Chasing Anna: Day 1 Evening (mf, Non-Con, slow start)

Continued from [here](

Anna collapsed in her bed, mortified at what had just happened. Her brother had just seen her completely naked from the waist down. This day couldn’t get any worse. Her brother actually seemed to have been avoiding her for weeks already seemingly more absorbed in video games and his friends than the sister he used to be so close to. She hated to admit it, but she felt just a touch jealous that they were growing apart even though she had always made time for him when she was that age. Now, the first contact they’d had in days was getting caught literally with her pants down. She wanted to just crawl in a hole and die.

There was a quiet knock on the door

“Anna… are you ok?” It was Kevin, her brother.

She wanted to yell at him. She wanted to be angry at him. But she knew it was her own fault for not bothering to dress properly. She didn’t answer.

“Anna… um… I’ve got some breakfast for you here. I’ll leave it outside your door. And… um… I’m sorry. I didn’t know you were there”

She could tell he felt bad about the situation. She felt terrible since he hadn’t even done anything wrong.

“I’m ok, just give me a minute” She got dressed, glad the cold weather demanded long sleeves and thick clothes. She cracked the door to the now empty hallway and quickly relieved the plate sitting on the floor. It was piled high with bacon eggs and toast, and extra helping of everything. Her brother’s way of trying to cheer her up obviously. After finishing her meal, she sat on the bed with her empty plate next to her. She was going to have to face him eventually. Might as well get it over with. She picked up the plate and walked out to the kitchen. Kevin was at the table reading some comic. He looked up at her, then quickly back down at his comic as his face turned bright red. She walked over to the sink, her own face burning, washed her plate and set it in the drying rack, then joined him at the table.

“Um… Kevin… Thanks for breakfast”

“Uh, yeah, no problem” his eyes were still fixed to the comic, though she was pretty sure he hadn’t turned a page since she came in.

“And could you, um, not mention this to mom and dad. Well, not to anyone really”

“I won’t, I promise”


Mom and dad… That reminded her. She still needed to find out what was going on. She got up and went to their room. She began looking around for what could have sparked the mornings discussion. The dresser was stacked high with various bills and mailers, but nothing that seemed like it would pertain to her. On the bed was a hamper of clean laundry ready to be folded, including she noted with a glower, her missing robe. She began systematically checking the room while trying not to disturb anything. The closet was nothing but her dad’s jackets, her mom’s dresses, and a stack of shoes. The night stand just had a glass of water and a few various creams and lotions. She started opening up drawers. Shirts, pants, socks, and a red envelope that was quite out of place. She picked it up, opened it and began reading:

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Waters

147 Switchback Lane

Yeofield, NT

Our records indicate Anna Waters is to report for Selection. Please bring her to your earliest convenience to District 7 Selection facility for in processing. Her Selection is scheduled for June 7th, weather permitting. Please see the attached packing list.

June 7th, That was still 6 months away. Why did they need her now? She looked at the packing list, which she noted included 14 days of medication, some toiletries, and family photos but specifically disallowed clothing (clothing will be provided) and electronics. She looked on the back (blank) before stuffing the letter back in the envelope and tucking it back in the drawer. She left the room with more questions than she started with. She walked back to the kitchen.

“Kevin, do you know anything about Selection”

“Like, just picking stuff?”

“No, reporting for Selection, like at some sort of Selection facility”

“I think it’s like a job interview, isn’t it? Tim’s older sister did something like that and came back with a scholarship for Engineering school”

“That doesn’t sound so bad.” She said, But thought to herself, *then why would Dad be worried about it?* “Thanks Kevin”

She gave him a hug and felt his body stiffen for a moment but then relax into her and hug her back, pressing the side of his face into her chest to avoid the still somewhat embarrassing eye contact. She left his once again flushed face to start getting ready for track.

Later that day at track practice, she started asking around. Everyone seemed to have a different idea of what it was. By the end of practice, there was a small group arguing about what it could be:

“It’s like a dating thing. Toms brother came back married from it”

“No, no. It’s some sort of religious cult.”

“That’s stupid, Danny’s whole family is Atheist as she went last year”

“Laura said it’s more like a camping trip”

“OK, that’s enough talk” their coach was walking up, yelling to get them focused back on their practice. “You can all gossip later, right now run.”

