Friends’ First Date

“I know that ‘would you like to come in for drinks?’ means something else to some people, but I swear that’s literally all I’m asking,” I said nervously. I hoped she’d believe me. I genuinely had a great time at our dinner-and-a-movie first date, and I wasn’t about to try to push my luck and ruin a good thing. We were already taking enough of a gamble by deciding to go on a date in the first place after almost ten years of friendship. I just didn’t want the night to end yet.

Megan giggled. “Then I would love to come in and literally have a drink.”

We chatted some more about the movie while I brewed some tea. We agreed that action scenes were fun and well shot, but the character development could have used some work. She continued, “I just didn’t believe the romance. There are so many movies like that, where the leading man and leading woman just end up together because plot, I guess.” I nodded and added, “It’d be nice if they’d at least *try* to develop their motivation.”

After the tea was done and poured, I gestured in the direction of the “living room” (if you can even call it that in a one-bedroom flat) and I followed her over to the couch. I appreciated the opportunity to admire her outfit again: an adorable sun dress with black leggings underneath. The colors complemented her shoulder length blonde hair nicely, which had obviously been recently styled into a bouncy bob.

As we sat down I joked, “So I’d say we should watch Netflix, but I don’t mean in the ‘Netflix and chill’ way.” She laughed again. “Ha ha, yeah. Everything has a double meaning these days.” So instead of Netflix I just flipped the TV to a late night show and figured we could probably both tolerate it, at least.

As we sunk into the couch with our tea, I decided it would probably be safe to put my arm around her. We’d held hands and hugged at various points during the evening, so it was unlikely to come off as too forward. I was glad to be old enough now (in my early 30s) with enough relationships under my belt that simply putting my arm around a woman on a first date wasn’t anxiety inducing. I confidently laid my hand across her back, squeezing her shoulder, and she responded by leaning into me slightly and exhaling deeply before taking a sip of tea. Her eyes tilted up toward mine as she said, “I know we were both worried, but I’m glad we did this, Jon.” “Me too,” I said, smiling softly.

The two of us met just after college via a mutual friend and ran into each other often at various parties and get-togethers. We found that we had some mutual interests, and we even worked together briefly after she helped get me a much needed job at her company as I was trying to gain some experience. Over the years we bailed each other out a few times, too. Last minute rides to the airport, advice on family troubles, etc., and we grew to really trust each other. Though until now, we’d never thought of each other as romantic prospects. We had both been in and out of relationships at different times, and simply never pictured ourselves together. The idea for this date came about a few weeks prior when we got together for coffee to catch up. We both revealed that we’d never considered the idea, but we weren’t sure why not. We obviously enjoyed each other’s company, and we’d both been single for probably the longest periods of time each. Two years for me and three for her. After some discussion about the possible ramifications, we agreed that one date was pretty low risk.

And so there we were. Cuddling on the couch after a really nice evening. It felt wonderful, especially after so long. The simple act of getting to lightly touch the skin on her arm, or smell the sweet scent of her hair was exciting. I had forgotten that I could feel those kinds of emotions, and it was made even better by that fact that I knew her so well. It felt brand new and ancient all at once. I leaned my head against hers, and my feelings came out as a half-whispered, “we should have done this sooner.” She turned to face me and nodded slowly, her bright blue eyes meeting mine mere inches away.

I don’t know which one of us moved first, or maybe we were so in sync that we both went in at the same time. When our lips met, a tingling shock went through my whole body, as if celebrating that I was able to express my appreciation and enjoyment of this wonderful woman, my friend, in a new way. As we broke our initial kiss, I couldn’t help but cradle her face with my free hand. We held a gaze for a few moments, giving time for my head to clear slightly. I didn’t know whether we were ready for this. “Do you think we should stop ourselves here?” I asked, then quickly added “I mean, not because I didn’t like it. I *really* liked it.” I was worried I was sending mixed signals, but my brain was doing the same thing. I wanted to ensure the friendship and not move too fast, but I also wanted to see where these feelings would take us. I didn’t know if we’d ever be able to re-create this moment. “Maybe we *should* stop,” she said, looking down and then back up at me, “but I don’t think I can. Can you?” My heart was racing and my hands trembled. “No.” I whispered.

