Summoning an Incubus Ch. 2, a Night of Lust

[Chapter 1](

“Excellent work Jesse, top marks.”

The brightly lit classroom held a small cluster of students, all seeming as bored and uninterested as any other class in the world. At the front, a familiar green eyed young man gave a small smile to his teacher. The board in front of him had been filled with a series of runes and symbols, almost gibberish to the untrained eye. But to a student of witchcraft, it was a rather hefty accomplishment of memorization. Jesse gave a nervous laugh.

“Thank you Miss Jetta. It’s really nothing.”

The teacher shook her head, standing up from her desk. “No Mr. Murphy. You’ve improved greatly over this past month, and I am genuinely impressed.” She smiled. “This is your last year, and it finally feels like you’re taking your study seriously. Now go sit down, and let’s finish the lesson.”

The witch gave a nod and turned to the desk. Inwardly, he scoffed. *Seriously,* he thought. *As seriously as a dick up the ass…* He thought back to that night, weeks ago, when that Thing came into his life. The demon he had summoned by accident, the deal he had made with him. Jesse had never imagined how much it would have affected him. For the price of being a demon’s lover he had been given a skill, an affinity for summoning and speaking with ghosts. The young man had been abusing this power wholeheartedly for weeks. He had called for tutors to fill his knowledge, poltergeists to cause mischeif, companions to talk to in the latest hours. His grades had shot up, his mood felt perfect, it was almost easy to forget the price that he paid if it weren’t for…

Jesse squirmed in his seat. His uniform rubbed uncomfortably against his body, the cotton scratchy and harsh. Since that night the witch’s body had been changing. Body hair was nonexistent at this point, aside from the dark shaggy locks on his head his freckled skin was smooth as silk. Clothing had become almost unbearable for long periods of time. It wasn’t a rare occurrence for Jesse to walk around his dorm room in absolutely nothing. Though, the lack of scratchy facial hair was appreciated.

It went beyond just skin however. He’d felt himself changing his weight and filling out in small ways. Hips and asscheeks felt a bit heavier, waist growing slimmer. Jesse also could feel his muscles get tighter and more toned. It wasn’t as though he felt weaker or worse; far from it. The witch never felt better. His uniform covered it rather well and no one seemed to notice save for a few sidelong glances in the shower. But he didn’t mind the body, and he didn’t mind the attention. This was what frightened him the most though.

*Whatever,* he thought to himself as he squirmed in his desk. As far as Jesse cared, these were tiny awkward prices to pay for his current success. That Incubus would never see be called forth again. What did he have to make a deal for anyway?

A knock came from the hallway. From the door, a head poked out and looked around the students. “Ah, Jesse Murphy?” they said, “There’s a phone call for you in the office.”

Jesse raised an eyebrow, stood up, and walked out the door. No one saw him the rest of the day.

Twenty minutes to midnight. Within the lowest levels of Fairchild, in the emptied concrete basement, Jesse worked. A dozen massive candles lit the basement with an orange glow as the scratch of chalk and the flip of parchment echoed in the room. The witch’s face was set in a stone-cold grimace as he drew. The journal in his hand displayed a familiar page, barely legible in the dim light. After what seemed like ages in near silence, the witch stood and raised his hand. Without pretense, without hesitation, he read the spell.

Words no mortal could understand began flowing into the air. Ragged chokes and gasps between syllables came from his throat as ozone sparked in the damp basement air. A charge could be felt as candles flickered and wind whipped. Beneath the witch’s feet the chalk began to glow with a red hue. The floor shok and the candles flickered as they began snuffing out one by one while the chant kept on. Thick violet smoke poured from the circle and formed into a single threatening cloud. Everything became more intense and more drastic, more violent, more distorted until-


Everything dissipated. The smell, the smoke, the unearthly glow were all replaced by a figure standing in the center of the summoner’s circle. A demon of lust, and Incubus, with curled rams horns and a pointed tail winding and unwinding around his bare thighs. With skin a deep purple and blood red tattoos he was an inhuman entity exuding sexuality and magnetism. The demon smiled down at Jesse, with the same expression a parent would give a naughty child.

