Storming the Castle (BDSM) (Viking domination Princess sub) Original – Enjoy

Svojrn’s band had been marching since day break and just come over a small glen. Over the hill in the distance, a castle could be made out. The scouts had went in other directions as the primary warband headed East further into Saxony.

As they grew closer to the castle, minor defenses could be seen and Svjorn decided they would raid it at mid-day by the sun. A small prayer was said to Odin and the horn blew signaling the start of the raid.

The feeble guards at the gate were fell easily and the conscripts for infantry were dispatched with haste. His party lost no men as they approached the main tower. Livestock darted around the main courtyard and the peasants all cowered at the sight of the viking invaders.

Svjorn lead the way up the winding stairs to the castle keep, finding no resistance along the way. When he entered the great hall, it was covered with great tapestries and ornately carved tables and chairs. A huge chandelier hung from the ceiling, candles flickering in the wind.

At the head of the great hall, were two thrones… in one sat a pathetic looking Saxon male, whom had probably never seen battle. His fancy attire looked almost too fancy. Seated next to him, a buxom blonde in the most beautiful burgandy dress with white lace… Svjorn’s eyes were fixated on her. He’d never seen such radiant beauty. It’s as though time stood still as he gazed… his men rushed past him and engaged the guards that flanked the pair upon the stage.

Svjorn gathered his composure and slowly walked up to the thrones. The guards in his men’s grasp and both throne sitters looking quiet nervously about. “With whom do I have the pleasure of meeting this fine day?”

The guards murmured something about being careful and the throned male replied; “I am Joshua…” about to expound his title with pride.

“You! Hush.” Motioning for his men to detain this Joshua. “I could care less about your name or title Saxon. Today you are amongst real men and your name matters nay.”

“Your name truly must be Heavenly, as I’ve never seen such a lovely sight here in this world.” Extending his hand towards the crowned lady.

“My name… um, Stephanie, Duchess of Edgeford County m’lord.” She is taken aback by his strong hands when he gently holds her hand and brings it to his bearded mouth for a kiss.

Svjorn looks around and requests food for his band, the guards now resigned and the Duke just looking lost. Food is brought by servants and he takes the lady by the hand. “Shall we?”

She gives a look of shock… “M’lord? What dost thou mean for me?”

“We have matters to discuss, please, lead on to your quarters?”

She is so shocked by all of the events she does not have time to think of a reason not to and leads the strong viking down the hall to the royal quarters. “This day, you will know the full strength of a viking’s touch my sweet duchess.”

The bed was in the middle of the room, carved wood with a canopy and lacy fabric adorning the top. She was somewhat intrigued but part of her was fearful. Her heart beat strong in her chest and she decided it best not to fight, too much.

“Your dress… it will need to come off, if you have reservations, I shall gladly remove it, though you will not be able to wear it after.” His hulking arms making the decision somewhat easy for her.

She starts disrobing and this pleases him… he watches her intently as she undoes her corset. He catches a hint of her smell as she moves through removing it and it makes his manhood throb. The smell drives him wild and he rips open the blouse, her luscious tits exposed. Oddly, she does not make even a small attempt at covering them. Content for him to see. He admires them a moment and moves behind her and blows on her neck and breathes in… then cups her breasts and massages with his strong virile hands. She feels his manhood brush against her hind side and it gives her chills thinking of it.

The Duke, for all of his good qualities, knew nothing of pleasing a lady and least of all one as lovely as Stephanie. Svjorn knew her body yearned for a real man’s touch and she arches her neck for him to have full access. He softly whisper’s in her ear; “I am glad your body yearns; for what you desire, I gladly give.”

He rips her dress off of her and her under garments and twirls her around and kisses her lips. He reaches down to her pussy to see if she is ready and then wetness is copious. She is very ready for him, or so she thinks. He grabs her and picks her up and throws her on the bed, she squeals with glee. When she does he jumps with one motion onto the bed and spreading her legs and inside. Where he belongs. Lusty Svjorn able to taste the passion with his cock as it slides in her perfect pussy. The girth, she’s not expecting but he cannot account for such things. She tries to reposition herself to take it and moans with ecstacy as she does. The deeper he goes the more she moans. He puts his finger in her mouth and she sucks as he starts pounding good and nice.

