Trials of the Buxom Trio – Chapter 4 (busty, thicc, hardcore sex, adventure throughout)

Sylora continued to watch as Merella and Jenessa pleased Treock and each other on occasion. At that moment the redheaded warrior and the raven haired warrior were kissing each other’s lips gently with the tip of the wood elf’s cock nuzzled on one side of their mouths. They each moaned as one, each savoring the cum that covered their mouths and some of their hair and bodies as they rested close to each other in their kneeling positions that allowed them to each rest their pussy on something hard for when they weren’t being pressed into the earth or a tree by Treock’s hardy pacing.

The blonde elf herself had never heard such sounds from humans in love. But then again she hadn’t always been watching as the two girls from her trio entertained Treock for rescuing them. Instead she had found out just how good the wooden dildo was at exploring her own pent up need after the rough handling by Sureeshstan’s men. Where the two thugs had been forceful and relentless Sylora had enjoyed her own slow careful and eventually strong touch while Merella and Jenessa both serviced Treock’s every desire.

Despite his originally shy behavior Treock had proved himself to be much like his other kin in the manner that he was skilled in many different arts, including the art of carnal pleasures. One minute he was bouncing Jenessa on his cock while he kissed Merella and then the next he was using his powerful control of the trees and roots to have both girls being propped up by strong troves of roots while he used his hands to play with their pussies and clit as other roots were used to squeeze and scratch over their incredible busts. Now finally with their bodies covered in his thick golden sap and each girl (including Sylora) having reached the zenith of their pleasure many times over when Merella felt the wood elf losing his tempo again she knew what the signals meant.

Even though the mage and Jenessa had been getting along very well since the rescue it didn’t stop her from playfully pushing Jenessa onto her back and casing a spell of fire magic right into her pussy as the raven haired girl immediately took all of Treock’s member down her throat. Jenessa struggled to prove that she would finish him off but the fire blazing through her cunt didn’t let up and only heated up as she struggled. The bare moments where Jenessa was able to look upon Merella sucking on the wood elf’s cock made the red headed warrior swear she would get revenge on her friend next time. But her body was soon already concentrated on something else entirely. The spell Merella had cast on her was close to the same magic Sureeshtan had used except it immediately sent her body clinging for release. As she whimpered and then cried out her hand reached down to spread her pussy and rub all over the points that had became so irritated and hot. Her fingers rolled and rubbed over her lips as she cried out feeling the torrent of pleasure arcing up with in her body as her hips drove her body off the ground.

Merella chuckled around Treock’s heavy  cock as she gulped it up each moment while her eyes looked straight up into his own as he filled her up. She still even had some of his cum inside of her mouth from his last releaseand yet she pleaded for more with her eyes as her tongue wiggled up and down, hooking around the edge of his crown and then whriling around as she descended on his length as far as she could reach. Her nose struggled for air to continue but she did not care; Treock had saved her after all and besides she would never have people saying that she would shy away from a proper reward. With her spit dripping deep throating action it did not take long before the elf grabbed her head and buried her down right onto his shaft. Merella choked as she felt her nose pressing up against his hard wooden skin as his body shook and yet she just had her eyes pan up to look right into his as she felt his entire body shake like a tree about to be cut down.

Then suddenly she felt his cock vibrating hard before the first wave of his cum shot forward. She instantly came in her still sensitive pussy as the next wave of cum flooded her mouth right as she heard Jenessa cry out too. “Merelllaaaaaggghh!” The redhead cried out much to the mage’s gratitude knowing it would still keep her busy as Merella drank up all the rich frothy cum that Treock was giving her. Her eyes looked forward into his eyes even as her throat fought with the object flooding and blocking every inch. She could feel the bare whisper of breath making it through around the giant cock protruding down her throat but the horny mage loved being handled in this sway. Finally when he felt her drinking nearly all of his cum the wood elf slowly released his grip on her head pulled out his hard cock. Giving that he had reoughly the entire magic of the forest at his beck and call Treock could easily use the energy to make himself hard again but as he watched Merella and Jenessa breathing so heavily even as the mage licked up any excess of his cum to make sure it wasn’t wasted he felt that they had done more than enough to serve him.

“I’ve never felt such an exquisite pair of lips in all my years. You must have great skill in this.” He told Merella and she chuckled playfully. Her giant breasts bounced as she moved up and hugged him firmly; grounding her breasts against his hard exterior while her pussy still leaked from her own release.

