Chained and Spanked Mother, Ch. 2 [incest, mom/son, BDSM, enslavement, slow, mast, mdom, spank, rough]

Chained and Spanked Mother
by DiscipleN

– – – a fan prequel to Kathy Andrews’ “Chained and Spanked Sister” – – –

Chapter 2

Tommy trusted his brother. Together they had plotted and planned, ever since reading their dad’s dirty books. Before that, each of them privately lusted after their hot mom. The books prompted the naughty secret they had in common, which bonded them greater than most brothers. When Robert mentioned their uncle’s name, Tommy’s jaw dropped. If it weren’t for their uncle, they never would have thought up and persisted through their elaborate, wicked scheme.

About a year ago, Uncle Nick was babysitting them, while their parents when to a company party, and their sister was out fucking. That’s what Tommy imagined Peggy doing. Their uncle was a good sort, who let them stay up late and watch channels they couldn’t normally watch. During a particularly naughty show on cable, after Uncle Nick had drank many beers fortified with vodka, he started talking about how their mother used to be a bigger slut than the naked bitch on the TV. “Some of the guys at school would tell me how they fucked your mom, to piss me off. I fought the first six or seven, but every week a different guy would tell me how they called her a bitch and a cunt or a cocksucker, to get her all hot and want to fuck or suck or both.” Uncle Nick fell asleep after saying that.

Tommy, his dick getting hard in his pants, stood in front of his mother and told her. “I hear you’re a cunt, Mom.” He rubbed his shoulder, where she had struck him. She had surprised him more than hurt him. Well, now he could avenge that, but more than vengeance, he wanted to show her who was in charge. “I hear you like to suck cocks and fuck anyone.”

Joan raised her head upon hearing her son’s accusation. No! I don’t like that! She shook her gagged head. “nnnnhhhhhh!”

“I think you do.” Tommy unzipped his pants. “I bet if I showed you my cock, you’d want to suck on it.” He reached into his cotton briefs and held his hand there.

“Dnnnnntt!” Joan quailed. The knot behind her neck loosened a tiny bit.

“I’m going to show it to you.” Tommy grinned at his helpless mother. He fished out his semi-hard cock and pulled down his pants and underwear to his knees. “I’ve got a big one. It’s almost as big as Roberts.” Actually, it was a little longer, but his brother’s was far thicker.

Joan closed her eyes and turned her head. The handkerchief holding the rag in her mouth slipped slightly down.

“Look at it, Mom. It’s getting hard, for you.” Tommy stroked his shaft slowly. “Ever since I got hair on my balls, you’ve been a fucking tease, Mom, wagging your tits and ass at us. When we’re at home, it’s like living with a whore. Even that dress makes your tits stand out and your ass extra round.”

Joan shook her head, refusing to look at her son’s jutting prick. The handkerchief slipped below her jaw and the foul rag fell to the floor. “It’s not like that! I love you as a parent.” Joan spoke expecting the gag to silence her. When her whine echoed clearly around the cement, cellar walls, she fell silent.

Above them, the sound of a running shower faintly pierced the house’s floorboards. Why did Peggy have to take such long showers? Joan could have tried shouting again, but she was too exhausted from fighting them. Maybe she could reason with her son. She opened her eyes to meet his, but only saw his hand moving up and down his very hard prick.

“I bet she’s fingerfucking herself, in the shower.” Tommy grinned. His hand quickened at the thought. “Do you finger fuck yourself? Does Dad satisfy you? I bet I could satisfy you.”

“Tommy, you don’t know what you’re saying.” She tried. “Someday you’re going to meet a wonderful girl, and you’ll fall in love and get married.”

“YUCK!” Tommy shouted. He picked up the gag, which still smelled of his cum but much nastier. It was now more wet from his mother’s spit than his spunk “You better not shout, Momma, or I’ll put it back in your mouth. I’ll tie it with rope next time.”

