Views, Part 3 [Mf] [exh] [voy] [mast] [cheating] [oral] [teasing]

*Parts 1 and 2 in comments.*

The alarm blared. Sasha didn’t stir, she just kept sleeping, her limbs sprawled in every direction, similar to her hair. The alarm continued, and a barely audible groan left her lips. Her brown eyes slowly opened. Her arms slowly moved, her fingers twitched.

She sat upright, her eyes wide, as the alarm finally shut off. Her head turned to look in the direction of her purse, all the way at the other side of the hotel room. She had mistakenly left her phone in there.

“Fuck,” she muttered.

She turned her head in the other direction and looked at the digital clock on her bedside table. The time read 8:01AM.

“Fuck,” she muttered.

She sighed and brushed her hair out of her face. Then she swung her legs off of the mattress and stood up. Her feet picked their way around discarded clothes as she made her way towards the window.

She stopped in front of her window, and peered out at Mark’s window slightly above her. He was nowhere to be seen. An expression of disappointment appeared on her beautiful facial features, and she raised her hand, running her fingertips over the glass.

Then she spun around and sped towards the bathroom.

Thirty five minutes of hasty morning preparations and Cheerio munching later, Sasha grabbed her bag and hurried out of her door. She sped down the hallway, screeching to a stop in front of the elevator.

“Come on, come on,” she grumbled, jamming the elevator button.

A few minutes later, she was hurrying down the sidewalk, turning a corner and heading towards the bus stop. But then her eyes widened, and she slowed down. Up ahead, she saw the bus pulling away. She rolled her eyes, shaking her head.

Sasha arrived late to her lecture that day, but she was in a good mood as she strode quickly down the hallway, heading to the lecture hall. Today was the first day of her new class, Criminology 102. And although she knew it was unlikely, she hoped that Mark was her professor. He had just arrived here yesterday, but today was a Monday, and it was possible that today was his first day as well. The idea of watching Mark stand at the front of the classroom in his sports coat and seeing him glance at her while he talked about his syllabus, while knowing he watched her masturbate the day before, was beyond exciting for her.

She pushed the door open to her lecture hall and stepped inside. Immediately, her chest was filled with disappointment.

Mark wasn’t there.

An old woman stood at the front of the classroom, scraping a pointing stick across the board as she outlined the grade percentages. An old woman, the type of person Sasha was least sexually attracted to. She sighed inwardly and quietly headed towards the nearest open seat.

Later on in the day, Sasha returned to the hotel, adjusting her bag on her shoulders as she stepped into the cool lobby. Her friends had invited her to come to the beach with them, but she declined, saying that she had to study. That was true, but she had no plans of opening her textbooks just yet. She was unbelievably horny.

She had just one lecture today, and it had been torture. Her eyes had stared ahead, unfocused, as the professor droned on, and her body had squirmed in her seat. She did everything she could to distract herself, but she couldn’t get the sight of Mark casually sitting in his balcony reading a book out of her head.

Even as she hurried into the elevator, her heart thudded with excitement of the memory of Mark potentially watching her as she obliviously fucked herself senseless on her bed.

She was a dripping mess by the time she arrived in her hotel room. Her bag was discarded on the floor. The door was slammed shut behind her. A huge smile of anticipation lit up her face as she marched straight across the spacious room, heading for her windows. She stopped in front of the glass, her hopeful eyes turning towards the windows of Mark’s room.

He wasn’t there.

She closed her eyes and sighed. Without even thinking about it, her hand moved towards her crotch. Her fingers brushed over her jeans for a few moments as she looked out over the city, and then she abruptly turned and walked away from the windows.

She could wait.

As she walked, her fingers unbuttoned her jeans. She stopped to pull them off, and then stepped out of them, wearing nothing but her white crop top and gray panties. She walked over to her bag and then bent over. Her crotch was fully visible to anyone standing directly behind her as she bent at the waist, sticking her ass in the air, and started searching through her bag. The fabric of her panties was darkened by a stain.

