Be Careful What You Wish For… (Introduction, FMMM)

I was cold walking home from the club that night. I walked as I usually did, head held high and confident, keys in hand just in case, headphones in. I wasn’t paying too much attention to my surroundings, lost in the beat of the song, and just hoping nobody could see my cold nipples getting harder and poking through my fitted dress. I should have worn a bra and lower heels I thought as my tits bounced with every step. My perky tits — the perfect size to cup in your hand — had seemed perfectly fine bouncing as I danced earlier, but now, I felt ashamed of how sexually I had dressed.

In that moment, my heel suddenly caught in the crack in the sidewalk. I fell onto my ass, and I heard a man laugh from behind. Startled, I tried to grab my keys, but I had dropped them in the dark. Just as I caught a glimmer of my keys in the streetlight, the man reached out and grabbed me. He placed one hand over my mouth and the other around my back, grasping my tit as he pulled me away.

I tried to bite his hand covering my mouth. “That’s not a good idea,” he hissed. “Fight back all you want, little whore. We’re in control now.”

As I tried to scream for help, two other men jumped out of a nearby car. I don’t remember what happened next, I remember trying to scream for help and then the world melted away.

When the world came back up around me, I found myself in the backseat of the car zooming down the highway. I tried to ask where we were going, but found I could only mumble around the gag in my mouth. My feet were bound and my hands cuffed behind me. I was relieved to find my dress was still on.

The man in the backseat with me put his hand on my shoulder and smiled. “Don’t worry. We know what we’re doing. And like it or not, what you’ve wished for is coming true.”

I should take a moment and back up here, perhaps you need some of the backstory to understand. Over the past few months, the bills had been piling up. Feeling the pressure, I had started trying to come up with ways to make ends meet. I thought about selling panties, stripping, selling nudes — anything to help pay the bills, but always found myself too nervous and ashamed to do it. I chalked it up to each of these enterprises not paying enough.

On a whim, I had written this blog post — it was supposed to be an ironic criticism on the capitalist patriarchy — outlining how I wished I could just be a sex slave. Be taken care of and used, like the hot piece of ass I was. It wasn’t what I really wanted at the time, at least I didn’t think so.

I’d almost forgotten about the blog, it hadn’t gotten much of a reaction online. But, then the man next to me showed me a print out of the post.

“We’re going to make your dreams come true. You’re right, Kelsey, you are too fucking attractive to work in an office filing papers. From now on, you’ll never have to set foot in an office building unless its to be fucked as a slutty secretary.”

His words sent a shiver down my spine. This was what I wanted on some level — to get out of a dead end, low paying job. He must have seen a small twinkle in my eye — a mix of fear and new excitement, because he offered to take the gag off.

“Just for a few minutes. We’ll try to answer any questions we can. You have to behave yourself though, or the gag goes back in and you will be punished.”

I nodded and he removed the ball gag.

“Who are you? Where are we going?”

“Slow down, one question at a time. I’m Tom, Eric is driving, and Bill is in the front seat. But you will address us each as Sir.”

“Okay…sir. But where are you taking me?”

“You’ll find out soon enough. We’ll need to get you ready,” Tom replied.

I saw no point in pushing further. I didn’t know what actions would result in being punished, or what that punishment might be.

“Any more questions, slut?”

“Why me? How did you find me?”

“We have a system for these things. There’s always a need for young whores who crave to be used. We’ll take care of you, but you do need to listen to us.”

“Okay, sir,” I said, the words heavy in my mouth.

Eric, the driver, spoke up. “We need to start getting her ready now.”

“Ready? Ready for what?” I said panicking. Apparently, this was too much. Tom crammed a gag back in my mouth. This was a different gag I realized after the shock wore off. A ring gag.

“Pull over, it’s time for her first lesson,” he yelled at Tom. After the car stopped, just off the side of the highway, Tom tossed me out. “It’s about time we get rid of this dress anyways. Since you think you’re so hot, we better see more fully what we’re working with.” Tom pulled a pair of scissors out and cut my dress off. He was gentle, and I was too afraid to scream.

“Very pretty, isn’t this whore?” Eric and Bill nodded in agreement. “Let’s see how well she takes orders and sucks cock.”

In just my thong, a black lace one saved for special occasions, Tom made me kneel down. Holding my head firmly, he pulled out his cock. It was hard and almost 12 inches long, I wasn’t sure I could take it all, but before I had a chance to think, Tom had his cock deep in my throat. I felt myself gagging in response.

“Come on whore, behave yourself,” he reminded me. I looked into his eyes, to show I would, and let him deeper into my throat.

“She certainly responds well to criticism,” Bill nodded. Tom was just about to cum, and I felt pleased with myself for pleasing him so well. Maybe they were right, it would feel good to be used. Just as I prepared to swallow Tom’s cum and the feeling of achievement that would come with doing so, Tom pulled his dick out of my eager mouth and slapped it against my face.

“You’ll have to do more to get this load, whore. You might think you’re ready to be used now, but things have yet to truly begin,” he told me. Turning to the others, he started giving them instructions. “I’d like her to enter like this, with this gag in. We’ll leave the handcuffs on and take the ropes off her legs of course. And needless to say, she’ll need to be blindfolded. And the panties have to go.”

Bill and Eric undid the ropes around my ankles and yanked my panties down. “Do we need to inspect her further?” Bill asked.

“No, she had a waxing appointment last week. I made sure to time things.” Tom replied. I was stunned. How did they know? How did they plan it all so well. As the shock appeared in my eyes, Tom whispered to me, “Remember, you are going to behave. If you behave, you get my cum later. If not, I do have a whip in the trunk.” Tom motioned for me to step out of my panties, and then placed the blindfold over my eyes.

I could feel his hot breath whisper in my ear, “I think that you like nipple clamps. I think you posted that on an online message board, right?” I nodded, unable to speak. “I have a pair here, you will behave yourself the rest of the ride, it will only be a few minutes more. If you’re good, I’ll put them on you before we get out of the car.”

I heard him open the car door, and he shoved me towards the sound. I found the seat and sat back down, my wet pussy directly on the leather seat. I tried to calm my mind and when the car came to a stop, I felt Tom place a clamp tightly on my nipples, gasping gentle as he closed each one. I heard the car door open, and Tom pushed me to exit.

As I stepped out, Tom grabbed my handcuffed arms from behind to steer me wherever we were headed. As we walked, I heard the sound of clicking cameras all around.