We kissed again, hard. This time not holding back anything, giving in to our bodies’ impulses. She turned her hips and laid one of her legs across my lap as our tongues met, winding deep into each other’s mouths. In the first few moments, we seemed to both be rushing to express a decade’s worth of feelings while also unleashing the pent up energy of several partner-less years. I pulled her close with one hand on her upper back, while my other hand took in the texture of her leggings as it ran up from her calf to her thigh, under her dress. She grabbed at me with both hands, getting one fistful of shirt and another of my hair. We pressed our bodies together rhythmically as we embraced, each of us occasionally letting out involuntary moans. We both paused to catch our breath, panting, our faces wet from reckless kissing.

When it felt like we’d both relaxed, I rotated my hand to the bottom of her thigh and lifted her leg, causing her to let out a surprised and excited yelp. I placed it on the opposite side of my lap from her other leg. The warmth between her legs met mine, and we gently pressed our hips together creating even more heat. Her breasts grazed against my chest, as if demanding to be noticed. I had always known she had an above-average bust, but up close it was clear that her modest wardrobe choices had been hiding their full size. Without thinking, I caressed them with both hands.

She tossed her head back in a half moan, half laugh. “Did you find something you like?” she purred as she leaned back in and sucked on my neck. I ran my hands down from her chest, outlining her figure as it tapered to a small waist and back out slightly to her modest hips. She had always joked that she had “no ass,” and it was indeed small, but fit and tight as my hands traced it. “You are so sexy,” I cooed in her ear as I explored her curves. She gave my neck a break long enough to say “so are you” and then began unbuttoning my dress shirt from the top down. After she undid the last button, she jerked upward on both the dress shirt and undershirt, un-tucking them so she could lift them over my head. Once my chest was exposed, she ran her hands all over it, sighing deeply. “How did I not notice these abs before?” I found her dress’s zipper and quickly yanked it down. “Probably the same reason I never noticed *these* before,” I joked as I lowered the dress’s straps from her shoulders, letting the top half fall around her waist to expose her bra. We rested our foreheads against each other and laughed.

The brief moment of levity only served to heighten our desire, as we quickly resumed churning our hips together and kissing and tonguing each other’s bodies. I unclasped her bra and cast it aside, taking a moment to admire her smooth, heavy breasts. I moved my mouth to her nipples and delighted as they hardened at my touch while she moaned and kissed the top of my head.

When I finally relented and started to lift my head, she pushed my chest back against the couch. She shifted her hips back off of my lap and ran her mouth and hands down my abdomen as she slid off of me. Her dress fell to the floor as she dismounted and she stepped out of it and kicked it to the side. Wearing only her skin-tight leggings, she knelt in front of me and looked up at me slyly. Her eyes narrowed in determination as she tugged down my zipper, and with a few confident pulls had both my pants and underwear around my ankles. My penis had been hard for a while already and now it stood bare in between us. She looked back up and my gaze met hers as I chuckled and said, “so much for ‘just drinks.'” We both laughed as she took off my shoes and set my clothes aside.

She softly pushed my knees apart and ran her hands up my thighs as she scooted forward to the edge of the couch. As I watched her hands get closer to my cock, a wave of fear washed over me. It had been over two years since I’d been touched by a woman, and I was terrified that I wouldn’t be able to last. I tried to calm myself by closing my eyes and taking a deep breath, but that just made it worse. Seeing that I had temporarily stopped paying attention, she knew she could give me a pleasant shock. She darted one hand on to the base of my cock, followed by swiftly taking the rest into her warm mouth. I shouted “Oh!” and shot upright, instinctively putting my hands on to her shoulders. She looked at me and smiled with her eyes as she tried to stifle a giggle.

