Long Flight Home-Take Off (part 3 of the Carmen Adventures)

I was sitting in the business class lounge awaiting the call to board my Air France flight to the States. I had taken my favorite seat at the bar where I could see the comings and goings of my fellow passengers. My glass of Bordeaux was still half full sitting on the bar by a €2 coin I was leaving for the bartender.

I heard a rapid *clip clip clip* and looked up to see this stunning beauty approaching. Her barely-shoulder-length, reddish-brown hair was tied back into a smart ponytail. Her camel colored skirt and jacket, maroon Kashmir pullover and matching stilettos told me this is a no nonsense business woman. She set her oversized purse on the stool next to mine, looked up at me and said, “You don’t mind, do you?”

“Not at all. Please join me,” I said returning her smile. “My name is Eugene; may I get you a drink?” I said, as I signaled the bartender with a nod.

“That would be nice,” she said noticing my wine glass. “One of those would be fine. I am Carmen, by the way. Nice to meet you Eugene.” She extended her hand for a shake.

I took her right hand with my left and bowed, lightly kissing the back of her hand. When I stood up, she was looking intently at me as she slowly withdrew her hand. I met the gaze of her beautiful green-brown eyes and noticed her blushing face.

The bartender said, “Another, sir?”

“Yes, and one for my friend.”

As he turned away, I asked, “So, Miss Carmen, where are you heading tonight? I’m on my way to a meeting at our home office in New York City.”

“New York, too. I am headed home after an extended stay here for business. Although I have become quite accustomed to the nice Bordeauxs and Cote du Rhones these past 3 months, I am looking forward to a good burger, a craft beer and watching a baseball game at the bar in my neighborhood.”

The bartender returned with our wine. As he set the glasses, I dropped a €5 note and picked up the glasses. I handed one to Carmen and raised mine to make a toast, “To new friends and safe travels.”

“Hear, hear,” she said clinking her glass to mine. “Would you mind moving over to that sofa? I would like a more comfortable seat. I am not optimistic about getting an upgrade.”

“Not at all. Here, let me get the bags.” I picked up my briefcase and her oversized purse and pulled her roll aboard suitcase. She carried the wine glasses. We walked over to the seating and claimed the space. While Carmen was getting situated, I said, “Would you excuse me for a moment, I need to see the agent about seat assignments?” She nodded.

I watched Carmen drape her blazer over the handle of her suitcase, take off her shoes, plump the sofa cushions and nestle in. I patiently waited my turn in line; still 3 more ahead of me. She settled into a lazy sprawl, her legs extended. She sipped her wine and flipped the pages of a travel magazine.

I noticed her skirt had slid up, revealing the tops of her dark stockings. She had surely adopted the style of a proper French businesswoman. It is amazing how they can be flirtatious and alluring while still all about business. I would never have guessed she is American.

After about fifteen minutes in line, I finished my transaction. I made a brief stop in the men’s room before rejoining Carmen. I took my glass of wine and sat at the other side of the small sofa. She sat up and adjusted her skirt to cover her bare thighs. “Is everything okay?” She asked.

I replied, “I think so,” and took another sip of wine.

>[click] *Attention, dans le salon. Mesdames et Messieurs, pour ceux d’entre vous attendent une mise à niveau à notre cabine de première classe, de première classe a vérifié en totalité. S’il vous plaît utiliser votre carte d’embarquement originale et planche lorsque votre groupe est appelé. Nous allons commencer l’embarquement dans une quinzaine de minutes. S’il vous plaît vous commencer la collecte des éléments personnels. Nous allons commencer à se déplacer à la porte peu de temps. Merci de votre attention.Attention in the lounge. Ladies and gentlemen, for those of you awaiting an upgrade to our first class cabin, first class has checked in full. Please use your original boarding card and board when your group is called. We will begin boarding in about fifteen minutes. Please begin collecting you personal items. We will begin moving to the gate shortly. Thank you for your attention.* [click]

“Figures,” she said. “I can’t catch a break. I guess I just haven’t flown enough this year.”

“There are many people on this flight that I see almost every month. They have earned very high status. I, myself, will make this trip over 20 times this year. Last year, I made it 23 times. Almost twice each month.”

