Turning on the heat

Of course it would happen today of all days. The US Midwest is experiencing record low temps and my boiler won’t fire up. A few years ago I had this problem also and called the telephone number on the sticker attached to my boiler from who I assumed was the original installer. They sent out a young man who ultimately overcharged me, as I was to find out later, for a new thermal couple replacement and talked me into buying another for a reserve. Of course I thought it was a good idea as he explained that the item was the usual culprit when a furnace won’t start. I’m almost embarrassed to state how much I paid for someone to vacuum out a small amount of debris and install a six dollar part. I’ll leave it at this. The “free” service call was just to come and tell me what the problem was, not to correct it. I paid the hourly rate and triple for each part. I found out about this much after the fact but I was just relieved the heat was on. Enough of that. It sounds too much of me whining, right ?

I was hesitant to call them back this time so I called around a bit. It seems as though when the weather hits single digits that heating and air technicians are in high demand and difficult to schedule. I finally made contact with a gentleman that explained all his techs were extremely busy but if I could brave the cold for a few hours he’d try his best to have someone come out as soon as they were freed up. I told him of my experience with the thermal couple and that I had a spare. Of course neither of us could be certain that was the problem but at least the correct part was ‘on site’ as he put it. Satisfied with his promise I stopped calling around for help and decided to wait.

By six o’clock pm I thought I’d made a terrible mistake. It was dark, cold inside my house and the temperature outside was still dropping. I called back and got connected to his answering machine. I felt abandoned and was sure I had erred in trusting him. Just as I was hanging up the phone after leaving a rather unpleasant message my doorbell rang.

When I answered there was a tall gray haired man standing there with a large canvas tool bag on his shoulder. *”Hi, we talked earlier today about your boiler ?”* he stated with a fact that sounded like a question. “yes” I responded relieved but still a bit annoyed

*”I told my guys to go home and spend time with their families, some of them were out in the elements all day. They work hard enough for me, I didn’t feel like asking them to put in over time tonight. Besides if it is what you think it could be, this might not take too long”* he explained as we walked downstairs to where the boiler was. He chuckled when he saw the service sticker on my unit and where I had written through the phone number with a felt marker *”no need for that, they’re out of business”* he told me as he removed the access door and started prodding some strange looking components with some sort of digital meter. I hovered over him still skeptical because of my last experience, making sure I wasn’t getting fleeced. When he told me it wasn’t the thermal couple, which I still held the new one unpacked in my hand, I protested. He agreed to install it but assured me the boiler wouldn’t start. He was right.

*”It’s the gas valve”* he said. *”supply houses are closed now but I’ll be able to have someone out first thing”* he delivered the bad news. Now I felt bad for leaving a terse message on his answering machine and doubting his diagnosis but I felt worse knowing I was going to be without heat. I felt overwhelmed and I think I must have started to cry a little. I was surprised at what happened next

*”You know what ? I’ve got a bunch of old parts sitting on shelves in my shop. Maybe there’s a gas valve that would match. They’re all different but this isn’t an uncommon part “*

I thought at first he was just trying to make a hasty exit but he caught me off guard by asking, *”why don’t we take a ride over there and see. You can warm up in the truck instead of sitting here in the cold”*

I was skeptical at first but since he made no attempt to pack up his tools I figured he would at least have to return to get them and he wasn’t bailing on me. I was hesitant though. I mean, I’m not the type who trusts a complete stranger when they entice me into their vehicle with the promise of warmth. He could tell. His age and life experience told him right off I had concerns. *”c’mon, it’s not that far and I’ll even throw in some soup and sandwich or coffee for you. I’ve been manning the phones all day and I’m starved. I’d be happy to have some company, that is if that’s okay with you ?”* Another fact stated as a question.

Something about his easy manner and the way he suggested but didn’t press made me decide to agree. I watched his gnarled fingers work the pipe wrench as he removed the old valve. There was no wedding band. He appeared to be twice my thirty two years of age but still had a rugged good looks about him. His hair was somewhat thin but still dark with some silver touching his ears. He was lean but as I would find out later still muscular even if there was some amount of sag in his flesh. Making the transition from working on projects to operating his own business and sitting in an office and combined with old age had given him the start of a “dad bod”. I didn’t know it then but that “dad bod” was about to rock my whole world

