The Desolation of Jasmin [ENF] [Humiliation] [Revenge]

18 year old Jasmin was for lack of a better terms, a goody two shoes.
A gorgeous Latina with olive skin and a prim attitude.
You could always identify Jasmin by the bright floral dresses she loved to wear.
Knee length and flowy the dresses gave her a regal, classic beauty look rare in these days.
Clutching her books to her large chest she walked down the school hallways with a “better than you” attitude on the daily.

One day however, Jasmin walked by a group of boys smoking marijuana in the hall.
Being the girl that she was, she quickly found an administrator and returned with him in tow to tattle on the boys.
With a smug look on her face, she stood by as her classmates were scolded and handed detention slips.
Then with proper posture and her nose turned up she walked away, feeling good about her deeds.

After school that day Jasmin hung around to help teachers clean boards, in hopes of extra credit.
To her excitement one teacher offered just that, 5% extra credit if she cleaned the board in room 3B.
Little did she know 3B was the detention room.
Here she would soon come face to face with boys she had tattled on, and a few more nefarious school kids.
Upon entering the room Jasmin was greeted with scowls, her reputation as a teachers pet preceded her.

Jasmin payed no attention to the criminals of the school, and went about her duty of cleaning the board.
Her back to the crowd she reached high to get the top of the chalkboard.
Her sexy legs and calves capturing the attention of the boys in the room.
She swiped right and left causing her ass to shimmy and the back of her dress to flow hypnotically.
This proved too much for the bad boys in the room, who wanted revenge and maybe to take Jasmin down a peg or five.

The entire detention class, eight in total stood up and approached Jasmin.
A mixed group of 6 guys and 2 girls surrounded her without making much of a sound at all.
Jasmin turned around and was startled! She found herself a foot away from 8 of the baddest kids in school.
She dropped the chalkboard eraser out of surprise, and it bounced off her chest leaving a white powder mark on her dress.

The group began to grab at Jasmin, like a zombie horde hands in every direction.
Before she could react, shoe laces where used to tie her hands above her head to the US Flag pole in the room.
Next one of the boys produced a pair of scissors and Jasmines already rapid heartbeat sky rocketed.
In this position she was helpless, chest out, back arched, and dress riding at half her thigh! way more than she ever would show.

The scissor wielding boy placed the blades at the hem of her dress and with a grinch like smile took the first cut upwards.
Right up the center he cut and cut, until reaching her bellybutton.
Jasmin couldn’t bring herself to look down, she closed her eyes and turned away in disbelief. Unable to vocalize out of sheer terror she yelped.

Hoots and hollers from the exposure of Jasmines pink silk panties filled the room.
Her light brown colored thighs, so soft and smooth exposed.
As well as her toned stomach just above her panty line.
Jasmin cried out for help, but was met with a sock in the mouth and tape from the teachers drawer.

Then the cutting began again, this time up all the way to the neck line of the dress.
A girl from the back stepped forward to pull the half’s of the dress apart, exposing Jasmin’s underwear clad body to the room.
Her bra matched her panties perfectly, a pink silk bra with no padding encased her large breast.
Jasmin’s brown nipples poked the thin fabric outward, giving just the slightest clue of their location.

“MMMPHMM” muffled cries from the pretty latina.
She squirmed making her young supple body wiggle in a vain attempt to escape.

The scissors now went to her arms where the rest of her dress was cut away and thrown aside.
What came next would sink the once proper princess, and reduce her pride to rubble.
The boy positioned the cutting tool dead center on the strap between her breast.
Jasmin looked down in horror, a single tear rolled down her cheek.


The scissors had only begun to cut, but the bra just tore open under the stress from Jasmin’s large breast.
Her light brown breast spilled from the cups pushing them aside, only the slightest drop from the perky D sized boobs as they came in full view.
With her arms tied firmly above her head to that flag pole, Jasmin’s breast stretched upwards just enough to put them at near eye level for every guy in the room.
Her once puffy nipples began to grow harder when exposed to the chill air from the air conditioned class room, Jasmin was mortified.

Laughter from her tormentors filled the young girls head, and the sinking feeling only got worse when she saw the boy pass the scissors on to one of his buddies.
Jasmin’s mascara ran from her eyes, she shook her head vigorously as she noticed the boy raise the scissors to the side of her hip.

“MMmmMphMmmPh” she cried out, desperately trying to get a word past the sock.

Snip, the scissors went.
And one side of her panties gave way, falling just short of exposing her pussy to the classroom.
The boy then reached out and in a fluid motion cut the remaining side of the silky garment.
The front of the panties dropped revealing a bald flawless brown pussy.
Jasmin tried to keep her thighs tight to avoid her ruined panties dropping, but the smooth silk simply slid down and hit the floor.

This was the last straw, arms locked in bondage and now completely naked Jasmin hung her head in shame.
The cruel kids then cut her clothes to ribbons, and threw the scraps around in victory.
Jasmin raised her head only to see what came next, they turned her around and had a good laugh at the expense of her exposed ass.

Then she felt it! a grab! a cold hand grasped her left butt cheek and firmly held on.
Jasmin’s eyes widened as she could not see who was doing this.
She frantically tried to turn her head but could not get a glimpse of the culprit.
Then a hand reached around from her waist and upwards, clutching her soft breast between its fingers.
The Hand squeezed hard on the tender breast, causing Jasmin to bite her lower lip.
Suddenly both hands were gone, just like that! and she was once again turned to face the class.

“We got to go” said one of the girls.
“One more thing” proclaimed one of the boys.

A single ribbon of torn dress was used to blindfold Jasmin. The visible streaks of her running eye makeup flowed from beneath the cloth.
Now blinded Jasmin started to breath heavier, every sense running at maximum.
Her imagination going wild with what her fate would be.

What came next would send chills down her spine.
A single sharpie was slowly inserted into her vagina.
Sharp pleasure shot through her abdomen with the object piercing her pussy lips.
Once completely inside the marker was left there, and the room went quite.

And there she hung, the most beautiful Latina you would ever see.
A caramel goddess.
Hands bound high above her head.
Large breast swaying from her lightest movements.
Pussy holding a pink sharpie nestled between its warm lips.
Her knees bent inward, her head hung in defeat.
The phrase “Deflowered” written in that same pink sharpie on the board.



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  1. r/ENF_EUF is my sub for all things ENF including Anime, Gifs, Pics, Comics, and yes my stories.

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