“Please, Tommy, don’t do this. Your father’s going to be home, and he’ll find out what you’ve done. Let me go, and I promise I won’t tell him. We can go back to living our lives like always. We treated you good, didn’t we?”

“You teased me.” Tommy accused. “It’s not fair. I don’t care about treats and allowance and birthdays. You’re a dirty whore for a mother. Every day I want to pull off your clothes and make you my nasty bitch!”

“I’m not like that.” Joan looked at her dress. It was a conservative house dress that fell past her knees, dark blue and fashioned from thick twill. Perhaps her push up bra gave her bountiful tits a strong outline, but it was what all the neighbor women were wearing. Also, she couldn’t help that her ass was bigger than her tits. She had tried diets and pills. Nothing helped. She wore thick dresses and a girdle and bent over only when she had to. “I don’t want to tease anyone. I love your father. He loves you. Don’t you care about him?”

“Pop’s okay, but I can’t stop thinking about you.” His mother’s plea would have melted his erection, except it was a plea. She was helpless and they both knew it. That made Tommy’s dick harder. He stroked it faster and saw his mom looking at it. “I bet it tastes real good, Mom.”

Her youngest son’s cock did look particularly nice. Joan didn’t want anything to do with it, but it looked very healthy. Moms were allowed to care about that, weren’t they?

“You’re looking at my cock, Mom.” Tommy smiled. “I wish you could touch it.”

His mother considered lying to escape. She could promise to masturbate, or even fellate, him if he let her go. Instead she could easily escape. If it worked, she would have no regret, but she dearly hoped he was truly good inside, and would let her go. “I don’t want to touch it, Tommy, but if you need to keep doing that, I’ll look away until your finished. Then you can untie me and we won’t talk about what happened ever again.”

“I don’t think so, Momma. Robert has a plan, and I trust him. We’re gonna win against you.”

Joan despaired at her son’s response. Appealing to his better nature wasn’t working. She had to use stronger measures. “Are you sure, Tommy? Maybe Robert ran out of the room to blame all of this on you. If he talks to your father, first. It won’t matter what you say, and I certainly won’t blame him.”

Tommy’s erection did soften at that. His hand slowed across his exposed prick. His mother wanted to confuse him, he decided. “You’re lying, Mom!” He pouted. “I’m going to spank you.” He let go of his dick and went to a box the boys had placed near their ‘play’ area. He pulled out an old leather strap they’d found in their parent’s junk. It was once a fine belt but had been cut in half. Tommy hefted the strap and turned back to his bound mother.

Joan saw the strip of leather in her son’s hand but couldn’t believe he would actually hit her. Still, the raw look of it frightened her. “I was only saying what Robert might do. Do you really want to risk if I’m right?”

Tommy worried. Was his mom right? Would his older brother tell on him? They had worked together so long. He couldn’t. He just wouldn’t! “I don’t believe you, Mommy!” He lashed out with the leather strap, striking her hip through her thick dress.

Joan yelped! Even the twill weave couldn’t stop all of the strap’s sting. Her son had struck her! She tried to rationalize. He was just getting even for her hitting him, but her heart knew. Tommy would never lose trust in his brother.

“That’s showing her, Tommy.” Robert appeared from behind the pile of junk. He had crept back to the cellar after phoning their uncle, to see if Tommy was as committed to their plan as he. “But you let the gag slip out.”

“Robert, you stop this nonsense right now, and let me go!” Joan spoke with all of her authority.

The older brother simply grinned and took the gag from Tommy. He pulled out another piece of plastic clothesline and approached his mother. When she tried to kick him, he danced out of the way and grabbed her double protected tit. He squeezed it hard. “Don’t try that again, Mom!”

“OWWW!” She howled.

He needed to gag her soon, because Peggy had showered long enough. He hoped his note worked.

“What was that?” Peggy shut off the hot water and grabbed a towel. She listened but nothing else sounded from a distance, except far away traffic. After drying and donning her robe, she went to her room and found a note there. Robert had written it.

