Views, Part 1 [Mf] [exh] [voy] [mast] [cheating] [oral] [teasing]

Mark was starting to think that a few months in Hawaii to teach an Honors course wasn’t that bad of a deal. He stood in front of the hotel, his suitcase sitting on the sidewalk next to him. The hotel looked expensive. But that was one of the perks of being employed by such a prestigious university: he didn’t have to pay for any of this himself. Not the room service, not the wifi, and not even the pool.

Mark was in his mid forties. He had dark but friendly looking eyes with barely visible smile wrinkles in the corners, and his dark hair was stylized neatly, brushed to the side. If one looked closely, they might spot gray hairs among his black ones. Although he kept himself healthy and fit, he was nearing the middle of his life, so he tried to learn how to really appreciate the good when it came. And this was good.

Yeah, he’d be away from his normal life for six months, in a new place he had never been to before, teaching material he had never really taught before. And yeah, the university had mixed some paperwork up, and due to their negligence, he would be staying at a hotel with all of the honors students. Also, there could be a little bit of a culture shock. After all, he wasn’t sure how different Hawaii was from Massachusetts. Mark had rarely been outside of Massachusetts, and certainly not for months at a time.

But the hotel was nice. And the beaches were pretty, or so he’d heard. The material he would be teaching was fun and engaging, and he figured that he needed to spread his horizons a bit anyway. And staying with the honors students couldn’t be that bad. They would hopefully be too scared of getting kicked out of the honorship program to make too much noise or to party too hard. But best of all, Mark could get away from the wife.

His wife, Candace, was a handful. When he’d first met her, she’d been so beautiful, her eyes so full of life and excitement. She made everything seem like the most wonderful thing in the world, with her enthusiasm and passion for whatever she was trying to pursue at the time. As they continued dating, he started to notice that her goals would shift. She’d want to be a vet, and get really interested in that, and talk about it non-stop, with a passion that was just adorable. But then her interests would suddenly change, and she’d want to be a kindergarten teacher. She’d constantly gush about little kids, about how she would teach them life skills, and to be better people. She would be just as passionate and adorable as ever, but a few months later, it was something else.

Still, Mark had had faith in her, in this lovely young woman, her eyes bright and full of life. Although he thought her flakiness might be a problem, he ignored his gut feeling, distracted by the beautiful way she smiled when she talked about whatever her dreams for the future were that month.

But then they got married, and that passion left her eyes. Her seemingly boundless enthusiasm mysteriously left. He couldn’t figure out the sudden shift in her attitude, he couldn’t figure out what he had did to cause this. But eventually, he realized. It was because she didn’t need to impress him anymore. He had married her, she got him. She won. She also got herself her own moneymaker, just the way she’d wanted from the beginning, leaving her free to sit around and become her true self. Mark realized she didn’t really care about him that much, she only cared about when his next paycheck came in.

But now he could take a break from all of that.

He took a deep breath as he strolled into the hotel lobby with his suitcase. He looked around at the classy expensive decor. It sure beat standing in his living room and hearing his wife’s whining complaining voice around the corner. In front of him and a little to the right, was a curved reception desk. In the middle of the lobby was a glass waterwall, and some armchairs and sofas sat about the large area, accompanied by lush green plants. The only people were a uniformed worker sitting behind the reception desk, and an attractive young blonde woman on her phone nearby him. Other than those two, the lobby was empty.

He started walking towards the curved desk. The person sitting behind the desk, who he assumed was the receptionist, looked up with a smile.

“Hi, I’m Mark,” Mark said, raising his hand as he stopped in front of the desk. He pulled his suitcase up next to him and left it standing on the floor. “Mark Thomson. I have a room… for six months I believe.”

“May I see your passport?” the receptionist asked.

He reached into his sports jacket and handed the receptionist his passport. As the receptionist pulled up information on the computer, Mark glanced over at the blonde woman. She stood a short distance away, still speaking on the phone, gesturing with her free hand.

“Ah yes,” the receptionist said, and he ducked down behind the desk, pulling open a drawer. Mark raised his eyebrows and leaned forwards a little. The receptionist straightened up in his seat and handed him his passport back. Then he held up a plastic card, handing it to him as if he was giving Mark the key to the city.

