
I hold you captive
Deep within a Chamber,
Where no man can follow a map,
Where no footprints linger.

There is a dip
deep in a valley
where the river bend meets a long stretch of supple sprawl.

To follow this path leads to a garden
Where only an iris stands tall,
Blooming at the rain’s broken lull
a finger’s request
A beckoning call.

Pounding pulse and a dripping brow
Writhing twists
A journey’s scowl

I keep you captive there.
But not against your will.
As long as I let you free
As long as I let you feel.
traversing the hills and the curves
Behind the darkness of the lash’s curl.

Sinking deep into the memory’s hurl
Finding the trails you blaze
And your convincing gaze
sex conducted by your hand,
the curl your fingers twirl.

Captive in my chambers
Coaxed out by sweet release.
I can feel you stirring beneath my sheets.

You are in the friction
A matter of physics,
The heat of thermal release
Pressure as I pulse
The pause as I tease

And with the explosion
Radiating up my body
Your chance to roam
Instead, becomes your hobby.
Returning to live captive
Delighted in that dip
Deep in the valley.