“Well well,” he said in a voice as smooth as silk. “I didn’t expect to see you so soon pet.”

“Cut the formalities.” Jesse stepped to the edge of the circle, tossing his book to the side. “I want a deal.”

The incubus raised his eyebrow. “So forward. Now what could you want my pet that would drive you to-”

The witch held up a hand. “My sister’s life.” He paused, inhaling sharply. “She was in an accident, a hit and run. The doctors give her a week. I want you to give her a lifetime.”

The demon seemed to step back, pondering in a condescending tone. “Hmmm,” he hummed, tapping his chin. “I’m afraid that a repeat performance isn’t quite enough to cover it. I have some standards, dear boy.”

“Then up the ante. Name the price.”

The incubus paused, looking at the witch. “Are you sure? Is her life worth that much?” A stone-faced nod was his answer. He grinned.

“Alright boy,” he started, raising himself to his full height slowly. “I’ll grant your request. She will live, as happily and content as if the incident never happened. But I ask of you one night. One night, from now until sunrise, your body is mine. To play with, to mold, to decorate and use and abuse. Mine to mark and pierce and fuck and watch and enjoy. Now until sunrise you will be my toy, my plaything, my *pet.* And whatever I do, you will bear on your body until the day you die as proof of this deal. You can deny me any time, simply speak my name and all of this shall go away. But the moment you do, she dies.”

The demon put his hand out to the edge of the circle, grinning widely. “Do we have a deal, *Jesse Murphy?*”

Jesse stared at the clawed hand, hesitating. Everything about the monster’s words ran down his spine in a shivering mess. But his mind drew once again to his sister. He couldn’t… he couldn’t stop.

“We do,” the witch said, grasping the hand. “*Dynear.*”

Dynear chuckled low in his throat as he clenched the hand tightly. “Tonight, I am your Master. Now be a good pet… and ***hold still*****.**”

In an instant torches burst to life around the concrete basement. From the clenched hand Jesse felt a flickering heat wash over his arm. The demon cast a blazing fire down the witch’s arm as his clothes slowly faded into ash and dust. With a laugh the Incubus pushed his pet backwards stumbling. In a small burst of fire two blackened leather shackles formed around his wrists, chains tethering to the ceiling. Two more formed around his ankles and pulled his legs apart, tying him into place and creating an X-pose out of the young man. Regret flashed across his face before he steeled himself.

Dynear stepped forward, looking over his pet with hungry eyes. Jesse shuddered at the gaze as his Master reached forward with both hands. The clawed fingers grazed over his sensitive flesh, starting at his chest just at the armpits and grazing down. The feeling moved down the witch’s spine in a slow and deliberate manner. As the Incubus reached his stomach and waist, Jesse gasped. He could feel his body changing as pressure was applied, pushing his waist inwards and smaller, hips widening outwards. Dynear chuckled and reached behind to grab both of his pet’s soft cheeks. With a jolt of pain he gripped both globes tightly and forced Jesse to gasp out loud.

In a flash the demon pushed his mouth to the young mans and kissed him. Jesse could feel a long tongue push against his, slithering down to his throat and forcing him to moan. His ass was being pulled and teased by the monster’s palms, growing slowly and filling out more. The witch could feel his lips swelling and becoming more plump against the demons as the slimy tongue curled and wrapped around his own. He closed his eyes and allowed himself to fall into the touch and sensations around him.

With a slow pull the young man felt his captor break the kiss from his now full lips. Jesse moaned at the lack of contact before being jolted into alertness. The demon had reached forward and pinched his tongue between two fingers, pulling it out of his mouth into the open air. Confusion turned to shock as he felt a sharp pinching feeling on his tongue. As the demon let go, Jesse could feel something new where the fading pain resided. Something hard, smooth, cold…

The incubus smiled. “A pretty bit of jewelry for my work of art. But that isn’t the last one I’ll gift you with tonight pet.”