“Well yes and no hehe. My master always told me that practice makes perfect.” ‘And I’ve had a lot of practice.’ She thought privately to herself as she kissed Treock’s chest. He gave a small chuckle before they both turned to watch Jenessa slowly getting back up.

“The next time you try that Merella I am going to kick your ass.” The redhead said with a hard look even though the mage could tell from her flush body that she had enjoyed the hard fiery release thoroughly.

“It will be fun to watch you try. Sylora you should have joined us.” Merella said in a playful tone as she kissed Treock once more and then went off to join the naked and sweaty blonde elf appeared intent on looking over the dildo she had been using.

“Oh that is quite alright. I wouldn’t want to get between the two of you and such a big… majestic partner. But luckily Treock’s magic extends beyond his stamina.” Sylora stood up, her shyness forgotten in the presence of a fellow elf as she took the phallic shape. “Treock after a while with this object I felt it began to change. It is no longer of wood somehow but rather it feels as strong and smooth as steel.” She said and Jenessa and Merella looked over the rod to find that it was true. The former head of the dildo even seemed to have change from Sylora’s time with it.

“It is a rare thing that I had almost forgotten about since I had never had the pleasure of elves in many years. When such magic is connected to the magical essence of a fellow elf the wood reacts in a very strange way. It takes on new forms and shapes as it connects with the juices of a elf’s body. In this case it appears to have formed into the handle of a sword. As you said it’s hard as steel and it’s even more durable than that. I trust if you took it to a blacksmith in your town that he could make a good weapon with it.” Treock said and Sylora looked over the handle once more.

“Well that is all and good for when we return but given there is no rush I think I am just about ready for another round.” Merella said and Jenessa gave her a ‘Hmmph’
“We’ve done what we needed to do and I think we’ve more than thanked Treock for his help.” Then her face gave way to a delightful smile. “That said I think it’s my turn for his cock to fill my pussy one last time.” Jenessa said and playfully nipped over Treock’s neck while Merella started to grab and stroke his cock. Before they could reengage in their lustful play however the three girls and the wood elf were alerted to a loud squawking. Jenessa more than the rest of them recognized it first as the call of a crow and she turned away from Treock’s body and quickly grabbed one of her blades.

Soon enough however she found that the disturbance was in fact a crow that the redhead had unfortunately become familiar with. Unlike the standard black bird this one had streaks of glowing purple painted under its dark eyes. It rested on a branch and squawked at the four people in a loud harsh tone that made Jenessa just want to hurl a rock at it more. The bird belonged to him.

“Say your peace and leave us bird. I have no time for your master’s distractions.” Jenessa said as she squared herself in front of the bird and folded her arms impudently to cover up her breasts. Part of her felt a slight tinge of embarrassment that the bird had come here at this moment; the warrior knew it was bound to tell her warrior just how she looked with all of the wood elf’s cum and sweat all over her body.

“Squaawaakk! Master knew you would be pissed off. He says you always pissed off now because you thought you could manage just fine without him.” The bird squawked again before it lifted up and off the branch in a flutter of wings as Jenessa’s resilience gave in to her temper as she hurled a rock. Even though it was just a bird Merella could swear she almost saw the beaked creature smile at the attempt at leveling it.

“Squaawwakk! If you’re quite done being a impossible woman my master has a message for you. Orrcsss! Many orcss! An entire warhost! They came down upon the village and attacked Squaawak! Many dead but not Indica. Indica has been taken squaaawkk! They headed up north. We may have our differences but I know you would never forgive me if I don’t pass this along to you. I hope that you are not too late to be able to stop them. Other rangers say they make camp in Kirsenstag, the old tower northeast of Evecroft. City should have stopped orcs but did nothing squaawwk! Maybe too many.. maybe something else. Boat route of crystal lake may be fastest option. Move fast.. Squawaaak!” And with that the bird lifted up off its perch with a flurry of dark wings and then turned away from the girls to return to its master. 

Jenessa just stood there; covered in sweat and cum but with all humor and lust flooded from her body. Her mother had been captured by the orcs? How was that even possible.
“Jeni…” The busty redhead heard Merella speak from behind her left shoulder before she felt her friends hand rest on her shoulder. Jenessa turned and welcomed the black haired mage’s warm embrace as she found back tears. She had never known her mother to be defeated by anyone. It was a trick some horrible game he was playing n her but she knew even he with all his flaws would never joke about this.

“She is still alive my friend, and we will rescue her or perish trying.” Sylora said as she gathered up her gear and started pulling up her panties and pants as she prepared to move. “We must hurry and find horses if we are to make the best speed.” Sylora said as she clasped her breast plate back on.

