Rainy NYC Night

**Rainy Night In the City**

Water dripped onto the elevator floor.  There was no helping it.  Both of them were soaked completely through.  All that could be done, was to head to the hotel room and change out of their wet clothes.  It was early March, the weather had been warming up, and they had decided to break the winter blues with a trip to the city for a weekend.  Neither one said it out loud, but both would be glad if it was snowing outside instead of the freezing rain that had been falling all day.  

They tried to make the most of it.  Sightseeing, walking around, a little shopping and a nice dinner.  The rain, however, was putting a damper on their plans, and souring the trip a bit.  An attempt to purchase an umbrella from a street vendor, resulted in the cheap, quickly broken umbrella in a trash can, and his wallet $20 lighter.  A bar they found gave them refuge for a bit, but after 11pm it started to become overcrowded, and they decided to head back to the hotel.  No cabs could be found, so they had to hoof it for a few blocks.

The elevator dinged as they reached the 35th floor of the hotel, and they stepped out, quickly walking the hallway, and using the key card to access their room.  The room was nice.  Not huge, but comfortable and updated.  One entire wall was just floor to ceiling windows, showing the gray rainy New York City streets spread out before them.  The other side of the hotel faced Time Square, and those rooms were at a premium.  However, if he admitted it to himself, he had lived in the city a few years before, and hated the tourist trap that was Times Square. The view out their window was perfectly ordinary for NYC, and that suited them both fine.

She looked up and gave a half smile, a small acknowledgement that the trip wasn’t exactly what they had planned.  He laughed, gave her a kiss, and went to start the shower.  The shower, thankfully, was pretty spacious.  An idea formed in his head as he turned the knob towards H, and he poked his head out, ready to offer some cheesy come on to her and gauge her response.  Instead he was greeted with the sight of her, facing away from him, slowly stripping off her wet clothes.  It was apparent she knew he was watching, and she made an effort to let him drink in the sight of her.  

First was the hoodie and the shirt underneath.  Both fell with a heavy, wet thud to the floor.  She took a moment to stretch her arms up, taking a deep breath and feeling the air on her exposed skin.  She had a black bra on underneath, simple, but undeniably sexy on her body.  She turned her head so she could see him, and gave another smile.  The fire in her eyes was only a smoulder right now, but that look was all he needed to know that she was ready to be stoked, and sent ablaze.

Slowly, she undid her belt, and slid her pants to the floor, making sure to emphasize the bend of her body, and give her ass a little wiggle In his direction.  As she stood up, she felt his hands from behind, one on her waist, one on her left arm.  The hands still carried the damp chill of the Winter rains outside, but the warmth beneath that chill was one she both felt, and anticipated at the same time.

He pressed against her, nestling her body next to his.  His lips found the back of her neck, kissing her gently.  Her breath let out in a large breath that wasn’t quite a moan, but a precursor, and she bent her head to the other side to allow him greater access to her neckline.  His strong hands pulled her into him, somehow both commanding and gentle all in one.  She could feel him harden through his jeans, and turned to face him.  A deep kiss met her lips, warming her, and sending shivers down her spine.

No words were really needed at this point.  They knew each other, and knew how to do this dance without music.  She sauntered over towards the bathroom, reaching back to remove her bra, when she noticed it was already undone.  She looked at him, greeted by a sly look and she started to strip down, throwing his clothes into the soaked pile of her own clothes.  She flung the bra at him as he was focused on his belt.  The night air hit her nipples, which were already erect.  She slowly slid her panties off, and walked into the shower, letting the hot water burn away the rain left on her body.

He entered soon after.  Sliding the glass door shut,  he watched as she let the water flow over her body.  He was already erect, and she slowly slid a hand over his cock, giving small gentle strokes as they warmed up in the water.  Both of them, if they were honest, weren’t fans of shower sex.  It was nothing like the movies, and usually ended with one of them standing out in the cold while the other showered off.  But that didn’t mean they couldn’t have fun in their still.  

The shower was large enough they were both able to stand under the water,  kissing each other deeply, their hands exploring each others bodies.  She continued to gently play with his quivering member, as his hands cupped her breast,  and pinched her nipples.  She felt an electrical current blast through her from her chest to her crotch as he did so.  His lips found her neck again, then her shoulders,  teeth digging slightly into them playfully.  Then his head moved down, and when his lips met her left nipple, his hand simultaneously began to stroke her lower lips.  It was like a circuit being completed, and she felt an indescribable current flowing from his mouth, through her torso, into her pussy, and out through his head again.   His tongue circled her nipple as his finger began to gentle circle her clit.  She let out a soft moan, feeling as the water bounced off the top of his head into her face gently.  Her body was overloaded with sensation,  making it difficult to focus.  Somehow, one hand found the back of his head, pulling her deeper into her chest, as her other hand began to stroke his shaft once more.  She felt the response from him,  an exhalation of breath against her chest, and a slight engorgement of his meaty cock.  