She finally managed to pull her phone from her bag, and made her way back towards her bed. She could feel the wetness of her soaked underwear against her pussy lips, and it only turned her on more. Her teeth clamped down on her bottom lip, and a smile curled the corners of her mouth as she thought about how she had been confined in an elevator with Mark just the day before.

She crawled onto her bed. Her pussy was on fire. She lifted her head to glance through her windows one last time before she rolled over and went to town on her snatch.

She froze.

There he was, standing on his balcony, looking right at her. The instant she looked at him, he looked away. *Oh god, he’s even wearing a sports coat*, Sasha thought. It was a different one, but she didn’t care. It gave him that distinct professor look, and that was all that mattered.

“I’ve got you now, you perv,” she muttered to herself, her face lit up with excitement.

Her brown eyes watched Mark turn and head back into his hotel room.

“Nooo,” she whined.

She pouted for a few seconds, and then she rolled over on her back, unlocking her phone. She could wait. Her phone buzzed, and a text from Chris appeared, the notification lowering from the top of her screen. Her eyes narrowed.

*Sasha, you know commitment is really important to me, and you haven’t texted me for hours. Do you like hurting me? Do you? Are you just busy spreading your legs for every-*

She read that far before she rolled her eyes and swiped the notification away. Keeping her head as still as possible, she peeked over at Mark’s windows again.

She saw him opening the door to his balcony, and her heart did a backflip. Her pussy tingled.

She watched him drop into a half crouch, and start creeping onto his balcony. Her mouth dropped open. He crept towards his chair, his arms spread, and pushed himself behind it.

“Oh my god,” she whispered, soft laughter starting to escape her mouth.

He started to settle down behind the chair. She saw his limbs poking themselves out in every direction as he got himself comfortable. Her laughter grew harder. Her entire body was shaking.

“Oh my god,” she repeated again, her voice shaking. He sat behind the chair, his shoulders poking out on either side. Then the chair started scooching forwards, and Sasha lost it.

Her phone fell from her hand and landed on her chest. It hurt, but she just kept laughing, her eyes screwed shut. She kicked her legs in the air, her voice filling the hotel room. Chris was completely forgotten as she opened her eyes, gasping for air, and moved her hand to cover her mouth.

She discreetly peered at Mark again. He was sitting still again, hidden better, but she could still see a part of one of his arms.

“Oh *Mark*,” she sighed.

She took a few breaths, looking sideways at Mark through her window. A few moments passed.

Then she decided it was time to put on her show.

Her heart thudded with nerves as she hooked her thumbs in the waistband of her panties. She raised her legs in the air as sexily as she could, and pulled them off of her hips, over her thighs, and past her knees. She kicked her panties away, stealing discreet glances at Mark as she did so.

She could still see his elbow. He was sitting completely still. A huge smile lit up her face as she slowly started turning herself on her mattress, until her pussy was pointing directly at him. She hummed with excitement, biting her bottom lip again, and raised her head to look at Mark again as she finally spread her legs.

She saw his arm move slightly, and a jolt shot through her body. She had never been this excited before.

She lowered her head to the mattress again and her fingers started making her way to her dripping pussy. She started touching herself. A moan escaped her lips. She stared straight up at the ceiling, her eyes half open, as she thought about the unbearable arousal she had felt all day.

She bit her lip again as she raised her head, looking at Mark a second time. As she stared at him, she saw the chair scooch forwards a little more. It was now absurdly close to the edge of the balcony. A snort of laughter escaped her, but she didn’t stop touching herself. Instead, she propped herself up on her elbow, looking directly at him now.

“You like looking at my wet pussy, Mark?” she whispered.

She knew he could see her face, she knew he could see her looking at him. But he didn’t seem to react. He just sat there, behind his chair, and her arousal mounted and mounted. Her hand started rubbing a little faster. Her face grew hot. Her breathing quickened.

Suddenly, she noticed that his arm was moving. Her fingers plunged desperately into her soaked pussy as she noticed he was touching himself too.

This realization shot a massive jolt of excitement through Sasha’s entire body, and her mouth dropped open. She let out a half moan/half whimper as she plunged her pointer finger and ring finger inside of herself over and over.

