A Wife Grants Her Husband’s Birthday Wish (Part 6)

This is the 6th Part to my story

[Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/auegw8/1st_story_a_wife_grants_her_husbands_wish_for_his/)


[Part 3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/auiszn/1st_story_a_wife_grants_her_husbands_birthday/)

[Part 4](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/avfxkp/a_wife_grants_her_husbands_birthday_wish_part_1/)

[Part 5](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/avoay0/a_wife_grants_her_husbands_birthday_wish_part_5/)

So my wife and I ordered some food and drinks as we waited for Greg to arrive. A quality steakhouse is a must for me anytime I’m celebrating my birthday. I had to have the best steak possible on that day. Our waiter said that their classic bone-in ribeye was the best one could get in the city so I ordered that. My wife ordered a shrimp fettuccine meal that was suggested to her by our waiter as well.

While waiting for our food and Greg to show up, my wife looks over to me with a smile and asks,

“So is my husband enjoying his birthday?”

“Absolutely!” I tell her. “I’m with the woman of my dreams right now that I love so much and we are having a lot of fun so far. And the night has barely even begun really.”

“You are right there. The night definitely has a lot more in store for us.” She says while taking a drink sip of her drink.

Just then our waiter came back and told us that our food would be out shortly. I told him that we couldn’t wait and also that we were suddenly expecting someone to join us and if it would be an issue if they brought over another chair to our table.

“That’s no problem at all sir. The table seats four comfortably. I’ll see that we have room for your guest right away.” our waiter said back to me.

“Excellent. Thank you!” I respond.

My wife and I continue to joke and talk while we wait. Right as the waiter comes back out with another chair, more servers with our food are following right behind him. Just as they are laying the food in front of us, my wife’s phone starts to buzz. She looks down and sees that it’s Greg. She picks it up and tell him that we are sitting off to the back and to tell the people at the front that you are meeting someone back here.

“He’s here finally.” she says to me

“I figured.” I say to her as I’m starting to cut up my steak. It was looking as good as I had hoped and was cooked just like I like my steaks. I take a bite of it and I’m instantly rewarded with the joy one can only get from a well prepared and cooked steak.

“Mmm that’s so good!” I say out loud.

My wife looks over to me and says, “That’s not me you’re eating over there so it can’t possibly be that good.”

I chuckle at this little remark of hers. She really knows how to get me going. Just as I’m about to respond, I see my wife lookup at someone approaching our table. It was Greg and he was dressed quite nice for the evening. He was wearing a nice dark blue blazer with a light grey vest and white dress shirt underneath it all. His navy tie pulled the look together quite nicely as well.

My wife stood up to hug him and he gave her a kiss on the cheek in return. I could tell right away that he was absolutely stunned to see how gorgeous she was looking for the night. I shook us hand and offered him the empty seat that we had brought over. He tried to play his cool but I could tell he was nervous at that moment.

“How’s your day been so far Greg?” I ask him, “Have you ate yet? We weren’t sure if you had or not and decided to wait and see if you wanted anything at all before we ordered for you.”

“Thanks but I’m fine. I had a good meal before I got dressed. My day was fine really. Just been waiting for your call I guess.” He says back to us.

He is sitting between my wife and I at the table but his focus is just about entirely at her. My wife notices this as well and I’m starting to feel like she’s getting more and more turned on by it. She has been receiving extra attention all night and she’s loving it deep down.

Greg looks at her and says, “You look absolutely gorgeous! I don’t think I’ve ever seen a woman more beautiful than you are right now.”

“Aww that’s so sweet!” She says in return. “I must say you look very handsome yourself this evening. I love a man in a good suit and tie. Even more so when he’s wearing a vest.”

“Thanks. When you told me where to meet you all, I had to change what I had been wanting to wear. I didn’t want to look bad meeting you all here. I’ve heard this place is really nice and knew I’d have to dress right to fit the occasion.”

“Good call on that one.” I say

We talk more and he jokes around with us as my wife and I finish our food. My wife has turned on her flirting to another level. She’s loving all his little side quirks about this place and evey punchline from a joke he delivers has her laughing more and more.

“So do you guys want to go hit up a club after this and do some dancing?” Greg asks us.

Before I could get an answer out, my wife says, “Nah I didn’t get all dressed up like this to go dancing. I got all dressed up like this to get fucked!”

I’m stunned. Greg is stunned. If anyone around us at the surrounding tables had heard what my wife just said, they’d be stunned as well.

“Going dancing sounds fun and all but I got way too cute and I’m far too horny to do that right now. I’m fucking tonight. Now it can either be you I fuck first or my husband but I’m getting some dick in me soon that’s for sure.” my wife looks at him and says.

