[M/F] The Long Night.

(Hope this absolute wall of text is alright. This is a story adapted from an RP I’m doing with u/dontwanttoget and u/BouncingBoyChuck. So I hope you enjoy!
If you asked Patrick why he was driving through a road covered in a blanket of fresh snow to go snowshoeing on a remote trail he couldn’t tell you. He’d taken one look at the fresh powder the recent blizzard had deposited all over his small Canadian town and got the idea to head out and snowshoe a favorite trail of his. Never mind that the trail was buried under three inches of fresh snow and the fact that today was the solstice meaning he’d be walking through old forest with only moonlight to guide him. Yet the urge was far too strong and Patrick found himself leaving his truck behind in the snowed over parking lot and trudged into the moon lit forest.

Patrick trudged forward using his familiarity with the trail to stay on track despite several inches of fresh powdery snow on the ground. In fact Patrick felt strangely exhilarated as he stepped further and further into the dark forest. There was a current in the cold air that he’d only ever felt when he hiked or climbed alone and as the long night of solstice slipped around him his blond hair practically stood on end. Only in the quiet of places where no one else had tread could Patrick feel the delirious feeling he got as he inhaled the chilled air around him.

Yet something was definitely strange as he walked down the trail. The trees were far older and more numerous than they should have been and the moon looked different when he saw through the tree branches. As he walked the forest seemed to grow gloomier and in the distance he saw silhouettes dance and run through the trees hidden by the shadows of the forest. A chill ran down his spine and Patrick silently turned around only to find that his tracks were gone and densely packed trees blocked the trail back to his truck.

Suddenly, Patrick felt the cold around him slip through his layers and some primal part of his mind scream at him. This was not a place he should be and that primal instinct turned his blood to ice as he bit back panic and spun wildly until his eyes fell on the familiar orange glow of a campfire. He looked to his left and right and saw that several silhouettes were drawing closer and as they did he noticed with another spike of ice in his blood that only some looked human. Desperately, he ran as fast as he could with his snow shoes on towards the light and with a yelp tripped and rolled into a small grove lit by fire light.

Standing up, he looked at a moderately sized fire pit with a large stone pot boiling some kind of stew at the center of the flame. As Patrick examined the scene he noticed that two people sat on the other side of the fire, watching him. One was man was tall with a full face and green eyes the color of fake emeralds and he wore a worn robe of muddy brown material that matched his long hair. The other was a full figured woman in thin silks with black hair darker than the night around them and yellow eyes that locked onto him as he stepped closer to the fire.

“Ooh hoo hoo,” The man chuckled “Look what walks in my sweet wife, a child slips the fence and walks into the old lands alone on the solstice. With neither an offering nor a branch birch to protect him.”

“Hush now Oberon,” The woman chides before smiling at Patrick “Come young Patrick, warm yourself by our fire and fill your belly with stew and bread. The solstice night is always a cold one, so it’s best to warm your belly before Winter is born to the world.”

For a moment a pulse of cold rings up his spine and he stepped back as the strange woman said his name. Something was not right here, and gulping down his fear Patrick tried to turn and run but then the wind whipped up behind him and carried a scent to his nose and he was stopped in his tracks. It was the scent of something forgotten yet familiar, and it banished the chill of fear from as it cleared his mind of negative thoughts. Indeed he felt a very sudden warmth flow down his body and collect in his crotch setting his cock to twitching. Dazed, he turned back around and trudged over to take a seat on a stump in front of the fire.

“Oh, it seems I’ve lost our bet my sweet Titania,” Oberon said with a displeased chuckle “I was hoping for another dud this year.”

Patrick trembled in his seat as the warmth bounced around his form melting his muscles and coalescing around his now throbbing erection. He looked up to see Titania’s eyes on him and imagined what her full lips felt like and he throbbed against his snow pants when she opened those lips to lick her lips and laugh. She laughed for a moment more and then dipped her hands into the fire to pull out a loaf of bread a stone bowl full of stew.

“Hungry sweet Patrick?” She asked as her yellow eyes glinted like dying suns “Oh, not for food I think.”

She opened her arms and Patrick watched as the silks parted just enough to show the pale skin of her breasts exposed almost to the areola. Patrick imagined what it would be like to bury his face between those milky white globes and how her skin would feel against his lips. A dark primal need burst from his crotch and it stabbed into his mind and whispered sweet agony to his senses as his cock ached with need. Though not for this beautiful Titania some part of his muddled mind knew, she was the object of his waking mind’s attentions but the primal need was for something yet unseen. The exquisite agony was a curse laid on him by whatever that delirious scent hinted at.

“Ple…please,” He whimpered as the wind blew around them and the scent filled his mind with fire and set his body to shuddering “What…is happening?”

“Oh, it is you isn’t it?” Oberon smirked as he took the bowl of stew from his wife and with a flick sent it flying into the darkness “No need to trick you into continuing forward with a drive like that.”

