Can We Believe?

Now, what? I’d traveled so far just to realize that what I had come to find is long gone. Is there still a life for me? That relationship was great for awhile. Then, after so many changes… it’s over. But, can I admit that? Can I allow myself to believe that what I thought would be forever is no more? I might as well just give up on everything.

But, just when I thought I might as well just give up completely on even having any worthwhile life, You appeared. Dark hair, tats, the greatest sense of humor, a hippie chick that wants to live the lifestyle…. Wow! You’re open about so very much and your presence has now opened my eyes to numerous possibilities to Living, once again. What an attitude, what a face. And, what an amazing body. Somehow, in some way, we will find the way to Unite our bodies in the same way our souls and spirits have Come Together.

When we converse, alone ~ in person, or by messages, I feel whole…Complete (for the first time in my life). My eyes are Open and I see a future filled with Hope and Love. Am I dreaming?

I want to touch every inch of your body with my fingers. My tongue years to taste all that you can deliver. Cum, my lover. Cum… Your life-giving essence must be captured inside my oral openness. And, my hardness must find refuge in the depths of your warmth and wetness, dearest love.

You Are the answer to every prayer I had ever offered, to find a Goddess who will Unite with all that I am…body, soul and spirit. Believe in US. Believe in The Power Of The Awakening we both experience with one another. We Can Believe.



  1. So beautiful…. sounds like a very lucky woman to have invoked so much desire in you.

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