Swaying at the Bar

I’m at a bar, it’s just past midnight, nowhere near closing time. I’m 30 years old at the time, confident. I’m a professional, dressed well, presenting well. I’m tall, I’m in shape and feeling good about picking up someone tonight. A pretty brunette girl in a cute sundress is chatting me up. It’s a crowded bar, with a dance floor and a sing-along classic rock vibe. My buddy is flirting with a girl across the room, and this sundress girl talking to me is very handsy. Touching my arms, my shoulders, brushing up on me as we chat.

She’s had a couple drinks, and she’s chosen her target. I’m the lucky guy. She’s a couple years older, maybe 33, but very fit. The sundress leaves nothing to the imagination. She’s not wearing a bra, and barely needs to, perhaps a B cup, tops. But she can move, and she’s into me. I feel really good about my chances of getting this girl to bed.

We talk a bit, 15 minutes, and she falls into me, “accidentally”. She puts her hand right on my cock, and leaves it a moment. She looks up at me, and I look down, with a raised eyebrow. She doesn’t move her hand, but doesn’t grab harder either. I ask if she’d like to leave with me, and she laughs as she says “no, I’ve barely met you.”

I’m a little disappointed, but then she starts rubbing. I’m getting hard, and I’m getting a little pissed at the mixed signals. She says “nice” and presses closer. She unzips me. She fishes my cock out, and presses her middle to my groin, my now fully erect dick sort of hidden between us, and firmly in her grip.

She’s got her other hand on the small of my back. My hands are on her shoulders, and to anyone else it looks like we are half-drunk hugging and swaying to the music. She lays her head on my chest and starts jerking me off while we sway. She’s looking down at it the whole time. I’m stunned, but I’m not fighting it. No one notices, no one else cares.

She moves her head up, and bites my neck a little. I move my hands down to her ass. No panty line, wow, really? Before my hands can get too far, she says “no” and moves my hands up to her waist. She tells me to grab some napkins off the bar.

She jerks me off for 10 minutes, swaying at the crowded bar. Almost no eye contact with me, she looks at my cock almost the entire time. She grabs my arm too hard with her other hand once or twice, and presses her cheek into my shirt enough to leave a makeup smudge behind.

She methodically massages it, she’s really good at it. I’m stuck between dopey confusion and wanting to lift her skirt and take control. She grabs the napkins I took earlier from the far side of the bar. She leans back a bit and covers the head of my dick with the napkins, stroking harder and pressing into me. I start to come. Not a drop gets loose, she catches it all, and holds the hug until I’m done. While I’m coming, she’s making eye contact the whole time, unlike before. Very complete eye contact, like she’s looking for my soul in there.

After a few moments, she asks “are you done” and I say yes. She squeezes my softening dick one last time, runs the napkins around it, and tucks my cock back in my zipper. She throws the napkin on the floor under the bar. She pulls my head down to kiss me, and she kisses me hard, passionately. She breaks away the kiss. I ask if I can have her number, and she says “no.” Before I can say anything else, she says “that was fun,” and walks back to her group of friends.

Talking to one of her friends, she points over to me a short while later. She catches me trying to make eye contact, shakes her head no. I’m sit alone and confused at the bar for another 45 minutes.

My buddy strikes out, and asks if I’m ready to leave. I say yes. He asks about the girl in the sundress, if I got her number. I said no, which was true. Before I leave, I look at her smudge of makeup on my white shirt, and the napkin wad full of come under the bar. I look over to where her group of friends were standing, but they’re gone.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/aqowmd/swaying_at_the_bar

1 comment

  1. > I ask if she’d like to leave with me, and she laughs as she says “no, I’ve barely met you.”

    > She fishes my cock out

    That escalated quickly!

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