Jenessa smiled to Sylora and nodded before giving Merella a small smile. “Yes.. we will find her. We have to find her.” Jenessa said calmly as she pushed away the tears from her face. She had to be strong for her mother, and for the rest of them. She was Jenessa Windfyre after all, daughter of Indica Windfyre one of the most powerful women of her age and Jenessa would not allow the orcs to claim her mother as a hostage. She would free her mother or die trying as the blonde elf said. Merella went off to find her own clothes and then Jenessa noticed Sylora move over to Treock.

“I guess it would be too much to hope that you would come with us Treock. You would prove a great ally in our battle to come…” The blonde elf said though her voice was now barely above a whisper.

Treock’s face saddened and he shook his head. “The Baan forest is my home I am afraid. To leave it would not only mean leaving my home and my ancestral duty but it would mean that I would not live long. The forest gives me life just as I protect its own life. If I tried to walk the path of an elf as you do I would only live till my skin broke down from not being connected to the energy of each and every tree here. I am truly sorry Sylora.” He said to her but gave her a soft warm smile.

“It would be a great gift to see you again after you have defeated this evil in the north. I know the power of our people and Merella and Jenessa are lucky to have you by your side. I wish I could offer you more than the hilt.” He told her as he looked at the piece of enhanced wood she still had at her side.

“You have already done so much. I shall return one day if only to learn more about you and these lost brethren of my family. *Farewell for now*.” Sylora said the last few words in Ethrain, the old elfish trade language.

“*Safe travels to you my brave warrior.”* Treock replied back to her. The blonde warrior nodded, picked up her sword and shield once Jenessa and Merella had readied themselves and together the trio of women set off to rescue their lost teacher from the grips of the foul orc menace.

            Crystal Lake was as bright as blue as it had ever been. The only problem was that the village that lay on the southern coast had not escaped the warth of the orc warhost traveling south through the Fergin forest to the east. The few survivors from the small fishing village informed the girls when they arrived that the orc host had spread out like a plague of rats, burning their village and attacking the small hamlets in the hill lands to the north of the village. Worse there was even rumors that the warhost had left a whole part of their army to protect their host’s rear and so the Fergin forest was indeed locked from the trio. Small a group as they may be they couldn’t count on being able to evade all the orcs patrolling the woods. So they would cross at the Crystal Lake. The blue waters glowed subtly with the warm rays of the sun as Sylora and Merella prepared to launch one of the few boats they had found that was not completely wrecked in the raid. The blonde elf hopped into the boat after Jenessa climbed aboard and Merella joined them soon after as they set off for the other side of the lake. It was fairly easy going for a while. Sylora ended up taking up watch with a pale longbow in case of trouble. If the orcs were still positioned at Fergin forest than it could mean that they were on the lookout for people trying to bypass the area and get to Evecroft.

            As Jenessa rowed she wondered what must have happened to the larger city if their village had been all but destroyed by the orc horde. If the horde of fierce warrior humanoids was truly as great in number as the survivors had said that there was even a chance that Evecroft had been taken as well. If so it was truly a dangerous road they were taking. But as she thought about the message they had received from her former lover’s familiar she recalled that it had said the city should have stopped them, hopefully meaning it was still standing. But if that was true why indeed had the guardians of the city not tried to do something to defeat the orcs. She was still looking out against the distant coast when she spotted a small island out in the lake. As they passed it she noticed that there was also a smaller raft beached on the spot of land amidst the great lake though it was covered in blood. Immediately on her guard Jenessa informed Sylora to cover the area with her bow but she knew they had to investigate. If someone was hurt it was their duty to help them and any information they could get about the orcs could help.

            Jenessa’s booted feet splashed onto the small beach of the island and she immediately readied her two blades in case of trouble. Sylora stayed near the boat, watching for trouble from the coasts as Merella went with the busty redhead. Merella had found a dark black and purple robe from the house and Jenessa had taken another set of skimpy clothes after losing her own even though these had some more intense banding and iron studs. In the boat Sylora herself still wore her heavy breast plate but she had wished that she had found a set of chainmail from one of the guards in the village. Tragically none of them fit her bust. So she once more had to occasionally fidget or open up her armor to rub her irritated nipples once the friction built up too much. Trying to focus on something other than her breast for a moment she turned over towards where her friends were investigating.
            “Anything?” She asked as she held her bow at the ready.

