Wrong Number [F/F]


Michelle stared at her phone as she laid in bed, frustrated at her fiance. Mark was, as usual, being selfish. They both agreed that 6 months before the wedding, they should refrain from physical acts beyond a light kiss. When Mark kept pushing, they talked it out and decided maybe he should take the last two months at home with his parents. Allow them each time apart to appreciate each other more in wedded bliss. It wasn’t easy, she missed him terribly, but she knew the wait would be worth it.

Yet every few nights, she got that text from him, begging her to “just show some tittays”. She hated that he called them that. She was always more proud of her ass, and usually didn’t like to take photos of her B cups, but Mark seemed to enjoy them. Whenever they did fool around he got so preoccupied by them, that inevitably he would lose focus on other areas of her body that needed attention. She shouldn’t complain though. He was a great partner overall, and whatever he couldn’t do, she had a few electronic toys to handle the rest. She was happy to have someone in her life for so long. Someone who helped get her through college and grad school. And soon she would be Mrs. Mark Capulet! All the hard work would be worth it. All the nights in studying instead of going out, all the passed up opportunities to wild out in college and after. It would all be worth it.


Another text. This time from Mark’s sister Gina. Michelle smile as she picked up her phone. Gina was her best friend in the world. They hit it off in college after Mark introduced them. Gina was her opposite in many ways. Where Michelle would remove herself from a situation, Gina would storm in and make sure everyone knew she was setting it right. They got along well and were always there for each other.

Gina: Can you please tell Mark to go pick our parents up from the airport? He was supposed to leave 30 minutes ago, traffic is horrible, and he’s holed up in his room! He’ll listen to you!

Michelle laughed and shook her head.

Michelle: Sure. He’s just being a brat as usual.

Michelle sighed, and switched over to her convo with Mark.

Michelle: Will you go get your parents? Gina is yelling at me now!

Mark: Aww cmon babe. Just one picture and Ill go I promise!

Michelle thought for a moment, and a little idea popped into her head.

Michelle: Fine. But I won’t send it for 30 minutes, so I know you’re on the way to the airport. That way you have to wait knowing it’s in your messages. Ha!

Mark: That’s mean. But kinda hot. Ok I’m going now! You better not forget!

Michelle: I won’t!

Michelle laid in bed browsing facebook for a few minutes when her phone chirped again.

Gina: Finally he left. Thank you! He’s the worst! I don’t know how you deal with his stubborn ass!

Michelle: LOL! You’re too mean on him. He’s a good guy really!

Gina: He better be. I’ll kick his ass if he’s not. Besides you’ve never been with anyone else right? So he better be worth it!

Michelle: He is for the most part! But I see the other side to. Look at you! You get to live so free and you seem happy.

Gina: The dating scene sucks to be honest. It’s all hook ups and one night stands. Sometimes it gets boring. Sometimes you want something you can’t have.

Michelle: Wow. That sounds tough. I’m sorry doll. Is there anything I can do?

Gina: We still one for a wine and cheesy movie night tomorrow?

Michelle:Absolutely! Im sorry though. I wish I knew what that was like so I could relate. I’ve just never been there.

Gina: Hey girl, you made that choice.

Michelle stopped and sat for a few moments thinking about this. It was true, she gave up a lot of opportunities in college, and her senior year is when she met Mark. She had only been with one guy before that, and that was a drunken disaster. Still, her and Mark had a great life, and he loved her slim little body. Ooh! She had almost forgot! Michelle stood up and stripped off her hoodie, leaving only a pair of blue volleyball shorts on. She ran her hand up and down her chest as she inspected her body in the mirror. Her small, pink nipples already erect from the air hitting them. She liked her body, but along with it came the same insecurities as everyone else. But she had someone who liked her body well enough. Well, mostly her tits, but that was something wasn’t it? Raising her phone up, she arched her back a bit and used her free hand to pull the front of the shorts slightly down, revealing smooth skin underneath. She bit her lip, lowered her forehead and took a photo.

She was, she had to admit, a pretty damn good amateur photographer. She loved the feeling of showing off her body, and felt a slight shiver run down her spine as she examined the photo. A small warmth and wetness sprang from between her thighs, and she was thankful she had purchased more batteries the other day.

Michelle: Here you go. Hopefully this will get you through this *hard* time ;)

Michelle sent the message and the photo, and threw her phone down as she continued to look at herself in the mirror. Her left hand snaked up and gave a slight pinch to her nipple, sending a quick jolt of pleasure down her body. She turned and ran a hand over the curve of her ass, giving it a light slap at the top. She did have the house to herself. Maybe she should grab her laptop and….