“Room 207. It’s on the eleventh floor.”

Mark nodded his thanks and took the key. He turned and started walking towards the elevators, raising his hand in response to the receptionist wishing him a good day. He couldn’t wait to crash in his bed, to finally enjoy some peace for once.

As he pressed the button to call the elevator, he wondered what his bed would feel like. He hoped it wasn’t too big, big mattresses got a little overwhelming for him sometimes. But he was looking forward to the pillows, especially the cylindrical ones. He liked those.

There was a soft ding, and a few moments later, the elevator doors slid open. He walked inside, rolling his suitcase along next to him. He inhaled the typical elevator scent as he turned and pressed the button for the eleventh floor. The button with the little eleven on it lit up, and then the doors started to slide closed. Mark glanced down at his watch for a split second, full of thoughts about taking a long shower and watching some TV, and then he glanced up.

Through the closing doors, he saw the cute blonde woman trotting towards him. His eyes widened a little. He looked at the panel on the right side of the door, finding the “open” button, but before he could move, the woman had inserted herself between the two doors.

“Hi, so sorry,” she muttered as the doors slid open again.

She stepped into the elevator, and Mark moved to the side a little. She leaned across him and pressed the circular button with the little ten on it. His eyes remained on her as she turned and faced the front, clasping her hands in front of her.

He was starting to notice exactly how attractive she was. The woman was shorter than him, and she was definitely a student, probably nearing her mid twenties. But she had to be one of the prettier students here. Her wavy blonde hair was cut just above her shoulders. She wore a long sleeved light gray blouse which showed off just a hint of her stomach, and a pair of dark blue skinny jeans. A quaint brown purse was slung over her shoulder, and she wore a pair of classy boots.

There was something about her brown eyes that interested him, but he couldn’t put his finger on it. Her eyes had a kind of intensity to them, this liveliness and energy. He also liked her defined cheekbones, and her jawline, strong but not too strong. He could just tell that her smile would be a sight to behold, probably as stunning and as full of life as her eyes were.

His eyes traveled downwards as the elevator made its way upwards. Her blouse just barely hinted at a perfect chest, not busty but beautifully shaped, but her tight jeans proudly displayed her alluring rear. It wasn’t the biggest ass he had ever seen, but it had a beautiful shape. This woman’s butt was defined, firm, and most importantly, cute. Whoever this blonde student was, she had mastered the art of looking cute and sexy at the same time.

The elevator continued making its way upwards. Mark tore his gaze away from the hindquarters next to him and looked around the elevator. He looked at the lit button underneath his. She was staying on the floor directly beneath him. What if they had gotten rooms on the same floor…

Eventually, his gaze was drawn back to her. She was staring at the display above the doors, watching the numbers count upwards. He wondered if he should say something. After all, they’d probably see each other in the elevator all the time. And her room wouldn’t be that far from his, so maybe they could see each other at other times as well.

But then he remembered that he had a wife.

Still, he was only able to keep his gaze away from her again for a few moments. He found himself staring at her rear again, at how her jeans seemed to cling to every inch of skin that they could. He couldn’t blame them.

Without warning, he saw her body move slightly, and he realized that she had probably turned to look over at him. He looked up at her face, and his heart jumped as he realized his fears were true. But she was smiling, so he concluded that she probably hadn’t caught him staring.

He was right about her smile.

He nodded and looked up at the display above the doors. They had reached the sixth floor.

“You’re not a student, are you,” the woman said.

He glanced over at her and shook his head.

“Thought so,” she said, and a hint of a smile appeared on her face again. “You look a little old to be a student.”

“No, not a student,” he said. “I’m actually a professor.”

“A professor,” she repeated, raising her eyebrows. “What’s a professor doing here? I thought this hotel was reserved for the students.”

“It was,” he said, nodding slowly. “I have no idea what I’m doing here, actually.”

He glanced up at the display above the doors again. When he looked back at the woman, he was surprised to see her watching him. A small smirk had started growing on her face.

“You do have a professor jacket,” she said thoughtfully.

“A professor jacket?” he said, raising an eyebrow.