            “Just tracks and frightened little crabs hehe.” Merella replied as her and Jenessa moved through the rocks. The mage was about to decide that this was all just a big waste of time until she saw a body partially submerged underneath the sand and the rocks. It didn’t take her long to find that they wouldn’t be getting any answers from the poor soul. “Looks like he got caught by some orc arrows.” She told Jenessa. “Poisoned by the smell of them.” Merella said as she knelt down and investigated the body further while Jenessa walked around. The red head adventurer’s breast gave a small bounce with every slow step through the wet sand and rocks until she decided to rest for a moment after she came to the edge of the island. She placed her hand on a large rock that was also covered in sand as she looked out across the coast. Somewhere out there on the other side of the lake she knew that her mother must be trying everything in her power to break free or contact her. She knew that Merella had received no messages through magical means and it made her worry all the more. The busty redhead shifted as the waves came in. She knew in her heart that her mother wasn’t dead but her heart had been wrong before… What if she had seen her mother for the last time before she had left to hunt Sureeshtan?

Jenessa was still thinking about what fate awaited them when they finished the crossing when she felt the hard rock she had set her hand on move under her fingers. It was a slow deliberate move and at first she did not understand what was going. She turned to the rock figuring that it had just come loose slightly; maybe from the wet sand supporting it. But when she looked over at the rock again she saw a giant big eye staring back at her.

“Bawaaughh!” The redhead squealed and immediately took her hand off the rock hard skin of whatever the thing was. She tripped and fell in the sand and her eyes widened at the realization that the thing was moving closer, no it was actually lifting up from the sand and moving through the air towards her. A wide open maw revealed itself from the lines or its rocky skin. It’s teeth were jagged and it’s tongue whirled around inside it’s gaping mouth but it was its exterior that still carried her attention. Various stalks with bulbous spheres at the end rose up from the circular creature’s body or its head rather since for the life of her Jenessa could see no limbs other than the spherical shape. She had heard of such creatures before but she couldn’t recall the name.

“Beholder!” Merella screamed out as she rounded the corner of a rock with her staff at the ready. Raising it up she charged in and sent a spell of green lightning right for the creature. The beholder turned fast, alerted to the mage’s assault thanks to its many perceptive stalks. Three eyes immediately focus onto Merella as she closed in with the creature. The first moved in to intercept the magic attack and took the brunt of the scorching energy bolt. The next opened up and returned fire of its own with a blast of fiery heat that set the raven haired goddess’ clothes aflame and second one stared right on at Merella’s body if a little low before she seemed to get hit by an invisible shockwave.

“Oooph!” She gave a yelp as she landed on the wet sand around her. Immediately feeling the fire spread her hands ripped into the top of her dress and she tore at the black material and hurled the dress off as soon as she could. It left her in a set of black lacey panties as she searched for her weapon. Her staff had flown from her grip and landed nearby but when she reached it another eye opened up while the last of the original trio continued to stare right at her. Her eyes shut as she felt the pleasure boiling inside of her body and she fell forward onto her knees. The damned creature was trying to overpower her. Fortunately in its haste it had forgotten about Jenessa. The redhead screamed out a battlecry before she brought down one blade and then another against the large floating creature. It howled in pain as she sheared off four eye stalks and covered her chest in dark blue ichor. Her nose scrunched up before she noticed that the creature was turning and brining more eyes to bear. She raised her weapons again, intent to deliver a savage blow right to the creature’s dome when she was blasted with a wave of frost energy. Her body tingled and shivered as her movements were slowed and her nipples hardened. The beholder’s maw turned into a grin as it blasted her with the same forceful shove as it had used against Merella moments ago. The strike took out Jenessa’s legs making her fall to the side before she managed to look up at the beholder once more. Her eyes widened in fear when she saw another eye, a purple one staring down at her.

“Stay back monster!” She yelled as she tried to raise her blades again to cut off the new threat. But before she could do anything there was a brilliant blast of power right into her head. Her hands stopped in their tracks and her fingers were pried open of her own accord. She shouldn’t be fighting the creature she realized… It was just a lonely creature seeking out the company of beautiful women like herself. She wanted to comfort such a creature, offer it her touch, her warmth, her body. Slowly her hands rose over her incredible bust while she looked at the set of the beholder’s eyes still watching her. Her fingers rubbed over the hard leather material of her new top. When she felt the nub of her nipple a sultry smile crossed her lips as she made small circle in the armored cups safeguarding her pink nubs before her hands moved behind her back.

