

“You are the best air valet, Henri; two weeks. If something changes, I will text you.”

“Of course, sir.” He bowed at the waist then turned to catch Carmen’s hand, which he kissed before standing and taking it with the other in his hands. “It would be my pleasure to serve you again too, Miss.” Looking again at me, he said, “Take your time. The VIP line will be fast today.”

“You cover everything,  my friend. Thanks for a great flight.” I said handing him an envelope with 5 crisp bank notes.

“I can see why you get such great, loyal service,” she said, smiling at me. “Ready to walk?” She slipped her right hand behind my left bicep and looked up expectantly.

“Ready.” We stepped out of the suite. I transferred my jacket to my left forearm and I put my briefcase on her bag and pulled it to the escalator.

We strolled like young lovers the half mile to passport control and through customs. As we approached the international arrivals meeting point, I saw my driver nod. Toward the middle of the group we a young woman waving and yelling, *Carmen*. Her roommate, I presume.

“That’s my ride,” she said as she kissed me on my cheek. “Call me sometime. I put my number in your phone.”

“I think I may. Thanks for a memorable flight.” I said, handing her her bag.

“It was the best,” she said waving and giggling and skipping off to meet her ride. After she kissed her friend on both cheeks, she looked at me again and silently mouthed, “The best!”

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/axm7v0/long_flight_homearrival_part_6_of_the_carmen

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