“He can smell her on the wind,” Titania said as she plunged the bread into the fire and after a few minutes of holding her hands in the flame she plucked out a tiny hooded person clutching a lit lantern in their tiny arms “This child will guide you to what you seek sweet Patrick, our folk will leave you unmolested and you shall reach her seat with little trouble.”

“It’s bittersweet to finally see the end of this tale,” Oberon considered as the little person plopped to the ground and Patrick rose to follow wincing at his aching cock as he stood “I so would have enjoyed watching another poor fool be consumed, but hey, that’s life.”

Patrick barely heard him as the little person darted across the snow leaving a flaming trail that melted the snow allowing Patrick to run after it. Every cell in his body was permeated with burning need as the scent grew stronger with each desperate step and his aching manhood pointing the way like a lecherous dowsing rod. Whatever fear he felt before stepping into the grove of Titania and Oberon had been burned to cinders by the sheer need that now gripped him. The cinders of his logical mind whispered that he needed to stop, that this was a trap of something horrible, but his body, no, his very soul was drawn to the source of that agonizing scent. So he ran through dark shadows after the burning little person until he stepped into a grove far larger than where he met Titania and Oberon.

A perfect circle cut into the thick trees that formed a ring of virgin snow around a stone circle of stones inscribed with symbols that hurt Patrick’s eyes. The pain in his eyes was erased by a fresh wave of the scent, so thick in the air now that he felt he was drowning in it and with every inhale his cock twitched and every muscle spasmed. He stepped towards the stone circle where a massive yew stood vigil over a pond of water that glowed blue with the light of the moon casting through the yew’s branches. Every step brought him closer and every step filled his lungs with the scent that burned and soothed him. It was so thick that as he stepped into the stone circle he felt as if his blood was permeated with it and he could almost feel it change his very cells. Patrick made it to the edge of the pond until the need became too great and his legs trembled and betrayed him.

He fell to his knees and cried out as his body spasmed with agonizing need and his cock and balls ached more than at any time in his life. Release was what his waking mind screamed for, but his deeper mind knew there could be no release until he was allowed by the power that now gripped his very soul. Tears streamed down his cheeks as he trembled and whimpered in the snow crying out to anyone who would free him from such exquisite agony. Then he felt fingers brush the back of his neck and he looked up into the shadow of the great yew and stared into two glowing eyes the color of Autumn leaves.

Every cell in his body screamed with pleasure at the sight of those eyes as his deeper mind rose to devour the last cinders of his waking mind. In that beautifully terrifying moment, he knew from the deepest part of his soul that this was who he was meant to meet, to love, to serve. She was the source of the scent that had broken him, and she would be his salvation. He knew at that moment that his entire life meant nothing before this moment and that he had always been destined to come to this circle and give himself to her. There had never been any other option, all he was and would ever be had always been hers.

She stepped from the shadows and at the sight of her Patrick’s heart almost stopped and for a moment he stopped breathing. His Goddess stood at least seven feet high with hair the color of autumn sunsets and faded tan skin kissed by a million freckles. Her dress was made of autumn leaves that gripped her full matronly form and she wore a necklace of autumn flowers that glowed softly in the moonlight. Their eyes met and Patrick was consumed in her eyes and her smile as she stepped closer to him to gently pull him up by the chin.

“My sweet Patrick,” Her voice was like his mother’s had been mixed with an autumn storm and the stillness of a lonely November morning “You’ve come at last as I dreamed you would.”

He couldn’t speak. He couldn’t think. He couldn’t even breath as her hand rested beneath her skin filling him heat like the last ray of sunlight on a cold autumn day. Her eyes glowed and she gave him a smile that stopped his heart and started it again as his body shivered with need and anticipation. His Goddess reached a hand forward and pressed her divine palm to his chest. Suddenly his clothing seemed to split at the seams and in moments every scrap of fabric had dissolved away and he stood before his Goddess completely nude. He trembled and bucked his hips as his aching manhood twitched and spasmed, but still, his release wouldn’t come.

“There we are,” his Goddess said as he brought her face a half inch from his own smothering him in a wet breath that smelled of autumn spices “Just as I dreamed when the cosmos dreamed into existence, so vulnerable and beautiful like a snowflake caught in endless free fall.”

She kissed him then, and as her tongue invaded his mouth he tasted Summer melons and Spring showers before they were overpowered by the taste of the first true winds of Autumn on the air. Her hand wrapped around to the back of his head and pressed him into her mouth while the other slipped down and pressed his chest sending fire stabbing down into his heart. Then her hand slipped around to his back and she was pressing him against her body as the leaves of her dress fell away freeing her sun-kissed skin and heavy breasts. His dripping cock teased by a burning hot thicket of hair before sliding up to smear her stomach with his pungent precum. With no effort at all, she lifted him and held his trembling body to hers as their tongues danced together filling him with warmth like a warm sweater that bit back the cold.