“Yeah,” she said quietly. She brushed the tip of her pointer finger over the arm of his sports coat. “Professor jacket.”

“Okay,” he muttered with a chuckle.

Those eyes traveled up and down, taking in his entire body. He suddenly felt a hint of nervousness.

“Dark grey sports coat, button up shirt, dark jeans,” she murmured. Her eyes landed on his again. “You’re nailing the professor look, actually.”

“Well, I’m glad,” he smiled, and she smiled back.

The elevator doors slid open, and the woman started walking out. Halfway out of the elevator, she stopped and turned around, holding out her hand.

“I’m Sasha, by the way,” she said. Max shook her hand, sighing inwardly. Even her hands were gorgeous…

“I’m Mark.”

“Maybe I’ll see you in class, Mark.”


With a radiant grin and a wiggle of her fingers, Sasha was gone, and the doors slid shut again.

Mark looked at the display as the elevator smoothly moved up one more floor. He crossed his arms over his chest and looked down.

*“Maybe I’ll see you in class, Mark.”*

He’d be looking for that short wavy blonde hair when he started teaching the next day, he just knew it. He just hoped her eyes wouldn’t be too distracting. The elevator doors slid open again, and he moved into the corridor outside them, quickly finding his way to his room. Once again, he was glad for a moment of peace and privacy, where he could let his thoughts roam freely, where he could think about trigonometry and lesson plan without his wife’s nagging voice floating through the walls, where he could daydream about a certain tight ass in skinny jeans…


“Well sorry, but I just got a little tired of you texting me all the time!”

Sasha’s eyelids lowered as she listened to Chris start ranting about commitment or whatever. She shifted her weight from foot to foot, holding her phone to her ear, waiting for him to finish. It usually took a few minutes, and he tended to repeat himself at least once. Finally, there was a pause in the constant lecturing, and she sighed.

“Look Chris,” she said, her eyes travelling over the hotel lobby, “I know you’re worried about me. I’m just saying that-oh please just let me talk for one minute Chris. No, please stop, just let me talk… I know, I’m just saying that it’s a little much! I shouldn’t have to text you updates about *every little thing* I’m doing. I love you, but you don’t have to know when I get out of bed, or go to the beach, or get my nails done, or…”

She paused, a blank expression on her face. A man had just walked into the hotel lobby, with a suitcase. He looked like a higher power had reached inside of her head and yanked out the “cute professor” fantasy she’d had since she was little, and manifested it into an actual human being. She didn’t know what it was about his dark hair, but she really wanted to touch it.

Chris started talking in her ear again, and her eyes rolled upwards. She counted the word “commitment” at least six times.

“Oh my god, Chris,” she muttered. “Babe, I do love you, but I shouldn’t have to prove that to you by blowing up your phone every time I take a shit.”

She listened for a few moments, and then sighed.

“Okay, but I-,” she said, and then she paused, a look of resignation on her face. “Yeah. Okay. Yes Chris, I’m-I already said I was sorry, it’s just… yeah, okay. Mmmhmm. Okay, love you too.”

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath as she put her phone back in her purse. The only noise in the lobby was the soft sound of the waterwall next to her, and the sound of a suitcase rolling across the floor a distance away. She pressed her lips together, standing still.

“Fucking shit,” she muttered.

She heard a soft ding. She quickly glanced behind her, and her eyes widened as she saw the cute guy in the sports coat stepping into an elevator. There was a split second of hesitation, and then she started trotting towards the elevator, her boots clopping against the smooth marble floor of the lobby.

She made it in at the last second.

“Hi, so sorry,” she muttered, hoping she hadn’t let her excitement show too much. She *had* practically thrown herself between the doors…hopefully he didn’t notice…

Her face started becoming a little hot as she leaned over to press the button for her floor. Her eyes widened a little as she noticed he had pressed the button for the floor directly above hers. She straightened up, and fixed her gaze on the display above the elevator doors.

The doors closed, and the elevator started moving. She picked at the hem of her blouse. She was suddenly very aware of her breathing. Was she breathing too hard, or too fast? She couldn’t tell. The elevator continued moving in silence. She swallowed.