“I only crossed the ocean three times. This is my fourth. I am returning from my second 3-month stay. On the bright side, I haven’t had to reset my body clock too often,” she smiled and drained her glass.

“Yes. There is that.” I raised my glass and took my last swallow.

>[click] *Mesdames et Messieurs dans le salon d’Air France vol 010 pour l’aéroport de New York JFK: nous invitons nos passagers en Classe Premier passer à notre porte d’embarquement.Ladies and gentlemen in the lounge for Air France flight 010 for New York JFK airport: we invite our passengers in our First Class cabin to move to our boarding gate.* [click]

I took Carmen’s blazer off the handle of her suitcase with one hand and with my other put my briefcase on so I could bring them together.

“I think it will be some time yet before they are ready for my group to go,” Carmen said with a questioning look on her face.

“It’s okay. They know me. You can keep me company. They will let us board together.”

“Are you sure it will be all right?”

“Quite. Trust me. I am one of those with status here.”

“Okay,” she said as she leaned forward to slip on her shoes. I put the blazer over my forearm and offered free hand to help her up.

I arranged her bag and my briefcase to rest atop her roll aboard and took the whole load in my right hand. She had removed a small clutch with her travel documents, which she carried in her left hand. She slid her right hand in at my left bicep and hugged my arm close. “Thanks for your help. I really appreciate it,” she said as she met my eyes and smiled.

“It’s no problem at all. I always look forward to these flights. They afford enough time to actually get to know someone, unlike the hops you make traveling Europe.”

We walked arm-in-arm from the lounge and down the new concourse to the special boarding bridge they built for this behemoth, double deck aircraft. As we started toward the escalator up to the top deck, I felt Carmen hesitate and begin to pull away. “What’s the matter, Carmen?” I said as I turned to her, “it’s okay.” I leaned our bags against a pillar. She watched as I reached into the inner pocket of my sport coat and withdrew a slip of paper and handed it to her.

She read the card slowly,


then she squealed with delight as she threw her arms around my neck, “Thank you, thank you, *thank you!*”

One could be forgiven for thinking I had just proposed marriage to Carmen. I hugged her briefly and whispered, “You’re quite welcome. May we board now?”

She kissed me and said, “Please lead on.”

As we entered the boarding door, the Steward greeted us and said, “Welcome back, Monsieur. Welcome, Mademoiselle. May I stow your things?”

“Yes, of course, Henri. I am in my usual cabin.”

“Certainly. Certainly. Enjoy the flight. Please let me know if you need anything, anything at all.”

“Thank you,” I said.

Carmen was wide-eyed looking about the area in amazement. I could see her mouth agape as she slowly turned to take it all in. On one side, there were four little café tables attached to the deck. Each was faced by two comfortable chairs. The tables were each set differently. One with juices and cold cuts, one with red wine, one with pickles and some sort of liquor, and the nearest with 2 flutes of champagne and a plate of cheeses, orange slices and strawberries.

Across from the tables, was a wall with 4 tall doors hiding what must have been two-thirds of the space in this area. By each entry door were two smaller doors: one to a chest high cubby hole and a lower locker door. Henri was stowing our bags in the first locker. He put the key in the handle of the nearest entry door then disappeared.

“I hope you like champagne,” I said as I handed her a flute. “If not, I can ask Henri for something else.”

“Yes. Thank you.” She smiled. “So we sit here?” She said as she took one of the ripe strawberries off the table and slipped it into her glass.

“We can. I know of people who have made the whole flight out here spending the time eating and drinking as though they were at a Parisian café. I prefer to just take meals out here. There is more comfort inside. Come, I will show you,” I said as I offered my left hand.

I unlocked the door and led Carmen inside. She gasped. “Oh my! This is first class?”

“Well maybe a little above first class.” I smiled. “They don’t advertise it, but if you know about it you can ask for Presidential class and get this. There are just four of these on this aircraft, while there are probably 100 in first and business and another 250-300 in coach.”

Presidential class accommodations include a very large flat screen TV, a huge video and movie library, a queen-size bed, two reclining chairs separated by a coffee table and a private bath complete with all toiletries, heated towels and bath robes.

After quickly taking in the scene, Carmen took a sip of her champagne, set the glass on the table and said, “would you excuse me for a moment?” as she stepped into the bathroom.