The Goddess goes about savoring every inch of his body as Patrick lost himself to the sheer ecstasy of the experience. Letting the Goddess devour everything from his scent and body to even the moans escaping his lips became her food as she took all he had. Every cell called out for more as she took him and his cock screamed in pain and exquisite agony as it slid across her stomach begging for the sheath it was meant to fill. Patrick felt the Goddess’ nipples harden and the smell of her sex filled his nose sending his mind reeling into delirium.

Then he’s no longer in his goddess’ arms but lying on down sheets and staring up into the night’s sky. For a moment utter panic grips him that his Goddess left him, but he felt the weight on the bed around his waist and looked down. There she squatted barely a tenth of an inch from his engorged cock head with her hairy sex dripping sweet nectar onto his twitching cock. He tried to speak but only a whimper of need escaped his lips and he felt tears run down his cheeks.

“Don’t cry my sweet Patrick,” she cooed as she ran a hand down her body twisting a hard dark nipple before slipping down to stimulate her clit “From this day forward this is your home, and I in all my forms your wife and daughter. So, it is time for your offering. It is time for me to die.”

Before he could even understand the words she’d said the Goddess slammed her body down and slipped his aching cock into her all the way to the hilt. Patrick’s hips bucked up driving him deeper into her burning velvet and he screamed as pure pleasure washed over every cell and synapse burning them with her image. His Goddess sighed and the world sighed with her as the wind kicked up around them and the shadows of the forest grew ever darker. Energy crackled off her hair and nipples as she grabbed his hands and pressed them into her heavy breasts and arched her back down to lock him in another kiss.

She began to ride then, as her tongue assaulted his and with practiced movements began to move her hips so that his aching cock could pierce deeper into her. Pleasure and pain became one as his Goddess rode him and milked his cock with violent undulations of her sex. So tight was her burning pussy’s clamp on his cock that it was almost impossible to rise up and down as she worked it faster and faster as if her own need was even greater than his. In that moment Patrick knew that this was no simple goddess but a force of nature, no that wasn’t right, she was nature herself incarnate.

He had to shut his eyes as her skin glowed with the light of autumn sunsets and her hair became flame that licked out and danced in the air. Every muscle in his body screamed as it burned away and was renewed by her fiery touch reforging him in her great forge as his cock plunged ever deeper into her divine honey pot. In those glorious moments as her divine love burned and remade him he caught glimpses of a future he was making, a dark deep winter spreading across the world with all the lights and machines of the modern world going dark as true Winter was born. Renewing the world with cleansing snow of purest white.

“Sweet Patrick, my little king,” She moaned into his throat as he felt her sex twitch and spasm around his cock “Cum with me, release all that you have into me. CUM WITH ME!”

She screamed and arched her back to spit a plume of flame into the sky. As she did her pussy clamped around his own aching rod and with a scream, he emptied his swollen balls into her divine womb and let the tidal wave of horrible pleasure wash over his body. He spasmed and lost control of his body as his cock released thick streamers of seed deep into her and watched with horrible glee as the flame transformed mid-air into shadows that split and darted across the starry sky. Everything he had shot into her and when the last streamer of cum was spent all he could do was lie there panting as the world slipped into silence around them.

His Goddess gave a final sigh and reached forward to pat his head filling him with just enough energy to raise it and watch her stand up. With a wet plop, his spent cock slipped from her sheath and his Goddess stepped off the bed and Patrick watched as her belly seemed to grow with each step she took into the moonlight. When she reached the pond his Goddess stepped onto the water and walked to the center of the pool where the moon shined on her sun kissed skin free of the Yew’s interference. She turned to him revealing a body so full with child that she could pop at any moment and gave him one last smile filled with sunlight and raised her arms.

The light of the moon seemed to go through her save for a growing form in her stomach. She rose off the ground and with a final sigh she closed her eyes and with a pulse of white and blue from her stomach, her body turned to snowflakes save for the form at her center. Patrick watched awestruck as the form unfolded and revealed a young girl, naked and hairless below the neck, with skin the color of virgin snow and hair to match it. As the snow that had been her body floated around her it flowed towards her and formed a short dress of pure white crystal and when she was clothed his child Goddess opened her eyes. Two blue suns colder than the darkest shadows stared down at him as she descended onto the water freezing it solid the moment her bare feet touched the surface of the water.

“Sweet Patrick,” her voice was the sound of the biting cold and the fun of a snow day mixed with the voice of a little girl “Father and lover both, I was my mother and I will be her again next year, but now I am Winter and it is time to do our work.”

She reached her small hand out and Patrick rose from the bed as leaves and branches from the yew tree fell upon him wrapping him robes of flexible yew bark garnished with its prickly branches. He stepped forward and took Winter’s hand and together they stepped into the shadows of the forest. The light of the full moon reflected of the water and on the breeze, a million screams rang out as true Winter spread across the world once again.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/a8sfem/mf_the_long_night