Owned By The CEOS-Paris Part 2

Hi all! Long time lurker first time poster. This is a chapter out of an ongoing series that I was inspired to write based on an assigned task of writing a fantasy. I had such fun with it I kept going and expanded it. It is written in a first person dear diary kind of format. “He” and “She” are not given names on purpose, it was a stylistic choice. Anyways enough rambling, here is the chapter. I would truly appreciate feedback. It IS pretty long…fair warning)

“Stop here please” Her command to the driver brought my attention back to her as we pulled up one of the long drives and stopped in front of a large brightly lit house with people milling about on the front steps. It appeared to be a party. My stomach rumbled lightly and I sent the silent wish that this party involved feeding me.

“Come along” She stepped out of the car gracefully, long legs shown off in a tight fitting blood red gown with a slit up to her hip and strappy black stilletos. She looked like a deadly femme fatale and I couldnt help admire her and the way the dress hugged every curve. My lighter blue airy dress made me seem like an innocent lamb next to her. I gulped as the thought passed through my mind…”a sacrificial lamb”

I followed her out of the car as gracefully as I could manage, teetering in white heels on the soft grass and gravel of the drive. Our arrival had caught the attention of several people and they approached her with smiles and outstretched hands. I couldnt understand a word they said as everyone spoke French. Several glanced my way and looked me up and down as they talked to her, only emphasizing the feeling of being a lamb led to the wolves den.

“Mademoiselle, Madam. Please, follow me.” An older gentleman stopped in front of us with a low sweeping bow and then turned to the doorway of the mansion and walked inside. The others that had been standing outside on the steps followed us inside. I followed right on her heels keeping my eyes down. I was nervous and being near her helped keep the nerves under control.

We walked through a lavishly decorated entry way and turned right into a huge formal dining room. The wooden table that took up the center of the room looked big enough to seat an army. A closer look at the center of the table had my pulse racing, slots had been cut in the table and leather straps fed through the slots, restraints. Why were restraints needed on a dining room table? I was afraid I was about to find out.

“Welcome to my home. I am so glad you could join us as my guests of honor tonight” I was relieved that someone spoke English and turned to see who it was. A tall dark haired man stood from the head of the table as we entered the room, a warm smile on his face that didnt quite conceal the hint of darkness in his eyes. I knew instantly from the way he carried himself he was a Dom and I gulped as he approached.

I tried to back up but she put her hand firmly on my shoulder to hold me in place. Her touch was reassuring, but I still squirmed as he perused me, walking a slow circle around her and I. The rest of the people had gathered around the edges of the room watching. “She is delightful. A lovely specimen. You have done well for yourself. I assume he also partakes?”

He talked about me to her, slipping into French that she followed along fluently. I decided I needed to start trying to learn the languages of the places we were going to be visiting. A warm hand on my breast through the dress made me gasp. “Hello little one. I am Marcus. Your owners are dear friends of mine and so I am delighted that they decided to share you tonight”

His voice was warm and lilting, holding promises of pain and long nights between silken sheets. I shivered as his fingers found my nipple and rolled it between fingers. I glanced at her to see what she was doing as he fondled me but to my surprise she had vanished.

“Fret not little one. She is here somewhere. She hasnt abandoned you completely to the daemons” He chuckled deeply and my heart raced under the palm he used to push me back so I was flush to his body. “Though she did give us permission to play with you” He whispered the last part directly into my ear, his voice full of dark erotic threat. I shivered again even as I felt myself start to grow damp.

Once more I was at the mercy of a stranger..or strangers as I felt the eyes of more of the guests in the room follow me as he led me towards the table. He stopped me at the edge and turned to address the others. “Ladies and gentlemen dinner will be served momentarily.

“But first I would like you all to get a good look at our centerpiece for tonight. This mademoiselle is on special loan from a dear friend. Lets take good care of her, shall we? I need a few volunteers to help her into place”

I realized he was talking about me and I froze in place as two other men approached me. Marcus still had his hand down my dress and so I am sure he felt my pulse speed up. He bent down and whispered to me again.

“Worry not. Your safewords still apply as do the limits you set with your owners. Nothing will happen that will go beyond what you can stand. Relax and enjoy your night with us. It will be a night to remember” He pulled away as my brain was still processing what he had said but his reasurances calmed me slightly, until one of the others pulled a knife from an inner jacket pocket.

“This lovely dress is in the way. Stay still little one” He spoke English but with a thick accent. I swallowed hard as he put the blade to the bodice of the dress and pulled it down, a ripping sound following the direction of the knife as it sliced the chiffon like it was paper. He grinned at me as the tattered remnants of the dress fell to the floor leaving me completely naked except for my heels.

