[F] McBride’s Manor (part 1)


The car finally stopped at the end of the dirt road, which had seemed particularly long. It was time, because I was starting to ache everywhere after those two hours of driving, in the North of England, especially the last half-hour where the succession of small dirt and gravel roads had worn my back.

I unbuckled my seat belt and looked at the place around me. A magnificent manor was standing in front of us, a beautiful British Victorian style home. My husband gave mr a big smile, stretched, then got out of the car. I did the same, trying not to damage my heels on the muddy ground.

The sky was gray, but at least it had stopped raining. We advanced quietly towards the staircase that gave access to our new home. The door opened, and a small and bald man, who was probably over 60 years old, advanced toward us. He was dressed with a black suit and white gloves, the perfect idea that I had of a butler.

“Welcome to the McBride’s manor,” said the man in a soft, sober voice.

“Ah, Albert, what a pleasure to see you again,” replied my husband. “I present my wife Alicia. Alicia, it is Albert, the man who has always took care with this house, from as far than I can remember.”

“Nice to meet you,” I replied, shaking the man’s hand.

“A pleasure to meet Madame, and to see you again, sir.”

I took a look at my husband, who seemed to be in heaven. He kept looking at the manor where he had grown up and that he had left at the age of 16 when his family moved to Paris, where we met three years ago. His parents had given him the home as a wedding gift, and he had no problem convincing me to come and stay there. Not only did it allow me to leave my job as a lawyer that I disliked more and more. But above all, I could devote myself entirely to my favorite pastime, painting.

“Your rooms are ready, sir, tonight’s dinner too. I thought you would be hungry after your trip. I will take care of your luggage.”
“Thank you Albert, it’s perfect. I will show Madame the home.”

We climbed the marble staircase to find ourselves in a huge entrance hall. Gilding, tapestry and columns showed the wealth of my husband’s family. His father, from the wealthy Scottish middle class, had married a Frenchwoman of a noble family. My husband Arthur was their only child.

“Access to the bedrooms is through this staircase,” my husband explained to me, indicating a double staircase spiraling upwards. “On the left, there is the dining room and the library. On the right, the billiard room and another room in which I think to install my office. Albert has his apartments behind the hall, by this door which is seen to the right of the staircase. There is also an old stable that my father had turned into a workshop. I think you can go there to paint. ”

I had trouble answering him, I was so impressed by the house. Although no one lived there for more than 10 years, it was still flawless, probably maintained by the butler. In addition, it was tastefully decorated, nothing swirled between the floor rugs, family portraits or hunting scenes hanging on the wall. I felt good.

“Do you like the manor?”
“Yes, it’s beautiful, darling.”

He gave me a wonderful smile. In addition to being rich, my husband was particularly handsome. He was tall, muscular, blue-eyed, athletic, and his Scottish ancestry had left him a kind of melancholy look that melted women. And if he had chosen me, among his many contenders, it’s because I also had a certain number of assets. I was natural blonde, with blue eyes too, my 5”8’ height allowing me to easily highlight my long legs and thin and my wasp size. I was also very satisfied with my forms, because I had inherited from my mother a very beautiful well bouncy chest, and I maintained my buttocks so that they remain firm even if now I was approaching 30.

Yet Arthur had never touched me. We had not consummated the marriage, sleeping in separate rooms until now in the strictest tradition of his family. It was the one and only way to receive their blessing. It was also one of the reasons that had driven me to isolate myself in this lost place. Arthur had warned me that there was no other home for miles around, but being separated from his family and medieval traditions was a particular pleasure.

“I leave you for a moment in the hall, I want to check that the dining room is well prepared. ”

I gave him a small smile, watching him leave in the room on the left, then I returned to inspect quietly the various objects of art present. There were busts, armor, some weapons and some dishes in a shop window.

Suddenly, as I returned to the dining room, I was hit hard and thrown to the ground without understanding what was happening. Looking up, I noticed furiously that it was Albert, the butler, his arms loaded with our suitcases.

“You should be careful! Look what you just did! You could have hurt me!”
“I’m sorry, ma’am. I did not see you with the suitcases to carry. I can help you …”
“You are a bum, unable to find your way in a huge hall!”
“Madam, our paths crossed, none of us looked in front of us. The high heels go very well on Madam, it gives her a good look, but you lack balance …”
“You’d better change your tone! All is entirely your fault, and …”
“What is happening here?”

My husband had just come out of the kitchen on hearing my screams. I was still on the ground, red with anger at the British phlegm displayed by the servant, who was nevertheless French.

“That stupid servant hit me, and …”
“Alicia, please. Do not talk like that about Albert. He is been devoted to my family for over forty years, he is a man of confidence that I know since my childhood. I do not know what happened, but it’s inevitably involuntary.”
“But he has me …”
“You do not have to talk to him that way! Is that clear?”

I had never seen Arthur get so excited. I knew that I had touched a sore point, and contented myself with acquiescing in silence. Albert had already gotten rid of the suitcases and held out his hand, offering me his help to get up. I caught him with bad graces, under a smile from my husband.

“I’m glad you’re at peace again, both of you. Now, at the dining room, my dear, I have just served a wine of excellent quality. Albert, you can serve us the meal after packing our suitcases.”
“Well sir. ”

I took the direction of the door through which my husband had already disappeared, when I distinctly heard:
“Madam has beautiful buttocks, what a pity that her character is so detestable …”
“What did you say?”
“Nothing at all, Madame, I am taking the bags upstairs. ”

I almost replied, but I heard my husband call me and decided to follow him to enjoy the meal.
To be continued…

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticstories/comments/ac6nup/f_mcbrides_manor_part_1