An idea appeared in her arousal flooded brain, and she pulled her soaked fingers from her pussy. She put them in her mouth and sucked on them for a moment, her unblinking brown eyes staring at Mark. It wasn’t necessary at all, as she was wet enough down there to irrigate Honolulu twice over, but she figured he would like that.

Her fingers returned to her pussy, sliding in and out, and jolts of pleasure overcame her. Her eyes became unfocused. Wet noises from her pussy filled the otherwise silent hotel room, and she dimly realized she was making another mess on her sheets. But it was too late now. The image of Mark staring at her ass in that elevator appeared in her head, and she cried out, frantically rubbing her clit as she raised her hips into the air, her body trembling.

Her pussy squirted, spraying juices off the side of her bed. A smile of ecstasy lit up her face.

“Oh Mark,” she whimpered, her voice quivering. Her body shook uncontrollably as more liquids sprayed from her reddened pussy lips. She bit her lip again, picturing his face in his mind, with that dark hair. She pictured him spraying cum all over his chest behind the chair on his balcony, and her pussy squirted a third time.

Sasha panted on her back, her orgasm slowly passing.

She finally sat up a short time later, a smile of bliss on her face as she watched Mark get up from behind the chair and stagger into his hotel room. He seemed to have forgotten that he was supposed to be hidden. She started laughing again, hugging her knees to her chest as she stared up at Marks windows.

She stayed like this, staring at his hotel room, for a few moments. Then she closed her eyes with a smile. Her feet drummed against the mattress with excitement.

“He has no idea,” she whispered to herself, grinning widely. “He’s such a stupid *idiot*.”

The gorgeous blonde sat still for another minute, lost in her thoughts. Then, without warning, her eyes bulged, and her mouth opened in her biggest smile yet. She had just gotten an idea.

She leapt off of her bed. Her fingers were curled into little fists of excitement as she trotted across the room, her grin still on her face. She screeched to a stop in front of the table next to the door. She kept a stack of printer paper in a corner of the table. She leaned over, reaching for the paper, and delicately picked one leaf off of the top of the stack.

Next to the stack of paper was a cup stuffed with pens and markers of various colors. Her fingers hovered over the markers as she frowned at the cup, carefully considering each one. She picked out a couple of colors, and then the smile reappeared on her face.

Sasha lowered herself to the floor near her bed, sitting in the criss cross applesauce position, the paper and markers in front of her. She picked up one of the markers and brought it to her lips. Her gorgeous eyes gazed intently at the blank piece of paper as she nibbled on the end of the marker. Her eyebrows moved a little closer together. She sighed.

After a while, a corner of her mouth moved upwards, and her eyes widened. The marker was removed from her mouth. She quickly uncapped it, and brought the tip down to the paper. Her hand moved over the paper, dragging the marker over it with deliberate and careful strokes. Her eyes didn’t leave the paper as she reached for another color. They remained fixed on her work as she added the second color with precise strokes, the tip of her tongue poking out of the corner of her mouth.


Mark didn’t sleep well that night. He laid awake in bed as the hours marched on, battling an overwhelming cocktail of emotions. Although she didn’t seem to mind leaving her curtains open while she touched herself, he knew he shouldn’t have watched. But he had kept himself hidden, hadn’t he? She had no idea he’d seen anything, and what she didn’t know couldn’t hurt her. He told himself this over and over in a desperate attempt to make himself feel better.

At the same time, he hadn’t felt this excited in years, many many years. Watching a girl like Sasha spread her legs and pleasure herself had been an amazing experience. It was that nervous excitement of seeing something one shouldn’t, like the time he had found his parents porn magazines when he was a child.

Mark was awakened suddenly the next morning by the shrill sound of his alarm. He groaned, rubbing his eyes, and struggled to get out of bed. Eventually, he managed to make it to the bathroom, and in a tired daze, he started his morning routine. By some miracle he managed to catch the bus on time. As he boarded the bus and swiped his transit card, his sleepy brain woke up a little. He felt stirrings of excitement in his chest, and quickly peered around the interior of the bus, looking for a cute blonde hair cut, and that intense brown eyed gaze. But Sasha wasn’t there.

