
My name is Jenny, I’m a twenty year old college student from New Jersey. The day after Christmas I dropped my parents off at the airport for their three week trip to France. With their permission, I planned to visit our winter vacation home in the Adirondacks and was told I could bring two girlfriends but I had my own plans. I invited over twenties friends, mostly from my former high school to make the trek. We stocked up on beer, food and weed and headed up to the winter wonderland of Upper State New York.

I have long brown hair and brown eyes. I’m slim but athletic, petite but curvy. My breasts appear large but their small as most men could cup both with one hand. They are juicy and perky though and with help from camera angels I can make them look large. I have a round ass and thick lips standing at five foot four. I’m a down to earth woman who likes to party at times. I love nature and outdoor activities like hiking, diving, running and rowing. I love real music by real musicians.

I drove with my boyfriend Trevor, my best friend from high school Megan and her boyfriend Kenneth. Both the guys were men we met at collage so they didn’t know anybody that was coming. Trevor is six foot with blond hair and a full beard. His beard is sexy as all hell, I love that it’s light on the outside and darker on the inside which makes him look rugged. He’s kind and sexy with passion for whatever he does. I even began to think about marrying him or the possibility of one day.

As we headed into the mountains the landscape turned white and the sky a solid gray as snow was expected. We all arrived at the house and unpacked but I have to admit I was nervous the house would get trashed so once everyone was there I gave a speech to ask for help to keep at least some order.

My parents bought the house when I was six and it’s a real special place. With no others houses for miles we had our privacy among the tall pines and birch trees. The separate garage is larger then some homes with a gym on the second floor. The house has four bedrooms but room enough to sleep twenty or more. We have one room with solid wood ceilings, floors and walls. There is a hot tub, a small steam room and a heated endless pool big enough to fit around ten people. The main room is on the third floor where massive windows give a panoramic view of the small frozen pond in front of the house with a vast sea of trees behind it. It’s truly a winter wonderland.

As the night went on the non high school friends became familiar with everyone else and the drinking games begun. At around midnight I was smoking a cigarette with Trevor on this little deck outside a bedroom when six naked people ran outside screaming like wild monkeys. Taking a dip in the hot tub and then running outside is something I’ve done many times when my parents weren’t there. They all jumped in the deep snow next to the driveway when Trevor formed a snowball, tossed it and it exploded upside a man’s head and every one laughed. Before we knew it we had a hail of snowballs launched at us so we ran inside as they hit against the glass of the sliding door.

The ping pong table was occupied all night as beer pong seemed to be the thing to do for the guys. With the house being out of cell phone range, the party seemed to be a bit wilder then what I was used to as naked people was becoming common and hilarious. Before long naked beer pong took over and all the girls sat around to watch the men jump around naked and the losing team would have to run outside.

As 3am came about people were starting to pass out in the main room next to the giant stone fireplace. We decided to bring all the pillows and blankets into the main room rather than take the time to assign sleeping spots. By 4am everyone was passed out as the fire began to die so I put a log on and cuddled up to Trevor on the floor right next to the fire. At 6am I woke and had to pee so I stumbled to the bathroom past Kenneth and Megan who slept next to us and when I returned I put another log on the fire. My high school friend Paul who lay in a big brown reclining chair next to the fire reached out to me and waved. He mouthed the words “Thank you” and I smiled. He had a pencil and pad in hand and was drawing the sleepy scene before him.

Paul was sort of the runt of the litter in high school. Short and small with no athletic skill he instead was a well known artist in our school. He has long straight black hair and sort of combines the goth and 80’s metal look into into one. I’ve hung out with him many times at parties but was never in the same group of friends.

A few feet from Paul’s chair, Trevor lay so I knelt down next to him, flipped over on my butt and was about to slide under the covers with him when all the sudden Kenneth rolled over onto me, forced me on my back, took me in his arms and pulled me close into him. I looked up at Paul and we shared a smile at this silly situation I found myself in as Kenneth put his right arm under my neck and his hand on my shoulder. With his left hand he pulled me tightly into him by my waist. He snuggled his face into my neck and began to dry hump my leg.

I wore a pair of Trevor’s boxer shorts and a gray hoodie with a zipper down the middle of it. Kenneth was hard and as he dry humped me I could feel it through his boxers and right on my bare leg. I was trapped by his weight and strength but relieved when Kenneth stopped all motion. I looked over at Trevor and he was sleeping on his side, facing away from me. I looked up at Paul and thought about asking him for help but I have to admit I was cozy as all hell. I was still drunk and foggy from sleeping. The fire burned next to us and Kenneth is a much larger man than Trevor so I felt so safe and extremely comfortable. I closed my eyes and knew I could sleep in a heartbeat but I just couldn’t allow this. What if Trevor or Megan woke to find us cuddling, I thought.

I tried to wiggled my way out of his arms but when I did he pulled me closer to him. Paul flipped a page on his sketch book and began to draw as he watched me and Kenneth and we shared a smile again. Kenneth then put his mouth against my ear and began muttering something but I couldn’t make out what he was saying.

He then whispered into my ear, “I love you Megan.”