By the end of practice, she had no more clarity on the matter. Somehow everyone seemed to have heard of it, but no one seemed to know what it was. Well, more accurately, everyone was sure they knew contradictory things about it. Nothing to do but wait for Mom and Dad. She went home, stripped down and plopped her dirty track clothes in the empty bathroom hamper. She hopped in the shower and began thinking about Selection. If it was a interview for a scholarship, that was fine. She shouldn’t really need it though, she was a solid runner and should be able to pick up a full ride athletic scholarship. Camping might be fun, she had never been. Everything else sounded too improbable. She toweled off and slipped on her robe. before heading down to her room. Her brother sheepishly closing the door when he saw her exiting the bathroom. She was feeling much more at peace with the earlier events. After all, it was just her brother. It wasn’t like it was a boy at school or anything. It was actually kind of cute that he still seemed so embarrass him so much.

When her parents got home they pulled her aside right away. She was grateful she didn’t have to wait any longer, but did her best not to let it show that she had seen the letter.

“Honey,” her mom said, “I’ve got some great news! You are going to Selection early!”

“What’s Selection?”

Her dad looked troubled, Mom went on, “They’ll explain everything during orientation. Try not to worry, you’ll do great!”

She decided to make a more dramatic play for information, “Dad doesn’t seem to pleased about it. Why shouldn’t I worry if he’s worried?”

“Your Dad is a fusspot. I know HE enjoyed Selection” Her mom gave him a smile that dared him to try and argue otherwise.

“You know girls have a harder time. You sure weren’t too keen on it”

“Oh I was VERY keen on it by the end”

“Wait,” Anna interrupted, “you two went to selection together?” Kevin’s head was now poking out of his room, obviously listening and staring intently at the three of them.

“Hush dear” said Dad, motioning towards the interloper.

Mom turned to her, “We’ll take you down tomorrow and you can start getting some answers dear. Tonight just try and relax. You’ll be gone for a few months, but we’ll be close enough to visit you often.”

They wouldn’t discuss it further, simply insisting that they would explain everything when she got there. The frequent looks at Kevin told her that she wasn’t going to get anything out of them while he was there. Kevin for his part, was obviously interested. He was looking intently at her obviously trying to figure out what was going on as much as she was. Eventually, tired of her badgering, her dad finally snapped

“That’s enough. No more questions tonight. We can talk in the car tomorrow on the way in!”

“Dear, ” mom said, “maybe you can go and pick up some ice cream for dessert.”

“Fine, but no more questions!” Dad stormed out. Breaking the news to her had obviously not gone the way he was expecting, for which Anna really was starting to feel bad.

“Kevin, how about you go to your room and let your sister and I talk. This was supposed to be for Christmas, but I suppose you can have it a little early.” She handed him a video game box.

“Ok, thanks mom!” He grabbed it and disappeared into his room in a flash, door slamming behind him.

“No, I’m not telling you anything else with younger ears in the house. Your father’s right.”

She looked down sheepishly.

“It’s OK dear, I know you have a lot of questions. Just be patient until tomorrow, then no more secrets.”

“Oh no!” Anna had just remembered something, “My shoes!” Anna’s parents had promised her a set of custom running shoes for Christmas after she qualified for All State last season. Those shoes were still at the shop and the shop would be closed the next 2 days.

“Hmm, let me call them up and see if I can grab them tonight” her mom pulled out her phone and dialed the shop. Curiously, her mom didn’t say anything about Selection, but instead told the shop owner that she would be heading out of town to visit her grandmother.

“He said they close up in 15 minutes, but he’ll hold the shop open, so I can grab them now. I’ll be back in about 45.” and with that her mother was gone into the night.

Anna went off to her room. The grocery store her dad liked was on the other side of town, so she figured her mom would still be back sooner. She hoped to maybe get a bit more info out of Mom before dad got home, but she was going to have to play it smooth. She headed back to her room to try and come up with a plan. First off, packing. Show her parents she was being cooperative. She looked over the packing list, if it could even be called that. The list of things to bring was tiny, little more than an overnight bag. The list of prohibited items was extensive though. She put together her toiletry bag and began selecting an outfit. A light bulb went off. There was her special occasion dress. It was simple but elegant. A white and pink floral pattern embellished just enough to be evening wear, but not so much that she couldn’t wear it to less formal occasions. She had worn this dress to almost every important function for the past 2 years, her uncle’s wedding, her cousin’s baptism, even prom. The dress seemed to have absorbed the spirit of all these events and anytime her parents saw her in it, they smiled. Two years is not normally long enough for something as simple as a dress to take on any importance, but somehow this dress seemed to have history just the same. It seemed to remind her parents of her as a little girl even though she thought she looked much older and more grown up in it. There was no reason for her to wear it right now, unless she was trying it on to see if she should wear it when she reported tomorrow…