I flushed lightly as the knife weilder let out a low whistle of appreciation as he thumbed a nipple before tucking the blade back in his jacket pocket. “You have a lovely body mademoiselle. I cant wait to play with it. Up on the table now”

I felt three sets of hands grab my arms and legs and lift me into the air and set me on my back in the middle of the table. I struggled a bit, not altogether sure I wanted to be doing this. I still didnt see her anywhere. “Nooo wait Im not sure…” My protests fell on deaf ears as they expertly maneuvered me into place cuffing me on my back in the center of the table knees wide open. I tried to breathe through the feelings of panic. She trusted this man with me so I could too…I hoped.

“Ladies and gentleman on center piece for the evening. Feel free to touch caress grope. Please dont feed her that will be my job alone. Oh and of course feel free to decorate her.” Marcus kept his hand on my thigh as he addressed the room, his touch reassuring. I was curious what he meant by decorate. Usually it meant clamps etc but I didnt see any around. Maybe they were hidden.

The door on the far end of the dining room opened and several more people entered the room carrying platters laden with plates of delicious smelling foods. Other servers set candles on the table around me. I quickly realized I was intended as the literal table center piece, the idea so outlandish I couldnt help the giggle that escaped.

The others took seats all around the table, each one within arms reach of me. Marcus took his spot at the head of the table, and much to my relief she sat to his right, sipping a glass of red wine and watching me with a small smile playing at her lips. I laid my head back on the table and tried to relax.

“Pretty little thing, but rather bare” A woman said reaching out and caressing my inner thigh. I squirmed slightly at the ticklish touch. “Annemarie would you like to do the honors of starting the decorating?” Marcus tilted his head and wine glass towards the woman who stood up with a grin. “My pleasure Marcus”

“I dont think she needs to watch us. Can we blindfold her?” Another womans voice had me turn my head to look at her as she pushed her chair back with a loud scrape, a white linen napkin folded in her hand. “By all means” Her reply to the question made me smile slightly. She was here and watching. The second woman wrapped the cloth around my head taking away my sight. Even though it had become common I was still slightly anxious.

“Annemarie, whenever you are ready” Marcus said encouragingly. I felt hands on my breasts, presumably Annemarie’s. Her touch was gentle, exploring. She kneaded each breast slightly before pinching my nipples hard. I gasped at the sudden pain after the lighter caresses. The contrast was startling but arousing. Her hands trailed down my chest and belly splitting before they got to my center going down my thighs. “Hmmm where to start…a thigh…a breast…her belly…” She moved her hands to emphasize as she wondered out loud. I heard her move slightly and something being moved on the table. The hush of conversation ended and I felt every pair of eyes on me. I held my breath and waited to see what was going to happen.

A heartbeat later something burning hot landed on my skin on my left breast and I screamed, a high pitched startled sound. “Breathe pet. Welcome to wax play” Marcus’s voice cut through the fog of pain that had temporarily overwhelmed my brain. I took a deep breath and focused on what had been an intense burn but now settled more into a soothing warmth with a slight sting.

“She makes such pretty noises” A male voice said with a chuckle. Scrape of silverware on plates reminded me I was at a dinner party..in the center of the table… naked having waxed dripped on me. I wasnt sure what to think and so I tried not to.

“I think our decoration could use some distractions. Christoph would you be so kind? But dont let her cum until I say so” Marcus gave the directions, apparently in control of things tonight. I heard another chair scrape back and hands on my thighs.

“Beautiful pussy mademoiselle” I blushed at the carnal compliment but soon forgot my embarrassment as a thumb rubbed over my clit and two fingers were inserted, stroking firmly. I whined and squirmed as my arousal built more.

“There we go. Nice and distracted. Now lets continue with our canvas.” His words barely had time to register before another splat of wax landed on my other breast, trailing down my side as it cooled. I jumped and yelped but the yelp turned to a moan as the pain from the burn only increased the pleasure of the hands between my legs.

“Someone obviously likes wax” Her chuckled observation made me whine again. I had nearly forgotten she was watching. My face burned as I imagined what I must look like, spread naked on the table with hands between my legs and wax on each of my breasts. I wondered if she was taking pics to show him and the thought was such a turn on I clenched involuntarily on the fingers inside me.

“I agree. She is so tight and wet” The comment came from the direction of the hand steadily pumping in and out of me so I assumed it was Christoph talking. I didnt care who said what as my need to cum started to build. Marcus must have sensed that. “Stop for now Christoph. Dont need our decoration enjoying herself too much before dessert”

I whimpered as the fingers withdrew leaving me feeling empty and needy. I heard more movement around me and hoped it was someone else getting ready to touch me. Instead several more splats of waxed landed on my belly and breasts and one on the top of my mound. I gasped and squirmed at each burn that faded into a throbbing tightness on my skin that matched the one on my clit. My back arched against the restraints.