“Mom has to see Uncle Nick, and we’re going with her. Make sure supper doesn’t burn for Dad. Call Uncle Nick, if you want. The number is in Mom’s little notebook.”

Peggy walked away from the note with a big smile! She dressed in her most daring skirt and top. Surely, she could tell Daddy that she was going to study with Shiela, and he would believe her. It had been two weeks since she last saw the boy who who had showed her his cock. She hoped tonight he would show it to her again.

“Your father will be here any minute!” Joan lowered her voice. Maybe she could reason with Robert. He was somewhat more mature than Tommy. If they didn’t come to their senses, they would be in the worst kind trouble when their father found out.

“I don’t care, Mom.” The older boy grinned at his brother. “Dad isn’t going to find out anything.” He wadded up the stinking rag and stuffed it back in his mother’s mouth. She clamped her teeth against it, but Robert slapped her face, once, twice, and it opened. The nasty rag clogged her jaws, and he tied it tight with the bit of clothesline. The handkerchief had been the only thing close enough to gag his mother for the first time.

“What did you say to Uncle Nick?” Tommy was amazed by his brother’s bravado. As much as he wanted to fuck his mother, he didn’t think he had that much guff.

Robert cinched the last knot behind his mother’s head. “I asked if Peggy or Dad called, to tell them that Mom and us are staying at his place for the night.” He had left a note for their dad too, explaining Mom’s urgent departure.

Tommy remembered that happening in the past. Their uncle sometimes drank too much and got sick, and mother had to bring them with her, while she took care of him. Each time, they had to take a bus. They only had one car. “Wow!” His eyes got big. “We can play with Mom all night!”

True horror filled Joan’s heart. She struggled against her bonds and shook her head to dislodge the foul rag in her mouth. She kicked and cried. “LET ME GO!” She shrieked into the gag.

“We gotta tie Mom’s legs.” Tommy worried.

“Yeah, but we need to show Mom that we’re her only chance to leave this cellar. She’d better obey or else.” Robert grabbed more rope from the nearby box. Together, they tied their mother’s leg, closest to the corner of two cement walls, to a sturdy ring in the floor there.

Robert told Tommy to hold her opposite arm. To Tommy’s surprise, Robert untied its wrist. “Follow me.” They swung their mother like a door, barely able to contain her unleashed limbs as she fought wildly, until she faced the abutting wall. There, they tied her free arm and leg to rings mounted on that wall.

“That was hard!” Tommy panted. “Mom almost got away.” While Joan’s hand was loose, she tried to untie her other arm. Why did you want to tie her like this? Now she can’t see our dicks.” Tommy’s had been hanging in the open like a hearty sausage the entire time. He got a thrill exposing it to his mother.

“You did great, Tommy!” Robert explained. “This way, we can teach her to obey us.” To emphasize his point, he lifted up the back hem of their mother’s dress and pulled it up over her ass. For a long moment, the two boys stood in awe of their mother’s broad, tight underwear.

“What kind of panties look like that?” Tommy asked, eventually.

“That’s a girdle, Tommy.” Robert was pretty sure. He’d seen commercials for them. “They’re suppose to shrink Mom’s waist.”

“I like how tight it looks across her ass.”

“Me too.”

“It looks pretty strong.”

“Give me that piece of belt.” Robert asked. He took it in his free hand. “Now keep her dress up over her ass.”

“Gladly!” Tommy cheered. He grabbed the hem and hoisted it even higher, exposing his mother’s bare, lower back. “Her skin sure is pretty.”

“Mom, I’m going to spank your fat ass.” Robert told her. “You’ve been a tease, and lied about me to Tommy.

“NO!” Joan shouted into her gag. She shook her head desperately, to deny her son’s accusations.” The first crack of that old belt lanced through her tight girdle and panties, as if she were naked. Her butt jumped, and she cried out! Her son’s first strike hurt like hell!