Greg is still stunned and shocked by this and just sits there at the table. He and my wife are staring at each other and haven’t broken eye contact yet. I know he must be going crazy inside because I know I was. I had been with this beautiful woman countless times before. Had had sex with her when she was looking as gorgeous as she is now many times as well. But Greg? He had never done any of those things. I’m sure he had been with a lot great looking girls and women before but no one quite like my wife.

“Well Greg looks like the only dancing we will be doing will be in our hotel room.” I say as I finish up the last few pieces of my steak.

“It seems that way indeed.” He says while still looking at my wife. She’s looking back at him with the most seductive look on her face. She is going to rock his world and she’s going to do it all for me.

She takes one more bite of her pasta and says, “That’s really good. Very tasty. I just hope it’s not the only tasty thing I’ll have in my mouth tonight.”

“IT WON’T BE.” Greg and I say at the same time and we all laugh.

The waiter appears soon and asks us if we are going to order any desserts. We decline and ask for the bill. My wife pays for the meal since it’s only right to pay for your husband’s birthday dinner and I drop another $50 bill for the tip.

Greg helps my wife up out of her chair and I extend my arm and she takes it and we leave out of the restaurant. It was a short walk back to our hotel and once again I notice that Greg is still stunned by all of this. He’s walking a few feet behind us, so I lean in to my wife and say,

“You have really done a number on this boy baby. He is still astonished by what you said in there.”

“Like I said earlier to you. If I’m going to do this for you and for you as a birthday gift, I’m going to make the best of it. I need to entertain as well. Is my husband not secretly enjoying himself as well with all of this?” she says back to me.

She knows me so well. Better than any woman ever has. She knows just which buttons to press to get me going and she’s put in the perfect combination so far this evening. She kisses me on the cheek as we start to walk through the hotel lobby.

“You ever been in this hotel before Greg?” She asks him.

“No but I’ve drove past it a lot over the years. This place is too pricey for me to stay at.” he says back to her.

“Well it’s our favorite. We love everything about it. Just wait until you see the view from our room” I say to him.

Looking at my wife and clearly taking in more of her backside as we are getting ready to enter the elevator, he says, “The view from my standpoint is already good if you ask me.”

My wife looks back and gives him a little smirk as we enter the elevator. I push the button for our floor and look at Greg and my wife and say, “If either of you wants to back out of this now, that’s alright with me.”

“I’m fine if you are babe.” she looks up to me and says.

“I’m with the lady as well. I’ve gotten to this point, I might as well see things to the end.” Greg says.

“Good!” I rub my hands in excitement as we all laugh.The elevator stops at our floor and we all get off. I let my wife lead the way to our room and follow behind Greg. He is so mesmerized by her tonight. I’m sure he wants to take her right here and now in the hallway if he could. Her ass looks so perfect in her dress and heels. I know he wants to slap her ass just as much as I do, so I whisper to him,

“Go ahead and touch it.”

Without having to be told twice, he reaches out and grabs a handful of her ass right as we reach the door to our room.

“Be careful.” She says back as she get the room key out of her clutch purse. “You sure you think you can handle all of that?”

“I’m about to find out, that’s for sure.” Greg says back to her.

We enter our room and Greg is stunned by the views that it offers of the city. He walks right over to the giant windows that basically cover two sides of the room and looks around in amazement.

My wife calls out to Greg and I, “You boys get that champagne ready. I’m gonna go and get into something more comfortable.” and slides into the bathroom to change into the outfit she had picked out before we left.

I go over to the champagne that is resting in the ice and show it to Greg.

“That’s a nice bottle. I’ve heard of it but have never tried it before.” he says to me.

“Me neither but we are both going to experience something new tonight.” I say I start to open the bottle. The cork comes off with a smoove pop and I pour the 3 of us glasses.He takes a sip and says to me,

“This is some pretty good stuff.”

“I would have to agree with you as well. Better than I had hoped it would be. I hope my wife likes it as well.”

He and I sit down at the table in the room and the room and he says to me,

“So you are sure you are ok with this? I’m totally into your wife but I want to be respectful to you and her relationship as possible.”

“You’re fine. Our relationship is strong. Very strong. Have fun and enjoy yourself because I know I will.”

Just as I’m saying that, the door from the bathroom opens and my wife walks out. She’s covered up in the white robe that the hotel provides to its guests. She still has her high heels on and slowly walks over to where Greg and I are sitting. I offer her a glass and she takes it and looks down at Greg in his chair.

“Mind if I have a seat right here?” Pointing to his lap.

“Sure make yourself comfortable.” he says back to her.

