# The Profile, Part Eight
In the heat of the moment, each girl discovers who she really is.
Good things come to those who wait ;) Enjoy! -Bells xoxo <3
Meanwhile, back at the house, Baylee and Melissa were getting ready for round two of the photo session. Melissa was getting really into it and had set up her bedside lamp to provide dramatic lighting.
On the other side of the room, Baylee was going through Melissa’s clothes to try to find a few outfits.
“Don’t you have anything sexier than this?” she asked, tossing Melissa’s underwear drawer all over the floor. “It’s like you’re not even trying. Do you want to be single forever?”
Slightly embarrassed, Melissa replied, “I… I have a few others. They’re in the bag next to the dresser.”
Baylee turned around and shot an intrigued look at her friend.
“You’ve been holding out on me! You’re secretly a bigger slut than me, I bet.” She laughed and reached down for the bag.
She was getting ready to tease Melissa some more when she opened the bag.
“Oh… Mel, these are… wow.” Baylee was silent, an unusual occurrence for her.
Melissa blushed, and mumbled, “Sometimes I wish I was as sexy as you. I haven’t worn any of them yet.”
The first item Baylee pulled out of the bag was a pair of white lace-up panties. They were brief cut with pink ribbon running up each side, tied in a bow on the hips, with one more perfect pink bow at the front. She held them up in front of Melissa and bit her lip.
“Mel, you’ve got to try these on, like right now,” she said, practically drooling.
Melissa blushed again and replied, “Today is supposed to be about you! I know they’re probably a bit small on you, but you can wear them if you want.” She tried not to sound too eager.
“Yeah, you’d like that, wouldn’t you? Ok, turn around and let me see if I can squeeze into this thing.”
With a rising feeling of butterflies in her stomach, Melissa did as she was told and turned around. What Baylee didn’t know, however, was that she had positioned herself at just the right angle to be able to see everything Baylee was doing in the mirror on her dresser.
She watched, enrapt, as Baylee slowly took the clothes off her luscious body. The tight tank top hugged her breasts. When Baylee pulled it over her head, it took her breasts with it momentarily, and then they dropped, bouncing and settling in perky perfection, standing out from her chest and seeming to defy gravity.
A heat was stirring between Melissa’s legs. More than a heat, a flood. She could feel her pussy getting as wet as she’d probably ever felt it.
Baylee had dropped the tank on the bed and was now peeling the gym shorts off her round bottom. She bent at the waist and tugged them, straight-legged, down to the floor. Melissa caught a flash of her smooth pussy mound when she stood back up and a fresh flood started.
A moan worked its way out before Melissa could stop it and Baylee turned to catch her eyes in the mirror. She stood there, fully nude, eyes locked with Melissa, a smile slowly spreading across her face.
“You little pervo!” she said, “Is this what you want to see? Turn around then,” she taunted.
Melissa stood there for a few seconds, mortified that she’d been caught, but unable to take her eyes away from Baylee’s naked body. Then she turned to face her friend. Her heart was racing, and her face had gone bright red, flush with embarrassment and arousal.
“Come here.”
Her body responded before her mind could catch up and her legs carried her towards Baylee.
“Good girl,” Baylee cooed, feeling her sexual power, flexing it. “Now kneel.”
Again, Melissa’s body moved of its own will and she was on her knees before she realised what was happening. She felt Baylee’s hands on her head, and her face was pulled closer to Baylee’s pussy. The scent of sex and the warmth coming from Baylee’s body dominated her senses and she let herself be controlled.
“Now put out your tongue and lick, pet.”
There was nothing she could do to stop herself in that instant, and her tongue slowly pushed its way out her mouth. Baylee didn’t hesitate. Drunk on her own power and the feeling of Melissa’s velvety tongue on her swollen clit, she was already close to orgasm.
“FUCK!” she exclaimed, and a wave of pleasure swept over her, causing her whole body to tremble. Her hands held Melissa’s head firmly against her pussy as she came. “Don’t stop! Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god.”
Melissa kept licking, savouring the taste of her friend on her tongue. The world was thick and red around her, and she seemed to be outside her own body, watching what was happening. She saw her own hands working at her body, one on her breasts and one rubbing hard and fast at her own pussy.
Baylee came again, this time buckling under the pleasure, and collapsing onto the bed behind her. Still her hands clutched at Melissa, who moved to follow, never letting her tongue stray from its assignment. She wanted her friend to feel nothing but pleasure. The thing that had awoken in her the night before was now in full bloom. She was devoted, utterly, to Baylee now.
The realisation of who she was triggered in her an orgasm deeper than anything she’d ever experienced. She doubled over, shaking with a pleasure so intense that she nearly blacked out. The moans and gasps coming from her mouth created a feedback loop and she came over and over, hands clutching at her pussy, rubbing desperately at her clit.
Baylee was on the floor next to her now. She had wrapped her arms around Melissa and was kissing gently at her body. The orgasms subsided, and Melissa came back to her body. She looked up at her friend, tears streaming down her face.
The two girls embraced, Baylee whispering comforting nothings to Melissa and stroking her hair gently. Melissa felt safe and happy, as her body responded to Baylee’s caresses with tiny aftershocks of the pleasure she had endured moments before. Every touch caused her to quiver and she pressed harder into Baylee’s body.
They stayed like that for a long time, neither wanting to let go of the most intense experience either of them had ever had.
Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/a0zgys/the_profile_part_eight_ff