The belt landed again, next to the first impact. Pain seared into her ass. Her gag barely muffled her scream! The leather strap was thick and broad. It smote her butt solidly. Tommy, although tired from fighting her, steadied her hips. The third strike burned like fire. Hollering, her legs danced from pain and her ass clenched, just in time for the fourth strike.

The speeding belt cracked across her clenched flesh like a bullet against steel. Joan shrieked and tried to relax her ass before Robert’s next swat. She couldn’t take another swat that painful.

Her son belted her ass five more times, each, as hard as he could. “That’s just to show you, we’re not kidding, Mom.” His arm was too tired to continue. He handed the belt to Tommy. “Show her.”

The younger boy smiled from glee! Watching his brother spank their mom’s ass had made his dick as hard as rock. What would it feel like to spank her himself? “You have to stop teasing us, Mom.” He told her and drew back his arm.

“I don’t!” Joan hollered against her gag. If only she could convince them. She wasn’t a slut who paraded her figure to tease men. She was a happily married woman! The belt slammed against her ass, harder than Robert’s worst. Joan howled. Her hind cheeks must have eleven purple stripes across it by now. Tears poured out of her eyes. That didn’t stop her youngest son from whipping her burning ass until she swore it was bleeding.

“That’s enough, for now.” Robert held up his hand. “Nod your head, Mom, if you’ve learned your lesson?”

Joan didn’t even know what the lesson was, but she nodded enthusiastically, lest she bleed to death.

“I’m going to loosen your gag, for just a second. You’d better not yell.” He had tied the gag with a special knot that let him loosen or tighten it easily. He gave his mother’s mouth just enough room to answer his questions. “Are you a tease, Mother?”

“No-” She began. The rope cinched the gag back into her mouth. A second later, the belt fell across her ass three times, driving the pain there deeper and deeper. She shrieked mindlessly.

The gag loosened again. “Are you a tease?”

“Please, no more. Let me expla-” The rope around her face forced the gag to the back of her throat, and Tommy whipped her five times more. Agony overtook her mental faculties. She fell limp against her bonds.

The gag loosened.

“I am! I’m a tease.” Joan cried. “Please, I don’t mean to, but I dress to make your cocks hard and waggle my tits and ass to make you want to fuck me! Forgive me. PLEASE, I’LL NEVER DO IT AGAIN!”

“We knew you were, Mom.” Tommy broke the silence following his mother’s surprising words of admissions. She had never used such language before. Hope soared in the young boy’s mind. This might actually work!

Jazz music wafted down from the main floor. Their father was home. They heard him tread from the living room to the kitchen.

Robert cinched his mother’s gag tight, just in case. “Dad’s going to eat dinner, and then watch TV, like he always does. Peggy is going to go out and probably fuck some guy she met.” He imagined the last part, but he’d heard her say she wanted to study with Shiela. She never studied with Shiela, but her parents were always away, and if Peggy’s parents called Shiela’s house, Shiela always covered for her, in exchange for homework. Peggy didn’t need a study partner. She got good, but not great grades. In the dim, cellar light, Robert grinned. He and Tommy always earned better grades. It’s one way they fooled their parents into believing they were perfect young boys.

“Jesus,” Tommy whispered. Knowing their dad could come down, any minute, and discover their real natures, was the worst thing imaginable. It was incredibly thrilling too. “I wish Mom’s ass was naked.”

Their mother shook her head. NO! Don’t do it! She didn’t say it, for fear of her husband hearing. The thought of him discovering her like this filled her with shame. Their boys had been whipping her. What would he think of the terrible lash marks he would find, if her rear was bared?

Robert grinned. “Yeah, me too.” Like his brother, he was terrified of being discovered. He was also as horny. He went to the box of useful tools and plucked one out. He offered it to Tommy. “Go ahead.”

Tommy looked around the small space. What if Dad found him using it on Mom? “It’s okay. You do it.”

Do what? Joan wondered. She looked back but couldn’t see the item in Robert’s hand. There was an ominous, metallic click.

…to be continued…