My senses began to tingle once again as he pulled his truck into a long driveway next to a house that was secluded off the main road. I guess my face told him what I was thinking. *”relax, my shop is located in the pole barn behind the house”*. Watching too many Lifetime movies on cable TV had me convinced I was going to be killed and dismembered within the next few minutes. He chuckled, *”you can wait in the truck if you want but it’s warmer inside”* he said with a grin. He had a way of putting me at ease and held my door open and helped me out of the truck and walked me the the building. I was somewhat surprised when he turned on the lights. I was expecting a pile of machinery and greasy parts strewn about but everything was clean and orderly for the most part. He led me to a small but comfortable office in the corner next to a pair of washrooms and told me I could wait there while he looked for a replacement valve. On his desk was a pile of disorganized papers and an open catalog of supply parts for heating and air conditioning equipment. It occurred to me to look for his answering machine so I could take my message back. He was being way too kind for the way I acted. No such luck with that though. I suppose I’ll have to apologise after the fact. There was also a pic of him, a woman, and two teenaged children taken at least a dozen or twenty years prior. It was a graduation. The skies were bright and the teen boy wore a crimson robe while the girl playfully wore his matching mortarboard. They all seemed very happy. There was that same easy grin but no silver in his hair. He had been and still was an attractive man. I could hear him rummaging through some cardboard cartons and muttering to himself. Standing up, I walked to the door and watched him. Even though he wore a heavy flannel shirt I could detect his muscles flex as he lifted and moved boxes before finally finding what he was looking for. The same muscular arms that would ultimately lift me, position me, and move me around on my bed as he saw fit. The same muscular arms that would cradle me in a tight embrace as we basked in a heated after glow of torrid sex. Strong hands that would part my thighs. Strong hands that would hold my head tight against his pelvis. Strong hands that would leave hot pink imprints on my ass.

*”this will work until I can get a new replacement”* he called out happily. He came back to the office and easily found the correct page in his catalog of the part he would then order online and the supplier would have waiting for him in the morning. *”Let’s go get that sandwich I promised”* he said as we left.

It all seemed so surreal. Here I was suspecting I was going to be taken advantage of like the last service company and here he was going out of his way to get me up and running, and feeding me also. We hit a small restaurant that I didn’t even know existed but where he was known. I immediately felt comfortable. People saw us together ! If I turned up murdered there would be witnesses that would place us together. I told him that. He laughed. In fact he laughed so hard he made me giggle at the thought. The waitress came over as we talked and refilled our coffee and gave me a knowing wink. She knew before I did that I’d be face down in my pillow tonight. I have no idea if she was a past recipient of his his beautiful seven inch dick but I can only assume it as a yes. It was the look she gave me and then at him. It went from envious to joyful admiration. She must have known I was in for some of the best ~~lovemaking~~ raw sex of my life

Our conversation came easy. He had a knack for asking personal questions that didn’t come across as awkward. I mentioned the picture on his desk. *”ancient history”* he replied. Happier times. Divorced and the kids have moved away and started families of their own. His ex had since passed on from breast cancer. He decided to start his own business after his life changed almost twenty years ago. He was old enough to retire and take his pension from when he’d worked years ago but wasn’t about to sit around and rot away. Travel ? That’s no fun unless you can share the experience with someone. Hobbies ? Another easy laugh. Work. Companionship ? Relationships ? No and no. The business was his mistress. Loneliness ? He glanced at the waitress taking someone’s order and half whispered *”sometimes,”* before changing the subject *” hey let’s get your boiler going so you have some heat tonight “*

Yes, I’m going to have some heat tonight.

We continued our talk in the truck on the way back to my house. Just as he expected the gas valve fit and fired up immediately after he checked and double checked his work. He gathered up his tools and stopped to wash his hands at the kitchen sink. *”if the weather breaks I’ll have one of my technicians pick up that valve and swing by to install it. If need be you should be okay for a day or two in case we’re still swamped”* he offered as he leaned against the countertop and dried his hands on the small dish towel I gave him.

“Oh ? I thought you might come back. You’ve been way too kind. What do I owe you ?” I asked, already feeling sad I might not see him again.

He thought for a moment and said the tech would leave an invoice with me for the new part and his time to install it. “what about you ? ” I looked at the clock and realized it had been over three hours since he first showed up. “your time and going out of your way to get my heat back on ?”

He shrugged. *”good business relations”* he answered as he handed me the towel back. “I’ll have to warn you” I said, “I left a message on your answering service. I’m afraid I let loose with some nasty talk”

He grinned again and winked. *”I like nasty talk”* he teased.

His hand touched mine as he handed me the towel. I took his hand in mine and I led him to my bedroom. “that’s good” I whispered.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/al6aw2/turning_on_the_heat


  1. Your writing style is quite captivating. I read more than half of it without realising I was on r/Erotica.

    That’s a really good thing. You could try writing longer stories with more plot points. :)

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