Dynear stepped back and walked around behind Jesse. His claws grazed along the witch’s shoulders gently before reaching under his arms and grasping his pectorals. The witch gasped when the demon pinched at his nipples, feeling a familiar sharp pinch as they were pulled and kneaded. Looking down, a glint of metallic shine caught his eye. Two metal rings clung to his now-puffy nipples held between the purple fingers. A black metal chain formed from a glint of fire and connected the two rings.

Jesse shuddered, closing his eyes and trying to block out the feelings. This was too far, it was too much. He felt the pain mingling with pleasure clouding his thoughts, but everything within him resisted. The young man’s body stood rock still as he felt hands move down to his sides. An icy chill trailed along as they went lower along his ribs and hips. The demon watched with a smile as the cold blue flames trailed along his pet’s skin. As it moved dark twirls and tattoos formed, a corset-stitch pattern slowly creeping down his spine. Dynear pressed his palm to the small of Jesse’s back and a harsh shock of cold stung the sensitive skin. As he removed it, a blackened v-shaped marking branded the pale flesh.

The witch shuddered and felt his knees shake. Every part of his mind was pushing against this. From the tongue ring onwards things had gone too far, too much to just lose himself. He didn’t want this to feel good. He didn’t want to like the slight sting of the claws or the pressure to his chest or-

Jesse cried out in surprise. The demon had reached underneath him and grasped at his hardening erection, laughing. “Enjoying yourself my pet?”

The young man grit his teeth and turned his face away, already feeling the burning blush on his face. Dynear only laughed again as his claw teased at his pet’s small slit. As the small erection grew the incubus pinched the tip hard, eliciting a gasping shout followed by a sigh as the hand moved. A firm grasp along the shaft made him whimper out quietly as the witch now felt a leather-like band wrapped around him. A hiss could be heard from the demon behind as yet another claw trailed along beneath Jesse’s sack. In rapid succession three more pinches could be felt, accompanied again by a cold metal feel and the witch’s cries of surprise.

Eyes closed tightly against the torchlight as Jesse waited for it to be over. The clawed hands of the incubus closed around his neck softly. He could feel a leathery band close around his neck, a collar, resting gently against the sensitive throat of the witch.

As quickly as they had formed, the chains holding Jesse in place vanished. The young man fell to his hands and knees in a huff, breath heavy and face flushed red. His captor slowly strutted over and around to lean down at the witch, grasping his chin between his fingers and pulling his face closer. A dark smile grew on the monster.

“Go on pet. Explore your new body. A work of art for the eyes… and the touch.” He backed up, taking a seat in a throne that had only now become visible. With an almost lazy nonchalance the demon leaned back, watching his pet.

An indignant gaze shot to the demonic beast as Jesse adjusted himself. Internally he was fearful of what had happened to his body. Hesitant hands slowly cupped his puffy chest, followed by a quiet moan at the sensitivity. Fingers grazed over the sensitive nubs now adorned with cold metal. The chain jingled at the motion, pulling on his flesh and sending slight shocks through his body. The witch glanced downwards and brought his hands away to see his body. Beyond the piercings and tattoos he noted the leather shackles lined with metal chains. A part of his mind appreciated the designs. The metal and leather on his body was almost beautiful.

Slowly hands moved down from his chest to his sides. Fingers grazed over the dark black tattoos along his ribs and hips, shivers going down Jesse’s spine as he went lower and lower. The feel of his new form felt… nice. Strange and scary, but nice. The toned and large swell of his ass didn’t feel as alien as he would expect.