I can’t remember a blowjob ever feeling this good. My cock throbbed and my heart raced as she slowly bobbed her head up and down, her hair grazing my thighs on each down-stroke. She kept a hand on the base and moved it in time with her mouth. I couldn’t help but loudly moan at random intervals. “That feels incredible, baby,” I said while I ran my hands through her hair. “Good,” she said, “but how about this?” She placed one hand on the underside of each breast and picked them up, placing them on either side of my cock. “Oh God,” I whispered. They were large enough to completely wrap around with room to spare, and she squeezed them tight with her hands as she began to rock them up and down. “They’re perfect” was all I could manage to say as I stared slack-jawed at her body.

After what may not have even been a full minute of this, I stopped her hands with mine. “This feels too good, and I don’t want to be done yet,” I admitted. She looked at me expectantly as I reached down to place my hands on her waist and gently guide her back to her feet. Wordlessly, I slid my hands down to her waist band and peeled off her leggings and underwear together, letting her step out of them and to the side. I stood, took her hand in mine, and nodded in the direction of the bedroom. She smiled and trailed behind me.

I flipped on the lights and quickly took stock of the state of the room. I hadn’t expected to be bringing her in there that night, but was relieved to find it in decent shape. Still holding her hand, I pulled her in front of me. I admired her form from this new perspective, ran my hands down to her hips, and gave her butt a light tap. “Hey,” she said coyly as she looked over her shoulder at me. “No ass, huh?” I joked. “I’ve never liked it,” she said, “especially since people are always looking at my boobs.” I squeezed it firmly with both hands. I whispered, “it’s fucking adorable” directly into her ear before nibbling her earlobe lightly. I felt her body tremble as a chill went through it.

I pushed her forward gently toward one side of the bed and she crawled in, giving me another great look at her ass before flipping over on her back. I climbed on from the bottom of the bed and started working my way up her legs with my mouth. I slowly spread her legs apart as I climbed higher, licking and kissing her body along the way. As I passed her knees, she started to say, “I’m sorry if it’s not the neatest down there, I didn’t expect to be doing this so you don’t have to…” I cut her off. “Shh! It’s beautiful” It was no lie. She had a cute, “outie” pussy with lips shaped like flower petals. It was as wet as my cock was hard. Her dark blonde bush was perhaps less manicured than she might have wanted it, but I had always enjoyed the variety that comes with keeping some amount of hair. The experience isn’t quite the same each time.

I exhaled deeply onto her pussy and I rubbed her upper thighs with my hands. I began to pull and tease her lips with mine, flicking my tongue quickly across them. She squirmed in anticipation and grabbed on to the bed sheets. I thought briefly of trying to repay the shock I’d received earlier, but instead I gave her pussy one long lick from the bottom of her opening all the way up to her clit. She moaned on cue as I hit her clit, and I backed off briefly to build the anticipation. She squirmed again and arched her back, which I took as my signal to dive in. I cupped her clit with my lips and began to suck and lick slowly at first, but getting faster. “Holy shit!” she exclaimed, moving her hands up to cradle her head. “It has been so long!” It was funny how we both reacted so intensely to receiving oral after a long time without it, but *giving* oral felt as easy as riding a bike. I continued working her clit and tried to figure out her preferred pace and technique while she constantly moaned and occasionally whispered my name. That made my cock even firmer than it already was.

I began to trace her pussy with my middle finger, enjoying her warmth and wetness. When I sensed she was ready, I slid it inside her slowly, curling it to probe for the familiar texture of a G-spot. As I began to stroke in what I believed to be the correct place, she confirmed it by loudly moaning “yes!” and “right there!” repeatedly. I sucked her clit hard now as I applied pressure inside her with my finger. Eventually her vocalizations reached a frenzied pace before she abruptly grabbed my head and jerked me up toward her face. She kissed me hard, pulled away, and frantically said, “please tell me you have a condom.” She pulled me slightly closer and continued with a whisper in my ear, “I want you inside of me.”

She didn’t have to ask me twice. I just really hoped that I still had condoms in my nightstand. I certainly hadn’t bought any recently, but there was a chance there were some leftovers. I leaned over and started burrowing quickly through drawers, finally finding an open box of condoms in the back of the bottom drawer, and fortunately they had a few months left before they expired. I raised myself up on my knees as I tore open the wrapper. Even sliding a condom on felt incredible after so long.