Disappointed, Mark stood at the end of the bus as it headed for campus.

His feeling of disappointment didn’t lift once he got to his classroom. He started to wish he had never seen Sasha in her bedroom. If he hadn’t gone out on his balcony, he would’ve never seen the blonde beauty in her most private moments, and he would’ve been able to focus on other things, such as the class he was currently teaching. But now, all he could think about was what her legs looked like spread apart like that, the sight of her chest under that teasing white crop top, and the beautiful folds of her pussy wrapped around her probing fingers.

But the worst part about all of it was the guilt he felt every time he thought about her. He had a wife. He shouldn’t be thinking about other people like this, especially not a student. He knew that, and yet Sasha occupied his thoughts anyway. His relationship with his wife wasn’t the best one, but he still had managed to remain loyal until now. He just hadn’t seen anyone like Sasha before.

His brain conjured up images of Sasha’s legs and ass as he walked into his classroom. He blinked sleepily as he made his way to his desk at the front. His briefcase was tossed onto the desk, and he started unzipping it to pull out his laptop. As his hand slid the zipper open, he sighed and glanced up at the students assembled in front of him.

“Alright everyone,” he began, “I hope you all went through today’s chapter at home like I asked you to, because this one’s a doozy. We’re-”

Mark stopped mid sentence, his sleepy expression frozen on his face, his fingers still on the zipper of his bag. His heart did an Irish jig of nervousness, and for just a moment, he forgot where he was.

Her denim shorts ended at her upper thighs, showing off her legs. One leg was crossed over the other, and she wore cute leather sandals on her feet. She also wore a form fitting blue t-shirt which subtly displayed her curves, not tight, but slim enough to hint at her fit waist and attractively shaped breasts. Her blonde hair was just as cute as ever: lightly wavy and barely reaching her shoulders. She had a notebook sitting on the fold out desk in front of her. Her eyes peered at him, almost expectantly, her lips parted. She held a pen, the end of which gently rested on her bottom lip. She sat directly in front of him, in the very first row.

Mark stared at Sasha, and she stared back. Two or three seconds went by, and she tilted her head, just barely. A corner of her mouth twitched upwards.

“We’re going to skim over lasts nights assignments,” Mark continued, his gaze shooting over at the rest of his class. He finished pulling his laptop out. “I don’t have time to go into each problem in depth, so if anyone has any questions about them it would be better if they send me an email or see me after…”

It was the most difficult lecture Mark had taught yet. His gaze kept being drawn to the blonde sitting in the front row. She wasn’t supposed to be here. He felt like the universe was intentionally trying to mess with his head at this point. And why did her hair have to be so *fucking* cute?

Sasha didn’t do anything during the entire lecture. She barely moved. An expression of polite contentment remained on her face as she watched Mark teach, and she occasionally looked over at the board, staring at the various formulas and diagrams he had scribbled up there. Every time he looked at her, she looked back at him, and he could have sworn she had a suggestive look on her face. He wondered if it was his imagination, or if she really did raise an eyebrow at him multiple times, the ghost of a smile on her lips.

Mark couldn’t think of a reason why Sasha was there. It didn’t make sense, she didn’t have this class. But he decided not to think about it too much, and he was supremely relieved when he finally reached the last slide on his PowerPoint and finished the lecture. He let the students ask some questions. Sasha didn’t ask any, she just sat there watching him. Then he sat at his desk and tried to collect himself as his students started flooding out of the door.

As the door was next to his desk, the students all ended up making their way to the front of the class and then swarmed past his desk, as they did every lecture. He glanced up as conversations and shuffling filled the room, and saw Sasha.

She was smiling, that intense gaze of hers freezing him in his seat. But she was swept out of the room along with the tide of students, and soon enough, her blonde hair had vanished from sight.

