Licking [AF]

Just lie back and let me do all the work, all of the teasing, all of the tender sweetness. Lie back, close your eyes, and spread your legs for my face. You can keep your panties on, for now.

Feel my lips brush your skin, planting soft kisses just above the waistline as my fingers trail along it. Moving from left to right while my fingers trace down your hips then outer thighs, finally gripping your knees and symbolically pushing you just a little wider, although its entirely unnecessary.

My kissing stops and I breathe in deeply, letting it out slowly as I move down to the gusset; the tips of my fingers climbing up your inner thighs as I do. I plant the softest of kisses on the cotton covering your clit while one finger grazes almost imperceptibly down each side of your panties then my hands slide under your thighs and grab cheekily.

I wrap my arms around eagerly, pulling you to me as I begin to kiss your inner thighs. Working my way down one to the knee, then trailing the tip of my tongue back up, finishing right at the edge of your panties. Then the other, kiss after kiss on your sensitive skin, every squirm you make a delight to me.

I lift my head to look up at you, pulling my arms back, and tickling my fingers up where I just kissed. On each side I follow the fabric up the edges, hooking into the waistband and beginning to tug slowly down, kissing upwards from the bottom of the growing wet patch. As the fabric peels back, I bite my lip, slipping them completely off your legs, one hand drags down from your stomach, fingers tracing the very edge of your glistening lips.

Alternating sides I kiss down the creases of your legs, closer and closer to your wetness, the two lines meeting at the very bottom of your lips, where I drag my wide tongue up, just touching the tips of your lips but never quite onto your clit. Up and down each lip the tip of my tongue teases, spreading your wetness and my saliva; my hands reaching up to toy with your nipples, massage your breasts, and caress the skin up and down your sides and thighs.

I have no intention of stopping until you’re past the point you thought you couldn’t take more; avoiding your clit entirely as my hands, lips, fingers, and tongue tease, lick, and kiss all around. Not until you’re panting and writhing, begging for more, do my fingers grip your nipples, rolling them both around and around and my wide, flat tongue licks deeply up between your lips and purposefully across your clit.

And yet I’m still only teasing, my tongue lightly starts to slide around the hood, side to side, around and around, even down but never up. Sucking the whole thing into my mouth to nibble gently before pulling slowly off, still sucking as I do.

Without warning I stiffen my tongue and begin practically attacking your clit, flicking up and down furiously.  My hands wrapped back around your thighs, pulling myself against you and my face pressed into your wet folds. Focussing now only on your swelling pleasure centre, pushing my tongue under the hood and rubbing only the tip. I follow every wriggle and buck of your hips, keeping myself and my tongue firmly in place, eagerly driving you ever closer and closer. I do nothing else, change nothing but keep going until I feel the rewarding clench of your thighs around my face, your body shaking and moaning as you climax.

But I’m nowhere near done with you.

All through your orgasm I don’t stop, holding your thighs in my arms and lapping frantically at you until I’m in no doubt that you’ve peaked. Only then do I ease off, smoothing your hood back down with my soft, flat tongue. I slow right down as you may panting, my tongue making slow circles all the way around. My hands begin to caress and tickle your inner thighs some more, allowing you a short time to catch your breath.

Gradually my fingers edge closer and closer to your lips with their stroking, eventually one sliding between your lips. Then a second. While my tongue keeps making slow circles, my fingers ease further and further inside, curling up to massage the sensitive flesh. My tongue eases off as I pay close attention to your reactions, swirling my fingers in small circles inside, homing in on that most pleasurable area. Only when I’m satisfied you’re putty to my fingers do I redouble my attention to your clit.

This time I’m not stopping.

This time you’re going to forget how to talk.

My other hand guides down your stomach, thumb pulling up on your hood to fully expose your clit. In time together my fingers rub a circle around and over your g-spot while my tongue flicks all over your tender, swollen clit. I try different things until I find the one which drives you wildest; flicking up and down, rolling around in circles, flat tongue dragging up and down; then I neither stop nor change.




  1. Mmmm….

    I had the option of reading this in a bath but I chose to do it in bed instead. Now I need to do laundry, change sheets, flip a mattress, and take a bath.

    You are a hell of a writer.

    Thanks for the orgasms. ?

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