I heard the powerful flush then the running of water before the door opened. I looked up and saw Carmen’s hand waving a hanger, “What’s with this?” She yelled.

“Hold it still for a second.” I was trying to see the monogram E. “Ah. That would be my robe and pajamas.” They were silk in a Royal blue and white stripe. “I don’t like to sleep in my clothes. There should be another one in there for you.”

She shouted, “I found the other hanger. Is it okay to change now?” Hers would be a deep rose color with white stripes and monogrammed: C.

“Sure. There is a passthru for the Steward if you need anything freshened up before we land.”

I stepped out of the cabin to grab another champagne just as Henri was setting them out. “Please tell the lady we have maybe 15 minutes before takeoff,” he winked, “she will have plenty of time to freshen while we fly.”

Apparently she had found the menu for the entertainment system and lights as the sounds of jazz and small perimeter lights were creating a new mood. Then I saw her. She was sitting in one of the lounge chairs wearing just the rose striped, silk pajama top. It was unbuttoned except for the middle button. As I offered her a glass of champagne, she looked up at me and said “Do you want the duck or the trout?” She was holding the iPad with the dinner menu open.

“Why don’t we get one of each. The chefs are great and both are remarkable. You look comfy, by the way.” She smiled and blushed. She had removed her makeup and pony tail; her hair was slightly mussed. The smell of rose water complimented the clean, ready for action look.

She tapped in the selections, set down the iPad and took a sip of her champagne. “What now?” She asked.

“Usually, I just read until after takeoff. After dinner, I usually change for bed. Sometimes I take breakfast in here then dress for work before landing. Other times, I dress first and eat and finish the flight out there.

“Since I have a traveling companion, I thought I might forgo the reading and chat instead. How does that sound?” I said as I dropped into the other lounge chair and picked up my glass.

Carmen straddled my legs and lowered herself onto my lap taking my glass and setting it aside on the table. She leaned forward, took my face in both hands and kissed me. She leaned in and let her breasts meet my chest then wrapped her arms about my neck assuring complete contact between or upper bodies.

[click] [crackle] Seat belts, please. [click]

Tap, tap “Monsieur, Mademoiselle, may I collect your dishes for takeoff?”

“Come in Henri,” I said. Henri entered and efficiently gathered the champagne flutes. As he was looking about the cabin, I saw his eyes briefly stop on Carmen’s bare buttocks resting on my thighs and he winked my way. After a moment of consideration, he went to the drawer and brought a seat belt extender.

Carmen was oblivious to his presence. She was focused on finding a good position. Henri held the extender up and pointed. I nodded. He attached it and joined it to the ends of the belt on my chair, wrapping it behind her waist. All this contact with Carmen was generating a nice erection, which I could tell she noticed because she started rhythmically rocking her hips.

She whispered in my ear, “They think of every accommodation in Presidential Class, don’t they?”

I could feel the aircraft moving back from the gate. “Yes. Henri is very good. I am sure he’s seen just about everything in his days on this job.”

Carmen leaned back a bit. She continued her rocking. I could tell she had gotten her clit in contact with my cock, which was now starting to throb. She opened the one button and placed my hands on her breasts.

“I have often fantasized about sex on an airplane. Before today, the closest I got was touching myself under the blanket. What about you?”

“Nice fantasy. You’ll have to tell me whether the real thing meets your dreams.”

“So you have done it?”

“Let’s concentrate on now, shall we?” I said as we continued toward the far end of the airfield for takeoff.

“Okay,” she said. She closed her eyes and concentrated on her movement. I continued kneading her breasts as the plane made its final turn and began accelerating. It takes almost three minutes to get this giant aircraft up to speed for flight. As the plane gained speed, Carmen’s movement gained urgency.

My cock was pulsing in response to her now wet pussy’s rubbing. I felt the wheels closing into the belly of the plane as my trousers caught a load of semen and Carmen gasped. She shivered then leaned in for another long embrace. “Mmm.”

–to be continued

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/awlwqh/long_flight_hometake_off_part_3_of_the_carmen

1 comment

  1. Never thought there would be dry humping in this series. Well written, hot continuation of the Carmen Adventures.

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