When the goodest girl goes wild, she becomes the wildest. [mf] – A new take pet play

James sits in his car mentally preparing himself to face the evening. He never knows what to expect at this time of the month but it can get bad, dangerous even. His Sweet Girl, while exceedingly loving and gentle most of the time turns savage when she’s ovulating. With a deep breath, James finds his nerve and enters the lioness’ den, formerly known as his home.

It’s as bad as he’s ever seen. The house is trashed. Furniture is upheaved, there’s water all over the floor, and some broken dishes. Timidly, James calls out to his Sweet Girl, “Maggie? I’m home.” James hears a crash from upstairs followed by the thundering of feet on the stairs.

He braces for impact but nothing could prepare him for the savage fury of his Sweet Girl. She leaps from the doorway hitting James cleanly in the midsection and taking him to the ground. James lands hard, his head bounces off the floor, and he loses consciousness for a moment. In the few seconds that passed, his Sweet Girl Maggie, now a savage animal, has pulled off his belt and bloodied his stomach by clawing at his pants. James shoves his attacker aside and rolls into the garage, closing the heavy steel door behind him.

Now with his back against the door and a dangerous animal beating against the other side and howling, James ponders his fate. There must be someway to rein her in without anyone getting hurt. Just then, the disembodied spectral head of Ewan McGregor appears to James. “Use the force, James.”

“What are you talking about? And should’t you look like Alec Guinness?”

“First of all, James, this is your concussion induced hallucination so if I don’t look like you expect, that’s on you. Secondly, I’m saying use the force of your weight to hold her down and fuck her until she’s subdued. It’s the only way.” Obiwan is right. James has to face her head-on.

By now the pounding on the other side of the door has stopped which makes James feel uneasy. She could be anywhere but she is in fact scrambling her way through the garage window. This is his chance. James runs through the house and takes a defensive position in the bedroom. Armed with a blanket as a net, James calls out, taunting his pursuer. “YOU WANT SOME OF THIS?” *grabs crotch* “COME AND GET IT.” The pounding of feet signals her approach and James braces for impact. As his attacker rounds the corner and leaps through the air baring teeth and claws, James nimbly side-steps the attack, catching her in the blanket before wrapping her up tightly and suplexing her onto the bed. The savage creature fights with great strength but can’t overcome the weight of James pinning her down. She is contained… for now.

Peeling back the bottom of the blanket like a banana, James exposes her drenched pussy, the sight of which makes him instantly rock hard. After removing his pants completely in case he needs to run, James plunges deep inside the still thrashing creature. Again and again, James pounds her with all his might and she cums hard complete with loud screeching, shaking legs, and gushing wetness. After a brief pause, it’s clear Maggie is still lost to her overwhelming desire as she resumes trashing and wailing. James pounds her more and more, trying so hard not to cum because if he can’t outlast her, there’s no telling what might happen. It’s no use. Her allure is too strong. James pumps her full with his load, the biggest one in weeks, but the beast still fights. His only hope now is the magic wand but it’s closed up in the bedside table. Retrieving it would mean releasing his captive but he has no choice. In the time it took James to grab the wand and plug it in, Maggie has escaped the blanket net and continues her assault. With the wand in one hand, James catches her around the neck with the other and choke slams her onto the bed and sits on her torso facing her feet. He switches the wand to high and presses it against her clit while she claws viciously at his back. The unrelenting vibration of the wand causes Maggie to shake and gush uncontrollably as she cums again and again, each subsequent orgasm draining more and more energy until her whole body goes limp.

Exhausted and injured, James switches off the wand and falls to his side. He did it. The beast is subdued but for how long? James doesn’t know if he can manage another attack. Movement at his feet startles James but upon inspecting, he sees his Sweet Girl is herself once again, and she cuddles up against her Greatest Love for a much needed sleep. The poor thing is all tuckered out.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/awnnvv/when_the_goodest_girl_goes_wild_she_becomes_the