Just World Theory Part 1

“Which one of you boys could handle a top secret special assignment?”

Harper Grais crossed her legs on Cavaggio’s desk and made eye contact with the new junior engineer, Chang.

“Boyos, give us a minute” Frankie Cavaggio barked over his shoulder, still staring at Harper from the corner of his eye.

The other IT guys fled the basement server room as Cavaggio, flustered, gathered himself.

“Ms Grais anything. Miss. Ma’am”

Chang’s face turned bright red as Harper adjusted her skirt and puckered her red lips.

“Wonderful. Here’s the super secret assignment. Head down to P. S. Harrington’s…”

“The bank?”

“Yes Frankie, the bank. Well, technically, private equity firm.”


“And find out whose security badge this is.”

Harper placed a black plastic fob on the desk that had “P. S. Harrington” impressed on the face of it.

Frankie Cavaggio had a background in computer hacking and social engineering. He was never caught so he “went legit” and made his way into a relatively comfortable information security post at the United States Attorney’s office.

“Ok Chang, you head down and try to get in with the badge, and I’ll call over and say I’m stuck trying to get in but my badge isn’t working. Between the two of us, we should be able to figure out the name associated with the badge.”

“Perfect” Harper smiled.

“Oh, and boys?”


“Top Secret, remember?”

She gathered her things and headed for the door.

“I don’t have time to lecture you on the finer points of organizational trust, I’m already running late” Harper called from over her shoulder as she went for the stairs.

She rounded a corner in the lobby and nearly bumped into her boss.

“Mr. Hartman, do you mind if I duck out a little early? I have an important doctor’s appointment.” Harper addressed the United States Attorney.

“Sure Harper”

He stared at his new hire’s derrière as she exited, then continued strolling to the elevator.


“I gave him a dirty look” She told her therapist

Harper picked up where she had left off last week, explaining the turn for the worse one of her alumni club meetings had taken.

“I feel like it’s my only power. I feel like he took that from me with his unshaken face”

“Your power to say no, is that what you feel he took”

“He absolutely did. I told him no. And he just smiled and ran his hands up my thighs. He laughed and bragged that his fraternity used to say ‘no means yes, yes means anal.’”

“How did that make you feel?”

“Awful, of course. But in the strangest way it froze me like a deer. You’d think I would have run by that point in the conversation. But I felt all of a sudden like I was in the sorority I never was in. College for me was all work and family pressure. I was such a dork. I wonder what it would have been like if I’d loosened up. Then I thought ‘who cares’ and determined myself to leave, but I had already hesitated.”

“So you stayed”

“I laughed a little and told him I had to go. But his friend blocked the door. The meeting had been over for some time so the other people were gone.”

“Then what happened next?”

“You’re not going to get jealous are you?”

“Jealous, me? Why would I be jealous?” Penny Praxter feigned shock.

“Dr. Praxter I think the world of you, but I need you to know we can’t be together. I don’t want to jeopardize your career.”

“Harper I don’t know what you mean”

“Doc P, what happened between us…”

Penny waved her hand, dismissing the subject of the passionate kiss they shared one week.

“Ok anyway.” Harper decided to finish the story. As complex as the situation had become, she trusted doctor Praxter.

“He tore the jeans off me. I dug my nails into him. He put my panties to the side while my hands were busy pushing him away. He was, his member was, just huge. I thought I couldn’t take it. Doc P would you judge me?”

“Judge what”

“I feel like such a bad feminist. I thought for a moment… I even got wet… I thought his cock was so big it’s no wonder he’s never really told no”

“So you gave in and enjoyed it? No shame in that” She replied, still eager to prove she isn’t jealous of her patient’s romantic life outside the office. She set her feelings for Harper aside. Her face flushed. She smiled.

“No. I know he was wrong. I know these fraternity guys condition sorority girls not to report their bad behavior. They rise to power and take what they want from the world. I don’t think it should be that way. It’s wrong and it isn’t fair. These guys shouldn’t just get what they want.”

“He wanted you. How does that make you feel?”

“He didn’t want me he wanted my body. I’ve never wanted more to wipe the smug look off someone’s face. How could I explain to him that my body is mine? He disgusted me more than you can imagine. But I still can’t tell if he attacked me or if we simply had filthy, guilty sex”

“You told him no?”

“Yes, as clear as day”

“Then Harper, he raped you.”

She took her glasses off.

“Look, It’s common for rape victims to become aroused, even reach orgasm.”

“It’s my fault it happened. I dressed to lure the guys toward me. It’s my social crutch in awkward situations. I deserve the negative attention.”

“What if you met someone nice? What if your hard work paid off and they showed respect?”

“That would have been nice.”

“Harper have you ever heard of the Just World Theory? It’s the idea that we feel that people deserve the bad things that happen to them because we can’t come to grips with the lack of justice in the Universe”

“I just have so much to figure out before I can say it was unjust. I’m honestly a little sick of having to navigate the moral landscape myself. Sometimes I wish someone unbiased could just rule me.”

“That’s called a judge. Take him before one.”

“The alumni club are just going to protect him. It’s not like his frat will hand him over. The girl who brought me to him, the club admissions girl, she might have known all along for all I know. I can’t tell who’s in whose pocket. It would help if I at least knew his name”

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/a8ipnc/just_world_theory_part_1