After a few seconds, she decided she really wanted to see his face again. His eyes had a kind of fatherly kindness to them, nothing like Chris’ eyes. She risked a glance at the man next to her, and immediately looked at the display above the doors again.

He was definitely staring at her ass. There was no question about it. The cute professor man next to her was staring at her ass.

She turned her head again, slower this time. He was just standing there, staring at her ass. She watched his gaze travel over her legs, and then land on her rear again. She wondered if she should be creeped out. But he was so cute, with his dark gray suit jacket, and those dorky jeans. She turned her head to look at the display above the doors again. She did her best to suppress a giggle, but a smile still appeared, no matter how hard she bit her lips.

She took a deep breath, smiling at the elevator doors. Then she turned her head again, her gaze landing on his face again. He was staring at the display above the doors, but as she watched him, his eyes landed on her rear again. Her smile grew. She started turning her body to face him, cocking her head a little.

He looked up at her, and then nodded quickly before looking at the display above the doors again.

*There it is,* she thought.

She kept her gaze on him. If he got to stare at her, she got to stare at him. Her eyes hungrily took in every inch of his body. His clothes hid it a little bit, but he looked fit, even a little toned, maybe a little muscular. She took a moment to make sure her voice would come out level before speaking again.

“You’re not a student, are you.”

Later, Sasha stepped out of the elevator and started heading down the corridor towards her room. Her hands were curled into fists at her sides as she marched, her lips pressed together.

*“Maybe I’ll see you in class, Mark.”*

Stupid, stupid. Why the fuck did she say that.

“Maybe I’ll see you in class, Mark,” she repeated in a high pitched voice, making a goofy face as she stopped in front of her door, fumbling for her key. She pulled the plastic card bearing the hotel logo out of her purse and slid it into her door.

“Mawybe I’w see wou in cwass, Mark.”

She marched into her room and threw her purse onto a table nearby.

The room was a little bit of a mess. A small amount of clothes and panties were strewn about, some on the floor, and some draped over the backs of chairs, although most of her wardrobe had made it to a laundry basket in the corner. The room itself was nice. There was a small kitchen with a dark wooden counter complete with matching high chairs. She passed by the table next to her and headed towards the sleeping area, which was kept a little separate from the living space and the bathroom.

She had a queen sized bed, with a crumpled up duvet in one corner and an open laptop in the other. A few of the pillows were on the floor. She liked the room a little messy, it made her feel relaxed, reminded her that she had scored herself a little break from Chris. She also liked the windows of the room. They were large, practically from the floor to the ceiling, giving her an impressive view and a lot of light. And the best part was that the rooms next to her were, for the time being, vacant.

Outside of the windows was a balcony. Each room stuck out from the building, giving each person a view of the balconies of the people next to them. Sasha wasn’t an architecture major, so she didn’t know why the hotel was designed like that. Probably to give it a feeling of community or something.

She had thick blinds she could pull over part of the window, to block out the balconies next to her that could see almost every inch of her bed space: the one diagonally above her, the one diagonally below her, and the one directly next to her. But she loved the open feeling of those spacious windows, and she preferred keeping the blinds open.

So when she learned that the three rooms next to her were vacant, she was beyond pleased.

Her phone made a popping noise in her purse. It was the notification sound for Chris. He had picked it himself.

Sasha strode over to her purse and pulled her phone out. Her lock screen showed a message from him.

*Look, I know you don’t want me to text you that often, but I’m just worried about you. Today is Friday, so can you please promise me you won’t go out tonight? You’re so pretty, you know you’ll attract attention. It’s Friday night, you know that’s not good, you know there’s going to be all kinds of buzzed horny guys wandering around, hitting on you. Don’t go out tonight, please Sasha. Love you.*

Sasha groaned, and then put her phone on silent before tossing it back into her purse. He was starting to get annoying.

Her eyes landed on her suitcase. She stood still for a moment before quickly striding over to it and opening it up. Most of the stuff inside it and been moved to different places in the room by now, except for a few choice objects. One of them being her favorite purple dildo.

She’d managed to sneak it past Chris.

Her fingers wrapped around the thick dildo and she straightened up, holding it in her hand. She tossed it onto her bed. She turned towards her purse, thinking about her phone…her favorite porn video, the one with the tutor, giving the naive student a back massage…

She remembered Mark, the kind look in his eyes and his dark gray sports jacket. She turned away from her purse, forgetting her phone.