She spread her legs wider as I lowered my hips. I began to tease and outline her pussy with the head of my cock, feeling her warmth and wetness against me. I couldn’t believe this was about to happen. Sex with a close friend. Where would it go from here? Would this boost our relationship or cheapen it? Would we recall it fondly or regret it? “You’re sure about this?” I asked, staring down at her naked boy. “I want this,” she moaned. “I want to see where this takes us.” So did I. I nodded and began to press myself into her. She reached down and pulled herself open, inviting me deeper.

I entered her as slowly as I could manage, both because I wanted to savor it and because she grimaced slightly as I did so. “Be gentle. It’s been forever,” she whispered. I know it was only seconds but it felt like an eternity as I slid deeper and deeper, remembering what it was like to feel the inside of a woman. I felt every ridge and every valley of her pussy slide against me until I was as deep as I could go. We both moaned and exhaled. “You feel incredible,” I said, lowering my body to press my chest against hers. She leaned up and kissed me, and I kissed her back hard. I wanted to feel every part of her: her pussy, her chest pressed against mine, her mouth. I ran a hand through her hair. I left my cock buried inside her, not moving for a few moments as I deliberately soaked in the warmth and texture of every part of her.

Then our bodies took over. They asserted themselves and did what they were made do to. I rocked my hips up and down, entering and exiting her gently at first, but getting ever faster. She moved her body in concert with mine and her breasts slowly bounced with the rhythm, caressing my chest. Neither of us could hold back our voices, as we both moaned and grunted like animals, only occasionally uttering anything like words.

I had had sex before. I had “made love” before. But something about this was different. The emotional connection we forged over a decade of friendship made the sudden release of physical intimacy so much stronger. Each movement of our bodies was a love letter, an expression of thanks for all the advice, the fun times, and the trust over the years.

Emotionally, I never wanted to let go of this moment. But physically, it was too intense. My pace increased to a frenzy and I dropped my hips on to hers from as high as I could without pulling out. Her initial trepidation had completely melted away, and now she screamed, “hard! yes!” as I crashed myself against her. As I felt my long-awaited release approaching, I slowed down for a last few deep thrusts. I roared with each motion as finally the explosion came upon me, my body shuddering with pleasure and my cock flooding the condom to the brim.

All I wanted to do was leave myself inside her for a while and stay pressed against her body, but I knew that she wasn’t done. I pulled out slowly and carefully, discarding the condom and sliding my body back down the bed. I didn’t hesitate to fill her with two fingers and resume tonguing her clit as before. Her back arched at the pleasure and she let out an excited laugh. Not long after, she let out a final “yes!” as all of her muscles spasmed and released and her juices soaked my face.

I crawled up the bed next to her, and she managed to say, “that was amazing,” in between kisses and gasping breaths. We took several minutes to just hold each other in bask in our pleasure. We intertwined our legs and continued to caress and rub each other’s bodies.

As we were both accidentally drifting off to sleep, we agreed that it would be best to clean up first. She asked for a pair of my boxers to change in to, given that her panties were less than usable at this point. She looked just as sexy wearing my clothes as she had in her dress and leggings. “You don’t mind if I stay the night, do you?” she asked, hopefully. “I’m just not ready to leave you… and also my clothes need to dry.” I laughed and said, “Of course. You can feel free to sleep in here, and I can go out on the couch?” She glanced around the room at the pile of dirty sheets and the discarded condom, saying “I appreciate your modesty, but I think we might be a little past that.” We laughed. I nodded and said, “I hoped you’d say that.”

So we drifted off to sleep together, entwined in each other’s arms. As we did, I pushed aside thoughts of the future. Those were for tomorrow. For that night at least, I decided to simply enjoy the company and warmth of my friend, my lover, and mostly importantly: a remarkable woman with whom I hoped to share many more memories in the years to come.


1 comment

  1. Great! That was not just a sex story. That was nearly a romance novel. Excellent read!

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