*Ding*. A message? From Mark? While driving? He knew she hated that. She was gonna rip him a new one. What a selfish asshole. She quickly crossed the room and snatch the phone up, ready to type angrily when she saw the message wasn’t from Mark but from Gina.

Gina: Damn Girl! I appreciate it, but somehow I don’t think this was meant for me….

Oh my god. She scrolled up in horror to see what she already knew. She had sent the pic to Gina. Oh god! Embarrassment washed over her as she tried to think what to say. Before she could begin to type, Gina rescued her.

Gina: Don’t worry about it! Nothing I havent seen before. Besides now I know why Mark wouldn’t come out of his room. Im surprised you had it in you to be honest. ;P

Michelle: Oh god Gina I’m sorry. Im really embarrassed. I didn’t realize. And when did you see me naked before!?

Gina: Haha not you silly. Just naked photos sent me to in general.

Michelle: OF WOMEN?

Gina: Yea? You didn’t figure that out by now? I mean I don’t advertise it but…

Michelle: No. I mean, yea I guess. I dunno. I guess it makes sense. Not that I care one way or the other.

Gina: What you’ve never been curious or watched lesbian porn? I’d normally ask ‘never even made out drunkenly in college?’, but I know the answer to that already haha.

Michelle: I mean, yea I’ve watched a lesbian porn video once or twice. But I didn’t ever think about doing anything or sharing photos with anyone but Mark. Oh GOD PLEASE DON’T TELL MARK! YOU HAVE TO PROMISE!

It was a few minutes before Gina responded. Michelle took the time to relax a bit, breathe deep and think it over. I mean. Who cares really? It was her best friend. Plenty of girls watch each other change and it means nothing. And at least now she knew Gina was into women. So least it was someone who would appreciate it. Wait was that weird? Kinda. But it was also kind of exciting if she was being honest with herself.

*Ding* Another message from Gina. Michelle opened it expecting some more jokes at her expense, but instead there was a photo. Gina, in bed, one hand pulling down the left side of her tank top, exposing one dark nipple. Her dark hair draped over the other breast. She was giving a wink with her tongue out, and a caption was over the photo saying “There, now we are even. Can’t release your secret now!”

Michelle was flabbergasted to say the least. She loved her friend, and seeing this she knew Gina would do anything for her to make her more comfortable. It was a sweet gesture in a way.

Michelle: Aww babe. That’s oddly kind of touching.

Gina: Touching? You perv! lol

Michelle: LMAO. Thanks. Not what I meant!

Gina: Oh it’s fine. But honestly, it’s a pretty damn good picture. As an expert I’d say it’s a solid 8/10. Im still just shocked you do that at all!

Michelle: Only an 8? Rude! And yea to be honest I love showing my body off to Mark. And he enjoys it to. I just never expected anyone else to see them…

Gina: Haha don’t get me wrong, and 8 is good. Your tits are very suckable from what I can see. But we all know dat ass is your best feature. Im surprised you aren’t taking pics of that!

Michelle felt a rush of excitment. It was one thing to talk about an innocent slip, but now here was someone actively commenting and complimenting her body. She was feeling some stirring down between her thighs, and she noticed that her nipples were still erect. Was it just from the night air still? Or something else?

Michelle: He doesn’t appreciate my ass as much. Which stinks. I haven’t taken an ass shot for him in a long time. He just deletes them.

Gina: I always knew he was an idiot. I dunno babe. You got a great body! You should be showing it off!

Michelle had always been jealous of Gina’s body. She was curvy, with thick hips, D cups at the very least and she knew how to dress to accentuate every line of her body. But Michelle knew even she had Gina beat in the booty department.

Michelle: Well can’t say I wouldn’t like to. But Mark doesn’t appreciate them!

There was, the lightest hint in those words. Michelle wasn’t sure how she wanted Gina to reply. But she had a feeling that the next text would decide how the rest of this conversation went.

Gina: So, send me one.

Michelle: What? Why?

Gina: You know I’ll appreciate them. Might as well do what you want. You’ve given up so much for your education, career, and my brother. Might as well live it up while you can girl!

Michelle: But, I can’t send out photos like that. It’s not right I’m engaged. And you’re my future sister in law! Isn’t that… wrong?

Gina: Are you trying to justify this to me? Or to yourself?

Michelle stopped for a minute to think, taking a moment to stare at herself in the mirror once more.

Michelle: Are we really doing this right now?


Another picture message from Gina. This time, her tank top was completely off, both nipples erect in the air. Gina was no long winking or sticking her tongue out. She had a serious look on her face, and something about it was just so erotic that Michelle couldn’t help but feel how much wetter she got. With a long look at her phone, Michelle had a decision to make.

She stood up, and began to slowly slip off her vollyball shorts.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticstories/comments/al034s/wrong_number_ff


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