His thick cock stretching her the nice way… she tries to give him and innocent and coy look while looking up at him and this sends him into overdrive. “You deserve this Stephanie, take it fully.” He extends with his hips and rams at the same time and continues this for what seems like hours. She is flushed but still able to handle it well. He is impressed by her willingness and this gives him more strength to go deeper. She is magnificent, oh yes.

Between thrusts he reaches and starts rubbing her clit… determined to help her achieve greatness. He feels it start deep inside her… Oh yes… pounding deeper, the sexual energy flowing up and down his cock as rides properly. He rubs her clit more fervently and he surrenders his energy to her… as he feels her climax cumming so nice. He spanks the clit as he feels those magical convulsions on his cock.

She is having small aftershocks and he slowed his rhythm… “That’s enough viking, you may rest now.”

“Haaahahhahaab!” Svjorn laughs with jovial exuberance. “That is not how this works Duchess.” She was clearly used to getting her way. “Please, make this easy on us both m’lady and comply…”

She tries for a moment but her entitled self is not having it… despite the utter feeling of pleasure. She starts squirming and writhing under his massive form… “M’lady I beseech you one last time to behave.” She tries hard to buck him off of her and that did it.

“I so wish you’d have complied…” Svjorn shouts down the hall to one of his men; “Bring me a stockade from the courtyard, NOW!”

He throws a cover over her and waits for the stockade… it arrives about 15 minutes later, carried by two of his men. They quickly disappear back into the throne room and Svjorn pushes the stockade towards the center of the room. She think she knows what is next and thinks about screaming. Svjorn wraps his hand around her throat and smiles. “It’s time to behave my sweet.” She loses all inclination to resist and melts in his hand. She looks down and over to the stockade.

“Come, you will learn to behave.” He leads her to the wooden contraption and opens the hinge, she slides her neck and hands into place and he closes the hinge and secures it. Her ass in the air for him to enjoy a moment. He can’t resist and spreads her cheeks and starts slowly licking. His warm tongue on her ass applying just enough pressure… he is in heaven licking it slowly. He pulls up a chair and decides not to move for a good bit. As he licks… he needs mead.

“Servant!!! Bring me mead, NOW!” An older lady wanders into the room with a decanter of mead… trying not to notice the Duchess in such a compromising position. He takes the mead and pours it along her back then licks it with his untamed tongue. Then licking back to her ass. It gives her shivers along her spine.

Svjorn’s strong hand reaches and massages her clit as he licks… then he can’t take it anymore, time for entry. He spreads her legs slightly to get in fully… then strong ramming with force. She was truly not ready but was up for the challenge or so she thought. He keeps ramming for hours, feeling her climax multiple times. Every time he could feel her slowly surrender… she has fully resigned herself to his majestic technique and primal instincts and can barely stand at this point. He never slows down and never lets up, determined for her know what viking dominance feels like. He can sense she is still holding out some and is almost through. He wants complete surrender to his will and won’t stop until he feels it. Her last orgasm cums strong and chains with others, multiple orgasms for the spoiled princess. But maybe this is what she wanted all along, to feel alive and feel like a woman with the help of a real man.

His climax is cumming faster after that and he stands in his tippy toes and launches his manjuice inside her. Ohhh yes, she feels so amazing. He cums good and long… and pulls out then undoes the closing mechanism and lifts the hinged stockade. She can barely walk but never felt so good in her life. He scoops her up and takes her to the bed and cuddles with her running his hand softly across her body… she just wants to comply now. He can sense this and kisses her lips… Good Duchess.

“Ready for round two?” She nearly faints…

Joshua is thrown in the dungeon and Svjorn enjoys the luscious fruits of the land unhindered for days.