Merella fought against the pleasure growing inside of her body as she was still rooted firmly to the ground. She could feel the incredible spellpower radiating from the beholder and her head shook as her feet and arms were spread out from her body. “Nnngghh! No not again! Fight him Jenessa! It’s a trick I swear it too you!” She shoted but as she watched the material that just barely covered the redhead’s rack go slack and slowly drop from her incredible tits she also noticed the look of intense pleasure that spread across the redhead’s lips as her hair fell across her back as she rose up. Merella felt her own breath growing slightly shorter as she watched Jenessa rise up and squeeze her breasts together, offering up her body to the newest threat in their way.

“Hehe. I know all the boys want to touch them wherever I go. I wear tops like this cause deep inside I know that it’ll bring them all to me…” Jenessa said, her voice growing huskier as her tits rose and fell from her labored breathing as her hands smooshed her immense breasts together as they started to rub up against one of the closest eyestalks. For some reason this eye seemed shy to her and she wanted to make it feel welcome so that it would open up to her. “Don’t be shy big guy. I want to see what you can do too. Please use me all you want, I want you to have fun with me just like everyone else… You don’t have to be alone anymore while I’m here.. mmmm I can feel it pulsing but he still won’t open up. Hehehe.”
Merella’s neck was pulled back down to the ground and she could watch Jenessa’s erotic display no longer. She had to resist or call out to Sylora at the very least but she found that as soon as she thought to call for help that her throat was pressed down upon by the invisible spell holding her in place. “Hurrkk… foulll…eechhh.. dee…onn..”

She barely uttered before her hips shuddered when another eye opened and sent another powerful burst of energy right into her clit. The invisible bonds holding her down appeared flexible when her body was under attack and her hips rose up from the ground as her lips spread just the faintest amount and her juices began to flow. She felt wetter than if she had just jumped into the lake in a bare instinct and she moaned even as the invisible force still restrained her. Her hands begged to reach down between her legs but even that was withheld from her. The mage’s curvaceous hips were the only thing that still seemed capable of movement as her ass ground back and forth against the wet sand as her pussy was ravished by the incredible spell.

Jenessa smiled as she saw Merella enjoying herself. She spoke to the beholder as the haze still lay over her mind as she remained under the spell of the creature. “You should be sure to fuck her in the ass sometime even if she is still being shy like your stalk here. I know she won’t admit it but she never cums louder then when she’s touched there hehee.” The redhead said as her hair moved forward with her body. The red curls tickled the sides of her boobs as she started to squeeze and rub the stalk some more. She could feel it pulsing, practically begging to open up and yet still the slit remained closed.

“Come on I know you want to open up. I don’t bite…” She said before a moan left her lips at the sensations. Her own pussy had started to dampen and she could feel the wetness collecting against her brand new bottoms even as her body warmed up from playing the nice thick eye stalk. Finally to her wonderment the stalk jumped in between her breasts. She had been eagerly awaiting a spell but instead she was caught full in the face and breasts with a warm wash of hot spunk as the beholder’s ‘eye’ finally opened up. The warrior moaned out loud from the contact as it warmed her smooth skin.

“Mrmmmm… now I know why it was so shy.” She giggled as she continued to rub and then she saw that more of the cock stalks were turning to face her. Her hands slowly moved from her breasts as she started to rub a pair before she shifted her legs and rested back down. The beholder saw her intent clearly and it chuckled deeply as it moved closer; hovering above Jenessa;s now dripping body even as she stroked his hardening stalks in her strong firm fingers that were just at home holding a sword as a cock.

“You should release her and bring her over here my friend. I don’t think she’d want to miss all the fun.” Jenessa said in her controlled state as she bit her lip after noticing one particularly bulbous stalk. She could see that by the sheer size of it that the stalk would be just as likely to fill out her entire canal as it was to split her open. But she couldn’t say no to her gracious host who was being so nice. Bending her legs and spread her labia wide with her fingers she smiled up to the beholder. “Please enjoy every bit of me you want my friend… I am yours for as long as you want…” She said with a delicious smile. The Beholder laughed again and it’s eye narrowed as it’s hard stalk moved closer towards the redhead even while it used additional stalks to bring Merella back into the fold.

Even as she rose up and walked forward wearing only her panties the mage was trying to use her powers to reclaim control over limbs. ‘Where the hell was Sylora?’ She thought as she neared the creature. They had to escape its clutches or the being’s power was simple recharge once the girls were simply resting up for the next round of fucking. It would turn into a horrible cycle till the beholder got everything it wanted from them. They had to escape before it was too late. But as her legs took her forward she started to realize that perhaps it already was…