“Oh gods…” I groaned. The wax hardened as it cooled pulling at my skin making it hypersensitive. Random hands reached out and caressed a breast or thigh or ran fingers between my lips making me want to squirm and beg someone, anyone, to make me cum. “I love her like this, spread open and aroused and ready to beg. Thank you Marcus for showing off my pet so beautifully” Her words made me smile even as I squirmed as a mouth found my nipple and licked and sucked.

“Who is ready for dessert?” I heard plates being cleared and lots of movement around me. I hoped dessert meant I would be allowed to cum soon, the ache between my legs was growing more and more unbearable. “We need to clean our center piece off. I need a blade please” my eyes widened behind the blindfold at the word blade. I wasnt sure I liked this idea and I whined loudly.

“Silence. Center pieces dont talk pet. Dont make me gag you. Now hold still” Her words made the feel of cold steel on my skin a little easier to handle. The edge of the blade trailed between my breasts, the cold a harsh contrast to my overheated skin. I held as still as I could, fearful of the blade cutting my flesh. I felt it dig in slightly as she used it to scrape the dried wax from my skin, the bits falling down my sides tickling like feathers. I held my breath until she was done, my skin free from the wax but still hyper sensitive and still very on edge of needing to cum. She ran her free hand between my thighs and into my folds rubbing over my clit. “Yes someone definetly loved the wax she is dripping wet. Time for dessert”

She stuck her fingers in my mouth and I sucked on them tasting myself and cleaning her obediently. She pulled her fingers away and caressed the side of my face as more movement happened around me. I smelled chocolate and caramel and my stomach rumbled again reminding me I hadnt eaten.

“For dessert tonight we have fresh cut fruit including strawberries, melon and also treats such as marshmallows and cookies. All intended to be dipped in a rich milk chocolate and creamy caramel sauce” Marcus had a flare for the dramatic, each statement a grand announcement. His voice was loud beside me.

“Ready for dessert my dear?” He squeezed my thigh and I had a moment to wonder what he meant since no one had fed me yet. I jumped as something hot landed on my breasts and pooled down my belly dripping down the sides. I squirmed and moaned as I realized what was going on. I was being covered in the chocolate and caramel.

“Bon appetite” Marcus said and I heard movement and then cold touched me through the warmth of the syrup. Something touched my lips and I smelled chocolate and strawberry. I opened my mouth and a chocolate covered strawberry was dragged across my lips. I moaned as much from finally being fed as I did from the sensations on my skin. The giver of the berry chuckled and I knew it was Marcus.

“Can I lick it off her?” The question made me squirm more as she gave her consent. “Be my guest. Im sure she tastes divine covered in chocolate and caramel” I took a shaky breath as I tried to compose myself. I was sticky with the syrups and still achy with the need to cum. I felt a warm wet tongue on the edge of my breast dragging along towards my nipple. I groaned and pulled against my restraints wanting to pull whoever it was closer.

“Patience pet. Let everyone finish eating and then you can have your personal dessert.” Marcus was starting to become one of my least favorite people, telling me to have patience when I had been on the brink of cumming several times makes me grouchy. I wisely kept my mouth shut though. I had visions of being bent over as Marcus paddled my ass, and it only made me hotter. I knew he wouldnt go easy in the least.

“Oh gods!” I yelped as more warm chocolate was drizzled over me, lower this time across my lower belly and small amounts dripped down my inner thighs towards my center. It wasnt as hot as the wax but still very warm and left my skin tingling. I felt hands on my thighs and then fingers right where I wanted them, rubbing over my clit and seperating my labia. Someone kissed my inner thigh followed by a sharp nip and I jumped.

“I think she has been a very good centerpiece for us this evening and deserves a reward. Wouldnt you all agree?” Marcus’s voice from the edge of the table between my legs confirmed it had been his hands on me. A chorus of approval and yes met his question and I squirmed anticipating his next move. Who knew what counted as a reward in his devious dominant mind…

“Mmmmmm!” I moaned loudly as I felt his hands on me again seperating my folds and rubbing over my clit. The next sensation was a tongue rubbing firmly right over the tip of my clit. My hips bucked as everything tightened. I was still very close from all the other stimulation I had endured all evening.

“Oh please…” I begged, not caring that it set off a small tittering of laughter reminding me there was an audience. I didnt care, I was focused on the man between my legs and the feel of his mouth and tongue on me as he drove me out of my head. He seemed to be in no hurry, licking slowly from my opening upwards and to each side of my clit, presumably licking off the drips of chocolate. I felt another mouth on each of my nipples, teeth lightly grazing. I groaned as it drove me higher and closer to the orgasm I so desperately needed.

“Marcus, stop” Her voice cut through the bliss in my mind and I wanted to cry in frustration as I felt him withdraw from me. “I think we owe her a mind blowing experience and I know just how to do it” I could tell she had a wicked smirk on her face just from her tone and I gulped. She loved hurting me as she let me cum. I loved it too, but it was also a bit nervewracking.