I was about to whisper back and inform him I wasn’t Megan when he moved his left hand down my body to my inner thigh and began lightly caressing. I closed my legs tightly to cut off access to more sensitive area’s but right away he pushed my right leg open and ran his hand directly to my crotch. He kissed my neck and ran his hand right up my pussy and I went from zero to a hundred in a split second. I thought it was the kinkiest thing ever even thought I didn’t want this. To feel another man touch me in between my legs right in front of my boyfriend while an artist in the dark sketched us was so extremely hot to me. I looked down at Paul with his eye brows raised as he drew and we shared another smile.

Kenneth’s body stopped moving after he removed his hand from my crotch and rested it on my belly. I wasn’t sure if he was ever really awake at all so I figured I would wait a few minutes and try to slither out of his grasp, however I was so horny. I found it difficult not to move my body to find friction wherever I could and I wanted his hard cock against my leg to rub up on me more.

For five tempting minutes I waited as Paul starred at me and sketched what he witnessed. I was never the subject of art before and I found myself posing a bit for him, belly sucked in, shoulders back, breasts stuck out. My hard nipples poked through the thin material of my gray hoodie. As horny as I was I was equally sleepy and found myself nodding off only to wake a second later.

I decided to make my move and began to slide my body away from Kenneth but immediately he pulled me back and he pushed his hand under my boxers right on my bare pussy. I moaned softly out loud and then quickly covered my mouth not wanting to wake Trevor or anyone else for that matter. He ran a finger up my pussy, parting my wet lips and right to my clit. At the same time he kissed the side of my mouth which was wide open and when he moved his fingers back down my pussy I moved my head closer to him and we kissed a tired and sloppy kiss. He lightly caressed the space between my asshole and pussy and then ran his hand straight up again to my clit.

I was on fire when I saw Paul turn his head away from me and smile. I picked my head up and to my shock Paul wasn’t the only one watching. Another man who we didn’t go to high school with was sitting on the floor, legs crossed and watching me. I forgot his name and who from my high school class he was dating but I later found out his name was Ryan. As I scanned the room to see if anymore were watching Kenneth began to finger the rim of my asshole. I closed my eyes and arched my back as pleasure ripped through my body. Kenneth slipped a fingertip in my asshole and I cried out a little louder into my hand and the sound disturbed Trevor.

Trevor stirred and to my dismay rolled over right on top of me and I heard Paul and Ryan laugh under their breath. I felt ridiculous now and worried if I was caught but he just snuggled up to me as Kenneth’s finger moved from my asshole to my pussy. Trevor also had morning wood so now I had two cocks pressed against both legs while two other men watched me like I was the star of a porno.

Kenneth’s touches became slow and lethargic until he stopped moving all together. I thought he might had been awake or semi awake but now with his hand on my pussy he just slept. I couldn’t take it so I began to slowly hump his hand but it did little for me and I found myself becoming frustrated. However my movement seemed to stir Kenneth and he slipped two fingers inside my pussy and his thumb was brushing up against my clit.

I was getting close to having an orgasm and I worried I wouldn’t be able to stay silent. Kenneth would finger me then stop randomly then start again as he seemingly drifted from semi conscious to unconsciousness. All the sudden I felt my boxers being pulled down and I looked down to see Ryan kneeling before me with Paul now standing to get a better view. As Ryan pulled down my boxers it removed Kenneth’s hand from my body and now I lay with my wet pussy exposed to two men. Ryan wrapped his arms around my legs and began to gently pull me away from Trevor and Kenneth and I was free.

Ryan helped me to me feet, took my hand and led me down the hallway. I was so close to orgasm that each step almost sent me over the edge and I found it difficult to walk normally. Down a narrow hall Ryan pinned my back against the wall and aggressively pulled my zipper down on my hoodie, exposing my juicy and perky breasts. Paul followed us with pencil and pad in had and flipped a page and began to draw again. Ryan just lifted my left leg under my knee as high as it would go, pulled out his thick cock from his boxers and pushed just the tip of the head inside me. He looked me in the eyes and I could tell he was asking for permission.

“What’s your name?” I whispered.
He ignored my question and slid his cock a few inches inside me and I immediately began to cum.

“I’m cumming, holy shit,” I said.

There I was fucking a man who I never even spoken to, whose name I didn’t know before we even shared our first kiss. My body convulsed as he pushed fully inside me when I lost the power to stand. He took me in his arms and I wrapped my legs around him as he carried me to a bedroom and lay me down on my back. I was still cumming as he began to fuck me while Paul walked into the room and sat next to me. Paul leaned down and kissed me and I eagerly kissed him back in anticipation of my first threesome. However as soon as my orgasm faded I passed out hard.

I awoke hours later alone with my boxers back on, my hoodie zipped up and a blanket on me. I wondered if it was all a dream until I felt how moist I was in my pussy. I needed to speak with Paul and find out what happened but I’ll save that for another time.



  1. This is very well written! I loved the slow build up and the exposition. I’m eager to hear more about this weekend as well as more stories from you. Very sexy story!

  2. I really like the title. It’s refreshing in how it is not overtly sexual like most smut titles tend to be, and that in itself raises my appreciation of this story from the start. As u/ThrowawayForMongo pointed out, you had a great set up and exposition, which I think is a must for any story, even erotic short stories. Stories written purely “within the scene” without exposition – I don’t bother with them. In this tale, you captured and sold me with the lead-in to the action and when it came to the action, it was all red hot while maintaining the mysterious aura of the fog that you nailed down so well. A pleasure reading this.

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