They continued to warm each other up for a time,  before he watched as she bent over to turn off the water.  As she bent, he saw the briefest glimpse of her mouth of arousal.  He longed to taste it, but he knew from her body language she had something planned.

She turned, shot him a commanding look while handing him a towel, and ushered him silently out the door.  A quizzical look was the only response she received in return.  He went to speak, and she gently put a finger over his lips, and sent him on his way with a smack on his ass.  

It was some time that he waited.  He wasn’t exactly keeping time, but it was a wait.  He was wondering if dinner had upset her stomach, and if she was too shy to say anything.  Maybe he could slip on his clothes, run down to the hotel shop and grab her some medicine or something.  He sat, pondering if he should say anything, when the bathroom door finally opened.  Now he saw what had taken her so long.  Her hair was completely dried and straightened.  Typical, he thought to himself.  Night’s fun is over before it started.  He decided to at least get a good glimpse of her in her towel as a consolation, when he began to notice she wasn’t wearing a towel anymore.  Instead she was wearing lingerie.  This was something completely new for them.  The soft glow of the hotel light revealed the lingerie to be a deep purple, a color he had never seen her wear before.  It was, he decided, certainly a color he’d lover to see her more in.  A corset pushed her breast up, revealing their fullness to the eye.  There was some sort of design on the fabric, but it was the same color as the rest of it, making it hard to see.  She wore a garter with garter belts down to just above her knee, where they were met by stockings that covered the rest of her.  He was never been a fan of lingerie before, but suddenly he realized how wrong he had been.

She sauntered over to him,  gave him a smile that spoke of confidence newly found.  He knew it had taken her some courage to build up to wearing this, but he also knew she found herself loving it, and loving the effect it had on him.  She gently pushed him down as he went to kiss her, and with an extra firm shove at the end, indicated he was to lie down and stay down.  She swayed her hips seductively, moving in time to soundless music.  Her hands reached up to her hair, pulling it up towards her head slightly as she slowly dropped to the floor.  She wiggled as she came back up,  turned her back towards him, and slowly began to remove the eggplant colored panties she wore.  She spun around, panties hanging from her index finger, smiling as she threw them behind her.  She climbed up on the bed, straddled him around his chest,  and grabbed his wrist.  She pushed them up above his head, and gently released them.  Hands off mister,  she said wordlessly, as she raised herself, and then lowered herself onto his face.

The sudden warmth, pressure, aroma and taste wasn’t foreign to him, but it was always welcome.  Like an old friend who you never get sick of seeing.  He inhaled deeply through his nose, drinking in her scent as his tongue began to work it’s way around and between her lips.  She was wet, not from the rain or shower.  But from him.  He could feel her muscles tighten and relax again as his tongue moved through the crevices, eventually finding her clit.  He made his tongue relaxed and flat, and gently lapped over the small mound hidden in the folds.  He heard her inhale, and shiver a bit on top of him.  Her hands were running through her own hair as he watched her.  His tongue became firmer and straighter, as he began to circle her clit more and more.  First clockwise, then counter.  Sometimes a figure 8 loop going over the top of the clit.  The slightest amount of suckle to increase the pressure.  He could feel his hardness, standing like a mast in the air,  and ached to be inside of her.  But first, there was this.  

His hand reach up,  gently holding onto her hips, elbows bent so as to be pressed to the outside of her things.  He gave a gently squeeze to show she wasn’t hurting him.  She responded by shifting her weight,  grinding her pubic bone into him.  His tongue moved down and began to flick in and out of her, tasting her juices as he felt her muscles shake to the new sensations.  He alternated between long, slow licks In and out of her honeypot, and quick furartive flicks of his tongue over her clit.  He felt her muscles squeeze the side of his head, every so often losing their grip for a split second and then quickly regaining their strength.  He knew she was close,  and kept his pace and cadence like he was playing an instrument.  She began to breathe faster and harder,  now supporting herself on the headboard.  With a sharp inhale, and a hold of her breath,  he felt her whole body shake, starting at her knees, and a warmth of juices his his mouth suddenly.  But of course this didn’t mean stop.  He kept going,  holding her legs as they held onto his face.  She continued to gasp, moan, and convulse, and began to fall over onto the bed.  He rolled with her,  pressing her hips into him, making sure he didn’t lose contact or pace.  Finally she pushed him off, and began to intake huge gulps of air, recovering from his mouth.  