Finally, the small lecture hall was empty. Mark sighed again, drumming his fingers on his thighs, and waited for his raging erection to go down. It wouldn’t, and he eventually decided it wasn’t worth the wait and reached for his lap top. He slid his computer into his bag and lifted it up. He turned to march out of the room, but then he did a double take.

There was a folded up piece of paper sitting on his desk. It had been hidden under his briefcase. Mark raised his eyebrows. He hadn’t seen the piece of paper when he walked in. He picked it up and unfolded it, examining the words written on it.

*I just love it when you watch me, you make a great audience. Enjoying the view?*

The words were written neatly with a blue marker, and a lighter blue was used to add highlights to the letters. A heart shape pattern, drawn with different shades of pink, radiated out from the words, covering the rest of the paper.

He stared at the paper for a few seconds, reading and rereading the words. Then he placed the paper on his desk, face down, and stared blankly across the classroom.

“Okay,” he muttered.

Mark had two more lectures do that day. Both of them were absolute hell. He couldn’t get the paper out of his head. Was it possible it was a message from Sasha? Was it possible she had slipped it under his briefcase as she left the lecture hall amidst the crowd of students? Was that what that smile meant?

He told himself that it wasn’t possible. This mid-twenties girl masturbating for him, putting herself on display for him, that wasn’t possible. That she had thought about him and drew up this message for him, that wasn’t possible. He made his way through his two lectures with an uncomfortable erection, constantly trying to convince himself it was all a coincidence, all of it.

Still, as he walked into the hotel lobby later that afternoon, his heart thudded with anticipation. He stepped into the elevator, his cock standing at full attention in his pants. He had been forced to slip away to a bathroom earlier that day to masturbate, but even after he exploded all over his legs and stomach, he still couldn’t get Sasha out of his head.

He threw his briefcase onto the table near his door as he hurried into his room, and he immediately made his way to the door to his balcony, filled with nervous excitement.


Sasha stepped out of the crowd leaving Mark’s classroom and stood at the side of the hallway, feeling adrenaline wash through her body. She shifted her weight from foot to foot, her arms crossed over her chest. She closed her eyes. A nervous smile appeared on her face as her teeth clamped down on her bottom lip.

She had done it. She had really done it.

Her bottom lip slid out from between her teeth as she turned and looked at the door of Mark’s classroom, a little ways down the corridor. She quickly glanced around at the students passing by her, playing nervously with the strap of her satchel, and then she looked back at the doorway, brushing her foot over the back of her leg.

Then she quickly turned her back to the door and took a deep breath, her hands curling into determined fists at her sides. She couldn’t go back now.

*He’ll love the note*, she told herself. *There’s no reason for him not to love the note*. He certainly seemed to love watching her. She tried to reassure herself that the note wasn’t too much, that she wasn’t wrong about the way Mark felt about her.

She pursed her lips and then made her way out of the building.

The street leading outside of campus was filled with college students, milling around as they headed towards their next class or waited for the bus. Some people sat in the small grassy areas lining the sidewalk, chatting in groups or eating a quick bite. Others spend past on skateboards or bicycles.

As Sasha strode up to the bus stop, she attracted some attention from the people around her. Guys momentarily glanced over as she passed them, and then watched her for a few moments before going back to whatever they were doing.

But, as always, Sasha failed to notice. Her phone had just started ringing. She slowed down and opened up her satchel, and sighed once she pulled out her phone and saw who was calling.

It was Chris.

She gazed at the screen for a few moments. Then she locked her phone and put it back in her purse.

“Fucking Chris,” she sighed.

An annoyed expression remained on her face as she reached the bus stop. She tapped her fingers on her bag with irritation, wondering if Chris spent every second of every day fixated on her and whatever she was doing.

Her brown eyes slowly traveled over the campus. She started thinking about Mark again. Sasha knew what she was doing was wrong, but nobody knew about it but Mark, and he couldn’t prove anything if he wanted to. It was wrong, but it made her really excited. And what else was she going to do, talk to Chris?

The bus rounded the corner and started headed for the bus stop, but Sasha had already left. She was a little ways down the street, marching at a brisk pace.

She had just gotten another idea.

*to be continued in Part 4*



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