As he came to his groin, the movement stopped. A shaking palm reached out to his erect member and grazed the tip. A single band-like leather wrapping fit snugly around the shaft. Though he couldn’t feel much against his length the head of his cock felt almost unbearably sensitive. Small drops of clear precum poured from his slit. Jesse’s hand moved from the tip to below his sack, moving his fingers against the metal studs located there with a sharp gasp. Everything felt more intense, more sensitive, more pleasurable. The witch closed his eyes and tried to stifle a moan as he felt more.

Dynear smiled seductively as he watched his pet play. “Good, good. You’re taking to it well. Now,” he said with a wave of his hand. “Come please your master.”

A chain appeared in his hand, tethering to Jesse’s collar. With a sharp tug the young man was pulled from his thoughts and from his seat towards the throne. He walked on all fours, feeling his face burn with the humiliation. He did so without even thinking about it, without even considering what was happening. Hips swayed with each step he crawled until he was kneeling before the Incubus.

The demon looked down on his pet with a smile. Dynear leaned back in the stone throne and pushed his legs apart, exposing the entirety of his lower half. The massive foot-long erection stood proudly, curved slightly to his belly and with a darkened plum-sized head. Large round testicles hung just below, as large as golf balls and radiating heat. His puckered asshole rested beneath that just above his tail, darker colored and twitching. A musky smell wafted from his form, giving Jesse a familiar clouded feeling. The young man fought the effects as best he could but his dripping member and watering mouth betrayed his feelings.

“Well?” A tug on his collar pulled Jesse closer, face connecting with his captor’s testicles. “Put that mouth to use pet.”

Jesse glared upwards at Dynear, refusing to lose his defiant stance. He closed his eyes and took the demon’s shaft in one hand. Slowly the witch began pumping the cock, hand barely wrapping around the thick member, up and down with deliberate slowness. A hesitant lick ran up the bottom of the shaft and brought Jesse closer to the hypnotic smell.

The demon sighed in a content manner. “You have a certain touch, pet. A shame it is only for me.”

Something about the words seemed to register through the haze. The young man began moving lower to the large balls below the shaft while continuing his hand movement. A lazy whisper of a thought crawled through his mind, a word of thanks to his master. Jesse shuddered in what he hoped to be fear as he tried to forget the thought. The smell, he said to himself, the cloud made him think it. This musk made him hard, made him want to do this. That was all, and nothing else.

Something caught his attention as his tongue ran across the sweaty orbs. A prodding, caressing feeling against his ass. Something smooth and pointed glided along the new piercings at his perineum. Through the shivers and sensations in his mind Jesse realized it was the demon’s tail. The appendage glided around the sensitive flesh and began rubbing against the pet’s twitching hole, leaving a wet and smooth feeling. A moan escaped the young man’s throat at the cool touch.

Slowly the witch moved his mouth below the balls, trailing wet kisses down and down along the purple flesh. His right hand continued to pump his master’s shaft while the left pushed the heavy balls up and away. The musky pheremones were stronger than ever, hitting his nose and making his vision blurry as he closed inward. His mind struggled to fight the desires even as Jesse planted his wet lips to the twitching hole.

At his touch, the tail pushed smoothly into Jesse’s asshole with a wet slick noise. The young man moaned loudly into the incubus’ ass as he was filled so easily. A tentative tongue pushed past his full lips to graze against the tightened sphincter. Dynear hummed in a pleased tone.

“Yes pet,” he said as a hand nestled into the young man’s hair. “You are doing well.” A clawed hand removed Jesse’s from his shaft, replacing it and masturbating. Jesse didn’t stop licking, instead moving his hand to the other testicle and massaging them as he rimmed the monster.

The tail continued to slide in and out, curling inside and eliciting a moan from the pet as he worked. A pressure began building inside him with every thrust, each press against his prostate making him want more and feel more. His tongue pushed deep past the tight sphincter, tasting the musky sweat and clean skin. Jesse felt the balls in his hands start to tighten and churn as the tail curled and twisted. Dynear exhaled loudly and Jesse could almost feel the smile looking down on him.