They lay together, panting slightly, not speaking.  She turned to smile, and kissed him,  tasting herself on his lips.  He smiled back,  and stood up, stretching a bit,  walking to the window and staring out into the night.  She stared at his ass,  and noticed it clench a bit.  Then she noticed his whole body was tense.  Something clearly caught his eye.

She got up, and stood beside him. She looked, but saw nothing below that was weird.  

“What is it?”  she asked.

He turned to her, horrified, and pointed to the building across the way.  A few stories up.  Inside was an office, lit up inside.  The usual desk, chairs, and filing cabinets were there.  However, she noticed a Man sitting at the desk, mouth agape, staring in their direction.

“Shit!  Do you think these are tinted windows?”  She asked quietly, as if the man could hear her.

“I’m sure they are, but not when the lights are on inside and it’s dark outside!”

“Do you think he saw the whole thing?”  she asked coyly.

“Guess so.  Hopefully it was a good show for him.  I’m sure he doesn’t mind when you’re dressed like that.”

A flood of emotions raced through them. An invasion of privacy, but something else was there.  Something quiet inside of them that was suddenly growing louder.  He turned towards her, and she noticed he was hard again.  A moment of indecision passed, and she reached out and grabbed his sex,  feeling him tense and relax.  She looked up at him, then out the window at the Man in his office, as she continued to run her hands over her boyfriends shaft.  

All doubt was dispelled when they watched as the Man across the way, slowly began to knead at his own crotch through his pants. She felt hands guiding her to face the window.  Her boyfriend moved behind her, and she could feel his thickness as it pressed against the back of her legs.  His lips found her neck, and kissed her nape as she began to widen her stance.  She braced against the window, angling her body just right, and felt him enter into her.  Her eyes never left the man across the way.  She could see her boyfriend in the window,  face contorted in pleasure as he entered her.  His strong hands on her hips, guiding her back slowly, easing her onto his largeness.  The Man across the way slowly, as if unsure, undid his belt, unzipped his pants, and slid them down to his knees.  He glance around quickly, and then proceeded to take out his own hard cock, stroking it as he watched them.  Her boyfriend was beginning to move his hips back and forth, slowly moving his cock in and out of her wanting core. His hand resting on the garter belt still around her waist.  He could feel her tightness gripping him as he started to throw more power into his thrusts.  Pleasure engulfed him and he began to lose himself in the moment.  She moaned,  pleasure rippling through her, her eyes never leaving the Man stroking himself across the way.  He was watching them intently.  All three of them wordlessly sharing this unspoken bond.  She felt the thrusts behind her growing in speed and power.  She felt a mounting pressure building in her loins.  

He used a free hand to undo the ties of her corset, and deftly removed it, letting it fall to the floor. He reach around, cupping her breast with one hand as he continued to slide in and out of her sweet pussy.  His breath quickened, and he watched as the Man began to slide his hand over his own cock faster and faster.  

She was closing in on the edge, and could feel every inch of her boyfriend moving through her.  She could feel him start to tense up, and knew he was close to finishing.  She pushed back against him, throwing herself back from the window, and breaking free of him.  She knelt down, and took him into her mouth.  She made sure to be able to see the Man across the way, watching as he continued to masturbate to the sight of them.  

Her mouth was warm and inviting, with her tongue moving expertly over his member.  He was building up inside, and pulled out of her mouth, stroking himself as he came, spurting powerful strands of his come over her face and breasts.  They were both torn between watching him come, and watching the Man across the way as he came. They watched as the man finished onto himself, slowing down with each stroke.  Her boyfriend’s come slowed down as well, and she took a finger, wiping some off her chest, tasting it.

They watched as the Man slowly realized he had just finished onto his shirt and pants he was wearing, and look around with a panic for something to clean up with.   The young couple smiled and laughed as they watched the horrific realization on the Man’s face.  How would he get home like this?  They laughed, and gave a wave before shutting the curtains to the room.  

A few moments of laughter passed, and they both soaked in the idea of what they had done.  A new horizon had just opened to them, and who knows where it would lead.  But it wasn’t necessary to talk about that now.  For now, they could enjoy each others company.  

She turned and smiled at him, realizing she was still covered in his love.  She gave him another sexy look, and asked “Feeling up to another shower?”


Source: reddit.com/r/eroticstories/comments/ant3p5/rainy_nyc_night

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