She took off her shoes. Her feet, covered in thin gray socks, kicked them away. Her fingers unbuttoned her jeans. She bent her legs and bent over to pull her jeans off, revealing a pair of form-fitting white panties. Then she straightened up and stepped out of her jeans, and moved towards her bed.

She flopped onto the mattress, face down. Her eyes landed on her dildo as she propped herself up on her elbows. Her fingers slowly stroked it as her thoughts about Mark became dirtier, brushing over its head. She shot a glance towards her windows, looking at the city outside. She knew no one could see her, but the large windows still gave her a feeling of being watched.

And she loved it.

One of her hands traveled underneath her, making its way to her crotch. She thought about what it would feel like to press herself up against Mark’s jeans, to feel his strong arms around her. Her breathing became a little more shallow. She closed her eyes and brought the dildo closer to her face.

Sasha let out a soft moan, her lips curving into a smile of bliss. They touched the surface of the dildo, and her mouth quickly made its way to the head. Her lips parted, and as she continued rubbing herself through her panties, the dildo slowly slid in between them. It filled her mouth. Her legs moved slightly, brushing over her sheets. She started to pull the dildo out from between her lips, just an inch, and then her tongue started traveling over it, covering every inch of the plastic it could with saliva. She sucked and licked her dildo, imagining what Mark’s sounds of pleasure would sound like, and her fingers of her other hand continued teasing her crotch.

The dildo finally left her hungry mouth with a soft wet pop. She rolled over onto her back. Her other hand was still between her legs, massaging her soft panties, rubbing back and forth over her mound. Her tongue emerged from her mouth again, and it traveled over the shaft of the dildo, pink and wet, leaving behind glistening trails of saliva. She imagined Mark bending her over a desk as her spit coated dildo finally made its way to her crotch.

Later, Sasha basked in her afterglow, her limbs spread out over the mattress. Her dildo lay discarded on the floor, used and covered in juices. She did this frequently in this hotel room, and had stopped worrying about being neat a while ago.

A noise of contentment left her as she slowly sat up. She took a deep breath, adjusted her blouse, and her gaze landed on her legs. She groaned.

She’d forgotten to put down a towel.

She leaned forwards and picked at the sheets between her legs. The mess wasn’t too bad. Just a couple of small stains. If Chris was there, he’d freak, but she told herself not to worry about that.

She stood up from the bed and slowly made her way to the window, her beautiful legs moving gracefully despite her lazy facial expression. She looked out over the city, her hand feeling the soft curtain, her other hand adjusting her underwear. She glanced to the right.

Sasha’s eyes widened until they were as round as dinner plates, and then she dived behind the curtain. She raised a hand to cover her open mouth, and then her hand too. Her heart hammered in her chest, and butterflies swirled in her stomach.

Anyone looking through her window could see her bed. She’d known that when she first moved into the room. But the rooms next to hers were empty, so It hadn’t been a problem for her.

At least, not until now. Apparently.

She slowly leaned out from behind the curtain, peering out of the window. There he was. In the balcony diagonally above hers, Mark, the cute professor from the elevator, sat in a chair, reading a book. He was sitting completely still, a peaceful expression on his face. He calmly turned a page, his eyes slowly travelling from side to side. Her hand moved between her legs again and pressed against her mound as she stared at him.

She noticed that she wasn’t feeling fear, but instead, excitement. Incredible, overpowering, lustful excitement.

“Ohmygod,” she muttered.

She moved behind the curtain and closed her eyes, taking several deep breaths. Her heart was still beating extremely quickly. A smile appeared on her face. Mark was right there, and he had had a perfect view of everything. It was possible that he had just gone outside to enjoy a book and the sunshine. However, if at any point he had chosen to look up from his book and peer through her window, he would have seen it all.

If these curtains remained open, nothing Sasha did in her bed would be private anymore. And the best part was, the part Sasha was slowly realizing as she bit her lips with excitement, standing in a slight crouch behind the curtain, was that he had no idea that she knew he was there.

*to be continued in Part 2*