“Now for your reward,” he said as his hand grasped his pet’s hair tightly. With a shove he pushed Jesse’s face deeper into his asshole, cutting off his air and flooding his nose with pheremones. The demon’s cock pulsed and flexed as rope after rope of sticky cum shot from the tip onto the young man’s back. Jesse came hard, ass tightening against the tail in his ass as his dick leaked white cum onto the floor. His mind went white as everything seemed to overload.

After what felt like an eternity Jesse was released, falling back into a puddle on his back. Three more shots of cum fired onto his body and face as he breathed in the fresher air. Slowly he licked his swollen lips, tasting the unholy semen on them. It was sweet, with a bit of salt and a slimy texture. Sweet. Delicious. Addicting.

With an almost visible shudder the young man came down and sat up. He looked at his form, his hands, trying to understand what he had done. A shudder ran through his body as his internal thoughts battled.

*What am I doing?*

*That felt so good…*

*I can’t like this, this is terrifying!*

*My master gave me a reward…*

*He isn’t my master! He’s a demon!*

*But I want him to be my…*

“Now now pet,” Dynear said in a parental tone. With a tug Jesse felt his collar pull him to his knees, back over to the incubus. “There’s still so much more to do. Though you want more don’t you?” Another pull staggered the pet to his feet, a slow rise accompanied by his eyes pointedly looking down and away. Shameful redness combined with a hidden lust on his face. The demon gave a smile.

Jesse took the chain in his hands in a weak show of defiance. “I-I don’t,” he stuttered out. His tongue felt numb after pleasing his captor. “A-and I’m not a pet.”

The incubus let out a chuckle as his claws grazed over the young witch’s chest. A shudder followed from the pet. “Oh I disagree. You’ve been my eager little kitten since the first night you summoned me.”

Dynear leaned back once more and let his erection twitch and leak freely, standing tall. “You want this. You want to please and be pleased. Not as a slave but an animal of passion. It is what drew me to your call. The lust and desire under your skin, the pent up sexual urge within your soul. You want to be pretty, to be sexy, to be desired and to desire more. To take and submit willingly. To free yourself from the bindings you have given yourself.”

The demon smiled, lifting the chain in his hand. “And with that…”

The collar chain vanished in a flash of fire. Jesse stood there unbound, looking down at himself and feeling the collar. He looked to his captor with a surprised expression. He was met with another laugh.

“You are free,” the monster spoke, “to do as you please. The night will not last forever. You are free to act as you desire.”

Jesse froze, gaze going between Dynear’s eyes and his cock in a wary perplexion. With a hesitant shake his hand reached over to the stiff erection, grasping it and rubbing it slow. His mind tried to fight through the confusion he felt. Was it true? Was he a… a slut? A sexual deviant like the monster had said? He’d never been drawn to it before, never wanted to ‘go wild’ before and yet…

The witch moved closer, his chest rubbing against the unholy member as he pumped. The images of these past few weeks ran through his mind. Every sidelong glance from his classmates in the shower, every time he strutted nude in his dorm, every night he grinded against his pillow in frustrated lust. Without even thinking Jesse had found himself climbing onto the throne and standing straddled over the giant cock. His legs shook and knees almost buckled as he tried to steady himself. He wanted this to feel wrong, to feel horrible and unnatural and scary but all he could feel was his heart racing and ass twitching in excitement.

He grasped the shaft beneath him and held it steady as his knees lowered him down. The young man gasped in surprise as the wet and soft head touched his still sensitive hole. The tip slipped in after just the slightest resistance and pushed in deeper past the tight ring of Jesse’s hole. The young man lowered himself slowly and steadily down, grabbing either side of the throne to steady himself. Down, down, down further inch by inch until he felt his ass reach the demon’s groin. Jesse moaned and groaned as the familiar fleshy warmth filled him again like it had all those weeks ago. As he opened his eyes he saw his master looking into them and smiling.

“Good my pet. Very good. Now… what will you do?”

