Old Friends-Pt 6: Revelations [No Sex]

Alex had other interests to tend to. He showed up at Bella and Phil’s house as she was ushering their youngest to bed. She looked exasperated as she answered the door while yelling up to their daughter that she had best not get out of bed again unless it was an emergency.

With her makeup off and her dark hair pinned up, Bella very much held the image of mom, but a fit and attractive one. She looked Alex over and scowled.

“So, he went for it, ey?” She said as she stood aside and let Alex into her home.

“Did you really think he wouldn’t?” Alex smirked.

“I thought she wouldn’t…to be honest.” Bella led Alex into the den and fell comfortably onto the large couch nearest the doorway.

Alex shrugged, “I may have pushed her towards it with my approval, but I also made certain she wasn’t in the state of mind to think clearly.”

Bella frowned at the phrasing and Alex smiled.

“I didn’t do anything that would keep her from being able to consent to it, I just made it enticing, that ‘forbidden pleasure-one time experience.’ We both know they’ve been head over heels for each other for years and only married us because the timing never matched up for them to be together.”

Bella nodded, “He’s still my husband and she’s still your wife. What if they decide to part ways after tonight?”

Alex shook his head, his eyebrow arching, “It would be impressive if either one of them got their fill in one night.”

Bella sighed and lay her head on his shoulder, “Shouldn’t we just tell them?”

Alex took her hand in his and kissed her fingertips, “We’ve been sneaking around for years behind their backs while accusing them of doing what we were. I think I want them to know happiness before we break their hearts. Jess adores me and if I told her I’ve been fucking her best friend’s wife for the past five years it would absolutely crush her. She already looks at you and sees the life she always wanted but couldn’t have.”

Bella nodded, “She’s fairly fragile isn’t she?”

Alex nodded, “Emotionally, yes. But she’s also extremely strong-willed and resilient. She lives to please the people in her life and often that comes at her own expense.”

Alex caressed Bella’s arm and helped her to her feet, his voice was soft, “I think I’d rather spend the next few hours not thinking about Jess and Phil. There’s no fear of your husband coming home, at least until I head back and put an end to things, so why don’t we go upstairs and get more comfortable.”

Bella smiled and led the way.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/a9dgr8/old_friendspt_6_revelations_no_sex