She sits down on his leg and takes a drink of champagne from the glass I poured her. She nods in approvement at my good choice and takes a longer drink of it. Greg is enjoying having her sit on him like this. His hands are slowly running their way up and down her thighs now. He gets a strong smell of her perfume and says,

“You smell so damn good right now.”

“Thanks, this is something my husband got me years ago that I thought would be perfect for the evening.” she says. She finishes her drink, sits it down on the table. Then she gets up and walks over to the bed.

“Are you ready Greg?”

“I’ve been ready since the first time I laid eyes on you.” he says back to her.

“Good. Now come over here and help me get out of this robe.”

He proved once again that he didn’t have to be asked twice to do something and was out of his chair and helping her in no time. He had the ties to her robe open quick and stood back to see what she was wearing under it all.

“Isn’t this the one outfit you’ve been thinking about me in the most?” she says as she drops the rope off of her and lets it fall down to the ground. The outfit was a bright yellow lace piece. It was Her nipples were clearly visible underneath the sheer push-up bra she was wearing with it but they looked so good. Almost good enough to think they weren’t real. She did a little turn around for him and her ass looked spectacular in the yellow thong she was wearing. She gives me a side eye once she’s turned all the way around and I give her a subtle nod, telling her I’m very much enjoying the show.

“Yes!!!” Greg says. “I have probably jacked off to you in this outfit a half dozen times since you sent it to me.”

“Well good. Let’s make that image in your head become a reality.” my wife says as she pulls him towards her. She gives him a long passionate kiss and his arms are all over her.

I sit back in my chair watching this all play out. I wonder to myself how lucky could I be to have a woman like this. For years I had mentioned doing something like this with her and she had only indulged in this fantasy my dick was deep inside of her pussy and she was swooning to get the most cum out of me as possible. And yet here she was giving herself to a guy she barely knew as a gift to the man she loved so dearly. I poured myself some more champagne and slowly started to rub my dick through my pants. I had to pace myself here, I reminded myself. As I’m thinking this, my wife and Greg move on to the bed. She’s on her back and he is slowly kissing on her neck, her favorite spot, and he’s doing his best to get his clothes off. He finally manages to get his jacket off and my wife starts working on his pants. She undoes his belt while still passionately kissing him and slides her hand down to his hard dick.

“Looks like someone shaved for me.” she says in between kisses.

He smiles back at her and glides his hand down between her panties and starts to finger her as well.

“It looks like someone shaved for me as well” he says back to her.

“Oh no honey,” she laughs as she kisses him again. “I don’t get shaved anymore. This is a freshly waxed pussy you’re feeling on.”

“Mmm” he says, “I’ve never been with a woman that’s been waxed before”

“Well we are gonna break a lot of firsts for you tonight. Stand up for me.” she says.

He gets off the bed and stands up like she asks him. His pants fall all the way down to the ground and he steps out of them. My wife glides down to the floor. She still has her heels on to my surprise and grabs him by the waist and positions him right in front of the bed. She grabs a hold of his now fully hard dick and is about lick it when I speak up,

“STOP!!!” I say to her. I walk over to my wife, dragging the chair behind me so I can be closer. I can tell I started both of him when I spoke. They were in their own world together and nothing was holding them back until I said something.

After getting my chair right where I wanted it, I looked at my wife who was starting to stroke Greg’s dick in her hand and I say to her,

“Did you ask for permission to do that?”

Seeing that I wanted to switch our roles for the night and I would be in the on in control here, my wife gives me a coy smile and says “Sorry baby, I didn’t. May I please?”

“May you please what?” I respond.

“May I please suck Greg’s dick?” she says.

“Are you sure that’s what you want to do?” I say to her as I lean down and stick two of my fingers between her legs and feel her pussy. I can feel from her wetness that she is ready and is as wet as she could possibly be.

“That’s not the right way to ask me. Ask me the right way and then and only then will I give you permission.” I say to her. My fingers are starting to speed up. Her body is starting to react and she grabs my hand and holds it tighter to her pussy with my fingers still deep inside of her.

“Baby,” she says to me with her eyes closed about to cum, “May I please suck Greg’s big white dick?”

Those are the words I wanted to hear come from her mouth. I turn her head towards mine and I give her a deep kiss. Our tongues interact and dance with each other. Kisses like this are what I love the most. Nothing is better than sharing a nice sloppy kiss with the woman you love. I finally let go from our kiss, remove my fingers from her pussy and suck on them. I finally nod my head and say,

“Yes baby, go ahead and suck Greg’s big white dick with those beautiful black lips of yours.”

“Thanks baby!” she says and looks up at Greg and opens her mouth.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/awjx46/a_wife_grants_her_husbands_birthday_wish_part_6

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