Jesse took in a shuddering breath and closed his eyes once more. His legs pushed him up ever so slightly, sliding him a few inches upwards before letting gravity push him back down. Hands moved on their own to his pierced nipples and cupped them gently as he repeated the lifting and falling motion. A whimper escaped his throat with every movement as his hands began pinching and pulling at the fleshy nubs on his chest.

Dynear put a hand to his pet’s head and caressed his hair gently. “Yes. Let the pleasure fill you. You are free, you are unhindered. Tonight you shall feel pleasures you never dreamed of. Desires you never could pursue. And when it is done, you shall be free.”

Jesse sped up his motions, a small slapping noise echoing from his asscheeks as they bounced on his masters lap. Moans and whispers of more, yes, fuck poured from the witch’s mouth as he lifted and pushed down onto the cock in his hole. His face nuzzled into the demon’s hand and tongue lolled out from the pleasure mounting further. A familiar haze clouded his mind but without the pheremonal control. Jesse wanted to fuck, he wanted to cum, he wanted to me filled and to explode. The building pressure in his belly grew with every thrust as his prostate pushed his orgasm closer and closer. Whimpers and whispers became more frequent. Jesse pulled hard at his chest as he grew closer to cumming. Finally, he felt the pressure burst within him.

“I’M CUMMING MASTER!” he shouted as he thrust himself down to the hilt of his master’s cock. His own dick twitched and shot out a wash of white seed over his own face and chest as his ass tightened like a vice against his master.

The demon grabbed hold of Jesse’s hips and held him in place as he exploded as well. Spurt after spurt of cum filled the young man’s insides as he was held in place. His belly began to swell ever so slightly as the tight seal kept every drop inside. Jesse felt himself growing faint from the sheer pleasure and cried out in joy and lust until the last throb shot into his stomach.

With a sigh the pet slumped into his masters chest, the cock in his ass slipping out with a pop and cum leaking slowly from the stretched hole. Jesse breathed slowly and let himself calm down from what had transpired. Moments passed in silence. Torches crackled and light cast on the sweaty bodies. Finally, a single clawed finger took Jesse by the chin and lifted his head to meet the gaze of Dynear.

“We aren’t done pet,” he said with a seductive growl. “There’s still the entire night to play.”

Hours passed. Hours that were lost to the mind and remembered as nothing more than a blur of pleasure and lust. Chains, whips, paddles, toys, every tool at their disposal was used before the sun rose. Slowly and surely walls were torn down around the mind of Jesse. And as easily as it began, the night ended.

As the sun began glinting on the horizon over Fairchild Academy, the demon Dynear stood over his kneeling pet and smiled. “Our deal has finished pet. And so my end shall be upheld. Your sister shall live well beyond her years in contentment.”

Jesse knelt back, arms on his knees, looking exhausted and in a haze. He glanced up at the demon and nodded. “T-thank you. But…”

A smile grew over the Incubus’ face. “But what? You recieved your wish. And now you shall walk through this world uninhibited and free. A gift. Your new body and decoration will be with you from now on, and your mind shall be free of shame. Embrace it. Enjoy it. And keep this in mind. Should you need me once more, call for your master. But should you call me once more, the price shall be your soul.”

In a flash of fire and smoke Dynear vanished from the world.

Jesse stood up shakily, looking over himself. The collar and shackles on his form had vanished, leaving in their place black bands tattooed into his skin. His limp penis had a similar black band. The piercings remained in his tongue and nipples, though the chain had vanished. And the familiar tightness of the bars beneath his balls told him those had remained. Even the tattoos on his ribs and sides (and his lower back and spine) remained proudly and obvious, also bringing to the eye the slimmer waist and wider hips and ass. Even the thick layer of semen remained.

Slowly Jesse wiped a small dollop of the thick seed on his finger and brought it to his plump lips. The taste, now familiar, brought a smile to his face.

He needed a shower.