She quickly shucked off her clothes and pulled some white tights and the dress. As she went over to her shoe rack, she noticed the door was cracked, and what was worse, there was an eye staring at her through the crack,

“Kevin!” she yelled angrily

The eye instantly disappeared and a moment later, he brother’s door slammed. She sat down on her bed wondering how much he saw. Her underwear had stayed on, so there was that. But she had changed bras. She wondered if he had been there long enough to have seen her breasts. Why was he peeping on her though. He had never done that before. They were siblings after all. She supposed he was just curious after her accidental exposure. He was at that age after all. It was natural to be curious she supposed. *Why tonight?* she thought to herself. *I’ve got enough problems without my brother perving out on me. I’d better go talk to him and let him know that’s not ok*, she thought to herself. She knocked on his door and asked to come in. He was sitting on his bed, beat red and looking ashamed.

“Hey Kev,” she figured direct was the best way to go, “I want you to be honest with me. Were you trying to peek in on me naked?”

“Um… I didn’t mean to. I was going to ask you if they told you anything, but then you were getting changed”

“Why did you watch?”

“You… you’re really pretty” his blush deepened.

She blushed too. This was all too weird, She like hearing she was pretty, but certainly not right after her brother saw her naked.

“Kev, You can’t peep on people like that, especially not me. I’m your sister, we’re family.”

“I know, but I wasn’t doing to you know, DO anything. I can’t help it if I think you’re pretty. And I’ve never seen a girl, you know…”

“Naked? Come one, you have internet”

“That’s not the same as real life, Anna”

“Just promise you won’t try and peep again”

“I promise”

She heard the door open. She went out to check, but it was her dad back. *So much for operation get-info-from-Mom*, she thought. *What the hell, I’ll go for it.*

“Hi Daddy, I know I’m not supposed to ask any questions, but I’m not sure what to wear tomorrow. Will this be ok?” She smiled sweetly and twirled.

To her relief, his dour expression vanished, he threw his head back and laughed.

“Oh honey,” he said pulling her into a hug, “yes, that will be a great outfit to wear it. They’ll give you clothes to change into the first day, but I’d love to see you wear that to mark the occasion!”

This was actually the first hard and fast information her parents had given her about Selection. She decided to push her luck.

“Is there anything else I should bring…”

“You aren’t nearly so clever as you think little girl. Don’t worry, they’ll have everything you need there. Now where’s your mother?”

“She went out to pick up my shoes, so I can bring them”

“A fancy dress and running shoes? That will be quite the outfit”

“Ugh, I’m going to BRING them. I’m WEARING the pink pumps.”

“Well go get your brother and let’s have some ice cream”

She walked down the hall, and opened his door to pop her head in.

“Hey Kev, come get…” she stopped

Her brother was on his bed, pants around his ankles dick in hand.

“Oh god, sorry…” she stopped, “Are those my UNDERWEAR!?” Kevin was holding her underwear from the morning in his other hand, his wide eyes stared at her with a deer in the headlights expression. Anna was furious.

“DAD!” Anna shouted.

He came running in, “What’s the matter?” He quickly took stock of the scene. “Oh.”

Kevin hurriedly pulled up his pants and her dad plucked the underwear out of his hands. She could see evidence that this was NOT the first time he had used them today. Anna was a bit confused. Of all the possible reactions her father could have to seeing his son masturbating into his daughter’s underwear, the one she couldn’t even imagine was a matter-of-fact, “oh”. Her mother appeared in the door behind them. She must have arrived home unnoticed in the commotion.

“Hey, what’s going on?”

“Anna, please go to your room while I talk to your mother. Kevin, stay here. Do you understand?” They both nodded.

In her room, she pressed her ear against the door, trying to make out the conversation, which was far calmer than she expected. The first bit was obviously a recap, “… to get him… jacking off… underwear… upset” followed by a bit louder, “I guess it really was early.”

Her parents then called them both into the living room and questioned them extensively. The details of the morning, the peeping while she changed, up to her walking in on him. Anna told them everything. They simply nodded, and her mother said, “I think I should take her in tonight, just in case.”

