The Desert Encounter

I was traveling down a darkening highway through a southwestern desert. I had the car widow all the way down, and the wind in my hair felt like a cool summer breeze. Suddenly, up ahead, I saw some birds flying high above a certain area of to the right of the road. As I got closer, I slowed the car down and pulled off the road to see if I could get a visual image of what the attraction for those high flying birds may be.

Getting out of my vehicle, I made my way toward the area of interest. I was shocked to see the body of a woman (wearing no clothing whatsoever) lying on a rocky area just behind a small incline. I rushed over to see if she was still alive. Kneeling down, I placed my hand on her neck and felt a very faint pulse. So, I hurried back to the car to get some water. How long had she been here? How did she arrive to her location without any clothing? I do hope I’m in time to truly help. (After all, helping is my favorite activity.)

When I’d returned to the mystery woman, I saw that she was in a slightly different position than when I’d left. She was now on her back and I could plainly see the wonderful curved outline of her gorgeous figure. I felt a certain part of me begin to harden and told my self to calm down, I was here to help not to get excited.

I sat the woman with the beautiful long, dark hair in a more upright position and very slowly helped her to drink small portions of the water from my water bottle. (Till that moment, I hadn’t even thought what she might think of us sharing that bottle of H2O. But, after all, I was saving the woman’s life.)

She slowly opened her amazing brown eyes. Turning her head to get a better view of me, she opened her mouth a whispered something I didn’t quite understand. I said, “I’m sorry. I didn’t quite get that.” She opened eyes all the way and looked directly into my own and said the word, again. This time, though I didn’t understand the word itself, the meaning lodged into my brain. The word meant…ONE.

All at once, I felt a dizziness – like I’ve felt when I’ve had way too much alcohol to drink. I tried to stand but couldn’t. She moved her head toward mine and as she kissed me directly upon my lips with hers, I felt myself begin to…change. Instead of skin, I now had beautiful thick fur. In place of my human face, I sensed the face of some type of canine. Somehow, I had now been transformed into a wolf.

She had transformed, as well. She had grown smaller – with a beak and feathers. She’d become a falcon. As she slowly rose up into the air, I could sense how this newly formed bird smelled (with my newly acquired very keen sense of smell). She looked, once again, into my eyes and I knew I was meant to follow her.

How far we traveled, I have absolutely no clue. The falcon moved so swiftly, that I really couldn’t keep up. So, once in awhile, she’d turn back around to swoop down and touch me with her talons. The touch would always send waves of joy through my wolf-like body and I would run all the more rapidly in an attempt to keep up with my newfound partner.

Finally, we arrived at a place which had a grove of trees and and a small pond. I began to wonder where we could possible be, in the middle of the desert (with such a lovely oasis). The falcon woman landed upon the branch of a tree while I drank form the pond to quench my thirst. After, I’d gotten my fill of this delicious tasting fresh water, I turned to see… a Goddess.

Her eyes were like a burning flame and when I looked directing into them, I felt my body trans]form back into its human form, once more. Neither of us were wearing any clothing and as this gorgeous creature gazed up on my genital area, I felt my softened love stick begin to slowly harden.

She literally floated over to my position next to the water and stood above me, her gorgeousness towering above me as though she, in some way, was my protector. She reached her hand toward mine and when our hands connected, I lifted up into the air, floating together with my Goddess.

She proclaimed: “I am Artemis and you shall be my Apollo.” Who was I to argue?

As I was pulled toward my newly found Goddess and our bodies finally touched, I had a feeling like I’d never experienced before. It was a feeling of pure, unbridled ecstasy (beyond what any chemicals I’d used could have ever produced). I truly did feel a Oneness with this amazing creature.

For what seemed like many hours, we touched and kissed and licked one another’s bodies. Her skin, to my tongue, tasted like the sweetest honey, intoxicating my brain to the point that I just wanted to never stop licking her divinity. I kissed and licked her neck and shoulders and and arms and her perfect breasts. When her nipples hardened, I couldn’t help but to moved toward their direction and slowly began to lick them, eventually flitting my tongue faster upon their surface…then sucking them while also fondling them with my hands. What an amazing Orgasm, this Goddess had. Over and over and over again, she released her pent up sexual tension (as I began to notice her squirting love juice from between her amazing thighs).

Where that liquid was touching my skin, I could feel a new life force I had never felt before. I eventually moved my mouth down to her mid section and then to her luscious legs. Touching and kissing and licking those legs gave me a feeling like I never wanted it to end. My lover was moaning more loudly, now and as I finally reached her vagina with both my hands and my mouth, she had an extremely loud orgasm…shooting her elixir of life into my opened mouth.

I felt like my body was imbued with super human strength. So, I thrust my hardened dick between this Goddess’ legs and slowly began to move in and out of the heaven;y destination. As I moved fast, I could sense that this Goddess was doing her very best no to cum (and I was doing the same). But, her tightness was so very stimulating that I couldn’t hold it back for more than maybe ten minutes. And, when I released, so did she.

Our juices intermingled for a bit until her Power eventually pushed me out of her precious pussy. What A Rush (literally and figuratively). Again, her liquid of Life sent amazing energy throughout my entire being. I truly did feel like Apollo and sensed both of us literally Rising. Higher and higher we rose…beyond the mundane and into the Ethereal Realm. Then…into a place of All….

I heard a siren approach my vehicle and fly on past. There I was, asleep, along the side of the desert highway. So… was this all a dream? Did I actually connect with a Goddess or was that just an imaginary encounter while I slept? As I reached forward to restart the car, I saw a feather on the dash of the vehicle. Could it be a falcon feather? Could what I thought was a dream actually have been some Otherworldly experience? Oh, Goddess, wherever you are, please return and set me free.


1 comment

  1. Wow….i can’t find words to explain how much i love this. Every word, every visual, everything…. the words flowed and i lost my breath a few times from sheer awe at your way with words, your creativity, your passion. This is, in one word, perfect….

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