“As you wish Madam. She is your toy afterall” I almost swore I heard disappointment in Marcus’s voice as he moved away, even though his reply was as smooth as everything else he had said that evening. “Okay subbie you are gonna want to breathe for this. Marcus if you would like to assist in keeping her still”

I felt his hands on me again, pushing my legs further apart and back towards my head, the position opening me and tilting my hips. His grip was firm and I was sure I would probably have bruises from his fingertips. But I was too focused on what was to come to be worried about it.

“Stroke and finger her until I tell you to stop” She gave the direction and I whimpered as I felt fingers inside again rubbing and stroking. I felt the orgasm start to coil in the base of my spine and I whined and panted. “Okay stop. Hold her still” I wanted to kick her for making him stop I was right on the edge.

“Aiiiiiieeeee!” The scream felt ripped from my lungs as she dripped hot wax directly on my clit, the burn so intense I felt like my entire pelvis was on fire. Marcus roughly inserted two fingers again right as she dripped the wax and I came so hard I lost feeling in my toes. “Oh my gods!” I yelped as he kept rubbing with his fingers drawing out the waves of the orgasm. I felt like one giant nerve every touch connected directly to my clit. He finally withdrew his fingers and I let out the shaky sobby breath I hadnt realized I was holding.

“Hang on pet, lets get you unhooked” I felt hands on the cuffs on my wrists and ankles and then something soft was draped around me and I was lifted into strong arms. Other hands removed the blindfold and I blinked as the faces of the other dinner guests came into view.

“Good job” “Beautiful ma petite” “Gorgeous” Each smiled at me as they made their way out of the dining room. I looked up to confirm it was indeed Marcus holding me. She was right beside him a hand on my arm. I felt like I was floating, all my thoughts had fragmented and I couldnt focus on anything. I closed my eyes as I felt myself being carried, the gentle sway telling me we were moving.

“You did amazing pet. Im proud of you. This is a dinner party that will be remembered for ages Im sure” The pride in her voice made me teary eyed which startled me. I hadnt realized how much her approval meant to me before that movement.

“You will be the talk of my dinners for quite sometime I am sure mademoiselle” Marcus voice rumbled in his chest against my ear making me smile. I felt him stop and I looked up as we entered a bedroom. He carried me over to the bed and laid me down gently. “She can recover in here and when she is ready there is a bathroom through that door with a change of clothes.”

He knelt down in front of me perched on the edge of the bed to be eye level with me and took my hand, planting a soft kiss on the back of it. “Merci to you for a wonderful evening. I would love the chance to share in your gifts again before you leave our beautiful city” He smiled warmly as he stood up and crossed to her, kissing each cheek and clasping her hand in both of his. They said something in French and then he gave me one last look before he left, leaving me alone with her.

“How do you feel? Besides sticky?” Her question made me giggle and she raised an eyebrow. “I feel…relaxed. That was scary but fun.” I looked up at her as she sat beside me on the bed. She looked as though she wanted to touch me but thought better of it. “Lets get you cleaned up. Up you go subbie”

She stood first and pulled me to my feet. I was a little wobbly but not too bad. I followed her obediently into the bathroom. I caught sight of my reflection in the mirror and grimaced. My hair was matted in knots but stuck up in other places. I was covered in smears of chocolate and caramel and had bright red welts from the wax.

She caught my expression and turned. “Something wrong little sub?” She crossed her arms and stared at me. I shook my head. “Im a mess” I answered ruefully. She crossed back to stand behind me and look at our reflection in the mirror. Her immaculate appearance only served to emphasize my dishelved appearance and I started to turn away. She put a hand on my arm to stop me.

“I dont see a mess, little one. I see a sub that was well used and enjoyed herself. I see a sub who suffered beautifully for me. Now, into the shower so I can help you scrub all of this off enough to put clothes on. Oh, and judging by the reaction Marcus had to you, I dont think Im the only one who thinks you are beautiful covered in chocolate and wax”

She smirked and my pulse sped up at her comment about our host. He had been a lot of fun to play with, but I was too afraid to agree lest she got jealous. She must have read my mind though, damn Doms.

“I can tell from your reactions to my words now that the attraction was not one sided little sub. Maybe I should arrange for him to come visit one night before we leave” She pursed her lips thoughtfully as she turned the knobs on the shower and pushed me under the hot spray. I moaned in pain and pleasure as the hot water started to remove the sticky residues but hit the welts from the wax.

“Hurry and get clean. Our night isnt over yet I have plans for you at our suite” There was that wicked look again, and I gulped even as I felt my thighs grow damp from more than just theĀ  shower. It still amazed me the effect that they had on me with mere words. Looked like my night wasnt over yet afterall.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/avk6i0/owned_by_the_ceosparis_part_2

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