“Wait, you aren’t even going to punish him?!”

“Your father will take care of that. We can talk in the car.”

15 minutes later, Anna and her mother were driving to Anna’s mysterious future.

Anna and Nickie huddled close in their makeshift shelter and powered up the tablet.

Class 01784

Daily reports

June 7th

Information began to scroll past, most of which that had seen dozens of times before:

Class 01784

217 students: 107 Female 110 Male. All students reported.

Selection: June 7-June 14

June 7th: Release day


1300: Female release

1400: Male release

1904: Sundown

2000: Report issued

Begin capture log.

From there, a video began to go showing their class released into the reserve. She could see herself taking off running, about 8 women stopped right near the gate to wait for the males. She could see Nickie too, but she wasn’t fully running, she was looking around, seeming to size up the other girls. She paused for a moment, and seemed to make up her mind. She took off the same direction Anna had just gone.

“You didn’t just happen to go this direction!” you picked me!” There was a bit of an accusatory tone in Anna’s voice.

“Of course, silly! I told you I could have outrun you if I wanted. I chose to stick close”

“Yeah, but why me? Why not another girl?”

“You looked at your map”


“I could tell you were fit, You didn’t do anything stupid like hide early, and the map told me you had a plan in mind. In class, you were always nice too, so I figured you wouldn’t turn me away without reason. Now hush and pay attention”

Male release: On time

A stream of men and boys came out of the gate and fanned out. Anna knew what was coming, but it still shocked her. The 8 women waiting were quickly surrounded by men, but initially the men ignored them and faced off against one another. There were a few scuffles among these groups, but most of the men deferred to whoever was the biggest and meanest looking. Once the victors of these internal groups were settled, the captures began. A large burly man, having scared off 2 other men, was approaching a horse faced woman Anna didn’t recognise. She looked as though she was second guessing her choice to stay put. The man grabbed her roughly by the wrist and spun her around. He unceremoniously ripped the waiting woman’s shorts off bent her over, and began thrusting into her as she leaned up against the gate.

Selection: Ana Lee claimed by Tommy Fall

One by one, the other 7 waiting women were claimed by various men. A bored looking pretty blond girl ended up with somewhat pudgy boy who had gotten a bloody nose while facing of with another hunter. Either not wanting his weight on her or not wanting his nose to drip blood all over her, she took the initiative and rode him to orgasm.

It went on like this for what felt like forever. A rotund girl pulled out of a hole from an uprooted tree looking terrified as a boy probably half her weight had his way with her.

Some were almost sweet. A boy holding a flower managed to chase down a runner. They tripped each other up and tumbled to the ground. The girl backed into a tree as the boy approached her with the gift, obviously trying to make the first time romantic. She was in the middle of shaking her head no, rejecting his advances when she caught sight of 2 other men coming towards them looking quite a bit less polite. She quickly decided she could do worse and dropped her pants so they could get on with it.

Anna wanted to look away, but it just kept going and going. A few girls actively approached men they felt were attractive enough and managed to have what she supposed was consensual sex, but one poor girl had her beau run right past her, disinterested in her advances. She found herself instead looking dejected in the grasp of a man who looked as if he were a cross between a bulldog and a troll. Anna could see the tears running down her face as she was taken.

By the time the reel ended, 42 women had been claimed, 1 man was removed from the field after twisting an ankle. That left 65 women and 67 men in the reserve. Anna felt sick after seeing all those women ravaged, and ashamed that she was also undeniably aroused.

“What did you think?” Nickie asked. Anna was shocked

“That was disgusting! You know they’re going to try and do that to us! How could you enjoy that!”

Nickie’s eyes went wide with surprise, “You were supposed to be looking at the men still in the hunt! The whole point is to know who we’re up against! Don’t tell me you just spend the last 45-minute just watching the sex!”

Anna was once again mortified. “Well, I mean…” Nickie laughed

“Man, you’re a dirty girl. It’s ok, I get it. we’ve been stewing for the past 6 months. It’s natural you’re going to be a bit pent-up.”

“Sorry… so what did you see?”

“Well, I can’t be sure, but I think I spotted maybe 8 runners who might be able to catch us, and maybe 10 trackers to watch out for. They spent the next 15 minutes scrolling back and forth through the film making notes on whom they thought would be the biggest threats.

To be continued…
