Hidden Pleasures (Chapter 5) [FM][FF][Mast][oral]


As Jennifer sat down, another chair was brought out for Will. It seemed he had some influence around here.

The light that had been the focal point of her “initiation” as it were, was dimmed further, now that the show was over.

She could hear people in the shadows, people who had watched her unashamedly orgasm in public thanks to the talents of two other women. The spectators were speaking quietly and shuffling as they left the room, off to find something new and exciting.

After a few minutes Jennifer felt like she and Will had the room to themselves. She sat there, just watching him, studying him.

“Why did you invite me here tonight?” she asked the one question that had been in her mind all night.

“Are you happy you came? I mean here, to the party?”

“Yes. Strangely enough I’m glad I did, but why choose me?”

“Why not you?” he asked. “You’re young, smart, single and beautiful. Also, your contributions to the company have not gone unnoticed. Let’s just say this is one of the perks for a job well done.”

“Somehow I doubt *sex party* is listed in our company benefits,” she said with a small laugh.

Will smiled. “Definitely not. But while it’s not widely publicized throughout the company, there are many of us that get together at these events to let loose and enjoy ourselves. You would be surprised at the people that attend. That’s the reason everyone wears masks, to give some tiny bit of anonymity.”

“I see,” she said.

Will leaned back in his chair and continued.

“People seem to open up and try things they normally wouldn’t when they think no one knows who they are. It helps to avoid that awkward ‘*Wow, you sure know how to suck a cock*’ conversation the next day.”

Jennifer chuckled at that thought.

“Most people work in different departments or in different cities or countries altogether,” Will explained, “so they aren’t likely to be recognized, although some have their suspicions. No real names are allowed and I’m the only one who knows everyone’s true identity because I choose who *is* and *is not* invited.”

Crossing his legs and looking her in the eyes he said, “I felt we worked well together and thought you would be a perfect fit.”

She thought over what he said, unsure how she felt about him thinking she would ‘*fit in*.’ She was slightly perturbed.

“So you just thought I would be a perfect fit for the no panties sex party?” she asked.

“Was I right or not?”

“OK fine. I’ll admit, so far I’ve enjoyed myself. But what if I hadn’t accepted your invitation?”

“That was entirely up to you,” he said. “You could have stayed in your hotel, or you could have left here at any time. No one is going to force anything on anyone. I just had a feeling your curiosity would bring you here and once you experienced what is offered, you would stay.”

She didn’t say anything.

“And,“ he said with a smirk, “you could have worn panties. I’m sure you have some, but you chose not to. Why is that?”

Jennifer mumbled something.

“Pardon me?” he asked, asserting a degree of dominance .

“Because I didn’t want to!” she blurted out. “Satisfied?”

“For now.”

They sat in silence for a moment. When he spoke again Will said, “I have something for you,” and handed her a small white box tied with a red cord. Jennifer reached out, accepting the gift and held it in her hand.

“I debated on whether I would give you this or not and what your reaction might be, but after the last twenty minutes I think I made the right choice. Go ahead, open it,” he urged.

Jennifer pulled the string free and opened the lid. Inside was a shiny chrome object with a green jewel on one end. She knew exactly what it was but gave him an inquiring look, raising one eyebrow.

He shrugged, “I like green.”

She wasn’t exactly sure what to make of it. “That’s certainly an odd gift,” she said.

“I thought about including it in the box with the dress, but that may have been a bit presumptuous.”

He took the box from her and lifted out the shiny butt plug, turning it in is hand. The light reflected from its chromed surface, the jewel sparkling.

“May I?” he asked.

‘*Is he asking if he can put that in me*?’ she thought.

This was one hell of a strange night. She could hardly believe the things she had seen and done this evening, and the thought of Will pushing this chrome plug in her ass was verging on craziness, but it made her tingle all the same.

Jennifer tried to hide her rising excitement but was sure he saw through it.

Without a word she lifted her dress as she stood up, and turned her back to him.

In answer to his question she knelt on the chair seat, and leaned forward. She gripped her cheeks firmly in her hands, spreading her ass apart.

Jennifer looked at him over her shoulder and said, “Yes please.”

Will gazed with delight between Jennifer’s parted cheeks at her pale pink asshole. It was still shiny and wet from Ivy’s tongue and as she arched her back, shamelessly exposing more of herself, he saw a gooey drop of cum drip from her pussy. His cock started to swell again as he imagined sliding deep inside her.

He shook his head to clear his thoughts, concentrating on the task at hand. When Will touched the pointed end of the plug to her ass she jumped a little.

“Sorry, it’s cold,” she explained.

Will apologized and held it in his hand to warm it before trying again. This time she didn’t react and he slowly worked the plug into her. He watched closely as her asshole stretched, trying to accommodate the foreign object.

He could see she was tensing and told her to relax. Jennifer tried, but this thing was a lot bigger than her finger. She groaned with a mixture of pleasure and relief as it eventually popped into place.

Will admired the sparkling jewel for a moment before asking with genuine concern, “You okay?”

Jennifer took a couple deep breaths and calmly replied, “Yes, I’m fine.” But she was more than fine. Her asshole had never had anything this big in it before, she felt so full. The sensation was strange and incredible at the same time.

Will suggested a tour of the house if she felt up to it, to show her what other delights the party had to offer.

Jennifer told him that was a wonderful idea and stood up to adjust her dress. She began to follow him but after a few steps the plug was doing such wonderful things to her she thought she might cum again very soon.

Taking a deep calming breath, she composed herself and took his arm as he led her into the hall.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/ajoy6b/hidden_pleasures_chapter_5_fmffmastoral

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